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Asilidae, commonly known as robber flies, are found worldwide and are comprised of over 7,500 species (Pape et al., 2011). Adults of extant forms are all predaceous on other insects where prey can sometimes be genus- or species-specific. They can be found resting in sunny places or waiting in ambush on rocks, twigs, or grass blades. Larvae are either predaceous on the eggs, larvae, and pupae of other insects or are ectoparasitic on other larvae. Many are free living in the soil.
The fossil record for Asilidae is rather good (58 species in 32 genera) considering that they are most often found in xerophilic habitats, which are not the most suitable for known fossil or amber deposits. Despite this, 10 amber records are known including the following: a species of the extinct genus Proloewinella Schumann from Eocene Baltic amber (Schumann, 1984), one from the extant genus Schildia Aldrich from Miocene Dominican amber (Dikow & Bayless, 2009), one species from the extant genus Asilus Linnaeus from Baltic amber (Meunier, 1899e), one from the extant genus Neolophonotus from Baltic amber (Meunier (1908e), an undetermined species of the extant genus Pilica Curran from Miocene Dominican amber (Poinar, 1992), one species from an extinct genus from the Upper Cretaceous Burmese amber and an extinct genus and species from the Upper Cretaceous New Jersey amber (the last two described in Dikow & Grimaldi, 2014). Guérin-Méneville (1838a: 170) identified two Oligocene Sicilian amber specimens as Dasypogon. However, Szadziewski (1988: 12) pointed out that one is most likely a chironomid and the other is a different, but unnamed, nematocerous specimen. Handlirsch (1910: 124) recorded undetermined material from a compression fossil from the Oligocene deposits of Quesnel, British Columbia, Canada. Additionally, the family is known from unpublished records of the Eocene Kishsnehn Formation in Monata, USA (D. Greenwalt, pers. comm.).
After examining the type specimen, Hauser & Irwin (2005b) transferred Psilocephala hypogaea Cockerell, 1909 from the Therevidae to the extant genus Taracticus Loew. Permessus, listed under Rüdel in the 1994 catalog, has since been found by Evenhuis (2013b) to be an available name with the authorship and date from Piton & Théobald (1939).

Ref.: Hull (1962, world review of extant and fossil taxa).
Genus ARARIPOGON Grimaldi
ARARIPOGON Grimaldi, 1990: 173. Type species Araripogon axelrodi Grimaldi, 1990, by original designation.
axelrodi Grimaldi, 1990: 173. NT: Brazil (Upper Cretaceous) [C].
Genus ASILOPSIS Cockerell
ASILOPSIS Cockerell, 1920a: 250. Type species: Asilopsis fusculus Cockerell, 1920, by original designation.
fuscula Cockerell, 1920a: 250. NE: USA (Eocene) [C].
Genus ASILUS Linnaeus
*ASILUS Linnaeus 1758: 605. Type species: Asilus crabroniformis Linnaeus, 1758, by subsequent designation of Latreille (1810: 443).
amelancheiris Cockerell, 1911: 79. NE: USA (Oligocene) [C].

angustialis Zhang, 1989a: 363. PA: China (Miocene) [C].

angustifrons Loew, 1850b: 40. Nomen nudum. [Preoccupied by Loew, 1849.]

antiquus Heer, 1849: 239. PA: Switzerland (Miocene) [C].

bicolor Heer, 1849: 241. PA: Croatia (Miocene) [C].

brunneitibius Zhang, 1989a: 362. PA: China (Miocene) [C].

curculionis Melander, 1947: 45. NE: USA (Oligocene) [C].

deperditus Heer, 1849: 240. PA: Switzerland (Miocene) [C].

florissantinus James, 1939: 44. NE: USA (Oligocene) [C].

gurnetensis Cockerell, 1921c: 470. PA: UK (England) (Eocene/Oligocene) [C].

palaeolestes Cockerell, 1921b: 31. NE: USA (Eocene) [C].

peritulus Cockerell, 1909c: 69. NE: USA (Colorado) (Oligocene) [C].
sannoisiensis Meunier, 1915b: 11. PA: France (Oligocene) [C].

trichurus Meunier, 1899e: 177. PA: Baltic Region (Eocene) [A].

trichurus Loew, 1850b: 40. Nomen nudum.

wickhami Cockerell, 1915a: 648. NE: USA (Oligocene) [C].
Genus BURMAPOGON Dikow & Grimaldi
BURMAPOGON Dikow & Grimaldi, 2014: 3. Type species: Burmapogon bruckschi Dikow & Grimaldi, 2014, by original designation.
bruckschi Dikow & Grimaldi, 2014: 3. OR: Burma (Upper Cretaceous) [A].

Genus CERATURGUS Wiedemann
*CERATURGUS Wiedemann, 1824: 12. Type species: Dasypogon aurulentus Fabricius, 1805, by monotypy.

*CERATURGOPSIS Johnson, 1903: 111. Type species: Dasypogon cornutus Wiedemann, 1828 [misidentification, = Ceraturgus johnsoni Martin, 1965], by original designation.
praecursor James, 1939: 46 (Ceraturgopsis). NE: USA (Oligocene) [C].
Genus COPHURA Osten Sacken
*COPHURA Osten Sacken, 1887b: 181. Type species: Type species: Cophura sodalis Osten Sacken, 1887, by monotypy.
antiquella Cockerell, 1913d: 213. NE: USA (Oligocene) [C].
Genus CRETAGASTER Dikow & Grimaldi
CRETAGASTER Dikow & Grimaldi, 2014: 11. Type species: Cretagaster bruckschi Dikow & Grimaldi, 2014, by original designation.
raritanensis Dikow & Grimaldi, 2014: 11. NE: USA (New Jersey) (Upper Cretaceous) [A].

Genus DIOCTRIA Meigen
*DIOCTRIA Meigen, 1803: 270. Type species: Asilus oelandicus Linnaeus, 1758, by subsequent designation of Latreille (1810: 443).
florissantina Cockerell, 1909b: 58 (Leptis). NE: USA (Oligocene) [C].
jamesi Lewis, 1972a: 276. NE: USA (Oligocene) [C].

pulveris Cockerell, 1917e: 392. NE: USA (Oligocene) [C].
*HOLOPOGON Loew, 1847: 473. Type species: Dasypogon nigripennis Meigen, 1820, by subsequent designation of Coquillett (1910: 552).
archilestes Hull, 1960: 272. NE: USA (Oligocene) [C].
pilipes Loew, 1850b: 40 (Dasypogon). PA: Baltic Region (Eocene) [A].
Nomen nudum.]
*LEPTOGASTER Meigen, 1803: 269. Type species: Asilus tipuloides Linnaeus, 1758 [misidentification, = Asilus cylindricus De Geer, 1776], by monotypy.
falloti Théobald, 1937a: 242. PA: France (Oligocene) [C].

hellii Unger, 1841: 428. PA: Croatia (Miocene) [C].

prior Melander, 1947: 44. NE: USA (Oligocene) [C].
Genus LESTOMYIA Williston
*LESTOMYIA Williston, 1883: 19. Type species: Clavator sabulonum Osten Sacken, 1877, by original designation.
miocenica James, 1939: 46. NE: USA (Oligocene) [C].
*MACHIMUS Loew, 1849: 1. Type species: Asilus chrysitis Meigen, 1820, by subsequent designation of Coquillett (1910: 564).
kollmani Timon-David, 1944: 130. PA: France (Oligocene) [C].
Genus MICROSTYLUM Macquart
*MICROSTYLUM Macquart, 1838b: 26 (1839: 142). Type species: Dasypogon venosus Wiedemann, 1821, by subsequent designation of Back (1909: 213).
destructum Cockerell, 1909h: 254. NE: USA (Oligocene) [C].

wheeleri Cockerell, 1908a: 173. NE: USA (Oligocene) [C].
*LOPHONOTUS Macquart, 1838b: 125 (1839: 241). Type species: Lophonotus auribarbis Macquart, 1838 [= Asilus calcogaster Wiedemann, 1819], by subsequent designation of Coquillett (1910: 562). [Preoccupied by Stephens, 1829.]

*NEOLOPHONOTUS Engel, 1925: 347 (new replacement name for Lophonotus Macquart). Type species: Lophonotus auribarbis Macquart, 1838 [= Asilus calcogaster Wiedemann, 1819], automatic.
klebsi Meunier, 1908e: 19 (Lophonotus). PA: Baltic Region (Eocene) [A].
Genus NICOCLES Jaennicke
*NICOCLES Jaennicke, 1867: 355. Type species: Nicocles analis Jaennicke, 1867, by monotypy.
miocenicus Cockerell, 1909h: 255. NE: USA (Oligocene) [C].
Genus OMMATIUS Wiedemann
*OMMATIUS Wiedemann, 1821b: 213. Type species: Asilus marginellus Fabricius, 1781, by subsequent designation of Coquillett (1910: 579).
fimbriatus Scarbrough & Poinar, 1992: 13. NT: Dominican Republic (Miocene) [A].

subtus Scarbrough & Poinar, 1992: 13. NT: Dominican Republic (Miocene) [A].
PALAEOMOLOBRA Hull, 1962: 23. Type species: Senobasis antiqua James, 1939, by original designation.
antiqua James, 1939: 43 (Senobasis). NE: USA (Oligocene) [C].
Genus PERMESSUS Piton & Théobald
PERMESSUS Piton & Théobald, 1939: 39. Type species: Permessus asiloides Piton & Théobald, 1939, by monotypy.
asiloides Piton & Théobald, 1939: 39. PA: France (Oligocene) [C].
*PHILONICUS Loew, 1849: 144. Type species: Asilus albiceps Meigen, 1820, by monotypy.
saxorum James, 1939: 44. NE: USA (Oligocene) [C].
Genus PILICA Curran
*PILICA Curran, 1931: 20. Type species: Laphria formidulosa Walker, 1860, by original designation.
Unidentified sp.-NT: Mexico (Oligocene/Miocene) [A] (Poinar, 1992: 178).
*PROCTACANTHUS Macquart, 1838b: 120 (1839: 226). Type species: Proctacanthus philadelphicus Macquart, 1838, by subsequent designation of Coquillett (1910: 595).
fractus Cockerell, 1921c: 470. PA: UK (England) (Eocene/Oligocene) [C].
*PROMACHUS Loew, 1848: 390. Type species: Asilus maculatus Fabricius, 1775, by subsequent designation (Coquillett, 1910: 595).
paucinervis Zhang, Sun & Zhang, 1994: 202. PA: China (Miocene) [C].
rapax Zhang, Sun & Zhang, 1994: 202. PA: China (Miocene) [C].
PROTOLOEWINELLA Schumann, 1984: 218. Type species: Paraloewinella keilbachi Schumann, 1984, by original designation.

PARALOEWINELLA. Incorrect original spelling of Protoloewinella (Schumann, 1984: 218).
keilbachi Schumann, 1984: 218. PA: Germany (Eocene) [A].
Genus PSEUDOPHRISSON Dürrenfeldt
PSEUDOPHRISSON Dürrenfeldt, 1968: 45. Type species: Pseudophrisson primus Dürrenfeldt, 1968, by original designation.
primus Dürrenfeldt, 1968: 45. PA: Germany (Pliocene) [C].
*SAROPOGON Loew, 1847: 439 (as Dasypogon subgenus). Type species: Dasypogon luctuosus Wiedemann, 1820, by subsequent designation of Coquillett (1910: 603).
oblitescens Cockerell, 1914a: 102. NE: USA (Oligocene) [C].
Genus SCHILDIA Aldrich
SCHILDIA Aldrich, 1923: 4. Type species: Schildia microthorax Aldrich, 1923, by original designation.
martini Dikow & Bayless, 2009: 278. NT: Dominican Republic (Miocene) [A].
Genus SENOBASIS Macquart
*SENOBASIS Macquart, 1838b: 52 (1839: 168). Type species: Senobasis analis Macquart, 1838, by subsequent designation of Bromley (1934: 332).

STENOBASIS Kertész, 1909a: 123 (unjustified emendation of Senobasis Macquart). Type species: Senobasis analis Macquart, 1838, automatic.
borealis James, 1939: 45. NE: USA (Oligocene) [C].
*SENOPROSOPIS Macquart, 1838b: 130 (1839: 246). Type species: Senoprosopis diardii Macquart, 1838, by monotypy.

STENOPROSOPUS Aldrich, 1905: 280 (unjustified emendation of Senoprosopis Macquart). Type species: Senoprosopis diardii Macquart, 1838, automatic.
EOSENOPROSOPIS Hull, 1958: 37. Type species: Senoprosopis romeri Hull, 1958, by original designation.
beckeri Lewis, 1972a: 276. NE: USA (Oligocene) [C].

romeri Hull, 1958: 37. NE: USA (Oligocene) [C].
Unplaced to Subgenus of SENOPROSOPIS Macquart
eureka Melander, 1949: 36. NE: USA (Oligocene) [C].
STENOCINCLIS Scudder, 1878c: 751. Type species: Stenocinclis anomala Scudder, 1878, by monotypy.
anomala Scudder, 1878c: 751. NE: USA (Eocene) [C].
*TARACTICUS Loew, 1872a: 64 [1872b: 240]. Type species: Dioctria octopunctata Say, 1823, by monotypy.
contusus Cockerell, 1910c: 282. NE: USA (Oligocene) [C].

hypogaea Cockerell, 1909c: 68 (Psilocephala). NE: USA (Oligocene) [C].
renovatus Cockerell, 1911: 80. NE: USA (Oligocene) [C].
Genus WILCOXIA James
*WILCOXIA James, 1941: 38. Type species: Wilcoxia cinerea James, 1941, by original designation.
Unidentified sp.-NT: Dominican Republic (Oligocene/Miocene) [A] (Poinar, 1992: 178).