Table of Contents for Introduction
General References and Faunistic Checklists
Explanatory Information of the Catalog Text
Maps of Regions Covered
Like the Afrotropical and Neotropical regions, the regions covered here
have not had the benefit of a previous catalog of Diptera. The Nearctic
Region was cataloged over 20 years ago (Stone et al. 1965) and publication
of a new checklist is expected soon, which will reflect recent taxonomic
work on selected major families; the Oriental Region has been cataloged
in a 3-volume work (Delfinado & Hardy, 1973, 1975, 1977), and the Afrotropical
Region has been recently cataloged (Crosskey 1980). The Neotropical Region
has been cataloged family by family in a fascicle format, with only 17 families
remaining to be completed. The Palearctic Region has been cataloged
in a 14-volume work, of which 13 volumes have appeared in print (the index to all volumes
-- volume 14 -- is in preparation).
The geographic scope of this catalog encompasses land areas needed to complete
the cataloging of the Diptera east of Weber's Line in the Indonesian Archipelago,
Australia, New Zealand, and Oceanic islands. An appendix including Antarctica
and Subantarctic islands was added in order to complete the cataloging of
the Diptera of the world, as no other regional catalog has included these
areas in toto (the Neotropical catalog consistently included only
the Falkland Islands). This catalog includes Antarctica and all those areas
of the Subantarctic and that were omitted in previous catalogs.
The numbers of Diptera in various zoogeographic regions has always been
a subject of much speculation, due primarily to the lack of current checklists
or catalogs. With the cataloging of the Diptera of 4 of the 6 zoogeographic
regions now completed and the remaining 2 in the process of being completed,
a more accurate estimate can be made. Combined totals for the Nearctic (25,000),
Afrotropical (16,318), Oriental (15,964), and Australasian/Oceanian (15,700)
regions exceed over 72,700 species. Adding the projected species numbers
of the Palearctic (25,000) and Neotropical (20,000) regions and subtracting
an estimated 2% for cosmopolitan species, which may be listed in more than
one regional catalog, results in an estimate of 114,600 species worldwide.
This increase over the projected figure of 90,000 to 100,000 species projected
by Crosskey (1980) probably reflects current increased worldwide activity
in Diptera systematics. Moreover, this figure is still a very conservative
estimate of the total number of species. Current specialized collecting
techniques including visual and chemical baits, Malaise traps, and locally
concentrated surveys will continue to add more taxa to the known world Diptera
fauna. Furthermore, recent studies in tropical forest canopies in Central
and South America, Papua New Guinea, and Sulawesi indicate that previous
estimates of insect species numbers worldwide might have to be revised upward
ten-fold or more.
While work on Diptera taxonomy in the geographical areas covered here has
been rather extensive, it is diffused throughout the literature, sometimes
in rare and obscure works. Many checklists for islands or island groups
have appeared sporadically in the literature. A separate section on faunistic
references for the regions covered is presented following the Introduction
to aid workers and students of Diptera systematics of these areas.
Much work still remains to be done on the systematics of many families in
these regions. The Culicidae and Ceratopogonidae are among the best-studied
groups, largely as a result of their medical importance. The Tephritidae
are another well-studied group and, because of their economic importance
to agriculture and commerce, funding for research on these flies continues,
including new techniques for differentiating taxa through genetics and biochemical
studies. Contrastingly, families such as the Bombyliidae, Lauxaniidae, Therevidae,
as well as many other acalyptrate families, are in desperate need of revision.
Many acalyptrate families were treated only at a basic taxonomic level by
J.R. Malloch in his many papers from these regions; much more material exists
in various museums awaiting further study.
The goal of this work was to reach a compromise between a complete catalog,
including all references to names listed, and a basic checklist. The former
would be too voluminous for the general user, while the latter would be
too brief as a proper taxonomic and nomenclatural reference. The basic needs
for reference (taxonomic name, author, reference by date and page, and distribution
including type locality) are given in this catalog, as well as current taxonomic
status (valid, invalid, or synonymous) for all names listed and current
intrafamilial classification (though this may vary from specialist to specialist).
All names of Diptera mentioned in the literature from 1758 for the Australasian/Oceanian
Regions are listed. Names of species from Antarctica and Subantarctic islands
are given in Appendix I. Fossil taxa recorded from the regions are listed
in Appendix II. The inclusion of names in the original catalog was complete
through June 1987, though many names published subsequent to that date were listed. As much current data as possible has been added to each family chapter of this weeb version of the catalog. Continual updates to each chapter will be made as information becomes available.
The following are general references and checklists to the Diptera of
the many land areas found in the Australasian/Oceanian Regions. More specific
references treating groups at or below the family level are listed after
the introductory paragraphs for most of the family chapters.
General Introductory Material
Australia: Colless & McAlpine (1970, 1974). Fiji: Bezzi (1928).
Hawaiian Islands: Zimmerman (1948), Hardy (1960, 1964, 1965, 1981),
Hardy & Delfinado (1980). Marquesas Islands: Adamson (1939).
Micronesia: Gressitt (1954). Samoa: Buxton (1935).
Australia: Musgrave (1932). Micronesia: Esaki et al. (1955).
New Guinea: Gressitt & Szent-Ivany (1968). New Zealand: Miller
(1956). Subantarctic Islands/Antarctica: Gressitt & Weber (1959),
Gressitt & Pryor (1961).
Oriental Region to New Guinea: Wulp (1896c). New Zealand:
Miller (1950).
Local Checklists (Australasian/Oceanian)
Bonin Islands: Tuyama & Asami (1970), Shinonaga (1978). Cook
Islands: Krauss (1961). Easter Island: Enderlein (1938b), Campos
& Peña (1973), Ripa (1986). Fiji: Bezzi (1928), Hinckley
(1965). French Polynesia: Aubertin & Cheesman (1929), Curran
(1936). Guam: Swezey (1946), Bohart & Gressitt (1951). Hawaiian
Islands: Hardy (1960, 1964, 1965, 1981), Tenorio (1969), Hardy &
Delfinado (1980), Nishida (1992, 1994). Indonesian Archipelago: Walker
(1866), de Meijere (1918). Johnston Atoll: Bryan (1926), Krauss (1947),
Amerson & Shelton (1976). Kiribati (Canton Island): Van Zwaluwenberg
(1943). Macquarie Island: Gressitt (1962). Marshall Islands:
Sugerman (1972, 1979), Samuelson & Nishida (1988). New Zealand
(Antipodes and Bounty islands): Harrison (1953). New Zealand (southern
islands): Harrison (1976). New Zealand (all islands): Miller (1950).
Niue: Evenhuis (1985b). Palmyra Atoll: Krauss (1953). Solomon
Islands: Curran (1936). Wake Island: Joyce (1964).
Local Checklists (Subantarctic/Antarctic)
General: Gressitt (1970). Amsterdam Island: Séguy (1960).
Antarctica: Gressitt (1967), Wirth & Gressitt (1967). Crozet
Islands: Séguy (1940), Dreux (1965a, 1965b, 1966), Davies (1973).
Kerguelen Islands: Séguy (1940), Harrison (1970). Prince
Edward Islands (Marion Island): Séguy (1940, 1971), Jeannel (1953).
St. Paul Island: Séguy (1940).
Checklists and other references to the dipterous fauna of Australia, New
Guinea, and the specific islands in the Hawaiian Island chain are too numerous
to mention here. The reader is referred to the references cited above for
these various areas in the General Introductory Material and Bibliographies
sections for additional citations. Further information on recent immigrants
and purposeful introductions to the Hawaiian Islands may be obtained from
issues of the Proceedings of the Hawaiian Entomological Society.
Additionally, the reader is referred to Lee et al. (1956), who present a
list of all the Australasian Diptera described by Malloch, type depositories
for each species, and an abbreviated bibliography of his works on Diptera
from this region. Because Malloch covered so many families (43), from Bibionidae
to Tachinidae, and described over 1000 species from the regions covered
in this catalog, this work is an essential basic reference for any Diptera
systematist conducting research in these regions.
The editor is deeply indebted to the many contributors who prepared,
or helped prepare, the family chapters for this catalog. Many had other
research projects, manuscripts, travel, and other concurrent commitments
during the preparation of material for this catalog. Without their expertise
and the time they generously gave to preparing these chapters, the catalog
could not have been completed.
The catalog benefitted greatly from the comments and suggestions of colleagues
who were asked for advice and helped review chapters in their specialty.
Those acknowledged for such assistance include: Bryan K. Cantrell (Sarcophagidae),
John E. Chainey (Tabanidae), Roger W. Crosskey (nomenclature), R.A.I. Drew
(Tephritidae: Dacinae), David J. Greathead (Bombyliidae), Jack C. Hall (Bombyliidae),
P.M. Johns (Tipulidae), Wayne N. Mathis (Fergusoninidae), D.K. McAlpine
(Clusiidae, Heleomyzidae, Lauxaniidae, Micropezidae, Otitidae, Platystomatidae,
Pyrgotidae, and other smaller acalyptrate families), J.F. McAlpine (Lonchaeidae),
Hugh Oliver (Phoridae), Thomas Pape (Sarcophagidae), Brian R. Pitkin (Psilidae),
Adrian R. Plant (Empididae), Adrian C. Pont (Calliphoridae), Curtis W. Sabrosky
(Aulacigastridae, familial nomenclature), Guy Shewell (Lauxaniidae), George
C. Steyskal (Neriidae, Otitidae, Platystomatidae, classical advice), JoAnn
M. Tenorio (Celyphidae), F.Christian Thompson (Pipunculidae, familial classification,
nomenclature), Ron A. Ward (Culicidae), Ian White (Tephritidae), Norman
E. Woodley (familial classification), and David K. Yeates (Bombyliidae:
The bibliography could not have been completed without the generous help
of many people and institutions. Pamela Gilbert and her staff in the Entomology
Library of the British Museum (Natural History) were indispensible in their
efforts to search for and obtain many rare and obscure references. Roger
W. Crosskey, Loïc Matile, and Kenneth G.V. Smith were very helpful
with information concerning dating, citation, and interpretation of many
works. D.E. Hardy was especially helpful with many references on Tephritidae,
Pipunculidae, and Bibionidae. Jack C. Hall helped with acquiring copies
of many references that were otherwise inaccessible to us. Special thanks
are due to Leilani Pyle, who gave more than her share of hours in obtaining
references for our files and dating many of the articles cited herein. She
is truly the Imgard Muller of Australasian/Oceanian Diptera bibliographies.
Others that helped in obtaining references include Margaret L. Debenham,
Raymond J. Gagn., Jon Martin, Pjotr Oosterbroek, and the library staff of
the Bishop Museum. Eiko Lynch of the Bishop Museum Library was especially
helpful in translating Japanese and determining publication dates for some
Japanese journals and books.
The National Science Foundation is thanked for its support of the project.
Thanks also go to the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation for
funding the Terrestrial Invertebrate Faunal Survey of Hawaii, the resulting
database of which was very useful in checking names of Diptera taxa occurring
in the Hawaiian literature.
Special thanks are due to Wallace A. Steffan, who helped initiate this project.
Though a change of venue early in the development of the project precluded
his further involvement in its management, his continuing enthusiasm and
support for it was a great inspiration.
General Information
Because the format of this catalog generally follows that of the Afrotropical
Catalogue (Crosskey 1980), the explanatory information presented herein
corresponds to the headings and subheadings of the Afrotropical Catalogue's
Explanatory Information section. This will facilitate comparisons with regard
to treatment of nomenclature, geographical material, etc.
Taxonomic and Nomenclatural Information
1. Scope: This catalog includes all names, available and
unavailable according to the Code (see below), that apply to Diptera taxa
occurring in the areas encompassing the Australasian and Oceanian regions.
Appendix I includes all names that apply to Diptera taxa occurring in Antarctica
and/or Subantarctic Islands not treated in other regional catalogs. Appendix
II lists all known names of fossil Diptera taxa that have been described
from the Australasian and Oceanian regions.
2. Adherence to the Code: Wherever possible, all requirements
of the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature (Ride et
al. 1985) have been followed in this catalog. Some exceptions occur
in the treatment and listing of some names in accordance with common usage
and in the interest of taxonomic stability. These exceptions have been fully
annotated and in most instances should be formally submitted to the International
Commission on Zoological Nomenclature for action.
The common practice of placing parentheses around names of authors whose
species-group epithets are no longer combined with their original genera
is not followed in this catalog. In this respect, the editor feels that
conformity with the format used in the Afrotropical Catalogue (Crosskey
1980) is warranted. Application for amendment of Article 51c of the Code,
which requires this practice, has been made to the Commission (Gagné
et al. 1984), with comments in favor of this application published
by Steyskal et al. (1986) and Staines (1986). Rather than deliberate
further here, the reader is referred to Crosskey (1980: 18) for a complete
discussion of the argument for elimination of this practice.
3. Arrangement of taxa: Suprageneric taxa (subtribes,
tribes, subfamilies) are arranged in the systematic order preferred by the
author(s) of each family treatment. Names of valid genera are listed alphabetically
within higher category (subtribe, tribe, subfamily, or family) and valid
subgenera listed alphabetically within genera. Where the currently accepted
classification of a family calls for certain genera to be divided into subgenera,
but only the nominate subgenus is known from the regions covered in this
catalog, the subgenus category is omitted and its species are listed under
the nominal genus. Valid species are listed alphabetically within genera
or subgenera, and valid infraspecific taxa [varieties and forms (those proposed
before 1961), and subspecies] are listed alphabetically within species.
Species possessing subspecies have the nominate subspecies listed below
the species only if it occurs in the regions covered here. As with subgenera,
if the current classification of a species calls for it to be divided into
subspecies, but no subspecies other than the nominate subspecies occurs
in the regions covered here, then the nominate subspecies is listed only
as a species. Synonyms including all available and unavailable names (genus-group
and species-group) are listed chronologically; variant spellings (termed
"errors" herein) and misidentifications are placed at the end
of the synonyms in alphabetical order; emendations for species-group names
are included but the listings are only as complete as the material supplied
by the authors (see also below under Section 8).
Unplaceable taxa are listed at the end of the most appropriate taxon (e.g.,
subgenerically unplaced species at the end of the genus possessing subgenera;
subfamilially unplaced genera and species at the end of the family treatment).
4. Typographical treatment of names: Valid generic
and specific names are listed in boldface and placed flush left (uppercase
for genus-group names; lowercase for species-group names). Suprageneric
headings are not in boldface. Genus-group and suprageneric headings are
centered, with authorship for the genus-group names in boldface along with
the genus-group name. Genus-group names containing only species that at
one occurred in the regions covered here, but no longer exist (e.g., species
introduced for biological control, but did not become established) are listed
in plain Roman type, but retain the centered heading and uppercase flush
left format. Species-group names occurring at one time in these regions,
but no longer exist are also listed in plain Roman type. Synonyms are listed
in italics (uppercase and flush left for genus-group names, lowercase and
indented for species-group names). Valid infraspecific names, specific and
infraspecific synonyms, and unavailable names are indented under the valid
species concerned. In the few cases of junior homonymy in species-group
names when an author prefers to not propose a replacement name (pending
further study), the junior homonym is placed flush left in alphabetical
order with valid species but is listed in italics because, in most cases,
it cannot be valid. Specifically unplaceable and unavailable names (nomina
nuda, non-binomial names, etc.) are placed in a list at the end of the appropriate
higher taxon.
5. Taxonomic references: References given after each
name pertain to the original proposal of that name. Additional (secondary)
references are given in brackets when necessary for nomenclatural purposes,
or to give secondary citations when an author described the same taxon as
new in a different work (when there is more than one secondary reference
they are listed in chronological order).
Each reference consists of name (genus- or species-group), author(s), date
of publication, and page. Nomenclaturally available genus-group names follow
this reference line with information on the type species (see below under
Section 6). Suppressed and other invalid genus-group names (nomina nuda,
unjustified emendations, and incorrect original and subsequent spellings)
do not have type-species information listed. A replacement name for a genus-group
name (justified or unjustified) has the same type species as does the genus-group
name it is replacing, thus no type-species information is necessary. Valid
species-group names are followed by geographical distribution (see below
under Treatment of Geographical Information, Sections 2 and 3). The author
and date combination can be used to find the corresponding reference in
the Literature Cited section. (Dates are suffixed with letters, denoting
chronological order, when authors have published more than one article in
the same year.)
Changes from the original combination and taxonomic status for all names
listed (except changes in suffix spelling of specific epithets in order
to agree in gender with the genus with which it is combined) are completely
annotated. For species-group names that have been transferred from the original
nominal genus to another nominal genus, the original genus is placed in
parentheses after the page number with its original orthography at the time
the species-group name was described, whether the genus was spelled correctly
or not, e.g., "geniculata Wulp, 1899: 206 (Stenopterina)."
In this case the species geniculata was originally described in the
genus Senopterina by Wulp, though he spelled it incorrectly as "Stenopterina".
For genus-group names that have had changes of taxonomic status (subgenus
to genus; genus to subgenus), the original status is placed in parentheses
after the page , e.g., "DAPTOLESTES Hull, 1962: 286 (Austrosaropogon
subg.)," "NEOCALLIPHORA Brauer & Bergenstamm, 1891:
87 (as gen.)." For species-group names (valid or invalid) that have
had changes of their original specific or infraspecific status [species
to infraspecies (subspecies, variety, form); infraspecies to species; infraspecies
to other infraspecies], the original status is placed in parentheses after
the page number, e.g., "ssp. haleakalae Alexander, 1951b: 583
(as sp.)." If the original combination treated a present infraspecific
taxon as a trinomium of a species other than the one under which it is listed
under in this catalog, or if a taxon was raised at some point in its taxonomic
history from infraspecific status, then the original nominate species is
listed in parentheses after the page, e.g., "salomonis Hennig,
1935: 192 (contingens ssp.)." Changes of both original genus
combination and specific or infraspecific status are treated with combined
annotations, e.g., "variegatans Strickland, 1911b: 204 (Culicada
vandema var.)," "ssp. queenslandensis Theobald, 1901a:
297 (Stegomyia fasciata var.)," "ssp. zonatipes
Walker, 1861a: 229 (Culex; as sp.)."
Authors cited are those responsible for the names listed in accordance with
the Code. Authorship by more than one author is listed as in the original
work. When authorship of the name is different from the authorship of the
work, the citation takes the form "Steyskal in Hardy & Delfinado,
1981", so that the work can be located in the Literature Cited section
(in this case, under "Hardy & Delfinado, 1981"). Spelling
of authors' names follows that most commonly used or, when known, the spelling
that is preferred by the author. Authors' names containing the articles
"de," "del," "du," and "le" are
cited in full and alphabetized in the bibliography under the article, e.g.,
"de Meijere" instead of "Meijere." However, the articles
"van", "von", "van den", and "van der"
are omitted, e.g., "Wulp" instead of "van der Wulp"
(anomalies in this practice occur only in cases where a non-European author
prefers the use of the article, e.g., "Van Duzee" instead of "Duzee."
Spelling of Russian names takes the predominant form when transliterated
from the Cyrillic to the Roman alphabet or the transliterated form preferred
by the author.
The date of a work given in the catalog is that which is cited in the original
work. If a name was published in an undated work, a work in which the date
could only be found from external evidence, or a work in which the given
date was found to be incorrect, the correct date is given in brackets in
the bibliography in accordance with Recommendation 22A(5) of the Code,
but the brackets are omitted from the date in the catalog text.
In cases where 2 or more bibliographic references are given for the same
name, e.g., "cinctus Guérin-Méneville, 1831: pl.
21, fig. 9 [1838: 299]," "MICROEPICAUSTA Hendel, 1914d:
8, 141 [1914e: 80]," the nomenclatural availability of the name dates
from the first reference. In rare instances where the second reference involves
a different binomen than the first, or a different taxonomic category (genus,
subgenus; or species, infraspecies), this is annotated in parentheses immediately
following the reference concerned, e.g., "SPINULOPHILA Duda,
1923c: 47 (as gen.) [1924a: 203 (Drosophila subg.)]."
Page numbers cited are those on which the name appears in the original work,
except in cases where reprint pagination predates the journal issue date
(having been issued in advance of the published article). Following the
format of the Afrotropical Catalogue, Macquart's "Diptères
exotiques nouveaux ou peu connus" have both the journal and reprint
pagination cited, with the reprint pagination in parentheses, e.g, "fuscicornis
Macquart, 1843: 144(87) (Oxyrhina)" except for his 1838b, 1840,
and 1847 works in this series, in which the reprint was issued in advance
of the journal article. In these cases the journal date and pagination are
listed in brackets after the reprint pagination, e.g. "1840: 78 [1841:
356]" and "1847a: 100 [1847b: 116]." Pagination in lowercase
Roman numerals is given when necessary (e.g., names validated in notes presented
at meetings); and, in rare cases, in uppercase Roman numerals (to differentiate
from lowercase in the same work), e.g., "ANTINEURA Osten Sacken,
1881a: 134 [1882a: xcix]," "Type species: Sigmatomera flavipennis
Osten Sacken, 1873, subs. mon. Osten Sacken, 1873: IX." In the rare
case of an unpaginated and unnumbered illustrated work, the page and figure
numbers are given in brackets as if numbered consecutively from page 1,
and plate 1, figure 1, e.g., "guttatus Donovan, 1805: [166],
[pl. 41]."
6. Type species: Type species of genus-group names
are listed in their original binomia with original authorship and date irrespective
of their citation and orthography at the time of the establishment of the
genus-group name. Subgeneric epithets that may have been included in the
original establishment of the type species are omitted. The correct nominal
type species is listed first, with any senior synonym listed in brackets,
e.g. "Type species: Geron gibbosus Meigen, 1820 [= Bombylius
gibbosus Olivier, 1789]." If the type species is invalid because
of homonymy, the citation takes the following form: "Type species:
Musca cinerea Fallén, 1824 [preocc., = Egeria silvatica
Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830]." If the nominal species was misidentified
so that the actual type species is different from the proposed type species,
it is cited in the following form: "Type species: Musca radicum
Linnaeus, 1758 [misid., = Musca audaculus Harris, 1780]." In
this particular case, the misidentified type species is Musca radicum
Linnaeus and the actual type species is Musca audaculus Harris. Since
the misidentified type species was treated in the sense of the author proposing
the genus-group name (in this case Schnabl, 1911, for the genus Paregle),
the information "sensu Schnabl, 1911", which is conventionally
listed after the misidentified type species, is omitted due to redundancy.
Method of fixation of type species follows Articles 68 and 69 of the Code
and uses the terms (in order of precedence according to Art. 68 and 69)
"original designation," "monotypy," "subsequent
designation," "subsequent monotypy," and "absolute tautonomy"
(all in abbreviated forms; see Section 13). In cases of subsequent monotypy
and subsequent designation, the author, date, and page of the designation
is given, e.g., "... subs. mon. Osten Sacken, 1873: IX," "...
des. Coquillett, 1910: 652."
If a genus-group name was originally proposed without included species,
annotation is given in brackets to the work that lists the first inclusion
of species in the genus from which the subsequent designation was made unless
the designation is by subsequent monotypy.
7. Homonyms and replacement names: Preoccupied names
are noted with annotations in brackets. Genus-group junior homonyms have
this bracketed information following the type-species information; species-group
junior homonyms have this bracketed information following the type locality,
e.g., "longicornis Doleschall, 1858: 79. Indonesia (Maluku).
[Preocc. Linnaeus, 1758.]" Replacement names are listed with the preoccupied
name they replace in parentheses after the page reference, e.g., "anostigma
McAlpine, 1973: 175 (n. n. for australis Walker)." "NOTOPSILA
Osten Sacken, 1882b: 209 (n. n. for Pachycephala)."
8. Emendations and variant spellings: Emendations at
the genus-group level (justified or unjustified) are listed in the catalog
with full reference citation [author(s), date, page] because they are available
names according to the Code, e.g., "BRACHYNEURA Agassiz,
1846: 5 (unjust. emend. of Brachineura)." Most genus-group names
and associated type-species information have been checked by the editor.
Justified species-group emendations do not have author, date, and page of
the emendation listed in all cases, but have the original orthography listed
in parentheses after the page reference. The enumeration of these emendations
is only as complete as the information supplied by the authors. Incorrect
spellings are not available names, hence are listed in the form: "fulleri.
Incorr. orig. spell. of fullerae" (followed by author, date,
and pagination in parentheses if the incorrect spelling is an example of
more than one spelling for the same taxon found in the original publication).
When a name is spelled in more than one way in the original publication
(frequently in Macquart's works), the correct spelling is determined by
the First Reviser Principle. Other variant spellings (i.e., incorrect subsequent
spellings) are listed as "errors." Some species-group errors may
be emendations, but is was not possible to check all literature citations
to verify these.
9. Gender endings of species-group names: Names in
synonymy are cited in their original orthography, but to satisfy Article
30 of the Code, valid names have been checked and changed when necessary
to ensure that the ending agrees in gender with the genus under which it
is presently combined. (It was not possible to check all names, hence some
gender endings may be incorrect, especially in cases where it was not possible
to ascertain adjectival status.)
10. Misidentifications: Only those misidentifications
that each author deemed important have been included in the catalog. The
names of misidentified taxa are italicized as with junior synonyms but are
separated from authorship with a comma, e.g., "OCYPTERA, authors,
not Latreille, 1804, misid.," "argentata, Malloch, 1930,
not Curran, 1927, misid."
11. Nomenclatural changes: Changes in binomial combination,
rank, and validity presented for the first time in this catalog are marked
in boldface with abbreviated notations (listed in Section 13). Changes in
binomial combination for junior synonyms are not annotated nor are changes
in rank, combination, or validity that are not newly presented in the catalog.
12. Miscellaneous annotations: Nomina nuda are
listed under their current synonym (if known), without type locality or
distributional information, and are followed by "Nomen nudum."
When synonymy is not known for nomina nuda, they are listed at the end of
the most appropriate higher taxon under the heading "Nomina nuda
in ...."
Extralimital species erroneously recorded in the literature as occurring
in the Australasian/Oceanian Regions are listed in alphabetical order with
valid species and placed flush left, e.g., "afra Fabricius--not Australasian/Oceanian."
Other annotations are added
in brackets for various circumstances such as nomenclatural actions by I.C.Z.N.,
taxonomic information that clarifies usage, etc.
13. Abbreviations: The following abbreviations are
used in the introductory paragraphs and taxonomic portions of the catalog:
alt. = alternate, alternative Art = Article (of the Code) bibliogr = bibliography(s) cat = catalog classif = classification biol = biology(s) behav = behavior Code = International Code of Zoological Nomenclature des = designated by (subsequent designation by) descr = description diagn = diagnosis(es) dist = distribution econ = economic emend = emendation esp = especially evol = evolution fig = figure(s) f = form gen = genus, genera, generic I.C.Z.N = International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature immat = immature(s) import = importance Incorr. orig. spell = Incorrect original spelling misid = misidentification mon = by monotypy morphol = morphology N. comb = New combination n. gen = new genus n. n = new name (replacement name) N. stat = New status N. syn = New synonym nomencl = nomenclature orig. des = by original designation phylog = phylogeny pl = plate Preocc = preoccupied pres. des = by present designation prob = probable, probably rev = revision(s), review(s) s. l = sensu lato s. str = sensu stricto sp(p = species spell = spelling ssp = subspecies subg = subgenus subs. mon = by subsequent monotypy syst. = systematics taut. = by absolute tautonomy unjust. = unjustified unnec. = unnecessary var. = variety zoogeogr. = zoogeography
ACT = Australian Capital Territory Arch = Archipelago Afrotrop = Afrotropical C. Am = Central America e = east, eastern econ = economic excl = excluding I = Island import = importance incl = including Is = Islands N = north, northern N. Am = North America Neotrop = Neotropical NSW = New South Wales NT = Northern Territory NZ = New Zealand (North I, South I, Snares Is, Stewart I) pantrop = pantropical Pen = Peninsular (Malaysia) PNG = Papua New Guinea Qld = Queensland Reg(s) = Region(s) S = south, southern SA = South Australia S.Afr = South Africa S. Am = South America SE = Southeast Asia Tas = Tasmania USA = United States of America (excluding Hawaiian Is) USSR = Union of Soviet Socialist Republics Vic = Victoria W = west, western WA = Western Australia widesp. = widespread
This page last revised 19 August 1996