Hawaii's Endangered and Threatened Species Web Site

[ Endangered and Threatened | Proposed and Candidate | Extinct | Species of Concern ]
Hawaii is the Endangered Species Capital of the World. With 100s of plants and animals listed as Endangered or Threatened, there are more endangered species per square mile on these islands than any other place on the planet.
The Hawaii Biological Survey compiles information on all of these species with the assistance of various state, federal, and local agencies and works with these partners to disseminate this information, including these web pages. Please feel free to browse our pages, see images of these rare and fragile species, learn about their biologies, habits, and where they occur in the Islands.Throughout our pages, the status of each species can be recognized by the background color of the page: orange for Endangered and Threatened species green for Candidate and Proposed species black for Extinct species lavender for Species of Concern. |
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The State Museum of Natural and Cultural History
Bishop Museum 1525 Bernice Street Honolulu Hawai'i 96817-2704 USA
Revised on 7 July 2004