Catalog of fossil Diptera of the world (Version 2.0) - Neal L. Evenhuis

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Cecidomyiids, or gall midges, are found worldwide and constitute a fairly large number of species (172) in the fossil Diptera record. There are approximately 6,300 living and fossil species described in this family (Pape et al., 2011). Larvae are found in a variety of habitats. Members of the Cecidomyiinae contain the gall makers, but also include mycophagous, predaceous, or parasitic forms. Other larvae are found in decaying wood and other vegetation.

 Cecidomyiidae are one of the most frequently encountered families of Diptera in fossil deposits, especially amber inclusions.


In addition to the determined forms listed below, records of undetermined taxa are known from the Cretaceous ambers of France (Schlüter, 1978: 100), New Jersey (Grimaldi et al., 1989: 22), and Lebanon (Hennig, 1973: 33), the Miocene amber of the Dominican Republic (Schlee & Glockner, 1978: 27), the Eocene amber of Bitterfeld (= Baltic), Germany (Barthel & Hetzer, 1982: 328), the Miocene amber of Austria (Schlee, 1984), and the Eocene amber of the Caucasus (Zherichin, 1978: 111). Brooks (1955) listed records of fossil gall insects including an apparent Cecidomyia sp. from Eocene deposits in western Tennessee.

 Wappler et al. (2010) listed an undetermined cecidomyiid based on a gall in the Eocene Wessel Formation, Germany. Gagné (2004) in his world catalog removed Lasioptera recessa Scudder, 1877. It is treated here under Unplaced Nematocera. This catalog essentially follows Gagné (2004) and his update (Gagné, 2010), the latter of which included many changes to placements of fossil species made by M. Jaschhof (in litt.).

Ref.: Meunier (1904c, review of Baltic amber taxa); Gagné (2004, 2010, world catalog).





ACERICECIS Gagné, 1983: 707. Type species: Cecidomyia ocellaris Osten Sacken, 1862, by original designation.

chaneyi Cockerell, 1927b: 64 (Cecidomyia). NE: USA (Oligocene) [C].



Genus ADSUMYIA Perkovsky & Fedotova


ADSUMYIA Perkovsky & Fedotova, 2008a: 60. Type species: Adsumyia integra Perkovsky 7 Fedotova, 2008, by original designation.

integra Perkovsky & Fedotova, 2008a: 61. PA: Ukraine (Eocene) [A].





APRIONA Kieffer, 1894e: clxxvi. Type species: Aprionus spiniger Kieffer, 1894, by subsequent designation of Kieffer (1895f: 95).

APRIONUS Kieffer, 1894g: 205 (new replacement name for Apriona Kieffer, 1894). Type species: Aprionus spiniger Kieffer, 1894, automatic.

improvisus Fedotova & Perkovsky, 2007: 87. PA: Ukraine (Eocene) [A].

vlaskini Fedotova & Perkovsky, 2007: 89. PA: Ukraine (Eocene) [A].





*ASYNAPTA Loew, 1850a: 39 (as Cecidomyia subgenus). Type species: Cecidomyia longicollis Loew, 1850, by subsequent designation of Karsch (1877: 14).

Unidentified sp.-PA: Baltic Region (Eocene) [A] (Loew, 1850b: 32).



Genus BERESTELLA Fedotova & Perkovsky


BERESTELLA Fedotova & Perkovsky, 2007: 82. Type species: Berestella insuperabilis Fedotova & Pekovsky, 2007, by original designation.

insuperabilis Fedotova & Pekovsky, 2007: 83. PA: Ukraine (Eocene) [A].





*BRACHYNEURINA Mamaev, 1967: 876. Type species: Brachyneurina xylophila Mamaev, 1967, by original designation.

BRACHINEURINA. Incorrect subsequent spelling of Brachyneurina Mamaev (Fedotova & Perkovsky, 2005: 49).

pyxidiformis Fedotova in Fedotova & Perkovsky, 2005: 49 (47). PA: Ukraine (Eocene) [A].



Genus BREMIA Rondani


*BREMIA Rondani, 1861a: 289 (as Diplosis subgenus). Type species: Cecidomyia decorata Loew, 1850, by original designation.

Unidentified sp.-NT: Mexico (Oligocene/Miocene) [A] (Gagné, 1973: 171).



Genus BRYOCRYPTA Kieffer


*BRYOCRYPTA Kieffer, 1896: 8. Type species: Bryocrypta dubia Kieffer, 1896, by original designation.

capitosa Meunier, 1904a: 26 [1904c: 15]. PA: Baltic Region (Eocene) [A].

catenulata Fedotova in Fedotova & Perkovsky, 2005: 42 (41). PA: Ukraine (Eocene) [A].

elegantula Meunier, 1904a: 27 [1904c: 16]. PA: Baltic Region (Eocene) [A].

fagioides Meunier, 1904a: 28 [1904c: 17]. PA: Baltic Region (Eocene) [A].

girafa Meunier, 1904a: 25 [1904c: 14]. PA: Baltic Region (Eocene) [A].

lacqueata Fedotova in Fedotova & Perkovsky, 2005: 44 (43). PA: Ukraine (Eocene) [A].

vetusta Meunier, 1904a: 27 [1904c: 17]. PA: Baltic Region (Eocene) [A].



Genus BRYOMYIA Kieffer


BRYOMYIA Kieffer, 1895f: 61. Type species: Bryomyia bergrothi Kieffer, 1895, by subsequent designation of Kieffer (1895g: 78).

necessaria Fedotova & Perkovsky, 2007: 94. PA: Ukraine (Eocene) [A].



Genus CAMPTOMYIA Kieffer


*CAMPTOMYIA Kieffer, 1894f: 313. Type species: Camptomyia binotata Kieffer, 1894, by subsequent designation of Felt (1911: 41).

aufuga Fedotova in Fedotova & Perkovsky, 2004: 77 (546). PA: Ukraine (Eocene) [A].

sinuosa Meunier, 1904a: 36 [1904c: 25]. PA: Baltic Region (Eocene) [A].





*CAMPYLOMYZA Meigen, 1818: 101. Type species: Campylomyza flavipes Meigen, 1818, by subsequent designation of Westwood (1840: 126).

crassitaris Meunier, 1904a: 40 [1904c: 29]. PA: Baltic Region (Eocene) [A].

globulifera Keilbach, 1982: 346. Nomen nudum.



Genus CATOCHA Haliday


*CATOCHA Haliday, 1833: 156. Type species: Catocha latipes Haliday, 1833, by monotypy.

*MOLOBRAEA Loew, 1850a: 12, 20. Type species: Mimosciara molobrina Rondani, 1840 [= Catocha latipes Haliday, 1833], by subsequent designation of Pritchard (1948: 667).

tenella Loew, 1850b: 32. Nomen nudum.





ITONIDA Meigen, 1800: 19. Suppressed by I.C.Z.N. (1963: 339).

*CECIDOMYIA Meigen, 1803: 261. Type species: Tipula pini De Geer, 1776, by monotypy.

*DIPLOSIS Loew, 1850a: 20 (as Cecidomyia subgenus). Type species: Tipula pini De Geer, 1776, by subsequent designation of Rondani (1861: 289).

anomala Keilbach, 1982: 344. Nomen nudum.

bremii Heer, 1864: 394. PA: Germany (Oligocene) [C].

bujunensis Naora, 1933: 216. PA: China (Miocene) [C].

conjuncta Meunier, 1899b: 161. Nomen nudum.

filicornis Keilbach, 1982: 344. Nomen nudum.

pontaniiformis Cockerell, 1908a: 66. NE: USA (Oligocene) [C].

recta Keilbach, 1982: 344. Nomen nudum.

?Unidentified sp.-NE: USA (Eocene) [T] (Brooks, 1955: 4).

Unidentified sp.-PA: Sicily (Miocene) [A] (Guérin-Méneville, 1838a: 170).

Unidentified sp.-PA: UK (England) (Eocene) [A] (Reid, 1884: 602).



Genus CLARUMREDDERA Fedotova & Perkovsky


CLARUMREDDERA Fedotova & Perkovsky, 2011a: 1209. Type species: Clarumreddera korneyevi Fedotova & Perkovsky, 2011, by original designation.

conceptiva Fedotova & Perkovsky, 2011a: 1212. PA: Ukraine (Eocene) [A].

korneyevi Fedotova & Perkovsky, 2011a: 1210. PA: Ukraine (Eocene) [A].





*CLINODIPLOSIS Kieffer, 1894d: 120. Type species: Diplosis cilicrus Kieffer, 1889, by monotypy.

Unidentified sp.-NT: Mexico (Oligocene/Miocene) [A] (Gagné, 1973: 170).



Genus COLOMYIA Kieffer


*COLOMYIA Kieffer, 1892: 259. Type species: Colomyia clavata Kieffer, 1892, by monotypy.

Unidentified sp.-PA: Baltic Region (Eocene) [A] (Meunier, 1901b: 188).



Genus COLPODIA Winnertz


*COLPODIA Winnertz, 1853: 185 (as Cecidomyia subgenus). Type species: Cecidomyia angustipennis Winnertz, 1853, by monotypy.

brevicornis Meunier, 1904a: 32 [1904c: 21]. PA: Baltic Region (Eocene) [A].

curvinervis Meunier, 1904a: 31 [1904c: 20]. PA: Baltic Region (Eocene) [A].

xylophaga Meunier, 1904a: 30 [1904c: 19]. PA: Baltic Region (Eocene) [A].



Genus CONTARINIA Rondani


*CONTARINIA Rondani, 1861a: 289 (as Cecidomyia subgenus). Type species: Tipula loti De Geer, 1776, by original designation.

Unidentified sp.-NT: Mexico (Oligocene/Miocene) [A] (Gagné, 1973: 170).





CRETOCATOCHA Gagné, 1977: 58. Type species: Cretocatocha mcalpinei Gagné, 1977, by original designation.

mcalpinei Gagné, 1977: 58. NE: Canada (Upper Cretaceous) [A].





CRETOCORDYLOMYIA Gagné, 1977: 60. Type species: Cretocordylomyia quadriseries Gagné, 1977, by original designation.

quadriseries Gagné, 1977: 60. NE: Canada (Upper Cretaceous) [A].



Genus CRETOHAPLUSIA Arillo & Nel


CRETOHAPLUSIA Arillo & Nel, 2000: 287. Type species: Cretohaplusia ortunoi Arillo & Nel, 2000, by original designation.

ortunoi Arillo & Nel, 2000: 287. PA: Spain (Lower Cretaceous) [A].





CRETOMIASTOR Gagné, 1977: 62. Type species: Cretomiastor ferejunctus Gagné, 1977, by original designation.

ferejunctus Gagné, 1977: 62. NE: Canada (Upper Cretaceous) [A].





CRETOWINNERTZIA Gagné, 1977: 60. Type species: Cretowinnertzia angustala Gagné, 1977, by original designation.

angustala Gagné, 1977: 60. NE: Canada (Upper Cretaceous) [A].



Genus DASINEURA Rondani


*DASINEURA Rondani, 1840b: 12, 17. Type species: Dasineura obscura Rondani, 1856, by subsequent designation in Rondani (1856: 200).

*DASYNEVRA Agassiz, 1846: 117 (unjustified emendation of Dasineura Rondani). Type species: Dasineura obscura Rondani, 1856, automatic. [Preoccupied by Saunders, 1842.]

Unidentified sp.-PA: Baltic Region (Eocene) [A] (Meunier, 1901b: 186).





*DIDACTYLOMYIA Felt, 1911: 39. Type species: Colpodia longimana Felt, 1908, by original designation.

dlusskyi Fedotova & Perkovsky, 2011b: 1376. PA: Ukraine (Eocene) [A].



Genus DIDYMOMYIA Rübsaamen


* DIDYMOMYIA Rübsaamen, 1912b: 216. Type species: Hormomyia reaumuriana Löw, 1878 [= Cecidomyia tiliacea Bremi, 1847], by subsequent designation of Rübsaamen (1916: 493).

accidentalis Fedotova in Fedotova & Perkovsky, 2005: 52 (51). PA: Ukraine (Eocene) [A].



Genus DIRHIZA Loew


*DIRHIZA Loew, 1850a 21 (as Cecidomyia subgenus). Type species: Cecidomyia lateritia Loew, 1850, by monotypy.

Unidentified sp.-PA: Baltic Region (Eocene) [A] (Loew, 1850b: 32).





ELECTROXYLOMYIA Nel & Prokup, 2006: 49. Type species: Electroxylomyia eocenica Nel & Prokup, 2006, by original designation.

eocenica Nel & Prokup, 2006: 49. PA: France (Eocene) [A].



Genus ELTXO Arillo & Nel


ELTZO Arillo & Nel, 2000: 285. Type species: Eltxo cretaceus Arillo & Nel, 2000, by original designation.

cretaceus Arillo & Nel, 2000: 285. PA: Spain (Lower Cretaceous) [A].



Genus FRIRENIA Kieffer


*FRIRENIA Kieffer, 1894g: 201. Type species: Frirenia tenella Kieffer, 1894, by monotypy.

eocenica Meunier, 1904a: 43 [1904c: 32]. PA: Baltic Region (Eocene) [A].

liporidis Fedotova & Perkovsky, 2009: 1131. PA: Ukraine (Eocene) [A].

lukashevichae Fedotova & Perkovsky, 2009: 1130. PA: Ukraine (Eocene) [A].

manca Fedotova & Perkovsky, 2009: 1136. PA: Baltic Region (Eocene) [A].

marmarygma Fedotova & Perkovsky, 2009: 1133. PA: Ukraine (Eocene) [A].

melica Fedotova & Perkovsky, 2009: 1129. PA: Ukraine (Eocene) [A].

musicata Fedotova & Perkovsky, 2009: 1133. PA: Baltic Region (Eocene) [A].

rohdendorfi Fedotova & Perkovsky, 2009: 1125. PA: Ukraine (Eocene) [A].

shevchenkoi Fedotova & Perkovsky, 2009: 1125. PA: Ukraine (Eocene) [A].

vesana Fedotova & Perkovsky, 2009: 1127. PA: Ukraine (Eocene) [A].



Genus GRATOMYIA Perkovsky & Fedotova


GRATOMYIA Perkovsky & Fedotova, 2008a: 61. Type species: Gratomyia inexigentis Perkovsky & Fedotova, 2008, by original designation.

inexigentis Perkovsky & Fedotova, 2008: 63. PA: Ukraine (Eocene) [A].



Genus GROVEROMYIA Fedotova & Perkovsky


*GROVEROMYIA Fedotova & Perkovsky, 2012: 71. Type species: Groveromyia occlusa Fedotova & Perkovsky, 2012, by original designation.

astrosa Fedotova & Perkovsky, 2012: 75. PA: Ukraine (Eocene) [A].

concinna Fedotova in Fedotova & Perkovsky, 2005: 43 (42) (Bryocrypta). PA: Ukraine (Eocene) [A].

digna Fedotova & Perkovsky, 2012: 75. PA: Ukraine (Eocene) [A].

occlusa Fedotova & Perkovsky, 2012: 73. PA: Ukraine (Eocene) [A].



Genus HARTIGIOLA Rübsaamen


*HARTIGIOLA Rübsaamen, 1912: 161. Type species: Cecidomyia annulipes Hartig, 1839, by original designation.

fossilus Straus, 1977: 78. PA: Romania (Pliocene) [T]; PA: Germany (Pliocene) [T].



Genus HENRIA Wyatt


*HENRIA Wyatt, 1959: 175. Type species: Henria psalliotae Wyatt, 1959, by original designation.

baltica Fedotova & Perkovsky, 2009: 1116. PA: Baltic region (Eocene) [A].

capitata Fedotova & Perkovsky, 2009: 1111. PA: Ukraine (Eocene) [A].

liquida Fedotova & Perkovsky, 2009: 1117. PA: Ukraine (Eocene) [A].

xystica Fedotova & Perkovsky, 2009: 11156. PA: Ukraine (Eocene) [A].

Unidentified sp.-NT: Mexico (Oligocene/Miocene) [A] (Gagné, 1973: 170).



Genus HETEROPEZA Winnertz


*HETEROPEZA Winnertz, 1846: 13. Type species: Heteropeza pygmaea Winnertz, 1846, by monotypy.


Subgenus HETEROPEZINA Pritchard


*HETEROPEZINA Pritchard, 1960: 311. Type species: Heteropezina cathistes Pritchard, 1960, by original designation.

marikovskii Fedotova & Perkovsky, 2008b: 410. PA: Ukraine (Eocene) [A].


Unplaced to subgenus of HETEROPEZA


pulchella Meunier, 1904a: 43 [1904c: 32]. PA: Baltic Region (Eocene) [A].



Genus JAAPIELAA Rübsaamen


*JAAPIELAA Rübsaamen, 1916: 490. Type species: Jaapiella catariae Rübsaamen, 1916, by original designation.

acinaciformis Fedotova in Fedotova & Perkovsky, 2005: 49 (50). PA: Ukraine (Eocene) [A].



Genus KOVALEVIOLA Perkovsky & Fedotova


KOVALEVIOLA Perkovsky & Fedotova, 2008a: 65. Type species: Koveleviola injusta Perkovsky & Fedotova, 2008, by original designation.

injusta Perkovsky & Fedotova, 2008a: 66. PA: Ukraine (Eocene) [A].





*LASIOPTERA Meigen, 1818: 88. Type species: Lasioptera picta Meigen, 1818 [= Tipula rubi Schrank, 1803], by subsequent designation of Karsch (1877: 14). [Validated by I.C.Z.N. (1970: 95).]

Unidentified sp.-PA: Baltic Region (Eocene) [A] (Burmeister, 1832: 637).



Genus LEDOMYIA Kieffer


*LEPIDOMYIA Kieffer, 1894g: 201. Type species: Lepidomyia lugens Kieffer, 1894, by monotypy. [Preoccupied by Loew, 1864.]

*LEDOMYIA Kieffer, 1895e: cccxx (new replacement name for Lepidomyia Kieffer). Type species: Lepidomyia lugens Kieffer, 1894, automatic.

*PHAENOLAUTHIA Kieffer, 1912a: 2 (xi). Type species: Ledomyia obscuripennis Kieffer, 1904, by original designation.

dextra Fedotova & Perkovsky, 2008: 37. PA: Ukraine (Eocene) [A].

Unidentified sp.-NT: Mexico (Oligocene/Miocene) [A] (Gagné, 1973: 170).





LEDOMYIELLA Meunier, 1904a: 44 [1904c: 33]. Type species: Ledomyiella succinea Meunier, 1904, by subsequent designation of Felt (1911: 38) (as “succini”).

crassipes Meunier, 1904a: 47 [1904c: 36]. PA: Baltic Region (Eocene) [A].

eocenica Meunier, 1904a: 46 [1904c: 35]. PA: Baltic Region (Eocene) [A].

pygmaea Meunier, 1904a: 46 [1904c: 35]. PA: Baltic Region (Eocene) [A].

rotundata Meunier, 1904a: 45 [1904c: 34]. PA: Baltic Region (Eocene) [A].

succinea Meunier, 1904a: 45 [1904c: 34]. PA: Baltic Region (Eocene) [A].



Genus LEPTOSYNA Kieffer


*LEPTOSYNA Kieffer, 1894g: 201. Type species: Leptosyna acutipennis Kieffer, 1894, by monotypy.

assa Fedotova & Perkovsky, 2009: 1149. PA: Ukraine (Eocene) [A].

fastova Fedotova & Perkovsky, 2009: 1153. PA: Baltic Region (Eocene) [A].

larga Fedotova & Perkovsky, 2009: 1149. PA: Ukraine (Eocene) [A].

margarita Fedotova & Perkovsky, 2009: 1142. PA: Ukraine (Eocene) [A].

munifera Fedotova & Perkovsky, 2009: 1143. PA: Ukraine (Eocene) [A].

*nervosa Winnertz, 1852: 49 (Heteropeza). PA: Germany; Europe; PA: Baltic Region (Eocene) [A].

samlandica Fedotova & Perkovsky, 2009: 1139. PA: Baltic Region (Eocene) [A].

shcherbakovi Fedotova & Perkovsky, 2009: 1154. PA: Ukraine (Eocene) [A].

sukashevae Fedotova & Perkovsky, 2009: 1147. PA: Ukraine (Eocene) [A].

vaticini Fedotova & Perkovsky, 2009: 1143. PA: Ukraine (Eocene) [A].

vegata Fedotova & Perkovsky, 2009: 1150. PA: Ukraine (Eocene) [A].





*LESTODIPLOSIS Kieffer, 1894b: 84; [1894c: xxviii]. Type species: Cecidomyia pictipennis Perris, 1870, by subsequent designation of Kieffer, 1895c: cclxxx.

*LEPTODIPLOSIS. Incorrect original spelling of Lestodiplosis (Kieffer, 1894a: xxviii [1894c: xxviii). [See I.C.Z.N. (1958a: 293) for decision on accepted spelling and usage of this genus.]

kiefferis Meunier, 1905d: 90. AF: Madagascar (Holocene) [K].

Unidentified sp.-NT: Mexico (Oligocene/Miocene) [A] (Gagné, 1973: 171).



Genus LESTREMIA Macquart


*LESTREMIA Macquart, 1826a: 173. Type species: Lestremia cinerea Macquart, 1826, by monotypy.

deploegi Nel & Prokup, 2006: 41. PA: France (Eocene) [A].

eocenica Nel & Prokup, 2006: 38. PA: France (Eocene) [A].

pinites Meunier, 1904a: 42 [1904c: 31]. PA: Baltic Region (Eocene) [A].



Genus LITHOMYZA Scudder


LITHOMYZA Scudder, 1877a: 746. Type species: Lithomyza condita Scudder, 1877, by monotypy.

condita Scudder, 1877a: 746. NE: USA (Eocene) [C].



Genus MESOTRICHOCA Jaschhoff & Jaschhoff


MESOTRICHOCA Jaschhoff & Jaschhoff, 2008: 58. Type species: Catotricha mesozoica Kovalev, 1990, by original designation.

mesozoica Kovalev, 1990: 175 (Catotricha). PA: Russia (Siberia) (Upper Jurassic/Lower Cretaceous) [C].



Genus MEUNIERIA Kieffer


MEUNIERIA Kieffer in Meunier, 1904a: 89 [1904c: 78; Kieffer, 1904: 408]. Type species: Meunieria succini Felt, 1911, by subsequent designation of Felt (1911: 36).

succini Felt, 1911: 36. PA: Baltic Region (Eocene) [A].



Genus MIASTOR Meinert


*MIASTOR Meinert, 1864: 42. Type species: Miastor metraloas Meinert, 1864, by monotypy.

*metraloas Meinert, 1864: 42. PA: Denmark; Holarctic; PA: Baltic Region (Eocene) [A].

      *hospes Winnertz, 1870: 6. PA: Germany; PA: Baltic Region (Eocene) [A].

vlaskini Fedotova & Perkovsky, 2008b: 421. PA: Ukraine (Eocene) [A].



Genus MIKIOLA Kieffer


*MIKIOLA Kieffer, 1896: 5. Type species: Cecidomyia fagi Hartig, 1839, by original designation.

*fagi Hartig, 1839: 643 (Cecidomyia). PA: Germany; Europe, Asia, Japan; PA: France (Pliocene) [C].

pontiensis Villalta, 1957: 64. PA: Spain (Miocene) [T].



Genus MONARDIA Kieffer


*MONARDIA Kieffer, 1895g: 111. Type species: Monardia stirpium Kieffer, 1895, by original designation.


Subgenus MONARDIA Kieffer


submonilifera Meunier, 1904a: 39 [1904c: 28]. PA: Baltic Region (Eocene) [A].


Subgenus XYLOPRIONA Kieffer


*XYLOPRIONA Kieffer, 1913c: 291. Type species: Campylomyza pulchricornis Kieffer, 1904 [= Cecidomyia atra Meigen, 1804], by original designation.

aristata Fedotova & Perkovsky, 2007: 86. PA: Ukraine (Eocene) [A].


Unplaced to Subgenus of MONARDIA Kieffer


impellucida Fedotova & Perkovsky, 2007: 84. PA: Ukraine (Eocene) [A].





MONODICRANA Loew, 1850b: 32. Type species: Monodicrana terminalis Loew, 1850, by monotypy.

terminalis Loew, 1850b: 32. PA: Baltic Region (Eocene) [A].





*STENOPTERA Meunier, 1901b: 201. Type species: Stenoptera kiefferi Meunier, 1901, by monotypy. [Preoccupied by Duponchel, 1838.]

*NEOSTENOPTERA Meunier, 1902b: 102 (new replacement name for Stenoptera Meunier). Type species: Stenoptera kiefferi Meunier, 1901, automatic.

kiefferi Meunier, 1901b: 201 (Stenoptera). AF: Unknown (Holocene) [K].



Genus NEUROLYGA Rondani


*NEUROLYGA Rondani, 1840: 24. Type species: Neurolyga fenestralis Rondani, 1840, by subsequent designation of Rondani (1856: 199).

*CORDYLOMYIA Felt, 1911: 35. Type species: Cordylomyia coprophila Felt, 1911 [= Neurolyga fenestralis Rondani, 1840], by original designation.

cauta Fedotova & Perkovsky, 2007: 92 (Cordylomyia). PA: Ukraine (Eocene) [A].

magnifica Nel & Prokup, 2006: 43. PA: France (Eocene) [A].






PALAEOCOLPODIA Meunier, 1902b: 101. Nomen nudum. 

PALAEOCOLPODIA Meunier, 1904a: 29 [1904c: 18]. Type species: Palaeocolpodia eocenica Meunier, 1904, by monotypy.

eocenica Meunier, 1904a: 29 [1904c: 18]. PA: Baltic Region (Eocene) [A].





PALAEOSPANIOCERA Meunier, 1901b: 192. Type species: Palaeospaniocera paleospaniocera Evenhuis, 1994, by subsequent designation of Evenhuis (1994: 186).

[Palaeospaniocera originally proposed without included species. The type designated is the first inclusion of a named species.]

paleospaniocera Evenhuis, 1994: 186. PA: Baltic Region (Eocene) [A].

[Species-group name valid by bibliographic reference to characters given in Meunier (1901b: 192) for the genus Palaeospaniocera.]



Genus PEROMYIA Kieffer


*PEROMYIA Kieffer, 1894e: clxxv (1895d: clxxv). Type species: Peromyia leveillei Kieffer, 1894, by monotypy.

*JOANNISIA Kieffer, 1894e: clxxv (1895d: clxxv). Type species: Joannisia aurantiaca Kieffer, 1894, by subsequent designation of Coquillett (1910: 556). [Preoccupied by Monterosato, 1884.]

monilifera Loew, 1850b: 32 (Campylomyza). PA: Baltic Region (Eocene) [A].

      moniliformis Meunier, 1899b: 161 (Campylomyza). Nomen nudum.

zherikhini Fedotova in Perkovsky & Fedotova, 2004: 48 (400). PA: Ukraine (Eocene) [A].





PHYLLOCECIDIUM Strauss, 1977: 53. Type species: Phyllocecidium medionervisequum Strauss, 1977, by original designation.

PHYLOCECIDUM. Incorrect subsequent spelling of Phyllocecidium Strauss, 1977 (Givulesçu, 1984: 125).

liquidambaris Givulesçu, 1984: 125. PA: Romania (Pliocene) [T].

      liquidambrus: Incorrect subsequent spelling of liquidambaris (Evenhuis, 1994: 187).

medionervisequum Strauss, 1977: 53. PA: Germany (Pliocene) [T].





*PORRICONDYLA Rondani, 1840b: 13 (as Cecidomyia subgenus). Type species: Cecidomyia albitarsis Meigen, 1830 [misidentification, = Cecidomyia nigripennis Meigen, 1830], by monotypy.

*EPIDOSIS Loew, 1850a: 21, 38 (as Cecidomyia subgenus). Type species: Cecidomyia fragilis Loew, 1850, by subsequent designation of Brunetti (1920: 17).

*DICRONEURUS Kieffer, 1895a: 122. Type species: Epidosis lineata Kieffer, 1894, by monotypy.

elegantula Meunier, 1904a: 33 [1904c: 22] (Epidosis). PA: Baltic Region (Eocene) [A].

gibbosa Meunier, 1904a: 33 [1904c: 22] (Epidosis). PA: Baltic Region (Eocene) [A].

magnifica Meunier, 1904a: 32 [1904c: 21] (Epidosis). PA: Baltic Region (Eocene) [A].

minuta Meunier, 1904a: 34 [1904c: 23] (Epidosis). PA: Baltic Region (Eocene) [A].

noduliformis Meunier, 1904a: 35 [1904c: 24] (Epidosis). PA: Baltic Region (Eocene) [A]. 

titana Meunier, 1904a: 35 [1904c: 24] (Epidosis). PA: Baltic Region (Eocene) [A]. 



Genus PROACOENONIA Nel & Prokup


PROACOENONIA Nel & Prokup, 2006: 47. Type species Proacoenonia olgae Nel & Prokup, 2006, by original designation.

olgae Nel & Prokup, 2006: 47. PA: France (Eocene) [A].



Genus RASNITSIA Fedotova & Perkovsky


RASNITSIA Fedotova & Perkovsky, 2009: 1122. Type species: Rasnitsia verticosa Fedotova & Perkovsky, 2009, by original designation.

verticosa Fedotova & Perkovsky, 2009: 1122. PA: Ukraine (Eocene) [A].





*RHIPIDOXYLOMYIA Mamaev, 1964: 898. Type species: Rhipidoxylomyia rubella Mamaev, 1964, by original designation.

vaga Fedotova & Perkovsky, 2008: 30. PA: Ukraine (Eocene) [A].



Genus ROVNODIDACTYLOMYIA Fedotova & Perkovsky


ROVNODIDACTYLOMYIA Fedotova & Perkovsky, 2011: 1377. Type species: Rovnodidactylomyia zosimovichi Fedotova & Perkovsky, 2011, by original designation.

iconica Fedotova & Perkovsky, 2011: 1382. PA: Ukraine (Eocene) [A].

sidorenkoi Fedotova & Perkovsky, 2011: 1381. PA: Ukraine (Eocene) [A].

zosimovichi Fedotova & Perkovsky, 2011: 1380. PA: Ukraine (Eocene) [A].





*RUBSAAMENIA Kieffer, 1894b: 83 [1894f: 311 (as Ruebsaamenia)]. Type species: Rubsaamenia flava Kieffer, 1894, by monotypy.

Unidentified sp. - PA: Baltic Region (Eocene) [A] (Meunier, 1901b: 188).





*SEQUOIOMYIA Möhn, 1960: 515. Type species: Sequoiomyia kraeuseli Möhn, 1960, by original designation.

kraeuseli Möhn, 1960: 515. PA: Germany (Miocene) [T].

*taxodii Felt, 1916: 415 (Retinodiplosis). NE: USA; NE: USA (Pleistocene) [T].



Genus SPUNGISIOLA Perkovsky & Fedotova


SPUNGISIOLA Perkovsky & Fedotova, 2008: 67. Type species: Spungisiola insuperabilis Perkovsky & Fedotova, 2008, by original designation.

insuperabilis Perkovsky & Fedotova, 2008: 67. PA: Ukraine (Eocene) [A].



Genus STELLASEGNA Fedotova & Perkovsky


STELLASEGNA Fedotova & Perkovsky, 2009: 1117. Type species: Stellasegna vlaskini Fedotova & Perkovsky, 2009, by original designation.

nexa Fedotova & Perkovsky, 2009: 1120. PA: Ukraine (Eocene) [A].

vaporea Fedotova & Perkovsky, 2009: 1121. PA: Ukraine (Eocene) [A].

vlaskini Fedotova & Perkovsky, 2009: 1120. PA: Ukraine (Eocene) [A].





*STOMATOSEMA Kieffer, 1904: 380. Type species: Stomatosema nemorum Kieffer, 1904, by monotypy.

iljieteugeniae Fedotova & Perkovsky, 2011: 1208. PA: Ukraine (Eocene) [A].





TAXIDIOMYIA Gagné, 1968: 271. Type species: Cecidomyia cupressiananassa Osten Sacken, 1878, by original designation.

Unidentified sp. — PA: Czech Republic (Miocene) [T] (Knorr et al., 2013: 42).





*THECODIPLOSIS Kieffer, 1895b: cxciv. Type species: Cecidomyia brachyntera Schwägrichen, 1835, by original designation.

clarkiensis Lewis, Heikes & Lewis, 1990e: 4. NE: USA (Miocene) [C].



Genus TUTKOWSKIA Fedotova & Perkovsky


TUTKOWSKIA Fedotova & Perkovsky in Perkovsky & Fedotova, 2008b: 417. Type species: Tutkowskia ukrainica Fedotova & Perkovsky, 2008, by original designation.

ukrainica Fedotova & Perkovsky in Perkovsky & Fedotova, 2008b: 418. PA: Ukraine (Eocene) [A].



Genus VELAFACERA Fedotova & Perkovsky


VELAFACERA Fedotova & Perkovsky, 2008: 28. Type species: Velafacera vectabilis Fedotova & Perkovsky, 2008, by original designation.

vecatabilis Fedotova & Perkovsky, 2008: 28. PA: Ukraine (Eocene) [A].



Genus VENTOSAGLORIA Fedotova & Perkovsky


VENTOSAGLORIA Fedotova & Perkovsky in Perkovsky & Fedotova, 2008b: 412. Type species: Ventosagloria contradictoria Fedotova & Perkovsky, 2008, by original designation.

contradictoria Fedotova & Perkovsky, 2008b: 415. PA: Ukraine (Eocene) [A].

fassa Fedotova & Perkovsky, 2008b: 416. PA: Ukraine (Eocene) [A].

gratshevi Fedotova & Perkovsky, 2008b: 414. PA: Ukraine (Eocene) [A].



Genus VICEMYIA Fedotova & Perkovsky


VICEMYIA Fedotova & Perkovsky, 2007: 90. Type species: Vicemyia immediata Fedotova & Perkovsky, 2007, by original designation.

immediata Fedotova & Perkovsky, 2007: 90. PA: Ukraine (Eocene) [A].



Genus VINCINESCIA Fedotova & Perkovsky


VINCINESCIA Fedotova & Perkovsky, 2009: 1138. Type species: Vincinescia alisae Fedotova & Perkovsky, 2009, by original designation.

alisae Fedotova & Perkovsky, 2009: 1139. PA: Ukraine (Eocene) [A].



Genus VOLNOCOCCOPSIS Fedotova & Perkovsky


VOLNOCOCCOPSIS Fedotova & Perkovsky, 2008: 35. Type species: Volnococcopsis kornuishini Fedotova & Perkovsky, 2008, by original designation.

kornuishini Fedotova & Perkovsky, 2008: 35. PA: Ukraine (Eocene) [A].





*WALSHOMYIA Felt, 1908: 359. Type species: Walshomyia juniperina Felt, 1908, by original designation.

*cupressi Gagné, 1969: 19. NE: USA; NE: USA (Pleistocene) [T].



Genus WINNERTZIA Rondani


*WINNERTZIA Rondani, 1861a: 290. Type species: Cecidomyia lugubris Winnertz, 1853, by original designation.

*WINNERTZIOLA Kieffer, 1912b: 235. Type species: Winnertzia rubra Kieffer, 1894, by original designation.

affinis Meunier, 1904a: 38 [1904c: 27]. PA: Baltic Region (Eocene) [A].

bellata Fedotova in Fedotova & Perkovsky, 2005: 46 (45). PA: Ukraine (Eocene) [A].

burmitica Cockerell, 1917d: 42 (Winnertziola). OR: Burma (Upper Cretaceous) [A].

cylindrica Meunier, 1904a: 37 [1904c: 26]. PA: Baltic Region (Eocene) [A].

isotoma Fedotova in Fedotova & Perkovsky, 2005: 46 (45). PA: Ukraine (Eocene) [A].

kaptustini Fedotova & Perkovsky, 2008: 32. PA: Ukraine (Eocene) [A].

radiata Meunier, 1904a: 36 [1904c: 25]. PA: Baltic Region (Eocene) [A].

recusata Perkovsky & Fedotova, 2008a: 64. PA: Ukraine (Eocene) [A].

separata Meunier, 1904a: 38 [1904c: 27]. PA: Baltic Region (Eocene) [A].





ZARQACECIDOMYIUS Kaddumi, 2007: 86. Type species: Zarqacecidomyius singularis Kaddumi, 2007, by original designation.

singularis Kaddumi, 2007: 87. PA: Jordan (Lower cretaceous) [A].




Nomina Dubia and Unplaced Species of CECIDOMYIIDAE


admirandus Fedotova in Perkovsky & Fedotova, 2004: 46 (398) (Aprionus). PA: Ukraine (Eocene) [A].

appropinquata Fedotova in Fedotova & Perkovsky, 2004: 69 (538) (Strobelia). PA: Ukraine (Eocene) [A].

autonoma Fedotova in Perkovsky & Fedotova, 2004: 51 (404) (Peromyia). PA: Ukraine (Eocene) [A].

bifurcata Fedotova in Fedotova & Perkovsky, 2004: 76 (544) (Diadocidia). PA: Ukraine (Eocene) [A].

capitata Fedotova in Fedotova & Perkovsky, 2004: 69 (539) (Strobelia). PA: Ukraine (Eocene) [A].

convoluta Fedotova in Perkovsky & Fedotova, 2004: 45 (397) (Micromyia). PA: Ukraine (Eocene) [A].

declinata Fedotova & Perkovsky, 2004: 75 (543) (Neurolyga). PA: Ukraine (Eocene) [A].

falciformis Fedotova in Fedotova & Perkovsky, 2004: 72 (541) (Campylomyza). PA: Ukraine (Eocene) [A].

incompleta Loew, 1850b: 32 (Cecidomyia). PA: Baltic Region (Eocene) [A].

laesus Fedotova in Fedotova & Perkovsky, 2004: 53 (405) (Conarete). PA: Ukraine (Eocene) [A].

minutissima Loew, 1850b: 32 (Cecidomyia). PA: Baltic Region (Eocene) [A].

miranda Fedotova in Perkovsky & Fedotova, 2004: 50 (402) (Peromyia). PA: Ukraine (Eocene) [A].

*poculum Osten Sacken, 1862: 201 (Cecidomyia). NE: USA; NE: USA (Miocene) [T].

protogaea Heer, 1856: 32 (Cecidomyia). PA: France (Oligocene) [C].

sparsa Fedotova in Perkovsky & Fedotova, 2004: 46(399) (Heterogenella). PA: Ukraine (Eocene) [A].

spectabilis Meunier, 1899b: 161 [1899e: pl. I, fig. 1] (Cecidomyia). PA: Baltic Region (Eocene) [A]. 
[Validated by bibliographic reference to the plate in Meunier (1899e).]

sukachevae Fedotova in Perkovsky & Fedotova, 2004: 49 (401) (Peromyia). PA: Ukraine (Eocene) [A].

superposita Fedotova in Fedotova & Perkovsky, 2004: 71 (540) (Campylomyza). PA: Ukraine (Eocene) [A].



This page last revised 2 April 2014