Bishop Museum Special Publications

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Volume 1. 1892-1893. A preliminary catalogue of the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum of Polynesian Ethnology and Natural History. Brigham, W.T. 394 pp. [ pdf ]
Volume 1. Part I. 1892.Kahilis, feather ornaments, mats and kapas. 72 pp.
Volume 1. Part II. 1892. Household implements, tools, amusements, war, worship, ornaments, medicine, fisheries and canoes, relics of chiefs. 106 pp.
Volume 1. Part III. 1892. New Zealand, Samoa and other Polynesian Islands; New Hebrides, Fiji, Solomon Islands, New Guinea, Micronesia, Australia. 61 + [1 errata p.] + 12 [index ] pp.
Volume 1. Part IV. 1893. Natural history collections. pp. 61 pp.
Volume 1. Part V. 1893. A list of pictures, books treating the Pacific regions, silverware and coins. 70 + 9 [index] pp.

Volume 2. 1898. Hawaiian antiquities. Malo, D. 366 pp. [last reprinted 1992] [ pdf ]

Volume 3. 1903. A handbook for visitors to the Bishop Museum. Brigham, W.T. 106 pp. [ pdf ]

Volume 4. 1909. Index to "The Polynesian Race" by A. Fornander. Compiled by Stokes, J.F.G. with a brief memoir of Judge Fornander by W.D. Alexander. 86 pp.

Volume 5. 1915. Bishop Museum handbook. - Part I: The Hawaiian collections. 95 pp. [ pdf ]

Volume 6. 1899-1913. Fauna Hawaiiensis: being results of the explorations instituted by the Joint Committee appointed by British Association for the Advancement of Science and carried on with the assistance of those bodies and of the Trustees of the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum at Honolulu. Sharp, D. (editor). 3 volumes. 18 parts. 2163 pp. [table of contents]

Volume 7. 1921. Proceedings of the First Pan-Pacific Scientific Conference. 3 parts. 949 pp. [ pdf ]

Volume 8. 1922. A dictionary of the Hawaiian language by Lorrin Andrews. Revised edition. Parker, H.H. 674 pp. [ pdf ]

Volume 9. 1924. Bishop Museum handbook, Part II. Clothing. Ball, S.C. 51 pp. [reprinted 1929] [ pdf ]

Volume 10. 1925. Diary of Andrew Bloxam, naturalist of the “Blonde,” on her trip to the Hawaiian Islands from England, 1824-25. 96 pp. [ pdf ]

Volume 11
. 1926. Proceedings Hawaiian Academy of Science. First Annual Meeting, 1926. 33 pp. [ pdf ]

Volume 12. 1927. Proceedings Hawaiian Academy of Science. Second Annual Meeting, 1927. 28 pp. [ pdf ]

Volume 13. 1928. In Honolulu gardens. Neal, M.C. & Metzger, B. 327 pp.

Volume 14. 1928. Proceedings Hawaiian Academy of Science. Third Annual Meeting, 1928. 22 pp. [ pdf ]

Volume 15. 1929. Proceedings Hawaiian Academy of Science. Fourth Annual Meeting, 1929. 20 pp. [ pdf ]

Volume 16. 1930. Proceedings Hawaiian Academy of Science. Fifth Annual Meeting, 1930. 19 pp. [ pdf ]

Volume 17. 1931. Journal of Lucia Ruggles Holman. 40 pp. [ pdf ]

Volume 18. 1931. Hawaiian art. Luquiens, H.M. 59 pp. [ pdf ]

Volume 19. 1931. Proceedings Hawaiian Academy of Science. Sixth Annual Meeting, 1931. 20 pp. [ pdf ]

Volume 20. 1932.Proceedings Hawaiian Academy of Science. Seventh Annual Meeting, 1932. 20 pp. [ pdf ]

Volume 21. 1933. Proceedings Hawaiian Academy of Science. Eighth Annual Meeting, 1933. 29 pp. [ pdf ]

Volume 22. 1933. Reef and shore fauna of Hawaii. Edmondson, C.H. 381 pp. [Revised 1946. 381 pp. [ pdf ]

Volume 23. 1934. The depopulation of Pacific races. Lambert, S.M. 42 pp. [ pdf ]

Volume 24. 1934. Index to Hawaiian Annual, 1875-1932. Titcomb, M. & Ames, A. 59 pp. [ pdf ]

Volume 25. 1934. Proceedings Hawaiian Academy of Science. Ninth Annual Meeting, 1934. 18 pp. [ pdf ]

Volume 26. 1935. Proceedings Hawaiian Academy of Science. Tenth Annual Meeting, 1934-35. 21 pp. [ pdf ]

Volume 27. 1936. Canoes of Oceania. Volume I. The Canoes of Polynesia, Fiji, and Micronesia. Hornell, J. 434 pp. [ pdf ]

Volume 28. 1937. Canoes of Oceania. Volume II. The canoes of Melanesia, Queensland, and New Guinea. Haddon, A.C. 342 pp. [ pdf ]

Volume 29. 1938. Canoes of Oceania. Volume III. Definition of terms, general survey, and conclusions. Haddon, A.C. & Hornell, J. 88 pp. [ pdf ]

Volume 30
. 1936. Proceedings Hawaiian Academy of Science. Eleventh Annual Meeting 1935-36. 32 pp.

Volume 31. 1937. Proceedings Hawaiian Academy of Science. Twelfth Annual Meeting 1936-37. 29 pp.

Volume 32. 1938. East Indian and Fijian in Fiji: their changing numerical relation. Lambert, S.M. 14 pp.

Volume 33. 1938. Proceedings Hawaiian Academy of Science. Thirteenth Annual Meeting 1937-38. 28 pp.

Volume 34. 1939. Proceedings Hawaiian Academy of Science. Eleventh Annual Meeting 1938-39. 34 pp.

Volume 35. 1940. Proceedings Hawaiian Academy of Science. Eleventh Annual Meeting 1939-40. 28 pp.

Volume 36. 1943. South sea lore. Emory, K.P. 79 pp. (revised 1944)

Volume 37. 1946. Studies in Hawaiian pollen statistics, Part I. Selling, O.F. 87 pp. [ pdf ]

Volume 38. 1947. Studies in Hawaiian pollen statistics, Part II. Selling, O.F. 430 pp. [ pdf ]

Volume 39. 1948. Studies in Hawaiian pollen statistics, Part III. Selling, O.F. 134 pp. [ pdf ]

Volume 40. 1948. In gardens of Hawaii. Neal, M.C. 805 pp.

Volume 41. 1951. Report on the Pacific Science Association. 115 pp.

Volume 42. 1953. Charles Montague Cooke. Jr.: A bio-bibliography. Kondo, Y. & Clench, W.J. 56 pp. [ pdf ]

Volume 43. 1953. Explorers of the Pacific: European and American discoveries in Polynesia. Te Rangi Hiroa (Peter H. Buck). 125 pp.

Volume 44. 1954. Forest entomology In Hawaii. Swezey, O.H. 266 pp. [ pdf ]

Volume 45. 1964. Arts and crafts of Hawaii. Te Rangi Hiroa (Peter H. Buck). [14 parts] 606 pp. (reprint edition)

Volume 46. 1959. The position of the Polynesian language within the Austronesian (Malayo-Polynesian) language family. Grace, G.W. 77 pp.

Volume 47. 1959. Hawaiian archaeology: fishhooks. Emory, K.P., Bonk, W.J. & Sinoto, Y.H. 62 pp.

Volume 48. 1961. Pacific Science Association: Its history and role in international cooperation. Elkin, A.P. 80 pp.

Volume 49. 1961. Hawaiian archaeology: Oahu excavations. Emory, K.P. & Sinoto, Y.H. 77 pp.

Volume 50. 1965. In Gardens of Hawaii. (revised edition) Neal, M.C. 924 pp. [ pdf ]

Volume 51. 1964. Ka Po'a Kahiko (The People of Old). Kamakau, S.M. 163 pp.

Volume 52. 1964. Hawaiian archaeology: Hawaiian fishponds. Summers, C.C. 26 pp.

Volume 53. 1965. Hawaiian archaaology: trails—from steppingstones to kerbstones. Apple, R.A. 75 pp.

Volume 54. 1966. The tides. Bunton, G.W. 18 pp.

Volume 55. 1967. Anatomy of an island, a geological history of Oahu. Macdonald, G.A. & Kyselka, W. 36 pp. [ pdf ]

Volume 56. 1967. Polynesian culture history: Essays in honor of Kenneth P. Emory. Highland, G.A. et al.(editors). 594 pp.

Volume 57. 1969. Mammals in Hawaii: a synopsis and national bibliography. Tomich, P.Q. 238 pp.

Volume 58. 1969. Hawaii: a pictorial history. Feher, J. 518 pp.

Volume 59. 1969. Dog and man in the ancient Pacific, with special attention to Hawaii. Titcomb, M.A. 92 pp.

Volume 60. 1970. Hawaiian petroglyphs. Cox, J.H. & Stasack, E. 108 pp.

Volume 61. 1976. The works of the people of old: Na Hana a Ka Po‘e Kahiko. Kamakau, S.M. 170 pp.

Volume 62. 1976. Directions in Pacific traditional literature: essays in honor of Katharine Luomala. Kaeppler, A.L. & Nimmo, H.A. 352 pp.

Volume 63. 1977. Hawaiian legends. Rice, W.H. 147 pp.

Volume 64(1). 1977. Reef and shore fauna of Hawaii. Section 1: Protozoa through Ctenophora. Devaney, D.M. & Eldredge, L.G. 278 pp. [ pdf ]
Volume 64(2-3). 1987. Reef and shore fauna of Hawaii. Section 2: Platyhelminthes through Phoronida and Section 3: Sipuncula through Annelida. Devaney, D.M. & Eldredge, L.G. 461 pp. [ pdf ]
Volume 64(4). 1976. Hawaiian marine shells. Reef and shore fauna of Hawaii. Section 4: Mollusca. Kay, E.A. 653 pp. [ pdf ]
Volume 64(6B). 1997. Reef and shore fauna of Hawaii. Section 6B: Ascidians (Urochordata). Abbott, D.P., Newberry, A.T., Morris, K.M. & Lambert, G. 64 pp. [ pdf ]

Volume 65. 1978. “Artificial curiosities” being an exposition of native manufactures collected on the three Pacific voyages of Captain James Cook, R.N. at the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum January 18, 1978–August 31, 1978 on the occasion of the bicentennial of European discovery of the Hawaiian Islands by Captain Cook — January 18, 1778. Kaeppler, A.L. 293 pp.

Volume 66. 1978. Cook voyage artifacts in Leningrad, Berne, and Florence museums. Kaeppler, A.L. (editor). 186 pp.

Volume 67. 1980. Hawai‘i: the royal isles. Rose, R.G. 234 pp.

Volume 68. 1980. A museum to instruct and delight. William T. Brigham and the founding of the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum. Rose, R.G. 77 pp. [ pdf ]

Volume 69. 1980. Na Pa‘i Ki‘i. the photographers in the Hawaiian Islands, 1845-1900. Davis, L. 48 pp.

Volume 70. 1983. Fragments of Hawaiian History. [Reprined edition.] Ii, J.P. 202 pp.

Volume 71. 1983. ‘Olelo No‘Eau. Hawaiian proverbs and sayings. Pukui, M.K. 351 pp. [reprinted 1993]

Volume 72. 1984. Biogeography of the tropical Pacific. Radovsky, F. 221 pp. [ pdf ]

Volume 73. 1985. Comet Halley handbook: for Hawai‘i observers: 1985-1986. Steiger, W.R. 16 pp.

Volume 74. 1985. Forum on systematics resources in the Pacific. Sohmer, S.H. (editor). 79 pp.

Volume 75. 1986. Voices on the wind. Polynesian myths and chants (revised edition). Luomala, K. 209 pp.

Volume 76. 1986. Mammals in Hawai‘i. A synopsis and national bibliography. Second edition. Tomich, P.Q. 238 pp. [ pdf ]

Volume 77. 1987. Outrigger canoes of Bali and Madura, Indonesia. Horridge, A. 178 pp.

Volume 78. 1987. Strains of change. the impact of tourism on Hawaiian music. Tatar, E. 29 pp.

Volume 79. 1987. Hawai‘i. A calendar of natural events 1988. Foster, N., Pope, B., Gagné, W. & Thomas, A. 128 pp.

Volume 80. 1988. The Hawaiian grass house in Bishop Museum. Summers, C.C. 55 pp.

Volume 81. 1988. Hawai‘i. A calendar of natural events 1989. Foster, N., Pope, B., Gagné, W. & Thomas, A. 130 pp.

Volume 82. 198x. Indexed bibliography on the flowering plants of Hawai‘i. Mill, S.W., Gowing, D.P., Herbst, D.R. & Wagner, W.L. 214 pp.

Volume 83. 1990. Manual of flowering plants of Hawai‘i. 2 vols. Wagner, W.L., Herbst, D.R. & Sohmer, S.H. 1853 pp.

Volume 84. 1989. Royal lineages of Hawai‘i. Spoehr, A.H. 49 pp.

Volume 85. 1988. A photographer in ther kingdom: Christian J. Hedemann’s early images of Hawai‘i. Davis, L.A. & Foster, N. 194 pp.

Volume 86. 1989. A catalog of the Diptera of the Australasian and Oceanian Regions. Evenhuis, N.L. (editor). 1155 pp. [catalog home page]

Volume 87. 1995. Folktales of Hawai‘i: He mau ka‘ao Hawai‘i. Pukui, M.K. & Green, L.C.S. 160 pp.

Volume 88. 1995. Na mele welo: songs of our heritage. Pukui, M.K., Bacon, P.N. & Napoka, N. 237 pp.

Volume 89. 1996. A legendary tradition of Kamapua‘a: the Hawaiian pig god. Kame‘eleihiwa, L.A. 161 pp.

Volume 90. 1996. Hawaiian damselflies: a field identification guide. Polhemus, D.A. & Asquith, A. 122 pp.

Volume 91. 1989. Kalaupapa: a portrait. Foster, N. (editor). 98 pp.

Volume 92. 1990. Kilauea: the newest land on earth. Weisel, D. 76 pp.

Volume 93. 1990. Hidden wonders 1991: an engagement calendar featuring the Pacific collections of Bishop Museum. Foster, N.

Volume 94. 1993. Tales and traditions of the people of old. Na mo‘olelo a ka po‘e kahiko. Kamakau, S.M. 184 pp.

Volume 95. 1993. Bishop Museum and the changing world of Hawaii. Foster, N. 96 pp.

Volume 96. 1996. The sky tonight. A guided tour of the stars over Hawai‘i. Revised edition. Rhoades, S.E.

Volume 97. 1999. Manual of flowering plants of Hawai‘i. Revised edition. 2 vols. Wagner, W.L., Herbst, D.R. & Sohmer, S.H. 1,918 + [1] pp.

Special Publications of the Department of Entomology

[1]. 1976. A bibliography of land mammals of Southeast Asia 1699-1969. —Jones, G.S. & Jones, D.B. 238 pp. [ pdf ]

[2]. 1980. Ectoparasites of Hawaiian rodents.— Tenorio, J.M. & Goff, M.L. 32 pp. [ pdf ]

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This page last revised 24 November 2024