Pacific Insects Volume 3 (4) 1961

Table of Contents

Philip, C.B. -- Further notes on Far Eastern Tabanidae with dedscriptions of five new species -- 473-479 [ pdf ]

Slater, J.A. -- Dentisblissus: a new genus of Blissinae from New Guinea (Hemiptera: Lygaeidae) -- 481-484 [ pdf ]

Alexander, C.P. -- New or little-known crane-flies from New Guinea (Diptera: Tipulidae) -- 485-506 [ pdf ]

Slater, J.A. -- A revision of the genus Iphicrates (Hemiptera: Lygaeidae) -- 507-521 [ pdf ]

Maa, T.C. & Yoshimoto, C.M. -- Loboscelididae, a new family of Hymenoptera -- 523-548 [ pdf ]

Gressitt, J.L., Sedlacek, J, Wise, K.A.J. & Yoshimoto, C.M. -- A high speed airplane trap for airborne organisms -- 549-555 [ pdf ]

Yoshimoto, C.M. & J.L. Gressitt.. -- Trapping of air-borne insects on the Pacific (Part 4) -- 556-558 [ pdf ]

Gressitt, J.L. Leech, R.E., Leech, T.S., Sedlacek, J. & Wise, K.A.J. -- Trapping of air-borne insects in the Antarctic area (Part 2) -- 559-562 [ pdf ]

Gressitt, J.L. & Pryor, M.E. -- Supplement to “Bibliographic Introductyion to Antarctic-Subantarctic entomology” -- 563-567 [ pdf ]


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