Catalog of fossil Diptera of the world (Version 2.0) - Neal L. Evenhuis

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Empididae, commonly called balloon flies or dance flies, are found worldwide, but are found most frequently in the northern temperate and montane regions. A number of groups wihin Empididae sensu lato have been raised to familial status. this catalog recognizes the classification for the Eremoneura listed in Pape et al. (2001). As presently circumscribed, the family consists of over 3,100 species exhibiting a wide array of size and form (Pape et al., 2011). Both adults and larvae are predaceous on other insects. Adults of extant forms can be found on trees, in vegetation, or on the surface of water. Larval habitats range from aquatic to terrestrial and include such substrates as soil, leaf litter, dung, and rotten wood.


Members of this family are frequently found in amber inclusions; however, much undetermined material exists in collections awaiting description. In addition to the taxa listed below, undetermined material listed as “Empididae” have been recorded from a number of deposits. Their familial placement in the Eremoneura is unknown but there are treated here until examination can ascertain where they should be placed. Langenheim et al. (1960) recorded a specimen from the Cretaceous amber deposits of coastal Alaska, Grimaldi recorded a specimen from the Lower Cretaceous amber of Burma (Grimaldi et al., 2012), and Kovalev (1986: 152–154) described and illustrated two forms from the Cretaceous deposits of western Mongolia. Jarzembowski (1979: 251) recorded the family from the Eocene/Oligocene Bembridge Marls Formations of the Isle of Wight, England, Fujiyama (1985: 43) described and illustrated a specimen from the Miocene deposits of Sado Island, Japan, Schumann & Wendt (1989: 42) recorded material from the Eocene Bitterfeld amber of Germany, and Hennig in Bachmayer & Schulz (1978: 114–119) described a hemerodromiine from the Miocene amber of Austria.


Legg (1942) mentioned undetermined Empididae from the Upper Cretaceous amber of Canada. Later, Hennig (1970: 10) determined some of this material as belonging to the Microphorinae (now in Dolichopodidae) and Zherichin (1978: 98) determined other of this material as belonging to the Ocydromiinae (now in Hybotidae). Mostovski (1999a) reduced the Protempididae to a subfamily of Empididae and placed Proempis Ussachev, Protoreogeton Mostovski, and Homalocnemimus Mostovski there.

Ref.: Melander (1928, review of world genera).



Genus CHELIFERA Macquart


*CHELIFERA Macquart, 1823: 150. Type species: Chelifera raptor Macquart, 1823 [= Hemerodromia monostigma Meigen, 1822], by monotypy.

detestata Meunier, 1908i: 103 (Hemerodromia). PA: Baltic Region (Eocene) [A].



Genus CHELIPODA Macquart


*CHELIPODA Macquart, 1823: 148. Type species: Tachydromia mantispa Panzer, 1806 [misidentification, = Tachydromia vocatoria Fallén, 1816], by original designation.

*PHYLLODROMIA Zetterstedt, 1837: 31 (as Hemerodromia subgenus). Type species: Empis melanocephala Fabricius, 1794, by subsequent designation of Rondani (1856: 148).

*LEPIDOMYA Bigot, 1857: 563. Type species: Tachydromia mantispa Panzer, 1806 [= Empis melanocephala Fabricius, 1794], by monotypy.

*LEPIDOMYIA Bezzi, 1903: 271 (unjustified emendation of Lepidomya Bigot). Type species: Tachydromia mantispa Panzer, 1806 [= Empis melanocephala Fabricius, 1794], automatic. [Preoccupied by Loew, 1864.]

delicata Meunier, 1908i: 105 (Phyllodromia). PA: Baltic Region (Eocene) [A].

dolosa Meunier, 1908i: 104 (Phyllodromia). PA: Baltic Region (Eocene) [A].

vaga Meunier, 1908i: 106 (Lepidomyia). PA: Baltic Region (Eocene) [A].



Genus CRETOMICROPHORUS Grimaldi & Cumming


CRETOMICROPHORUS Grimaldi & Cumming, 1999: 63. Type species: Cretomicrophorus novemundus Grimaldi & Cumming, 1999, by original designation.

novemundus Grimaldi & Cumming, 1999: 63. NE: (USA (New Jersey) (Upper Cretaceous) [A].



Genus EMPIS Linnaeus


*EMPIS Linnaeus, 1758: 603. Type species: Empis pennipes Linnaeus, 1758, by subsequent designation of Latreille (1810: 443).


Subgenus ACALLOMYIA Melander


*ACALLOMYIA Melander, 1928: 140 (as genus). Type species: Iteaphila peregrina Melander, 1902, by original designation.

probolaea Melander, 1949: 38. NE: USA (Oligocene) [C].


Unplaced to Subgenus of EMPIS Linnaeus


arcuata Keilbach, 1982: 368. Nomen nudum.

bulbirostris Meunier, 1899e: 178. Nomen nudum.

carbonum Germar, 1837: pl. 21. PA: Germany (Miocene) [C].

externa Keilbach, 1982: 366. Nomen nudum.

florissantana Cockerell, 1915a: 645. NE: USA (Oligocene) [C].

infossa Melander, 1949: 39. NE: USA (Oligocene) [C].

inscita Meunier, 1908i: 121. PA: Baltic Region (Eocene) [A].

longipes Keilbach, 1982: 366. Nomen nudum. [Preoccupied by Meigen, 1804.]

macilenta Meunier, 1908i: 121 (Hilara). PA: Baltic Region (Eocene) [A].

macrophthalma Förster, 1891: 482. PA: Germany (Oligocene) [C].

mala Meunier, 1908i: 123. PA: Baltic Region (Eocene) [A].

malefica Meunier, 1908i: 122. PA: Baltic Region (Eocene) [A].

melia Heyden, 1870: 259. PA: Germany (Oligocene) [C].

miocenica Cockerell, 1915a: 645. NE: USA (Oligocene) [C].

mordax Meunier, 1908i: 123. PA: Baltic Region (Eocene) [A].

morosella Melander, 1928: 164 (new replacement name for morosa Meunier). PA: Baltic Region (Eocene) [A].

      morosa Meunier, 1908i: 125. PA: Baltic Region (Eocene) [A]. [Preoccupied by Meigen, 1822.]

orapaensis Waters, 1989a: 235. AF: Botswana (Upper Cretaceous) [C].

perdita Cockerell, 1916c: 92. NE: USA (Oligocene) [C].

personata Meunier, 1908i: 122. PA: Baltic Region (Eocene) [A].

poeppigi Giebel, 1856: 207. PA: Baltic Region (Eocene) [A].

pulvillata Loew, 1850b: 41. PA: Baltic Region (Eocene) [A].

simplex Keilbach, 1982: 366. Nomen nudum.

spinifera Statz, 1940: 132. PA: Germany (Oligocene) [A]. [Preoccupied by Bezzi, 1909; no new replacement name proposed here.]

spinitarsis Keilbach, 1982: 366. Nomen nudum.

stilicornis Meunier, 1899e: 178. Nomen nudum.

tibialis Meunier, 1899e: 178. Nomen nudum.

tritava Melander, 1928: 176 (new replacement name for tristis Meunier). PA: Baltic Region (Eocene) [A].

      tristis Meunier, 1908i: 124. PA: Baltic Region (Eocene) [A]. [Preoccupied by Loew, 1867.]

tumidirostris Keilbach, 1982: 366. Nomen nudum.

umbonata Statz, 1940: 133. PA: Germany (Oligocene) [C].



Genus EMPLITA Grimaldi & Cumming


EMPLITA Grimaldi & Cumming, 1999: 63. Type species: Emplita casei Grimaldi & Cumming, 1999, by original designation.

casei Grimaldi & Cumming, 1999: 33. NE: USA (New Jersey) (Upper Cretaceous) [A].





EOCORYNETITES Hong, 2002a: 340. [Unavailable name; genus-group name based on an unavailable species-group name.]

guchengziensis Hong, 2002a: 341. PA: China (Eocene) [A] [Unavailable name; species-group name proposed after 1999 without specifying a type depository.]





FUSHUNEMPITES Hong, 2002a: 335. [Unavailable name; genus-group name based on an unavailable species-group name.]

furvis Hong, 2002a: 337. PA: China (Eocene) [A] [Unavailable name; species-group name proposed after 1999 without specifying a type depository.]





*HEMERODROMIA Meigen, 1822: 61. Type species: Tachydromia oratoria Fallén, 1815, by subsequent designation of Rondani (1856: 148).

[Suspension of I.C.Z.N. rules required to validate Rondani's type designation, and to set aside earlier type designations by Westwood (1840: 132) and Duponchel in d'Orbigny (1845: 528) in the interests of stability and common usage. An application has been submitted to the ICZN to conserve the current concept of Hemerodromia and to set aside designations earlier than the one in Rondani (1856) (Evenhuis & Plant, 2012).]

grootaerti Plant, Shamshev & Perkovsky, 2012: 80. PA: Ukraine (Eocene) [A].

praedatrix Keilbach, 1982: 372. Nomen nudum.

raptatrix Keilbach, 1982: 372. Nomen nudum.

Unidentified sp. - PA: Baltic Region (Eocene) [A] (Loew, 1850b: 41).



Genus HILARA Meigen


*HILARA Meigen, 1822: 1. Type species: Empis maura Fabricius, 1777, by subsequent designation of Curtis (1826: pl. 130).

exilis Meunier, 1908i: 121 (Empis). PA: Baltic Region (Eocene) [A]. [Preoccupied by Coquillett, 1903; no new replacement name proposed here.]

heeri Meunier, 1915b: 12. PA: France (Oligocene) [C].

litigiosa Meunier, 1908i: 120. PA: Baltic Region (Eocene) [A].

royoi Gil Collado, 1926: 98. PA: Spain (Paleocene/Pliocene) [C].

tarda Meunier, 1908i: 120. PA: Baltic Region (Eocene) [A].





HILARITES Heer, 1856: 38. Type species: Hilarites bellus Heer, 1856, by monotypy.

bellus Heer, 1856: 38. PA: France (Oligocene) [C].





HOMALOCNEMIMUS Mostovski, 1999a: 108. Type species: Homalocnemimus abjugatus Mostovski, 1999, by original designation.

abjugatus Mostovski, 1999a: 109. PA: Kazakhstan (Middle/Upper Jurassic) [C].



Genus KUMUBEMPIS Kaddumi


KUMUBEMPIS Kaddumi, 2007: 126. Type species: Kumubempis palistinicus Kaddumi, 2007, by original designation.

palistinicus Kaddumi, 2007: 126. PA: Jordan (Lower Cretaceous) [A].





LOCHMOCOLA Hong, 1981: 97. Type species: Lochmocola osterosa Hong, 1981, by original designation.

LOMOCOLA. Incorrect original spelling of Lochmocola (Hong, 1981: 20).

osterosa Hong, 1981: 97. PA: China (Eocene) [A].





MEGHYPERIELLA Meunier, 1908i: 112. Type species: Meghyperiella porphyropsoides Meunier, 1908, by monotypy.

porphyropsoides Meunier, 1908i: 112. PA: Baltic Region (Eocene) [A].





OUSTALETIMYIA Meunier, 1893c: cccxxxiii (1894b: cccxxxiii). Type species: Oustaletimyia succinorum Meunier, 1893, by monotypy.

succinorum Meunier, 1893c: cccxxxiii (1894b: cccxxxiii). PA: Baltic Region (Eocene) [A].





PALAEOPARAMESIA Meunier, 1902a: 98. Type species: Palaeoparamesia proosti Meunier, 1902, by monotypy.

proosti Meunier, 1902a: 99. PA: Baltic Region (Eocene) [A].





PARATHALASSIELLA Meunier, 1908i: 106. Type species: Parathalassiella problematica Meunier, 1908, by monotypy.

problematica Meunier, 1908i: 106. PA: Baltic Region (Eocene) [A].





*PROCLINOPYGA Melander, 1928: 220. Type species: Proclinopyga amplectans Melander, 1928, by original designation.

ulrichi Sinclair, 2010: 86. PA: Baltic Region (Eocene) [A].



Genus PROGLOMA James


PROGLOMA James, 1937: 247. Type species: Progloma rohweri James, 1937, by original designation.

rohweri James, 1937: 247. NE: USA (Oligocene) [C].



Genus PROTEMPIS Ussachev


PROTEMPIS Ussachev, 1968: 623 (382). Type species: Protempis antennata Ussatchev, 1968, by original designation.

antennata Ussachev, 1968: 624 (382). PA: Kazakhstan (Upper Jurassic) [C].





PROTOREOGETON Mostovski, 1999a: 109. Type species: Protoreogeton admirabilis Mostovski, 1999, by original designation.

admirabilis Mostovski, 1999a: 109. PA: Mongolia (Upper Jurassic) [C].





*RHAMPHOMYIA Meigen, 1822: 42. Type species: Empis marginata Fabricius, 1787, by subsequent designation of Guérin-Méneville in Bory de Saint-Vincent (1828: 547).

ablata Meunier, 1908i: 114. PA: Baltic Region (Eocene) [A].

aeterna Melander, 1949: 40. NE: USA (Oligocene) [C].

angusta Meunier, 1908i: 119. PA: Baltic Region (Eocene) [A].

antipedalis Loew, 1850b: 41. Nomen nudum.

brevipila Keilbach, 1982: 367. Nomen nudum.

calvimontis Cockerell, 1916a: 123. NE: USA (Oligocene) [C].

corrupta Meunier, 1908i: 114. PA: Baltic Region (Eocene) [A].

craterae Melander, 1949: 40. NE: USA (Oligocene) [C].

crinitarsis Loew, 1850b: 41. PA: Baltic Region (Eocene) [A].

distans Loew, 1850b: 41. PA: Baltic Region (Eocene) [A].

enena Cockerell, 1921b: 30. NE: USA (Eocene) [C].

errabunda Meunier, 1908i: 117. PA: Baltic Region (Eocene) [A].

formosa Loew, 1850b: 41. Nomen nudum.

fossa Melander, 1949: 41. NE: USA (Oligocene) [C].

fulvescens Statz, 1940: 133. PA: Germany (Oligocene) [C].

hypolitha Cockerell, 1917b: 378. NE: USA (Oligocene) [C].

inanimata Melander, 1949: 41. NE: USA (Oligocene) [C].

infernalis Melander, 1949: 42. NE: USA (Oligocene) [C].

insolita Meunier, 1908i: 118. PA: Baltic Region (Eocene) [A].

interita Melander, 1949: 43. NE: USA (Oligocene) [C].

involuta Meunier, 1908i: 115. PA: Baltic Region (Eocene) [A].

latipennata Statz, 1940: 134. PA: Germany (Oligocene) [C].

media Meunier, 1908i: 119. PA: Baltic Region (Eocene) [A].

morticina Melander, 1949: 43. NE: USA (Oligocene) [C].

obtusa Meunier, 1908i: 118. PA: Baltic Region (Eocene) [A].

oedaloides Meunier, 1908i: 117. PA: Baltic Region (Eocene) [A].

polymorpha Meunier, 1899e: 178. PA: Baltic Region (Eocene) [A].

porrecta Meunier, 1908i: 117. PA: Baltic Region (Eocene) [A].

pteropa Loew, 1850b: 41. Nomen nudum.

ptilopa Loew, 1850b: 41. Nomen nudum.

remitarsis Loew, 1850b: 41. Nomen nudum.

rottensis Statz, 1940: 135. PA: Germany (Oligocene) [C].

senecta Melander, 1949: 44. NE: USA (Oligocene) [C].

sepulta Cockerell, 1916a: 123. NE: USA (Oligocene) [C].

setosa Keilbach, 1982: 366. Nomen nudum. [Preoccupied by Coquillett, 1895.]

spodites Melander, 1949: 44. NE: USA (Oligocene) [C].

tenuicornis Keilbach, 1982: 366. Nomen nudum.

tumulata Melander, 1949: 45. NE: USA (Oligocene) [C].

ungulina Loew, 1850b: 41. PA: Baltic Region (Eocene) [A].

unipile Keilbach, 1982: 367. Nomen nudum.



Genus THIRZA Giebel


THIRZA Giebel, 1856: 209. Type species: Thirza naumanni Giebel, 1856, by monotypy.

naumanni Giebel, 1856: 210. PA: Baltic Region (Eocene) [A].



Genus TURONEMPIS Grimaldi & Cumming


TURONEMPIS Grimaldi & Cumming, 1999: 32. type species: Turonempis styx Grimaldi & Cumming, 1999, by original designation.

styx Grimaldi & Cumming, 1999: 32. NE: USA (New Jersey) (Upper Cretaceous) [A].




Questionably Placed in EMPIDIDAE


Genus BURMITEMPIS Cockerell


BURMITEMPIS Cockerell, 1917f: 367. Type species: Burmitempis halteralis Cockerell, 1917, by monotypy.

halteralis Cockerell, 1917f: 367. OR: Burma (Upper Cretaceous) [A].



Genus EMPIDIA Weyenbergh


EMPIDIA Weyenbergh, 1869: 258. Type species: Empidia wulpi Weyenbergh, 1869, by monotypy.

wulpi Weyenbergh, 1869: 258. PA: Germany (Upper Jurassic) [C].



Genus HASMONA Giebel


HASMONA Giebel, 1856: 208. Type species: Hasmona leo Giebel, 1856, by monotypy.

leo Giebel, 1856: 209. PA: UK (England) (Upper Jurassic) [C].




This page last revised on 2 April 2014