International Journal of Entomology 25(2-3) 1983
(formerly Pacific Insects)
Table of Contents
Bibliography of J. L. Gressitt 87 [ pdf ]
Schicha, Eberhard: New species, new records, and redescription of phytoseiid mites from Australia, Tahiti and the African Region (Acari: Phytoseiidae) 103 [ pdf ]
Okata, Toyohi & Hampton L. Carson: Drosophilidae from banana traps over an
altitudinal transect in Papua New Guinea. I. Descriptions of new species
with notes on newly recorded species 127 [ pdf ]
Carson, Hampton L. & Toyohi Okada: Drosophilidae from banana traps over an
altitudinal transect in Papua New Guinea. II. Frequency of species at eight
collecting sites 142 [ pdf ]
Hardy, D. Elmo: The fruit flies of the tribe Euphrantini of Indonesia, New Guinea, and adjacent islands (Tephritidae: Diptera) 152 [ pdf ]
Evenhuis, Neal L.: Studies in Pacific Bombyliidae (Diptera). IX. Systematic remarks on Australian Bombyliinae, with descriptions of new genera 206 [ pdf ]
Evenhuis, Neal L.: Studies in New World Bombyliidae (Diptera). I. Notes on some Nearctic Bombylius, with descriptions of new species 215 [ pdf ]
Dyce, A. L. & W. W. Wirth: Reappraisal of some Indian Culicoides species in the subgenus Avaritia (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) 221 [ pdf ]
Chemsak, John A. & E. G. Linsley: Confirmation of the occurrence of Echthistatus in Mexico and description of a related new genus (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) 226 [ pdf ]
Scientific note: Preparation of slide mounts of Sciaridae (Diptera) 231 [ pdf ]
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