Bishop Museum- Hawaiian All-Species ChecklistThe
State Museum of Natural and Cultural History Honolulu, Hawaii |
Welcome to our Searchable
Hawaiian All-Species
Checklist Database
(data last revised 9 April 2002)
Try the new Browse query form!
How to search
Fill out the query form above and submit it. The result
will come back to you with a list of those taxa that fill the criteria you
delimit. Remember, when you fill in a searchable field, you introduce a limiting
factor to your search. If you do not know what to put into a particular field or
if you wish to have the database search all possible records for that field,
leave it blank.
The search fields use the SQL convention that % matches 0 or more characters
of any value. For example, to search for a genus that starts with "Ab", type
"ab%" in the genus field (without the double quotes, of course). Searching is
case-insensitive. To match any single character, type "_" (without the double
Hint: if you're looking for bee, type in %bee to match honey bee, very
yellow-faced bee, etc.
Specifying only the "Additional search fields" in a search may take a very
long time because so many records will match. It is suggested that these be
used only with the main fields above.
All checked items in the Mode of Origin fields will be "OR'ed" together, e.g.
endemic and indigenous checked means the Mode of Origin will include either.)
All checked items in the Distribution fields will be "AND'ed" together,
e.g.Kauai and Oahu checked means the distribution must include at least Kauai
AND Oahu.
The search interface for this database was designed by Jeffrey Sue, and converted to ASP by Richard Pyle.
If you
have any comments/suggestions concerning this database, send e-mail to the Database Manager at: deepreef@bishopmuseum.org
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publication of them is strictly prohibited.
The State Museum of Natural and Cultural
For Museum Information, call (808) 847-3511
Bishop Museum 1525 Bernice Street Honolulu Hawai`i 96817-0916
Revised 9 April 2002 by rlp