Pacific Insects Volume 8(3) 1966
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H. J. Grant, Jr.: The Pacific genera of the subfamily Batrachideinae (Orthoptera: Tetrigidae) 579
N. Wilson: Mesonyssus (Acarina: Mesostigmata) from New Guinea, Philippine and Taiwan birds 601
J. A. Slater: New species of Iphicrates from the Western Pacific (Hemiptera: Lygaeidae 610
A. M. Richards: The Rhaphidophoridae (Orthoptera) of Australia Part 3. A new genus from South-Eastern Australia 617
I. Lansbury: Notes on the genus Aphelonecta (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Notonectidae) 629
R. D. Price & J. R. Beer: A review of the genus Franciscoloa Conci (Mallophaga: Menoponidae) 633
T. C. Maa: Partial revision of the Cyclopodiinae (Diptera: Nycteribiidae) 648
P. D. Ashlock & G. G. E. Scudder: Arevision of the genus Neocrompus China (Hemiptera-Heteroptera: Lygaeidae) 686
D. K. McE. Kevan: The tribe Nereniini: with additions to the Pyrgrmorphidae (Orthoptera: Acridoidea) from the South Pacific 695
N. Wilson: New records and a new species of Mesonyssus (Acarina: Mesostigmata) from Southeast Asian Psittacidae (Aves: Psittaciformes) 759
J. Aoki: Oribatid mites from bird’s nests on Midway Island (Acari: Cryptostigmata) 770
J. L. Gressitt: Chrysomelid beetles from the Papuan subregion, 3 (Eumolpinae, 1) 777
T. Saigusa: A new Taiwan species of Symmerus with pectinate antennae (Diptera: Mycetophilidae) 800
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