Waipio Valley Stream Restoration Study

Allison Sherwood

Dr. Allison Sherwood
Assistant Professor (Botany)
University of Hawaii


"I've been studying freshwater algae for about 10 years, in many different areas of North America, Europe and the Pacific. I became interested in these organisms during my first year of college, and consider myself lucky for being able to make a career studying these interesting plants, and the streams in which they live."

What she does

Studies the diversity and distribution of stream algae throughout the Hawaiian islands. For the Waipio Study, is examining the changes in the stream algae communities of Hiilawe, Lalakea and Hakalaoa Streams over time, to monitor the effects of returning water to these streams.

How she got into science

I have been conducting experiments in freshwater systems since grade school. My interest in lakes, streams and ocean habitats was developed early on; I grew up living on a lake in Nova Scotia, which was also a ten minute walk from the ocean. I was drawn naturally to the study of organisms in these aquatic habitats as I continued through school

Favorite accomplishments

Being able to make a career out of something that I enjoy... studying plants and their habitats.

In her free time

Does yoga, salsa dancing, SCUBA diving, plays in an Irish music band.
