Fiji Arthropod Survey


Funded by the National Science Foundation and
the Schlinger Foundation

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Fiji Arthropods

A Rapid Publication Medium for Fiji Arthropod Taxonomists

Drs Neal L. Evenhuis* and Daniel J. Bickel**, Co-Editors

Fiji Arthropods-VI cover Volume IX (September 2007)

  • Editors’ Preface
  • Evenhuis, N.L., Sarnat, E. & Tokota’a, M. 2007. A new genus and species of sciarid ant guest from Fiji (Diptera: Sciaridae) and an annotated checklist of Fiji sciarids. In: Evenhuis, N.L. & Bickel, D.J. (eds.), Fiji Arthropods IX. Bishop Museum Occasional Papers 94: 3-10 [pdf]
  • Masner, L. & Johnson, N.F. 2007. Xentor, a new endemic genus from Fiji (Hymenoptera: Platygastroidea: Scelionidae) and description of three new species. In: Evenhuis, N.L. & Bickel, D.J. (eds.), Fiji Arthropods IX. Bishop Museum Occasional Papers 94: 11-20 [pdf]
  • Otte, D. 2007. New cricket genera and species (Orthoptera: Grylloidea) from the Pacific Region deposited in the Bishop Museum, Honolulu. In: Evenhuis, N.L. & Bickel, D.J. (eds.), Fiji Arthropods IX. Bishop Museum Occasional Papers 94: 21-34 [pdf]
  • Hardy, N. 2007. A new mealybug species (Hemiptera: Coccoidea: Pseudococcidae) from the ant-plant Hydnophytum sp. (Rubiaceae) in Fiji.In: Evenhuis, N.L. & Bickel, D.J. (eds.), Fiji Arthropods IX. Bishop Museum Occasional Papers 94: 35-40 [pdf]

This page last revised 17 August 2007


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