Hawaii Biological Survey Staff

Molly Hagemann
Vertebrate Zoology Collections Manager
phone: 808-848-4198
fax: 808-847-8252
email: molly[at]bishopmuseum.org
phone: 808-848-4198
fax: 808-847-8252
email: molly[at]bishopmuseum.org
- B.A. Biology, University of Texas, Austin
Professional Experience
- Collections Volunteer, Invertebrate Paleontology, Texas Memorial Museum
- Collections Intern, Mammalogy, Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, Univ. Calif. Berkeley
- Collections Assistant, Mammalogy, Burke Museum, Univ. Washington
- Collections Intern, Vertebrate Zoology, Houston Museum of Natural Science
- Collections Technician, Vertebrate Zoology, Bishop Museum
- Collections Manager, Vertebrate Zoology, Bishop Museum
This page last revised 25 July 2012