The family Sphaeroceridae is a worldwide group of acalypterate flies often found in association with various types of decaying organic matter. Although the common name of lesser dung flies implies an association with feces, few species of Sphaeroceridae occupy this habit; however, the number of individuals that do so can be locally abundant. Species of the family have been reared from a wide array of substrates including millipede dung, dung balls of scarab beetles, beached seaweed, mammal nests, compost, fungi, and cave debris.

Dipterites obsoleta Heer was placed by Handlirsch (1907) in an enlarged concept of Sphaeroceridae (as "Borboridae"). The genus was mentioned by Townsend (1942: 10) as possibly belonging to the Rhagionidae where it is treated in this catalog.

In addition to the determined material listed below, Jarzembowski (1979: 251) recorded undetermined material of this family from the Eocene/Oligocene deposits of the Isle of Wight, England and Hurd et al. (1962) and Poinar (1992) recorded this family from the Miocene amber of Chiapas, Mexico. Also, Théobald (1934) recorded undescribed specimens of this family from Oligocene deposits in France.


Genus COPROMYZA Fallén

*COPROMYZA Fallén, 1810: 19. Type species: Copromyza equina Fallén, 1820, by subsequent designation of Zetterstedt (1847: 2475).

Unidentified sp.-PA: Baltic Region (Eocene/Oligocene) [A] (Helm, 1896: 233).


Genus SPHAEROCERA Latreille

*SPHAEROCERA Latreille, 1804: 197. Type species: Sphaerocera curvipes Latreille, 1805, by subsequent monotypy in Latreille (1805: 394).

sepultula Cockerell, 1915c: 497. PA: UK (England) (Eocene/Oligocene) [C].