Wau Ecology Institute Handbooks
The Wau Ecology Institute was founded as an organization dedicated to education for ecology and conservation in Papua New Guinea. The Institute is located at Wau (elevation 1200 meters) in the mountains of eastern Papua New Guinea. It encompasses a large aboretum of native plants, a zoo, a small museum, and facilities for research.
Number 1.
1976. Handbook of common New Guinea frogs. J.I. Menzies. 75 pp., 12 col. pl.
Number 2. 1977.
Handbook of common New Guinea beetles. J.L. Gressitt & R.W. Hornabrook. 1977. 87 pp., many illustr., 4 col. pl. [ pdf]
Number 3. 1977. Guide to biological terms in Melanesian pidgin. Martin Simon. 11 pp., illustr.. [ pdf]
Number 4. 1978. Guide to montane birds of Northeast New Guinea. Bruce Beehler. Illustrated by Wm Adams. 157 pp; 10 pls (5 col.) many drawings.
Number 5. 1978.
Guide to Mt Kaindi: Background to montane New Guinea ecology. J.L. Gressitt & Nalini Nadkarni, illustrated by Margaret Gressitt. 135 pp. Many illustr. [ pdf]
Number 6. 1979. Handbook of New Guinea rodents. J. Menzies & E. Dennis.
68 pp., 8 col.
[ pdf]
Number 7. 1980.
Reptiles of the Solomon Islands. M. McCoy. 80 pp., 8 col. pls. [ pdf ]