Australasian/Oceanian Diptera Catalog -- Web Version

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[Originally] By Loïc Matile

Diadocidiids form a small monogeneric family comprising only 1 genus and about 10 species. The family's distribution is mainly Holarctic, with 2 fossil species from the Tertiary (1 Nearctic, 1 Palearctic). One species, nevertheless, occurs in the Neotropical Region, and the presence of an unidentified species in Tasmania has been known since recorded in Tonnoir (1929b). A second unidentified Australian species was cited by Colless (1963a). More recently, Sevcik (2003) recorded it from New Guinea.

Larvae of Diadocidia spin dry, silken tubes under bark or dead logs. The adults mostly inhabit forests. Nothing can be said of the affinities of the Australasian Diadocidiidae until the known specimens are properly studied.


DIADOCIDIA Ruthe, 1831: 1210. Type species: Diadocidia flavicans Ruthe, 1831 [= Mycetobia ferruginosa Meigen, 1830], orig. des.
MACRONEVRA Macquart, 1834a: 146. Type species: Macronevra winthemi Macquart, 1834 [= Mycetobia ferruginosa Meigen, 1830], mon.

Subgenus ADIDOCIDIA Lastovka

ADIDOCIDIA Lastovka, 1972: 218. Type species: Diadocidia valida Mik, 1874, orig. des.
macrosetigera Jaschhof & Jaschhof, 2007: 64. Australia (Qld).
papua Sevcik, 2003: 63. PNG (PNG).
queenslandensis Jaschhof & Jaschhof, 2007: 66. Australia (Qld).

Subgenus DIADOCIDIA Ruthe

DIADOCIDIA Ruthe, 1831: 1210 (as gen.). Type species: Diadocidia flavicans Ruthe, 1831 [= Mycetobia ferruginosa Meigen, 1830], orig. des.
MACRONEVRA Macquart, 1834a: 146 (as gen.). Type species: Macronevra winthemi Macquart, 1834 [= Mycetobia ferruginosa Meigen, 1830], mon.
cizeki Sevcik, 2003: 64. PNG (PNG); Taiwan.
halopensis Sevcik, 2003: 65. PNG (PNG).
Unidentified spp.--Australia (Tonnoir, 1929b: 594; Colless, 1963a: 307).

This page last revised 16 December 2011