Fiji Arthropod Survey
Funded by the National Science Foundation
Fiji Staff -
Alipate Raikabula
Alipate Rakabula, or Pate for short, is the youngest member of the parataxonomist team. A native to Waitoga Village on the island of Nairai, Pate now lives in the Suva area with his mother, father, brother, and three sisters. After graduating from Nasinu Secondary School, Pate joined the Wildlife Conservation Society and began his work on insect collection and sorting.
Although Pate has traveled around the islands of Vanua Levu,
Gau, and Levuka, conducting an extensive survey of litter-dwelling
arthropods, his favorite trip was to Waivudawa on Viti Levu
with a crew from WCS and Lami Village. The trail-blazing
trekking was some of the toughest in Fiji, taking a full
day to cover
only three kilometers in the bush. In order to unwind from
the hard days behind and gain courage for the days yet to
come, the gang drank plenty of kava every night staying
up late,
talking, and telling jokes.
Pate’s favorite job so far has been sorting insects in the
lab. His favorite target taxa are the syrphid flies on
account of their distinct wing venation. Pate is as much
a superstar
on the rugby field as he is in the lab. Even at his young
age, Pate plays for the Nasinu rugby team where he holds
the dangerous
position as eighth man in the scrum, and is also considered
to be one of the better players in Fiji.
This page last revised 17 July 2005