Dating of the "Proceedings of the Hawaiian Entomological Society" (1906-1988)

(from Proc. Hawaii. Entomol. Soc. 32: 39-44, 1995)

Neal L. Evenhuis
J. Linsley Gressitt Center for Research in Entomology,
Bishop Museum, P.O. Box 19000-A,
Honolulu, Hawaii 96817-0916

ABSTRACT. This paper gives details and dates of the printing, mailing, and issue of the issues and volumes of the Proceedings of the Hawaiian Entomological Society from 1906 to 1988, inclusive. Some dating evidence necessitates different years for some of the issues, which may result in changes in previously recognized priority of species names.

The Proceedings of the Hawaiian Entomological Society has been one of the most important journals of entomology since its inception in 1906. Many cases of insect introduction and control are outlined and many new taxa have been described on its pages. In creating databases of both Diptera of Australasia and Oceania and the terrestrial arthropods of Hawaii, many anomalies of publication have come to the attention of this author. An attempt was made to ascertain correct dates of publication for those issues that only have the month printed on the issue or volume cover by obtaining dates of receipt at various libraries in and around Honolulu. During a previous excercise in obtaining dates for journals, it was discovered that some libraries were inconsistent in stamping dates of receipt on journals they received (or completely failied to do so in some cases), thereby making dating just that much more difficult. After obtaining as many receipt dates for the Proceedings as possible from libraries, I consulted the archival material of the Hawaiian Entomological Society deposited in the Bishop Museum library. Evidence there of printing dates, mailing dates by the Society, and receipt dates of issues sent from the printer give the best evidence in support of the dating of the various issues and volumes of the Proceedings outlined below in Table 2 and corroborate library receipt dates as being the earliest actual date of publication in some cases.

A number of different printers were used for the Proceedings (Table 1). Who printed what issue plays a very important part in determining actual printing dates. For two issues in volume 1 of the Proceedings, the printer, Spahr & Glenn, was located in Ohio. This resulted in a rather long period of time between the finishing of printing of an issue and the date of receipt of the shipment at the docks in Honolulu (and, in fact, was the reason the Society decided to go with a printer more close to home in subsequent issues!). Volume 1, issue 2 is the December issue of the Proceedings for 1906 and carries the date "1 December 1906". This is, in fact, not the publication date of the issue, but the date of printing. That issue was sent by train from Ohio in December to Honolulu. It arrived in San Francisco on 1 January 1907. It was then loaded onto a Matson ship, which arrived in Honolulu on 17 January 1907. Thus, the date of publication cannot be any earlier than 17 January 1907, which changes the year of publication for all new taxa described in that issue. Conversely, printers within the city in some cases finished printing an issue the day before it was stamped as received by a local library.

The dates of publication printed in some of the issues cannot always be taken as the actual date of publication for a number of reasons. Often, the issues were sent to the editor of the Proceedings or the secretary of the Society who, in some cases were on vacation or out of town on business or in the field for extended periods of time. The packages of Proceedings would then sit awaiting someone to open them up and distribute them, which might have been months after the date printed in the issue. In other cases, issues of the Proceedings were stamped as received by libraries earlier than the printed date in the issue. It is for these reasons that readers should take caution when citing actual dates of publication of the Proceedings. I propose that the dates given in Table 2 be taken as the most accurate dates of publication for the Proceedings until such time as further evidence updates this list.

TABLE 1. Printers of the Proceedings
Vol.(iss.) Year(s)PrinterLocation
1(1)1906Paradise of the PacificHonolulu, HI
1(2)-1(3)1906-1907Spahr & GlennColumbus, OH
1(4)-4(2)1907-1920Paradise of the PacificHonolulu, HI
4(3)-6(2)1921-1926J.H. BarrySan Francisco, CA
6(3)-10(1) 1927-1938Star-BulletinHonolulu, HI
10(2)-10(3)1939-1940Science PressLancaster, PA
11(1)-21(3)1941-1974Star-BulletinHonolulu, HI
22(1)-23(1)1975-1979 Tongg Publishing Co.Honolulu, HI
23(2)-24(1)1980-1982Pacific PrintersHonolulu, HI
24(2-3)-271983-1987Sierra GraphicsSacramento, CA
28-311989-1993Fisher PrintingHonolulu, HI
321995Pacific PrintersHonolulu, HI

This page last revised 15 January 1997 by nle