Pacific Insects Volume 4(2) 1963

Table of Contents

L. W. Quate: A review of the Indo-Chinese Phlebotominae 251 [ pdf ]

C. M. Yoshimoto, J. L. Gressitt and T. Wolff: Air-borne insects from the Galathea Expedition  269 [ pdf ]

C. B. Philip: A review of the Far Eastern biannularis group of Tabanus  293 [ pdf ]

R. Traub and B. L. Elisberg: Field tests on diethyltoluamide (deet), a highly effective repellent  against mosquitoes in the Nipah Palm-mangrove swamps in Malaya  303 [ pdf ]

R. Traub and B. L. Elisberg: Comparative efficacy of diethyltoluamide skin-application repellent  (deet) and M-1960 clothing impregnant against mosquitoes in the Nipah Palm-mangrove Swamps in Malaya  314 [ pdf ]

J. L. Gressitt, J. Coatsworth and C. M. Yoshimoto: Air-borne insects trapped on “Monsoon  Expedition”  319 [ pdf ]

S. Kuwayama: A revisional synopsis of the neuropteran in Japan  325 [ pdf ]

W. W. Macdonald: observations on the biology of Anisodera goryi Baly in Malaya  (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae)  413 [ pdf ]

T. C. Maa: Records   and descriptions of Nycteribiidae and Streblidae (Diptera)  417 [ pdf ]

D. H. Colless: Chetoneura cavernae n. gen., n. sp., from Batu Caves, Malaya (Diptera:  Mycetophilidae)  437 [ pdf ]

I. W. B. Thornton: Psocids (Psocoptera) from the Batu Caves, Malaya  441 [ pdf ]

M. Tokunaga: Biting midges of the genus Culicoides from New Guinea (Diptera:  Ceratopogonidae)  457 [ pdf ]

C. F. Roewer: Einige Arachiniden aus den Batu-Caves in Malaya  517 [ pdf ]


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