Bishop Museum - Checklist Query Results

The State Museum of Natural and Cultural History
Honolulu, Hawaii

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Searching for:

Taxon Name: GEN~Carex

14 records match
Records 1 to 14
Genus Species Describer Order Family Display
Carex alligata Boott Cyperaceae Full Record
Carex echinata J.A.Murray Cyperaceae Full Record
Carex inversa R. Br. Cyperaceae Full Record
Carex kauaiensis R.W.Krauss Cyperaceae Full Record
Carex longii Mackenzie Cyperaceae Full Record
Carex macloviana d'Urv. Cyperaceae Full Record
Carex macloviana subsp. subfusca (W.Boott) T.Koyama Cyperaceae Full Record
Carex meyenii Nees Cyperaceae Full Record
Carex montis-eeka Hillebr. Cyperaceae Full Record
Carex thunbergii Steud. Cyperaceae Full Record
Carex wahuensis C.A.Mey. Cyperaceae Full Record
Carex wahuensis subsp. herbstii T.Koyama Cyperaceae Full Record
Carex wahuensis subsp. rubiginosa (R.W.Krauss) T.Koyama Cyperaceae Full Record
Carex wahuensis subsp. wahuensis C.A.Mey. Cyperaceae Full Record

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The State Museum of Natural and Cultural History
For Museum Information, call (808) 847-3511

Bishop Museum 1525 Bernice Street Honolulu Hawai`i 96817-0916

Revised April 10, 2002 by rlp