Peregrine Falcon

Scientific name: Falco peregrinus

USFWS Status: Endangered.

Distribution: various sightings throughout the islands. [ sightings search engine ]

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The Peregrine Falcon occurs worldwide, but has become rare throughout almost all of its range. They are about 13 to 19 inches long and fly high and dive at tremendous speeds when going after prey. Captive breeding programs are helping increase its numbers by releasing birds into areas where it was previous extirpated. .

Photo of the Peregrine Falcon on ship's rigging with fairy tern by Capt. John B. Nichols of the R.V. Farnella 115 miles NE of Pearl and Hermes Reef (from the Hawaii Rare Bird Documentary Photograph File, HRBP #931).

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This page last revised 11 August 2001 by nle