Northwestern Hawaiian Island Checklist
The following checklist includes 181 bird species documented as occurring in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands, as recorded on each island or island group, either naturally or through introduction and establishment of a viable breeding population for at least 15 years. See Primary Checklist for more information. Pelagic records are recorded for island groups if the species was seen from land or during a one-day boat trip from the island; 12 species, listed below, have been recorded in Northwestern Hawaiian Island waters from research vessels but not on or from any island or island group.
R - Resident (native)
N - Naturalized (non-native), established and breeding
n - Naturalized (non-native), visitor from other island or island group
B - Breeding Visitor
M - Migrant through the islands (some may winter) or non-breeding visitor
(often seabirds)
W - Winter Resident (some may migrate through the islands)
V - Vagrant
X - Extinct
x - Extirpated from that island or island group (Resident or Naturalized
For species of breeding seabirds, click on the common name to access population size estimates.
ANATIDAE | |||||||||
COMMON NAME | Kure | Midway | P & H | Lisianski | Laysan | G. P. | FFS | Necker | Nihoa |
Greater White-fronted Goose | V | V | V | V | |||||
Emperor Goose | V | V | V | ||||||
Snow Goose | V | ||||||||
Brant | V | V | V | ||||||
Cackling Goose | V | V | V | ||||||
Tundra Swan | V | ||||||||
Gadwall | W | W | |||||||
Falcated Duck | V | ||||||||
Eurasian Wigeon | W | W | W | W | W | ||||
American Wigeon | W | W | W | ||||||
Mallard | W | W | W | W | |||||
Laysan Duck | R | R | |||||||
Blue-winged Teal | V | V | |||||||
Northern Shoveler | W | W | W | W | |||||
Northern Pintail | W | W | W | W | W | W | W | ||
Garganey | W | W | W | W | |||||
Green-winged Teal | W | W | W | W | |||||
Canvasback | V | V | |||||||
Common Pochard | V | ||||||||
Ring-necked Duck | V | ||||||||
Tufted Duck | V | V | V | ||||||
Greater Scaup | W | W | W | ||||||
Lesser Scaup | W | W | |||||||
Harlequin Duck | V | V | |||||||
Black Scoter | V | ||||||||
Long-tailed Duck | V | ||||||||
Bufflehead | W | W | W | ||||||
Common Goldeneye | V | ||||||||
Red-breasted Merganser | V | ||||||||
COMMON NAME | Kure | Midway | P & H | Lisianski | Laysan | G. P. | FFS | Necker | Nihoa |
Eared Grebe | V | ||||||||
DIOMEDEIDAE | |||||||||
COMMON NAME | Kure | Midway | P & H | Lisianski | Laysan | G. P. | FFS | Necker | Nihoa |
Shy Albatross | V | ||||||||
Laysan Albatross | B | B | B | B | B | M | B | B | B |
Black-footed Albatross | B | B | B | B | B | B | B | B | |
Short-tailed Albatross | M | M | M | M | |||||
COMMON NAME | Kure | Midway | P & H | Lisianski | Laysan | G. P. | FFS | Necker | Nihoa |
Northern Fulmar | W | W | W | W | |||||
Kermadec Petrel | M | ||||||||
Herald Petrel | M | ||||||||
Murphy Petrel | M | M | |||||||
Mottled Petrel | |||||||||
Juan Fernandez Petrel | |||||||||
Hawaiian Petrel | |||||||||
White-necked Petrel | |||||||||
Bonin Petrel | B | B | B | B | B | B | |||
Black-winged Petrel | |||||||||
Cook Petrel | M | ||||||||
Stejneger Petrel | |||||||||
Pycroft Petrel | |||||||||
Bulwer Petrel | B | B | B | B | B | B | B | B | B |
Jouanin Petrel | V | V | |||||||
Streaked Shearwater | V | ||||||||
Flesh-footed Shearwater | M | ||||||||
Wedge-tailed Shearwater | B | B | B | B | B | B | B | B | B |
Buller Shearwater | M | ||||||||
Sooty Shearwater | M | M | M | M | M | M | |||
Short-tailed Shearwater | M | ||||||||
Christmas Shearwater | B | B | B | B | B | B | M | B | |
Newell Shearwater | M | ||||||||
HYDROBATIDAE | |||||||||
COMMON NAME | Kure | Midway | P & H | Lisianski | Laysan | G. P. | FFS | Necker | Nihoa |
Wilson Storm-Petrel | |||||||||
Leach Storm-Petrel | W | W | |||||||
Band-rumped Storm-Petrel | |||||||||
Tristram Storm-Petrel | B | B | B | M | B | B | M | B | |
COMMON NAME | Kure | Midway | P & H | Lisianski | Laysan | G. P. | FFS | Necker | Nihoa |
White-tailed Tropicbird | M | B | M | M | M | ||||
Red-billed Tropicbird | V | V | |||||||
Red-tailed Tropicbird | B | B | B | B | B | B | B | B | B |
SULIDAE | |||||||||
COMMON NAME | Kure | Midway | P & H | Lisianski | Laysan | G. P. | FFS | Necker | Nihoa |
Masked Booby | B | B | B | B | B | B | B | B | B |
Nazca Booby | V | V | |||||||
Brown Booby | B | B | B | B | B | B | B | B | B |
Red-footed Booby | B | B | B | B | B | M | B | B | B |
COMMON NAME | Kure | Midway | P & H | Lisianski | Laysan | G. P. | FFS | Necker | Nihoa |
Pelagic Cormorant | V | V | |||||||
FREGATIDAE | |||||||||
COMMON NAME | Kure | Midway | P & H | Lisianski | Laysan | G. P. | FFS | Necker | Nihoa |
Great Frigatebird | B | B | B | B | B | M | B | B | B |
Lesser Frigatebird | M | M | B | B | |||||
ARDEIDAE | |||||||||
COMMON NAME | Kure | Midway | P & H | Lisianski | Laysan | G. P. | FFS | Necker | Nihoa |
Great Blue Heron | V | ||||||||
Cattle Egret | n | V, n | n | n | n | n | n | n | n |
Black-crowned Night-Heron | V | V | V | ||||||
ACCIPITRIDAE | |||||||||
COMMON NAME | Kure | Midway | P & H | Lisianski | Laysan | G. P. | FFS | Necker | Nihoa |
Osprey | W | W | |||||||
Black Kite | V | ||||||||
Steller Sea-Eagle | V | V | V | ||||||
Northern Harrier | V | V | V | ||||||
Gray Frog-Hawk | V | ||||||||
Rough-legged Hawk | V | V | |||||||
FALCONIDAE | |||||||||
COMMON NAME | Kure | Midway | P & H | Lisianski | Laysan | G. P. | FFS | Necker | Nihoa |
Merlin | V | ||||||||
Peregrine Falcon | M | W | M | W | W | ||||
RALLIDAE | |||||||||
COMMON NAME | Kure | Midway | P & H | Lisianski | Laysan | G. P. | FFS | Necker | Nihoa |
Laysan Rail | X | X | |||||||
Common Moorhen | V | ||||||||
Hawaiian Coot | V | V | V | V | V | ||||
CHARADRIIDAE | |||||||||
COMMON NAME | Kure | Midway | P & H | Lisianski | Laysan | G. P. | FFS | Necker | Nihoa |
Black-bellied Plover | M | M | M | W | M | ||||
Pacific Golden-Plover | W | W | W | W | W | M | W | W | W |
Lesser Sand-Plover | V | V | |||||||
Common Ringed Plover | V | ||||||||
Semipalmated Plover | W | M | W | W | |||||
Eurasian Dotterel | V | ||||||||
COMMON NAME | Kure | Midway | P & H | Lisianski | Laysan | G. P. | FFS | Necker | Nihoa |
Black-winged Stilt | V | V | |||||||
Black-necked Stilt | V | ||||||||
SCOLOPACIDAE | |||||||||
COMMON NAME | Kure | Midway | P & H | Lisianski | Laysan | G. P. | FFS | Necker | Nihoa |
Spotted Sandpiper | V | ||||||||
Gray-tailed Tattler | V | ||||||||
Wandering Tattler | W | W | W | W | W | W | W | W | W |
Greater Yellowlegs | V | V | |||||||
Lesser Yellowlegs | M | M | M | M | |||||
Marsh Sandpiper | V | ||||||||
Wood Sandpiper | V | V | |||||||
Whimbrel | W | W | M | ||||||
Bristle-thighed Curlew | W | W | W | W | W | W | W | W | |
Far Eastern Curlew | V | V | |||||||
Bar-tailed Godwit | M | M | M | W | M | ||||
Marbled Godwit | V | ||||||||
Ruddy Turnstone | W | W | W | W | W | M | W | W | W |
Red Knot | V | V | V | ||||||
Sanderling | M | M | M | M | W | M | M | ||
Western Sandpiper | V | V | V | V | |||||
Red-necked Stint | V | ||||||||
Little Stint | V | ||||||||
Long-toed Stint | V | ||||||||
Baird Sandpiper | V | V | |||||||
Pectoral Sandpiper | M | M | M | M | |||||
Sharp-tailed Sandpiper | M | M | M | M | M | M | |||
Dunlin | W | W | W | W | W | ||||
Curlew Sandpiper | V | ||||||||
Buff-breasted Sandpiper | V | V | V | ||||||
Ruff | M | M | M | M | M | ||||
Short-billed Dowitcher | V | V | V | ||||||
Long-billed Dowitcher | W | W | W | W | |||||
Common Snipe | V | ||||||||
Pin-tailed Snipe | V | ||||||||
Wilson Phalarope | V | ||||||||
Red-necked Phalarope | V | ||||||||
Red Phalarope | W | W | W | W | |||||
LARIDAE | |||||||||
COMMON NAME | Kure | Midway | P & H | Lisianski | Laysan | G. P. | FFS | Necker | Nihoa |
Black-legged Kittiwake | V | V | V | V | V | ||||
Bonaparte Gull | V | V | V | ||||||
Black-headed Gull | V | ||||||||
Laughing Gull | V | V | V | V | |||||
Franklin Gull | M | M | M | ||||||
Mew Gull | V | ||||||||
Ring-billed Gull | V | V | |||||||
Herring Gull | W | W | W | W | W | W | |||
Slaty-backed Gull | W | W | V | ||||||
Glaucous-winged Gull | W | W | W | W | W | W | W | ||
Glaucous Gull | V | V | V | ||||||
Brown Noddy | B | B | B | B | B | B | B | B | B |
Black Noddy | B | B | B | B | B | B | B | B | B |
Blue-gray Noddy | V | B | B | B | B | ||||
White Tern | B | B | B | B | B | B | B | B | B |
Sooty Tern | B | B | B | B | B | B | B | B | B |
Gray-backed Tern | B | B | B | B | B | B | B | B | B |
Little Tern | M | B | B | M | M | ||||
Least Tern | B | M | M | ||||||
Black Tern | V | V | V | ||||||
Common Tern | V | V | V | ||||||
Arctic Tern | M | M | M | ||||||
Great Crested Tern | V | ||||||||
COMMON NAME | Kure | Midway | P & H | Lisianski | Laysan | G. P. | FFS | Necker | Nihoa |
South Polar Skua | |||||||||
Pomarine Jaeger | W | W | M | ||||||
Parasitic Jaeger | |||||||||
Long-tailed Jaeger | |||||||||
ALCIDAE | |||||||||
COMMON NAME | Kure | Midway | P & H | Lisianski | Laysan | G. P. | FFS | Necker | Nihoa |
Parakeet Auklet | V | V | V | ||||||
Horned Puffin | V | V | V | V | |||||
COLUMBIDAE | |||||||||
COMMON NAME | Kure | Midway | P & H | Lisianski | Laysan | G. P. | FFS | Necker | Nihoa |
Rock Pigeon | x | n | n | ||||||
CUCULIDAE | |||||||||
COMMON NAME | Kure | Midway | P & H | Lisianski | Laysan | G. P. | FFS | Necker | Nihoa |
Common/Oriental Cuckoo | V | ||||||||
Yellow-billed Cuckoo | V | ||||||||
STRIGIDAE | |||||||||
COMMON NAME | Kure | Midway | P & H | Lisianski | Laysan | G. P. | FFS | Necker | Nihoa |
Short-eared Owl | W | W | W | W | |||||
COMMON NAME | Kure | Midway | P & H | Lisianski | Laysan | G. P. | FFS | Necker | Nihoa |
Common Nighthawk | V | ||||||||
APODIDAE | |||||||||
COMMON NAME | Kure | Midway | P & H | Lisianski | Laysan | G. P. | FFS | Necker | Nihoa |
Fork-tailed Swift | V | ||||||||
ALAUDIDAE | |||||||||
COMMON NAME | Kure | Midway | P & H | Lisianski | Laysan | G. P. | FFS | Necker | Nihoa |
Sky Lark | V | n | |||||||
HIRUNDIDAE | |||||||||
COMMON NAME | Kure | Midway | P & H | Lisianski | Laysan | G. P. | FFS | Necker | Nihoa |
Cliff Swallow | V | ||||||||
Barn Swallow | V | V | |||||||
SYLVIIDAE | |||||||||
COMMON NAME | Kure | Midway | P & H | Lisianski | Laysan | G. P. | FFS | Necker | Nihoa |
Millerbird | x | R | |||||||
TURDIDAE | |||||||||
COMMON NAME | Kure | Midway | P & H | Lisianski | Laysan | G. P. | FFS | Necker | Nihoa |
Eyebrowed Thrush | V | ||||||||
MIMIDAE | |||||||||
COMMON NAME | Kure | Midway | P & H | Lisianski | Laysan | G. P. | FFS | Necker | Nihoa |
Northern Mockingbird | n | n | n | ||||||
STURNIDAE | |||||||||
COMMON NAME | Kure | Midway | P & H | Lisianski | Laysan | G. P. | FFS | Necker | Nihoa |
Common Myna | N | ||||||||
MOTACILLIDAE | |||||||||
COMMON NAME | Kure | Midway | P & H | Lisianski | Laysan | G. P. | FFS | Necker | Nihoa |
Olive-backed Pipit | V | ||||||||
Red-throated Pipit | V | ||||||||
American Pipit | V | ||||||||
EMBERIZIDAE | |||||||||
COMMON NAME | Kure | Midway | P & H | Lisianski | Laysan | G. P. | FFS | Necker | Nihoa |
Savannah Sparrow | V | V | |||||||
Snow Bunting | V | V | V | ||||||
CARDINALIDAE | |||||||||
COMMON NAME | Kure | Midway | P & H | Lisianski | Laysan | G. P. | FFS | Necker | Nihoa |
Northern Cardinal | n | ||||||||
FRINGILLIDAE | |||||||||
COMMON NAME | Kure | Midway | P & H | Lisianski | Laysan | G. P. | FFS | Necker | Nihoa |
House Finch | n | n | n | ||||||
Common Redpoll | V | V | |||||||
Common Canary | N | ||||||||
Laysan Finch | x | N | R | ||||||
Nihoa Finch | R | ||||||||
'Apapane | x | ||||||||
PASSERIDAE | |||||||||
COMMON NAME | Kure | Midway | P & H | Lisianski | Laysan | G. P. | FFS | Necker | Nihoa |
House Sparrow | n | n | n | ||||||
TOTAL SPECIES | 90 | 125 | 42 | 42 | 92 | 18 | 86 | 26 | 32 |
Version 1 completed Dec 2009 and will not be updated for content until Version 2 is posted (typos and bad links may be fixed). Plans are to complete Version 2 sometime in 2011-2013, with further updated versions to be completed every 2-4 years thereafter. Comments, errors, typos, bad links, updated information, any other suggestions: Please contact Peter Pyle at
Citation: Pyle, R.L., and P. Pyle. 2009. The Birds of the Hawaiian Islands: Occurrence, History, Distribution, and Status. B.P. Bishop Museum, Honolulu, HI, U.S.A. Version 1 (31 December 2009)