Fiji Arthropod Survey

Funded by the National Science Foundation

Jeff Skevington

Participating Scientists -

Jeff Skevington

Jeff Skevington did his M.Sc. with Steve Marshall at the University of Guelph (revision of Nearctic Pipunculus (Diptera, Pipunculidae)) and his Ph.D. with David Yeates at the University of Queensland (revision of Australian Eudorylini (Diptera, Pipunculidae)).

His postdoctoral research on cyclorrhaphan Diptera phylogenetics was conducted with Jeff Cumming at McGill University and Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. After completing this post doc, Jeff worked with the California Department of Food and Agriculture for one year before heading back to Ottawa and the Canadian National Insect Collection where he has worked as a research scientist with Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada since 2003.

His work focuses on systematics of Pipunculidae (particularly in the Pacific region) and phylogenetics of lower Cyclorrhapha. Funding for the latter is provided primarily by the Diptera Tree of Life project. Jeff’s other areas of interest include systematics of Conopidae, Syrphidae and Therevidae.

This page last revised 17 July 2005


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