Hawaii Biological Survey Staff

Clyde T. Imada
phone: 808-848-4175
fax: 808-847-8252
email: cimada[at]bishopmuseum.org
- B.S., Horticultural Technology, 1983, University of Hawai‘i at Manoa, Honolulu, HI
- B.A., Geography, 1977, University of Hawai‘i at Manoa, Honolulu, HI
Research Interests
- Botanical survey and plant collection
- Hawaiian native and alien plants
- Wetland plants
Field Work and Museum Studies
- Fieldwork on the main Hawaiian Islands, American Samoa, Tonga, Guam, Kiribati
Professional Experience
- Research Specialist, Bishop Museum (2002-present)
- Research Assistant, Botany, Bishop Museum (1988-2002)
- Collections Technician, Botany, Bishop Museum (1984-1988)
- Landscape Gardener, Greg Boyer Hawaiian Landscapes (1983-1984)
- Laboratory/Field Assistant, Department of Horticulture, University of Hawai‘i at Manoa (1982-1983)
Selected Publications
Preston, D. & C.T. Imada. 2014. Biological survey on a 10-acre parcel and adjacent areas, proposed land acquisition, Kahului, Maui, Hawaii. Final report prepared for EKNA Services, Inc., Hawaii Biological Survey Contrib. 2014-01, Bishop Museum, 44 pp.
Imada, C.T. 2012. Hawaiian native and naturalized vascular pland checklist (December 2012 update). Bishop Museum Technical Report 60/ Hawaii Biological Survey Contrib. 2012-021, Bishop Museum, 29 pp. + 7 appendices.
Imada, C.T., P. Clifford, & J.Q.C. Lau. 2011. 2010 rare plant survey, O‘ahu Forest National Wildlife Refuge, Waipi‘o, O‘ahu. Bishop Museum Technical Report 55/ Hawaii Biological Survey Contrib. 2011-022, Bishop Museum, 56 pp + appendices.
Imada, C.T., S.A. James, & D.J. Preston. 2010. Endangered, threatened, and invasive species survey on a 34-acre parcel, Barbers Point, O‘ahu. Hawaii Biological Survey Contrib. 2010-012, Bishop Museum, 20 pp.
Imada, C.T., S.A. James, & B.H. Kennedy. 2008. New Hawaiian plant records from Herbarium Pacificum for 2007. Bishop Museum Occasional Papers 100:12–16.
Imada, C.T., A. Lau, D. Frohlich, & B. Kennedy. 2007. Botanical inventory of Board of Water Supply lands, Waihe‘e and Kahalu‘u Valleys, windward O‘ahu. Hawaii Biological Survey Contrib. 2007-017, Bishop Museum, 37 pp.
Imada, C.T., D. Frohlich, A. Lau, & R. Smith. 2007. Implementing early detection in Hawaii, year one. Hawaii Biological Survey Contrib. 2007-016, Bishop Museum, 51 pp.
Imada, C.T. 2007. New Hawaiian plant records for 2005–2006. Bishop Museum Occasional Papers 96:34–41.
Imada, C.T., & M. LeGrande. 2006. Botanical inventory of Kalauao Valley, City & County of Honolulu, O‘ahu, Hawai‘i. Hawaii Biological Survey Contrib. 2006-032, Bishop Museum, 33 pp.
Imada, C.T., & M. LeGrande. 2006. Botanical inventory of O‘ahu Forest National Wildlife Refuge, Waipi‘o, O‘ahu. Hawaii Biological Survey Contrib. 2006-019, Bishop Museum, 35pp.
Puttock, C.F., D.R. Herbst, & C.T. Imada. 2006. Part II, Wetland plant identification. In: Erickson, T. A., and C. F. Puttock (eds.), Hawai‘i wetland field guide: an ecological and identification guide to wetlands and wetland plants of the Hawaiian Islands. Environmental Protection Agency, Honolulu, 293 pp.
Staples, G.W., Imada, C.T., Hoe, W.J., & Smith, C.W. 2004. A revised checklist of Hawaiian mosses. Tropical Bryology 25:35-69
Herbst, D.R., Staples, G.W., & Imada, C.T. 2004. New Hawaiian plant records for 2002-2003. Bishop Museum Occasional Papers 78: 3-12
Lennstrom, H.A., & Imada, C. 2004. Keaiwa Heiau and ‘Aiea ahupua‘a: documentation of native and Polynesian - introduced plants. B.P. Bishop Museum, 60 pp.
Space, J., & Imada, C.T. 2004. Report to the Republic of Kiribati on invasive plant species on the islands of Tarawa, Abemama, Butaritari and Maiana. USDA Forest Service, Institute of Pacific Islands Forestry & Bishop Museum, Pacific Biological Survey report 2003-006, 103 pp.
Staples, G.W. & Imada, C.T. 2004. Terrestrial plants/Marine algae. In: Evenhuis, N.L. & Eldredge, L.G. (eds) Natural History of Nihoa and Necker Islands, Bishop Museum Press, pp. 55-75, 116-119
Englund, R.A., Imada, C., Preston, D.J., & Arakaki, K. 2003. Kane‘ohe Bay, O‘ahu stream estuary studies: final report. Hawaii Biological Survey report 2003-013, Bishop Museum.
Puttock, C.F., Imada, C., LeGrande, M., Jansen, S., & Kennedy, B. 2003. Botanical survey of 1325 acres of Hana Ranch, East Maui District, County of Maui. Hawaii Biological Survey report 2003-004, Bishop Museum.
Staples, G.W., Imada, C.T., & Herbst, D.R. 2002. New Hawaiian plant records for 2000. Bishop Museum Occasional Papers 68: 3-18
Englund, R.A., Imada, C.T., Preston, D.J., Evenhuis, N.L., Cowie, R.H., Puttock, C., Arakaki, K., & Dockall, J. 2001. Native and exotic organism study, lower Wailoa River, Waipi‘o Valley, County of Hawai‘i. Final report. Hawaii Biological Survey report 2001-014, Bishop Museum.
Imada, C.T. 2000. Vegetation survey of the lower part of Waipi‘o Valley, pp. 78-107, 125-132. In: Olszewski, D.I. (ed.), The mahele and later in Waipi‘o Valley, Hawai‘i, Research Program, Bishop Museum.
Staples, G.W., Herbst, D.R. & Imada, C.T. 2000. Survey of invasive or potentially invasive cultivated plants in Hawai‘i. Bishop Museum Occasional Papers 65: 1-35
This page last revised May 2015