Catalog of fossil Diptera of the world (Version 2.0) - Neal L. Evenhuis

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Mythicomyiids are tiny brachycerous flies (normally 1–3 mm in length) that frequent arid-region flowers chiefly in the spring and fall months. Recently, certain genera of this family have been discovered to be associated with the primitive gymnosperm Welwitschia in Namibia (Evenhuis, unpubl.), which supports the hypothesis that primitive members of this family could be candidates for potential pollinators of primitive angiosperms in the Cretaceous. Genera of mythicomyiids had for many years been treated within the Bombyliidae, in one or more subfamilies. Rohdendorf (1961b) proposed raising the Cyrtosiinae (= Mythicomyiinae) to familial status, but stated that corroborative work had to be done to verify his proposal. Zaitzev (1992) proposed that the Mythicomyiidae are a monophyletic group basal to the remainder of the Bombyliidae and gave characters to separate them from Bombyliidae s. str. Yeates (1994) corroborated the monophyly and sister-group relationship of the group to the Bombyliidae, but preferred to retain it as a subfamily within the Bombyliidae. However, recent molecular analyses by Trautwein (2009) and Trautwein et al. (2011) support the treatment of this group of flies as a separate family by placing it in a clade with Hilarimorphidae and separate from Bombyliidae sensu stricto.
Greathead & Evenhuis (2001) gave a subfamilial classification of the family, which is followed here.


Kovalev in Kalugina & Kovalev (1985) described Palaeoplatypygus from the Jurassic of Siberia, which has a similar wing venation to members of the extant Psiloderoides group of genera, adults of which lack mouthparts and the immatures of which are parasitic on grasshopper egg pods in southern Africa and Australia. The genus Mesomyites Cockerell was originally placed by Cockerell (1917b) in Empididae as closely related to Mythicomyia Coquillett. It has since been relegated to synonymy under Styringomyia Loew in the Limoniidae.
An undescribed genus of Cyrtosiinae has been seen by me from the Oligocene Florissant shales of Colorado marking the first fossil representation of the family from the North American continent. The undetermined specimen illustrated by Kovalev (1986: 150) as a possible Glabellula or other mythicomyiid from the Cretaceous strata of western Mongolia has been examined by me and is in too poor a condition to make any conclusions as to its systematic position among the Diptera. Some of the venational and antennal characters illustrated by Kovalev are not evident in the type specimen and it may not be a mythicomyiid.
Grimaldi & Cumming (2011) described the genus Microburmyia from the Upper Cretaceous ambers of Burma, but it is treated here as questionably placed in Mythicomyiidae. The illustration of one species shows a complete arculus (vein MA), which is characteristically lacking in Mythicomyiidae.

Ref.: Zaitzev (1986, review of amber taxa); Evenhuis (2002b, world catalog; 2002c, review of Tertiary amber taxa).


Subfamily Glabellulinae


Genus Eurodoliopteryx Nel


EURODOLIOPTERYX Nel, 2006: 111. Type species Eurodoliopteryx inexpectatus Nel, 2006, by original designation.

inexpectatus Nel, 2006: 111. PA: France (Eocene) [A].





*PLATYGASTER Zetterstedt, 1838: 574. Type species: Platygaster arcticus Zetterstedt, 1838, by monotypy. [Preoccupied by Latreille, 1809.]

*SPHAEROGASTER Zetterstedt, 1842: 232 (new replacement name for Platygaster Zetterstedt). Type species: Platygaster arcticus Zetterstedt, 1838, automatic. [Preoccupied by Sturm, 1826.]

*GLABELLA Loew, 1873a: 210. Type species: Glabella femorata Loew, 1873, by monotypy. [Preoccupied by Swainson, 1840.]

*GLABELLULA Bezzi, 1902: 191 (new replacement name for "Platygaster . . . und Sphaerogaster . . . und Glabella"). Type species: Platygaster arcticus Zetterstedt, 1838, by subsequent designation of I.C.Z.N. (1989: 148 [Opinion 1545]).

PROGLABELLULA Hennig, 1966e: 15. Type species: Proglabellula electrica Hennig, 1966 [= Platygaster arcticus Zetterstedt, 1838], by monotypy.

aggregata Evenhuis, 2013: 371. PA: Ukraine (Eocene) [A].

brunnifrons Evenhuis, 2002c: 3. NT: Dominican Republic (Miocene) [A].

electrica Hennig, 1966e: 15 (Proglabellula). PA: Baltic Region (Eocene/ Oligocene) [A].

grimaldii Evenhuis, 2002: 5. NT: Dominican Republic (Miocene) [A].

hannemanni Schumann, 1991: 79. PA: Germany (Miocene) [A].

kuehnei Schlüter, 1976: 358. NT: Dominican Republic (Oligocene/Miocene) [A].

perkovskyi Evenhuis, 2013: 374. PA: Ukraine (Eocene) [A].



Subfamily Mythicomyiinae


Genus MYTHENTELES Hall & Evenhuis


*MYTHENTELES Hall & Evenhuis, 1987: 332 (as subgenus of Mythicomyia Coquillett). Type species: Mythicomyia angusta Melander, 1961, by original designation.

baltica Evenhuis, 2002c: 9. PA: Baltic Region (Eocene) [A].



Genus MYTHICOMYIA Coquillett


*MYTHICOMYIA Coquillett, 1893: 208. Type species: Mythicomyia rileyi Coquillett, 1893, by monotypy.

dominicana Evenhuis, 2002c: 8. NT: Dominican Republic (Miocene) [A].



Genus PIEZA Evenhuis


*PIEZA Evenhuis, 2002a: 3. Type species: Mythicomyia angusta Melander, 1961, by original designation.

dominicana Evenhuis, 2002a: 10. NT: Dominican Republic (Miocene) [A].



Genus RIGA Evenhuis


RIGA Evenhuis, 2013: 378. Type species Riga toni Evenhuis, 2013, by original designation.

toni Evenhuis, 2013: 378. PA: Ukraine (Eocene) [A].



Subfamily Platypyginae


Genus Borrisovia Evenhuis


Borrisovia Evenhuis, 2002c: 13. type species: Proplatypygus rohdendorfi Zaitzev, 1986, by original designation.

rohdendorfi Zaitzev, 1986: 815 (1987: 150) (Proplatypygus). PA: Russia (Siberia) (Upper Cretaceous) [A].

      rohdendorfi Zaitzev, 1982: 104 (Proplatypygus). Nomen nudum.





PROCYRTOSIA Zaitzev, 1982: 104. Nomen nudum.

PROCYRTOSIA Zaitzev, 1986: 817 (1987: 152). Type species: Procyrtosia sukatshevae Zaitzev, 1986, by original designation.

sukatshevae Zaitzev, 1986: 817 (1987: 152). PA: Russia (Siberia) (Upper Cretaceous) [A].





PROPLATYPYGUS Hennig, 1969b: 58. Type species: Proplatypygus succineus Hennig, 1969, by monotypy.

matilei Nel & De Ploëg, 2004: 61. PA: France (Eocene) [A].

succineus Hennig, 1969b: 58. PA: Baltic Region (Eocene) [A].



Subfamily Psiloderoidinae




CARMENELECTRA Evenhuis, 2002x: 11. Type species: Carmenelectra shechisme Evenhuis, 2002, by original designation.

pernigra Evenhuis, 2013: 376. PA: Baltic region (Eocene) [A].

shechisme Evenhuis, 2002c: 11. PA: Baltic Region (Eocene) [A].

shehuggme Evenhuis, 2013: 377. PA: Ukraine (Eocene) [A].





PALAEOPLATYPYGUS Kovalev, 1985: 186. Type species: Palaeoplatypygus zaitzevi Kovalev, 1985, by original designation.

PALEOPLATYPYGUS. Incorrect original spelling of Palaeoplatypygus (Kovalev, 1985: 185).

zaitzevi Kovalev in Kalugina & Kovalev, 1985: 186. PA: Russia (Siberia) (Middle Jurassic) [C].



Questionably Included Genera in Mythicomyiidae


Genus MICROBURMYIA Grimaldi & Cumming


MICROBURMYIA Grimaldi & Cumming, 2011: 312. Type species: Microburmyia analvena Grimaldi & Cumming, 2011, by original designation.

analvena Grimaldi & Cumming, 2011: 313. OR: Burma (Upper Cretaceous) [A].

veanalvena Grimaldi & Cumming, 2011: 315. OR: Burma (Upper Cretaceous) [A].

      venanalvena. Incorrect original spelling of veanalvena (Grimaldi & Cumming, 2011: 315).



Questionably Included Species in MYTHICOMYIIDAE


hirsuta Scudder, 1890: 563 (Acrocera). NE: USA (Eocene) [C].



This page last revised 2 April 2014