The publications are listed by Technical Report number. The HBS or PBS number in square brackets at the end refers to the Contribution number to either the Hawaii Biological Survey or the Pacific Biological Survey. Downloads of pdf files of publications listed here may be available from those sites..
1. Nishida, G.M. Hawaiian terrestrial arthropod checklist. viii + 262 pp. [HBS 1992-011 ]
2. Evenhuis, N.L. An indexed bibliography of Bombyliidae (Insecta, Diptera): supplement I. 136 pp.
3. Evenhuis, N.L. & Cowie, R.H. A survey of snails, insects and related arthropods in the grounds of the Tripler Army Medical Center, Honolulu, Hawaii. Report prepared for R.M. Towill Corporation, Honolulu. 20 pp. [HBS 1994-011]
4. Nishida, G.M. Hawaiian terrestrial arthropod checklist. Second edition. iv + 287 pp. [HBS 1994-004]
5. Cowie, R.H. Freshwater snail surveys in relation to eradication of apple snails with copper sulphate on Kauai. Report prepared for the Hawaii State Department of Agriculture. 26 pp. [HBS 1994-010]
6. Allison, A. & Evenhuis, N.L. Potential environmental effects of contruction of the Bishop Museum Science Center. Environmental Notification Report prepared for the U.S. Department of Energy. 132 pp.
7. Klieger, P.C. Na Maka o Halawa. A history of Halwa Ahupua`a, O`ahu. 128 pp.
8. Evenhuis, N.L., D. Polhemus, S. Swift, K.
Arakaki & D. Preston. A study of the biology of the orangeblack
Hawaiian damselfly (Megalagrion xanthomelas), with special reference to conservation
of the population at Tripler Army Medical Center, Oahu. 81 pp. [ pdf] [HBS 1995-009]
9. Evenhuis, N.L. Diversity of insects and related arthropods of the Naval Magazine Lualualei, Headquarters Branch, Oahu, Hawaii. Final report prepared for the U.S. Navy. 170 pp. [HBS 1997-012]
10. Coles, S.L., R.C. DeFelice, L.G. Eldredge,
J.T. Carlton, R.L. Pyle, & A.
Suzumoto. Biodiversity of marine communities in Pearl Harbor, Oahu, Hawaii
with observations on introduced exotic species. 237 pp. [ pdf] [HBS
11 Nishida, G.M. Hawaiian terrestrial arthropod bibliography.
255 pp. [HBS 1997-015]
12 Nishida, G.M. Hawaiian terrestrial arthropod checklist.
Third edition. iv + 263 pp.
[HBS 1997-016]
13. Kami, K.S. & S.E. Miller. Samoan
insects and related arthropods: checklist and bibliography. v + 121
pp. [ pdf] [PBS 1998-014]
14. Coles, S.L., R.C. DeFelice, J.E. Smith,
D. Muir & L.G. Eldredge. Determination of baseline conditions for
introduced marine species in nearshore waters of the of Kaho‘olawe, Hawai‘i.
30 pp. [ pdf] [HBS 1998-003]
15. Coles, S.L., R.C. DeFelice, & L.G. Eldredge.
Nonindigenous marine species introductions in the harbors of the south
and west shores of Oahu, Hawaii. Report prepared for the David and Lucile Packard
Foundation. 212 pp. [ pdf] [HBS 1999-009]
16. Englund, R.A., D.J. Preston, R. Wolff, S.L. Coles, L.G. Eldredge & K.
Arakaki. Biodiversity of freshwater and estuarine communities in lower
Pearl Harbor, Oahu, Hawaii with observations on introduced species. Final Report
prepapred for the U.S. Navy. x + 167 pp. [ pdf]
[HBS 2000-001]
17. Englund, R.A., K. Arakaki, D.J. Preston, S.L. Coles & L.G.
Eldredge. Nonindigenous freshwater and estuarine species introductions
and their potential to affect sportfishing in the lower stream and estuarine
resions of the south and west shores of Oahu, Hawaii. Final report to Hawaii
Department of Land and Natural Resources, Division of Aquatic Resources. viii
+ 121 pp. [ pdf] [HBS 2000-002]
18. Englund, R.A., D.A. Polhemus & D.J.
Preston. Assessment of the impacts of rainbow trout predation on native aquatic
species within
Koke‘e State Park, Kaua‘i, Hawai‘i. Report prepared for Hawaii
Department of Land and Natural Resources, Division of Aquatic Resources, Honoluu,
Hawaii. iv + 125 pp. [ pdf] [HBS
19. Coles, S.L., R.C. DeFelice & D. Minton.
Marine species survey of Johnston Atoll, central Pacific Ocean, June 2000.
to U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, Honolulu. iv + 56 pp. [ pdf] [HBS 2001-001]
20. Godwin, L.S. & L. G. Eldredge.
South Oahu Marine Invasions Shipping Study (SOMISS). Submitted to the State
of Hawaii Department
of Land and Natural Resources. 104 pp. [ pdf] [HBS 2001-002]
21. DeFelice, R.C., L.G. Eldredge, & J.T. Carlton. 2001. Nonindigenous invertebrates. In: Eldredge, L.G. & C. Smith, coordinators, Guidebook to the Introduced Marine Species in Hawaiian Waters. 60 pp. [HBS 2001-005]
22. Nishida, G.M. Hawaiian terrestrial
arthropod checklist. Fourth edition. iv + 313 pp. [ pdf] [HBS 2002-005]
23. DeFelice, R., D. Minton & S. Godwin.
Records of shallow-water marine invertebrates from French Frigate Shoals,
Hawaiian Islands with a note on nonindigenous species. 78 pp. [ pdf] [HBS 2002-018]
24. Coles, S.L., R.C. DeFelice & L.G. Eldredge.
Nonindigenous marine species in Kane‘ohe Bay, O‘ahu, Hawai‘i. 353 pp. [ pdf] [HBS
25. Coles, S.L., R.C. DeFelice & L.G. Eldredge.
Nonindigenous marine species at Waikiki and Hawaii Kai, O‘ahu,
Hawai‘i. 244
pp. [ pdf] [HBS 2002-025]
26. Coles, S.L., P.R. Reath, P.A. Skelton, V.
Bonito, R.C. DeFelice & L. Basch. Introduced marine species in Pago
Pago Harbor, Fagatele Bay and the National Park coast, American Samoa. 182
pp. [ pdf] [PBS 2003-006b]
27. Coles, S.L., L.G. Eldredge, F. Kandel, P.R.
Reath & K.
Longenecker. Assessment of nonindigenous species on coral reefs in
the Hawaiian Islands, with emphasis on introduced invertebrates. Final report
prepared for the Hawaii Coral Reef Initiative.
106 pp. [ pdf] [HBS 2004-002]
28. Godwin, L.S., Eldredge, L.G. & Gaut,
K. The assessment of hull fouling as a mechanism for the introduction
and dispersal of marine alien species in the main Hawaiian Islands. 114 pp.
[ pdf] [HBS 2004-015]
29. Living Archipelagoes Workshops Report. A joint program of the Bishop Museum & Conservation International's Marine Programs Division. 43 p. [PBS 2004-005]
29a. Coles, S.L., P.R. Reath, K. Longenecker,
H. Bolick & L.G. Eldredge. Assessment of nonindigenous marine species
in harbors and on nearby coral reefs on Kaua‘i, Moloka‘i, Maui,
and Hawai‘i. Final report prepared for the Hawaii Community Foundation
and the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, Honolulu. 180 pp.
[ pdf] [HBS 2004-018]
30. Moretzsohn, F. & McShane, M. Mapping Marine Invertebrate Biodiversity Hotspots in the Indo-Pacific Ocean Using GIS. Report prepared for the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, Chicago, Illinois. 10 vols. 2248 pp. [PBS 2004-002]
31. Polhemus, D.A., Englund, R.A. & Allen, G. Freshwater
biotas of New Guinea and nearby islands: analysis of endemism, richness, and
prepared for Conservation International, Washington, D.C. 62 pp.
[ pdf] [PBS 2004-004]
32. Kraus, F., Pratt, T. & Slapcinsky. Wildlife Resources Survey of Rossel and Sudest Islands,Louisiade Archipelago, Milne Bay Province. Report Prepared for Conservation International, Washington, DC. 45 pp. [PBS 2005-010]
33. Evenhuis, N.L. The insect collection numbers of R.C.L. Perkins's collecting
in the Hawaiian Islands for the Sandwich Islands Committee. 36 pp.
[ pdf] [HBS 2005-011]
34. Tsuda, R. 2006. Checklist and bibliography of the marine benthic algae within
Chuuk, Pohnpei, and Kosrae States, Federated States of Micronesia. Report prepared for Marine Introduced Species
Workshop in Chuuk, Pohnpei, and Kosrae States, Federated States of Micronesia. 39 pp. [ pdf] [PBS 2006-001]
35. Evenhuis, N.L. 2006. Preliminary checklists of the terrestrial arthropods of Fiji. 297 pp. [PBS 2006-008 to 2006-026; PBS 2006-28 to 2006-032]
36. Evenhuis, N.L. 2007. Fijian terrestrial arthropod bibliography. 207 pp. [PBS 2006-042]
37. Evenhuis, N.L. 2007. Field notes of E.H. Bryan, Jr. on the Whitney South Seas Expedition (February–November 1924). 322 pp. [ pdf] [PBS 2007-007]
38. Evenhuis, N.L. 2007. Checklists of the terrestrial arthropods of Fiji. Revised Edition. 313 pp. [PBS 2007-021 to 2007-045]
39. Coles, S.L., Giuseffi, L. & Hutchinson, M. 2008. Assessment of species composition, diversity and biomass in marine habitats and subhabitats around offshore islets in the main Hawaiian Islands. Final report prepared for the Hawaii Coral Reef Initiative and the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation. 72 pp. [ pdf] [HBS 2008-001]
40. Evenhuis, N.L. 2008. Fijian terrestrial arthropod bibliography. Second edition. 303 pp. [ pdf] [PBS 2008-006]
41. Evenhuis, N.L. 2008. A compendium of zoological type nomenclature: a reference source. 23 pp. [ pdf]
42. Leisz, S.J. & Burnett, J.B. (editors) 2008-2009. Climate change and biodiversity in Melanesia. 10 chapters. [ table of contens ]
43. Eijzenga, H. & Preston, D.J. 2008. Inventory of seabirds, plants, and arthropods on twenty offshore islets in the main Hawaiian Islands. Final report prepared for the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation. 201 pp. [ pdf] [HBS 2008-004]
44. Longenecker, K., Langston, R. & Barrett, B. 2008. A compendium of life history information for some exploited Hawaiian reef fishes. Final Report prepared for Fisheries Local Action Strategy, Hawaii Division of Aquatic Resources. 67 pp. [ pdf] [HBS 2008-008]
45. Polhemus, D.A., Englund, R.A., Allen, G.R., Boseto, D. and Polhemus, J.T. 2008. Freshwater biotas of the Solomon Islands. Analysis of richness, endemism, and threats. Final report prepared for Conservation International, Washington, D.C. 127 pp. [ pdf] [PBS 2008-013]
46. Longenecker, K., Bolick, H. & Allison, A. 2008. A preliminary account of marine fish diversity and exploitation at Kamiali Wildlife Management Area, Papua New Guinea. Final Report. v + 116 p. [ pdf] [PBS 2008-035]
47. Evenhuis, N.L. 2008. Preliminary catalog of dating sources for zoological works. 172 pp. [ pdf ]
48. Coles, S.L., Bolick, H., Hauk, B. & Montgomery, A. 2009. Ten year resurveys of the biodiversity of marine communities and introduced species in Pearl Harbor, Honolulu Harbor, and Ke`ehi Lagoon, O`ahu, Hawai`i. Final report prepared for the Department of Defense Legacy Program. 204 pp. [ pdf ] [HBS 2009-003]
49. Longenecker, K. Allison, A., Bolick, H., James, S., Langston, R., Pyle, R., Pence, D. & Talbot, S. A preliminary assessment of exploited reef-fish populations at Kamiali Wildlife Managment Area, Papua New Guinea. 75 pp. [ pdf ] [PBS 2009-017]
50. Coles, S.L. & Swenson, C. 2010. Marine biota information base for offshore islets in the main Hawaiian Islands. 136 pp. [ pdf ] [HBS 2010-001]
51. Evenhuis, N.L. Authors of fly names. A preliminary list of all authors who have proposed Diptera names at the family-level or lower. 181 pp. [ pdf ]
52. Longenecker, K. Langston, R., Bolick, H. & Allison, A. Population size structure and rapid reproductive analysis of exploited reef-fish populations at Kamiali Wildlife Management Area, Papua, New Guinea. 101 pp. [ pdf ] [PBS 2010-016]
53. Longenecker, K. Development and delivery of a school-based fishery-monitoring program for a remote village in Papua New Guinea. 42 pp. [ pdf ] [PBS 2011-016]
54. Longenecker, K, Bolick, H. & Kawamoto, R. Macrofaunal invertebrate communities on Hawaii’s shallow coral-reef flats: Changes associated with the removal of an invasive alien alga. 49 pp. [ pdf ] [HBS 2011-021]
55. Imada, C., Lau, J.Q.C. & Clifford, P.. 2010. Rare plant survey, O`ahu Forest National Wildlife Refuge, Waipi`o, O`ahu. Report prepared for U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, O`ahu Forest National Wildlife Refuge Complex, Honolulu. 52 pp. + appendices. [ pdf ] [HBS 2011-022]
56. Evenhuis, N.L. Catalog of dating sources for zoological works. Second edition. 234 pp. [ pdf ]
57. Longenecker, K., Langston, R., Bolick, H. & Kondio, U. Reproduction, catch, and size structure of exploited reef-fishes at Kamiali Wildlife Management Area, Papua New Guinea. 169 pp. [ pdf ] [PBS 2011-022]
58. Howarth, F.G., Preston, D.J. & Pyle, R. Surveying for terrestrial arthropods (insects and relatives) occurring within the Kahului Airport environs, Maui, Hawai`i: synthesis report. Prepared for EKNA Services, Inc. and Hawaii State Department of Transportation, Airports Division, Honolulu. 215 pp. [ pdf ] [HBS 2012-001]
59. Longenecker, K., Langston, R., Bolick, H. & Kondio, U. Size structure and reproductive status of exploited reef-fish populations at Kamiali Wildlife Management Area, Papua New Guinea. 95 pp. [ pdf ] [PBS 2012-016]
60. Imada, C.T. (editor). Hawaiian native and naturalized vascular plant checklist (December 2012 update). 29 pp. + 7 appendices. [ pdf ] [HBS 2012-021]
61. Evenhuis, N.L. Authors of fly names. A list of all authors who have proposed Diptera names at the family-level or lower. Second edition. 271 pp. [ pdf ]
62. Longenecker, K., Langston, R., Bolick, H. & Kondio, U. Size and reproduction of exploited reef fishes at Kamiali Wildlife Management Area, Papua New Guinea. 95 pp. [ pdf ] [PBS 2013-008]
63. Longenecker, K., Langston, R., Bolick, H., Kondio, U. & Mulrooney, M. Six-year baseline information: size structure and reproduction of exploited fishes before establishing a management plan at Kamiali Wildlife Management Area, Papua New Guinea. 89 pp. [ pdf ] [PBS 2014-005]
64. Evenhuis, N.L. Catalog of dating sources for zoological works. Third edition. 234 pp. [ pdf ]
65. Longenecker, K., Langston, R., Bolick. H. Preliminary evaluation of a recently enacted reef-fish management plan at Kamiali Wildlife Management Area, Papua New Guinea. 37 pp. [ pdf ] [PBS 2015-002]
66. Allison, A. & Tallowin, O. Distribution, diversity, and conservation status of the biota along the Kokoda Track with recommendations for its protection. Report prepared for PNG Conservation and Environmental Protection Authority (CEPA), Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea. 282 pp. [ pdf ] [PBS 2015-003]
67. Allison, A., Pratt, L., Pratt, T. & Imada, C. Exotic plant survey of the Kokoda Track, Papua New Guinea. Report prepared for PNG Conservation and Environmental Protection Authority (CEPA), Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea. Bishop Museum Technical Report 67, 73 pp. [ pdf ] [PBS 2015-004]
68. Longenecker, K. & Langston, R. Rapid reproductive analysis of four heavily exploited reef fishes from Pohnpei State, Federated States of Micronesia. 41 pp. [ pdf ] [PBS 2016-004]
69. Imada, C.T. (editor). Hawaiian naturalized vascular plants checklist (February 2019 update). 203 pp. [ pdf ] [HBS 2019-003]
70. Evenhuis, N.L. Authors of fly names.A list of all authors who have proposed Diptera names at the family-level or lower. Third edition. 266 pp. [ pdf ] [published online 6 January 2020]
71. Evenhuis, N.L. Catalog of dating sources for zoological works. Fourth edition (completely revised and augmented). 369 pp. [ pdf ] [published online 26 January 2020]
72. Evenhuis, N.L. Catalog of dating sources for zoological works. Fifth edition. 375 pp. [ pdf ] [published online 5 March 2023]
73. Evenhuis, N.L. A dipterist's gallery: portraits of over 4,300 dipterists who have descrfibed new taxa of flies. 91 pp. [ pdf ] [published online 23 June 2024]
74. Evenhuis, N.L. Authors of fly names.A list of all authors who have proposed Diptera names at the family-level or lower. Fourth edition. 166 pp. [ pdf ] [published online 1 January 2025]
This page last revised 1 January 2025