Contributions to the Hawaii Biological Survey
2006-001. Coles, S.L., Kandel ,F. L. M., Reath, P. A., Longenecker, K., & Eldredge,L.G. 2006. Rapid Assessment of nonindigenous marine species on coral reefs in the main Hawaiian Islands. Pacific Science 60(4): 483-508.
2006-002. Coles, S.L. & Bolick, H. 2006. Assessment of invasiveness of the orange
keyhole sponge Mycale armata in Kane`ohe Bay, O`ahu, Hawai`i. Final
Report Year 1 prepared opr Hawaii Coral Reef Initiative. 23 p. [
pdf -- 3.1MB ]
2006-003. Godwin, S. & Bolick, H. 2006. Inventory of intertidal and shallow subtidal
marine invertebrates at Kalaupapa National Historical Park, Moloka`i,
Final report
prepared for the U.S. Department of Interior, National Park Service,
Pacific Islands Coral Reef Program, Honolulu. 58 pp. [ pdf -- 877 KB]
2006-004. James, S.A., K. Igeta, A. Harbottle, H. Bolick & P. Van Dyke. 2006. Hawaiian kalo: an identification guide for taro in the Hawaiian Islands. <">
2006-005. Stone, F.D. & F.G. Howarth. In Press. Hawaiian Cave Biology: Status of Conservation and Management. In: Stokowski, S., ed., Proceedings of the 2005 National Cave management Symposium, Albany NY. In Press.
2006-006. Stone, F.D., F.G. Howarth & J.M. Nakamura. In Press. Lava Cave Management in Hawai`i Volcanoes National Park. In: Stokowski, S., ed., Proceedings of the 2005 National Cave management Symposium, Albany NY. In Press
2006-007. Howarth, F.G. & D.J. Preston. 2006. Monitoring for arthropods (insects and relatives) occurring within the Kahului environs, Maui, Hawaii. Final report prepared for E.K. Noda & Associates and the Hawaii State Department of Transportation. 66 p. [ pdf ]
2006-008. Erickson, T.A., Uyehara, K.J., Yamamoto, M., Polhemus, D. & Englund,R. In Press. Part I. Wetland Identification and Ecology. In: Erickson, T.A. & Puttock, C.F., Hawai`i wetland plant guide. An ecological and identification guide to wetlands and wetland plants of the Hawaiian Islands.
2006-009. Puttock, C.F., Herbst, D.R. & Imada, C. In Press. Part II. Wetland Plant Identification .In: In: Erickson, T.A. & Puttock, C.F., Hawai`i wetland plant guide. An ecological and identification guide to wetlands and wetland plants of the Hawaiian Islands.
2006-010. Englund, R.A., Vorsino, R.A., Laederich, H., Ramsdale, A. & McShane,
M. 2006. Results of the 2005 wekiu bug (Nysius wekiuicola) surveys
on Mauna Kea, Hawai`i Island. Final report. Prepared for Office of
Mauna Kea Management, University of Hawaii at Hilo, Hilo, Hawai`i.
60 pp. [ pdf ]
2006-011. J.E Randall, R.C. Langston, and M. Severns. 2006. First record of the labrid rish Cymolutes praetextatus from the Hawaiian Islands. Pacific Science 60(4): 549-554.
2006-012. Coles, S.L., Longenecker, K. & Bolick, H. 2006. Lana`i nonindigenous
marine species surveys. Report prepared for Hawaii State Department
of Land and Natural Resources, Division of Aquatic Resources. 35
p. [ pdf - 924K]
2006-013. James, S.A. & Suzumoto. A.Y. 2006. Nonnative occurence of Anguilla marmorata in Hawai`i: identification using morphological and molecular characters. Bishop Museum Occasional Paper 87: 55–60. [ pdf ]
2006-014. Evenhuis, N.L. 2006. A new species of the Hawaiian endemic predaceous
fungus gnat genus Trigemma Hardy (Diptera: Keroplatidae) from Hawai`i Island. Bishop Museum Occasional Paper 87: 61-64. [ pdf ]
2006-015. Goldberg, S.R., Bursey, C.R. & Kraus, F. 2006. Eleutherodactlyus coqui (Puerto Rican coqui) endoparasites. Herpetological Review: in press.
2006-016. Coles, S.L., McShane, M.K.K. & Evans, B. 2006. A geographic information
system (GIS) presentation of introduced marine species information
for the main Hawaiian Islands. Report prepared for Division of Aquatic
Resources, Department of Land and Natural Resources, Honolulu. 25
p. [ pdf ]
2006-017. Murakami, K. James, S.A., Randall, J.A. & Suzumoto, A.Y. 2006. Two Hybrids of Carangid fishes of the Genus Caranx, C. ignobilis x C. melampygus and C. melampygus x C. sexfasciatus, from the Hawaiian Islands. Zoological Studies: in press.
2006-018. Staples, G.W. & C.T. Imada. 2006. Checklist of Hawaiian Anthocerotes and Hepatics. Tropical Bryology28: 15-47.
[ pdf ]
2006-019. Imada, C. & LeGrande, M. 2006. Summary report for a botanical inventory
of O`ahu Forest National Wildlife Refuge uplands, Waipi`o, Oa`hu.
Final report prepared for U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, O`ahu Forest
Wildlife Refuge Complex, Haleiwa, Hawaii. 34 p. [ pdf ]
2006-020. Staples, G.W. Herbst, D.R. & Imada, C.T. 2006. New Hawaiian plant records
for 2004. Bishop Museum Occasional Papers 88: 6-12. [ pdf ]
2006-021. Johnson, P.J. & Samuelson, G.A. 2006. Additions and notes to the Elateridae
(Coleoptera) of the Hawaiian Islands. Bishop Museum Occasional Papers 88: 22-24. [ pdf ]
2006-022. Haimes, W.P. & Samuelson, G.A. 2006. The Eucalyptus snout beetle, Gonipterus
scutellatus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) recently established in the
Hawaiian Islands. Bishop Museum Occasional Papers 88: 25-26. [ pdf ]
2006-023. Ramsdale, A.S. & Samuelson, G.A. 2006. The Coleoptera of Lehua Iselt,
Hawai`i. Bishop Museum Occasional Papers 88: 30-36. [ pdf ]
2006-024. Samuelson, G.A. & Ramsdale, A.S. 2006. Passandridae (Coleoptera), a
new beetle family established in the Hawaiian Islands. Bishop Museum Occasional Papers 88: 36-37. [ pdf ]
2006-025. Samuelson, G.A. 2006. New species of plagithmysines from Maui and Hawai`i
plus asignificant new plant host record for a previously described
species from Hawai`i (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae). Bishop Museum Occasional Papers 88: 37-44. [ pdf ]
2006-026. Samuelson, G.A. & Johnson, P.J. 2006. Callirhipidae, a new family to
the Hawaiian beetle fauna. Bishop Museum Occasional Papers 88: 44-45. [ pdf ]
2006-027. Samuelson, G.A. & Medeiros, A.C. 2006. Specularius impressithorax,
an adventive bean weevil on Erythrina new to the Hawaiian Islands
(Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Bruchinae). Bishop Museum Occasional Papers 88: 45-47. [ pdf ]
2006-028. Castro, P. & Godwin, S.L. 2006. First record of coral crabs of the
family Tetraliidae (Crustacea: Brachyura) from the Hawaiian Islands. Bishop Museum Occasional Papers 88: 53-54. [ pdf ]
2006-029. Kraus, F. 2006. New records of alien lizards from Maui county. Bishop Museum Occasional Papers 88: 61-62. [ pdf ]
2006-030. Eldredge, L.G. 2006. Numbers of Hawaiian species for 2003–2005. Bishop Museum Occasional Papers 88: 62-79. [ pdf ]
2006-031. Porter, S.C. & Englund, R.A. 2006. Possible geologic factors influencing
the distribution of the wekiu bug on Mauna Kea, Hawaii. Final report
prepared for Office of Mauna Kea Managment, Hilo, Hawai`i. 38 p.
pdf - 5.3 MB ]
2006-031a. Evenhuis, N.L. 2006. Catalog of the Keroplatidae of the world (Insecta: Diptera). Bishop Museum Bulletin in Entomology 13: 1–177.
2006-032. Imada, C. & Le Grande, M. 2006. Botanical inventory of Kalauao Valley,
City & County of Honolulu, O`ahu. Report prepared for Kamehameha
Schools, Honolulu. 33 p [ pdf ]
2006-033. Howarth, F.G. & Preston, D.J. 2006. Cave resources survey and environmental assessment of the limestone sinkhole (Disposal area 101) within Marine Corps Training Area Bellows, Waimanalo, Hawai`i. Final report prepared for Shaw Environmental, Inc., Honolulu, Hawai`i. 14 p. [pdf ]
2006-034. Howarth, F.G, S.A. James, W. McDowell, D.J. Preston & Clyde T. Imada. In Press. Identification of roots in lava tube caves using molecular techniques: implications for conservation of cave faunas. Journal of Insect Conservation: in press.
2006-035. Howarth, F.G. & Preston, D.P. 2006. Monitoring for arthropods (insects and relatives) occurring within the Kahului Airport environs, Maui, Hawai`i, Phase I. Final Report prepared for E.K. Noda & Associates, Honolulu, Hawaii. 80 pp.
2006-036. Randall, J.E., Langston, R.C. & Severns, M. 2007. First record of the labrid fish Cymolutes praetextatus from the Hawaiian Islands. Pacific Science 60(4): 549-553.
This page last revised 31 May 2013