Cladophoropsis membranacea
Chlorophyta, Siphonocladaceae
Authority: (Hoffman Bang ex. C. Agardh) Børgesen
Hawaiian name: none
Characteristic feature: Green mat with many branches intertwining, and attaching to the substrate wherever they make contact.
Description: Plants forming tufts or clumps of branched filaments, to 5 cm long or broad; branching sparse, usually secund and irregular; filaments 160-300 µm in diameter; secondary attachment cells (tenaculae) develop laterally from cells of filaments and from branch apices; filaments also reattach by rhizoids or adhesions between adjacent cells.
Habitat: Intertidal; on exposed rocks, eroded coral, tide pools or reef flats. Often found in partially shaded habitats.
Hawaiian distribution: All main Hawaiian Islands.
Other: Rhizoids form just above a crosswall where a branch has formed just below the same crosswall.