Contributions to the Hawaii Biological Survey
2001-001. Coles, S.L., R.C. DeFelice & D. Minton. 2001. Marine species survey of Johnston Atoll, central Pacific Ocean, June 2000. Report to U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, Honolulu. Bishop Museum Technical Report 19: iv + 56 pp. [ pdf -- 379KB ]
2001-002. Godwin, L.S. & L. G. Eldredge. 2001. South Oahu Marine Invasions Shipping Study (SOMISS). Submitted to the State of Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources. Bishop Museum Technical Report 20.
2001-003. Staples, G.W. & R.H. Cowie, editors. 2001. Hawaii's invasive species: a guide to the invasive alien animals and plants of the Hawaiian Islands. Mutual Publishing and Bishop Museum Press, Honolulu. 118 p.
2001-004. Cowie, R.H. & Evenhuis, N.L. 2001. Case 2983. Achatinellastrum Pfeiffer, 1854 and Achatinellidae Gulick, 1873 (Mollusca: Gastropoda): proposed conservation. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 58(3): 188-192.
2001-005. DeFelice, R.C., L.G. Eldredge, & J.T. Carlton. 2001. Nonindigenous invertebrates. In: Eldredge, L.G. & C. Smith, coordinators, Guidebook to the Introduced Marine Species in Hawaiian Waters. Bishop Museum Technical Report 21: 60 p.
2001-006. Rivera, M.A.J., F.G. Howarth, S. Taiti & G.K. Roderick. 2002. Evolution in cave-adapted isopods (Oniscidea: Philosciidae): vicariant speciation or adaptive shifts? Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 25: 1-9.
2001-007. Randall, J.E. & R.R. Holcom. 2001. Antennatus linearis, a new Indo-Pacific species of frogfish (Lophiiformes: Antennariidae). Pacific Science 55: 137-144.
2001-008. Allison, A. 2001. Baseline survey of amphibians and reptiles of Kahului Airport, Maui, Hawaii. Report prepared for Edward K. Noda and Associates, Inc. and State of Hawaii, Department of Transportation, Airports Division. 18 pp.
2001-009. Howarth, F.G. & D.J. Preston. 2001. Kahului Airport arthropod baseline survey. Report prepared for Edward K. Noda and Associates, Inc.
2001-010. Englund, R. 2001. Report on long-term aquatic insect monitoring by Hawaii Biological Survey, Bishop Museum in Pelekunu Valley, Moloka‘i, Hawai‘i. Report prepared for TNCH Moloka‘i Office. 12 p. [ pdf -- 1.3 MB ]
2001-011. Randall, J.E. & D. W. Greenfield. 2001. A preliminary review of the indo-pacific gobiid fishes of the genus Gnatholepis. Ichthyological Bulletin of the J.L.B. Smith Institute of Ichthyology 69: 17 p.
2001-012. Englund, R.A. & D.A. Polhemus. 2001. Evaluating the effects of introduced rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) on native stream insects on Kauai Island, Hawaii. J. Insect Conservation: 5: 265-281.
2001-013. Randall, J. E. & H.A. Randall. 2001. Review of the fishes of the genus Kuhlia (Perciformes: Kuhliidae) of the central Pacific. Pacific Science 55(3): 227-256.
2001-014. Englund, R.A., D.J. Preston, N.L. Evenhuis, R.H. Cowie, C. Imada,
C. Puttock, & K. Arakaki. 2001. Native and exotic organism study. Lower Wailoa
River, Waipi‘o, County of Hawai‘i. Report prepared for USDA Natural Resources
Conservation Service, Honolulu, Hawaii. 57 p. [ pdf
-- 2.4 MB]
2001-015. Englund, R.A. 2001. Long-term monitoring of one the most restricted
insect populations in the United States, Megalagrion xanthomelas (Selys-Longchamps),
at Tripler Army Medical Center, Oahu, Hawaii (Zygoptera: Coenagrionidae). Odonatologica
30 (3): 255-263. [ pdf -- 1 MB]
2001-016. Englund, R.A. 2002. The loss of native biodiversity and continuing nonindigenous species introductions in freshwater, estuarine, and wetland communities of Pearl Harbor, Oahu, Hawaiian Islands. Estuaries 25(3): 418-430.
2001-017 Samuelson, G.A. 2001. A review of Rhyncogonus of the Hawaiian Islands (Coleoptera: Curculionidae). Report prepared for the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, Honolulu.
2001-018. Nishida, G.M. 2001. NOWRAMP 2000 Terrestrial arthropod report. Prepared
for the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, Homolulu, Hawaii. 33 p. [ pdf -- 142KB ]
2001-019. Kraus, F. & D. Cravalho. 2001. The risk to Hawai‘i from snakes. Pac. Sci. 55: 409-417.
2001-020. Eldredge, L.G. and C. Smith (eds.). 2001. Guidebook to the Introduced Marine Species in Hawaiian Waters. Bishop Museum Technical Report 21. Bishop Museum, Honolulu. A1-A54; B1-B60 p.
This page last revised 31 May 2013