Algae Glossary
- adventitious
- Structures developing an unusual position.
- alternate
- Arranged singly at regular intervals on an axis, and alternating in orientation to the axis.
- anastomose
- Secondary joining of cells or branches.
- apex
- The point farthest away from the point of attachment.
- apical
- Located at the apex or tip.
- axis
- The longitudinal, central supporting structure.
- blade
- Flattened leaf-like plant part.
- brackish
- Somewhat salty; body of water that is off lower salinity than the ocean.
- branch
- Plant division subordinate to the main axis.
- branching
- Descriptive patterns of branches.
- calcified
- Containing large amount of calcium carbonate; chalky.
- carpospore
- Spore produced in a carposporangium, usually diploid.
- carposporophyte
- Multicellular phase in the life cycle of red algae resulting from the development of the zygote and terminated by carpospore production.
- compressed
- Flattened.
- coralline
- Calcareous red alga of the family Corallinaceae; erect or crustose plants; many shores in the tropics are
dominated by coralline algal reefs rather than by coral (animal) reefs.
- cortex
- Outermost layer, cotical layer, of cells or tissue of a thallus; presence of cortex, thallus is said to be corticated.
- cystocarp
- See carposporophyte.
- determinate
- Axes or branches that stop growing at a predetermined length.
- dichotomous
- Branched or forked into two more or less equal divisions.
- differentiated
- Differences in structure and function of groups of cells due to increased specialization in an organism.
- endemic
- Found only within the Hawaiian Islands.
- epidermis
- Outermost layer of cells or tissue of a thallus.
- epiphytic
- Growing on another plant.
- epizooic
- Growing on animals.
- estuary
- A water passage where the tide meets a river current.
- filamentous
- Hairlike; having a single row of cells that can be joined laterally.
- fluorescence
- A kind of luminescence; emission of radiation in the form of light.
- forcipate
- Forked and incurved.
- frond
- Single and commonly leaflike erect part of the plant.
- gametangium
- pl. gametangia; A container in which gametes are produced.
- gametophyte
- Plant form or phase in life history that bears gametes. Alternate phase is the sporophyte (bears spores).
- gelatinous
- Jelly-like in texture.
- growth
- Increase in the size of an organism, by cell division or cell expansion.
- habitat
- The place or environment where a plant or animal naturally or normally lives and grows.
- hair
- Slender cell; an unbranched, usually nonpigmented filament; surface extension.
- holdfast
- Structure by which an alga is attached to the substratum. Larger than a rhizoid.
- indigenous
- Naturally occuring in the Hawaiian Islands and elsewhere.
- intercalary
- Occurring anywhere along the length of a structure except at apex.
- internode
- Segment of a thallus lying between two nodes or joints.
- intertidal
- Occurring between the levels of low and high tides; exposed at low tide.
- irregular
- No regular arrangement.
- limu
- The Hawaiian word for all water plants, including freshwater plants, lichens, mosses, and seaweed. In cmmon usage, it refers to the edible or useful algae.
- lubricous
- Slippery.
- margin
- Outer edge or periphery of a blade.
- medulla
- Central core of tissue in multicellular algae.
- monosiphonous
- Composed of a single row of cells.
- monostromatic
- Composed of a single layer of cells.
- mucilaginous
- Slimy, like gelatin. Difficult to pick up.
- oogonium
- pl. oogonium; Female gametangium which produces an egg or eggs.
- opposite
- Across from one another.
- periaxial cells
- Cells that surround the axial cell.
- prostrate
- Lying along the substratum.
- radial
- Radiating from a central point.
- receptacle
- Fertile area on which gametangia or spermatangia arise.
- reticulate
- In the form of a network; net-veined.
- rhizoid
- Unicellular or filamentous attachment structure.
- saxicolous
- Growing on rock.
- secund
- Arranged to one side only.
- sori
- Group or cluster of reporductive organs not elevated above the surface.
- spermatangium
- pl. spermatangia; A cell producing a single male gamete with no flagella.
- spine
- A stiff, sharp-pointed structure.
- spiral
- Arranged singly at regular intervals, and rotating around the axis.
- sporangium
- pl. sporangia; Structure in which spores are formed.
- stolon
- Branch or runner growing out from the base of a parent plant and capable of forming offshoots.
- sublittoral
- At a depth below the lowest level of low tide.
- substratum
- pl. substrata. Surface or material on which an alga is growing.
- subtidal
- Occurring below the lowest level of low tide; never exposed.
- tendril
- Slender, twining organ used to grasp support for climbing.
- terete
- Cylindrical in cross-section.
- tetrasporangium
- pl. tetrasporangia; A haploid spore, usually the product of a meiotic division; borne in a sporangium (tetrasporangium).
- thallus
- pl. thalli; Plant body of an alga. Used to emphasize that algae do not have the structures of flowering plants, such as stems, leaves, and roots.
- tide
- the alternate rising and falling of the surface of the ocean and of water bodies connected with the ocean that occurs usually twice a day and is caused
by the gravitational attraction of the sun and moon occurring unequally on different parts of the earth.
- tidepool
- Pool of water located above the level of low tide; experiences fluctuating temperature and salinity.
- transparent
- Fine enough to be seen through.
- trichoblast
- Simple or branched, usually colourless, hairlike filament.
- trichotomous
- Three-forked; branched into three more or less equal divisions.
- vein
- Slightly thickened narrow line within a blade.
- vesicle
- Small bladder. Spherical to oval sac-like plant body.
- whorled
- Ring-like arrangement arising from a common point.