Bishop Museum Occasional Papers

Bishop Museum Occasional Papers

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Volume 1(1). 1898. Report of a journey around the world undertaken to examine various ethnological collections : 1896 . Brigham, W.T. 72 pp.
Volume 1(2). 1900. Director’s report for 1899. 79 pp.
[the following articles are within the Director’s report]:
- The mat sails of the Pacific. Stokes, J.F.G. Pp. 25-32.
- Ray-skin rasps. Walcott, A.M. Pp. 32-33.
- Field notes on the birds of Oahu, H.I. Seale, A. Pp. 33-46.
Volume 1(3). 1901.
- Director’s report for 1900. Pp. 3-15.
- Report of a mission to Guam. Seale, A. Pp. 17-128. [pdf]
- Notes on the birds of Kauai. Bryan, W.A. & Seale, A. Pp. 129-137.
Volume 1(4). 1901. New Hawaiian fishes. Seale, A. 15 pp. [pdf]
Volume 1(5). 1902. Director’s report for 1901. 15 pp.

Volume 2(1). 1903.
- Director’s report for 1902. Pp. 3-32.
- Noteworthy Hawaiian stone implements. Brigham, W.T. Pp. 33-36.
- The fibres of the Hawaiian Islands. Blackman, L.G. Pp. 37-64. [pdf]
- Distribution and variation of Achatinella multizonata from Nuuanu Valley. Cooke, C.M., Jr. Pp. 65-76.
- A monograph of Marcus Island. Bryan, W.A. Pp. 77-126. [pdf]
- Annotated list of the Marcus Island fishes. Bryan, W.A. Pp. 126-139. [pdf]
Volume 2(2). 1904.
- Director’s report for 1903. Pp. 3-30.
- Aboriginal wooden weapons of Australia: illustrative of the collection in the B.P. Bishop Museum. Blackman, L.G. Pp. 33-51.
Volume 2(3). 1905.
- Director’s report for 1904. Pp. 3-32.
- Australian bark canoe. Brigham, W.T. Pp. 33-35.
- A stone dagger for dueling. Brigham, W.T. Pp. 35-37.
- Notes on the birds of the Waianae Mountains. Bryan, W.A. Pp. 37-45.
- Additional notes on the nesting habits of the Hawaiian owl. Bryan, W.A. Pp. 49-50.
- Description of the nest and eggs of Chlorodrepanis virens (Gmel.). Bryan, W.A. Pp. 51-52.
- Notes on the American birds collected in the Hawaiian Islands by Mr. Gerrit Wilder. Bryan, W.A. Pp. 53-56.
- A bird’s nest of Pele’s hair. Bryan, W.A. Pp. 57-58.
- Two undescribed nests and an egg of a Hawaiian bird. Bryan, W.A. Pp. 59-60.
- Nest and eggs of Heterorhynchus wilsoni Roths. Bryan, W.A. Pp. 61-62.
Volume 2(4). 1906.
- Director’s report for 1905.Pp. 3-19.
- Nest of the Hawaiian hawk. Bryan, W.A. Pp. 20-21.
- Egg of the Hawaiian goose. Bryan, W.A. Pp. 21-22.
- Three new Hawaiian fishes. Bryan, W.A. Pp. 22-37.
- Report of a visit to Midway Island. Bryan, W.A. Pp. 37-45. [pdf]
Volume 2(5). 1907. Director’s report for 1906. 26 pp.

Volume 3(1). 1907. Reprint of original descriptions of Achatinella. With additional
notes. Thwing, E.W. 196 pp. [pdf]
Volume 3(2). 1908. Notes on Hawaiian land shells. Pilsby, H.A. & Cooke, C.M. [pdf]
[containing the following articles]:
- Hawaiian species of Helicina. Pilsby, H.A. & Cooke, C.M. Pp. 199-210. [pdf]
- A new species of Lyropupa from Hawaii. Cooke, C.M., Jr. Pp. 211-212. [pdf]
- Three new species of Amastra from Oahu. Cooke, C.M., Jr. Pp. 213-216. [pdf]
- Amastra (Laminella) kuhnsi. Cooke, C.M., Jr. Pp. 217-218. [pdf]
Volume 3(3). 1917. Some new species of Amastra. Cooke, C.M., Jr. Pp. 221-247. [pdf]
Volume 3(4). 1917.
- The Hawaiian rat . Stone, W. Pp. 253-260.
- Notes on the Hawaiian rat. Stokes, J.F.G. Pp. 261-271.

Volume 4(1). 1906. Fishes of the South Pacific. Seale, A. 89 pp. [pdf]
Volume 4(2). 1908.
- Director’s Report for 1907. Pp. 1-22.
- A list of casts of Hawaiian fishes. Thompson, J.W. Pp. 23-30.
- Stone sculpturings in relief from the Hawaiian Islands. Stokes, J.F.G. Pp. 31-42.
- Some birds of Molokai. Bryan, W.A. Pp. 43-86. [pdf]
Volume 4(3). 1909.
- Director’s Report for 1908. Pp. 1-22.
- Walled fish-traps of Pearl Harbor. Stokes, J.F.G. Pp. 23-36.
- Some new Hawaiian plants. Forbes, C.N. Pp. 37-47. [pdf]
Volume 4(4). 1910.
- Director’s Report for 1909. Pp. 1-29.
- Hawaiian curved adzes. Brigham, W.T. Pp. 30-32.
- Notes on Hawaiian petroglyphs. Stokes, J.F.G. Pp. 33-71.
- New Hawaiian plants, II. Forbes, C.N. Pp. 72-73. [pdf]
- Summary of the collection of insects in the Museum. Swezey, O.H. Pp. 74-75.
Volume 4(5). 1911.
- Director’s Report for 1910. Pp. 1-22.
- Notes on the naturalized flora of the Hawaiian Islands. Forbes, C.N. Pp. 23-42. [pdf]

Volume 5(1). 1912. [pdf]
- New Hawaiian plants—III. Forbes, C.N. Pp. 3-12. [pdf]
- Preliminary observations concerning the plant invasion of some of the lava flows of Mauna Loa, Hawaii. Forbes, C.N. Pp. 15-23. [pdf]
Volume 5(2). 1912.
- Director’s Report for 1911. Pp. 1-41.
- The new laboratory. Pp. 43-56.
- Another carved adze. Brigham, W.T. Pp. 57-58.
Volume 5(3). 1913.
- Notes on the flora of Kahoolawe and Molokini. Forbes, C.N. Pp. 3-15. [pdf]
- An enumeration of Niihau plants. Forbes, C.N. Pp. 17-29. [pdf]
Volume 5(4). 1913. Director’s report for 1912. 36 pp.
Volume 5(5). 1913. Report of a journey around the world to study matter relating to museums: 1912 . Brigham, W.T. 318 pp.

Volume 6(1). 1914.
- Director’s report for 1913. Pp. 1-38.
- New Hawaiian plants, IV. Forbes, C.N. Pp. 39. [pdf]
Volume 6(2). 1915. Director’s report for 1914. 74 pp.
Volume 6(3). 1916.
- Director’s report for 1915. Pp. 1-56.
- New Hawaiian plants, V. Forbes, C.N. Pp. 57-75. [pdf]
Volume 6(4). 1917.
- Director’s report for 1916. Pp. 1-36.
- Notes on ethnographical accessions. Stokes, J.F.G. Pp. 37-50.
- New Hawaiian plants, VI. Forbes, C.N. Pp. 51-54. [pdf]
Volume 6(5). 1918.
- Director’s report for 1917. Pp. 1-38.
- Leptachatinae and Tornatellinidae in the Bishop Museum. Cooke, C.M., Jr. Pp. 39-54.
- The genus Lagenophora in the Hawaiian Islands. Forbes, C.N. Pp. 55-68. [pdf]

Volume 7(1). 1920. Director’s report for 1918. 12 pp. [ pdf]
Volume 7(2). 1920. Languages of the Pacific. Brown, J.M. 17 pp. [ pdf]
Volume 7(3). 1920. New Hawaiian plants—VII. Forbes, C.N. 9 pp. [ pdf]
Volume 7(4). 1920. A new Cyanea from, Lanai, Hawaii. Forbes, C.N. & Munro, G.C. 3 pp. [ pdf]
Volume 7(5). 1920. Notes on Marsilea villosa Kaulf. Forbes, C.N. 7 pp. [ pdf]
Volume 7(6). 1920. A new variety of Partulina horneri. Gouveia, A. 3 pp. [ pdf]
Volume 7(7). 1920. New species of Sierola with explanatory notes. Fullaway, D.T. 105 pp. [ pdf]
Volume 7(8). 1920. Director’s report for 1919. 16 pp. [ pdf]
Volume 7(9). 1920. Edible Mollusca of the Oregon coast. Edmondson, C.H. 25 pp. [pdf]
Volume 7(10). 1921. Fish poisoning in the Hawaiian Islands with notes on the custom in Southern Polynesia. Stokes, J.F.G. 17 pp. [pdf]
Volume 7(11). 1921. An archaeology of Haleakala. Emory, K.P. 25 pp. [ pdf]
Volume 7(8). 1920. Director’s report for 1919. 16 pp. [ pdf]
Volume 7(12). 1921. Notes on Hawaiian Zonitidae and Succineidae. Cooke, C.M., Jr. 17 pp. [pdf]
Volume 7(13). 1921. Stomatopoda in the Bernice P. Bishop Museum. Edmondson, C.H. 24 pp. [pdf]
Volume 7(14). 1922. Dermaptera and Orthoptera of Hawaii. Hebard, M. 77 pp. [pdf]

Volume 8(1). 1921. Director’s report for 1920. 28 pp.
Volume 8(2). 1922. Hawaiian Dromiidae. Edmondson, C.H. 10 pp. [pdf]
Volume 8(3). 1922. Proverbial sayings of the Tongans. Collocott, E.E.V. & Havea, J. 118 pp.
Volume 8(4). 1922. Tongan astronomy and calendar. Collocott, E.E.V. 19 pp.
Volume 8(5). 1922. Report of the Director for 1921. 39 pp. [ pdf]
Volume 8(6). 1922. The secondary xylem of Hawaiian trees. Brown, F.B.H. 157 pp. [ pdf]
Volume 8(7). 1923. New or little-known Hawaiian fishes. Fowler, H.W. 20 pp.

Volume 9(1). 1930. Geology of Molokini (with notes on the flora of Molokini by E.L. Caum). Palmer, H.S. 18 pp. [ pdf]
Volume 9(2). 1930. Notes on Polynesian pounders. Bouge, L.J. 11 pp.
Volume 9(3). 1930. New Hawaiian species of Pipturus. Krajina, V. 6 pp. [ pdf]
Volume 9(4). 1930. New Polynesian plants. Brown, F.B.H. 23 pp. [pdf]
Volume 9(5). 1930. New Hawaiian plants. Caum, E.L. 30 pp. [pdf]
Volume 9(6). 1930. New Hawaiian medusae. Edmondson, C.H. 16 pp.
Volume 9(7). 1930. Effect of ultraviolet rays in regeneration of chelipeds. Edmondson, C.H. 7 pp.
Volume 9(8). 1930. The problem of Polynesian origins. Handy, E.S.C. 27 pp.
Volume 9(9). 1930. Notes on Tongan ethnology. Whitcombe, J.D. 20 pp.
Volume 9(10). 1930. New Hawaiian Crustacea. Edmondson, C.H. 18 pp. [pdf]
Volume 9(11). 1930. New species of Partula. Cooke, C.M., Jr. & Crampton, H.E. 9 pp. [pdf]
Volume 9(12). 1931. Notes on Joinvillea. Christophersen, E. 7 pp. [pdf]
Volume 9(13). 1931. Vascular plants of Johnston and Wake Islands. Christophersen, E. 20 pp. [pdf]
Volume 9(14). 1931. Additions to the flora of Niihau. St. John, H. 11 pp. [pdf]
Volume 9(15). 1931. Geology of the Pacific equatorial islands. Wentworth, C.K. 25 pp.
Volume 9(16). 1931. Mosses of Raiatea, Society Islands. Bartram, E.B. 14 pp. [pdf]
Volume 9(17). 1931. New crustaceans from Kauai, Oahu, and Maui. Edmondson, C.H. 18 pp. [pdf]
Volume 9(18). 1932. Fishes obtained at Samoa in 1929. Fowler, H.W. 16 pp.
Volume 9(19). 1932. Notes on Pritchardia. St. John, H. 5 pp. [pdf]
Volume 9(20). 1932. Fishes obtained at Fiji in 1929. Fowler, H.W. 13 pp.
Volume 9(21). 1932. Check list of Tipulidae of Oceania. Alexander, C.P. 12 pp. [pdf]
Volume 9(22). 1932. Traces of suffixed pronouns in Polynesian languages. Churchward, S. 6 pp.
Volume 9(23). 1932. Check list of the Elateridae of Oceania. Van Zwaluwenburg, R.H. 28 pp. [pdf]
Volume 9(24). 1932. A giant Latreillopsis from Hawaii. Edmondson, C.H. 9 pp. [pdf]
Volume 9(25). 1932. Fresh-water fishes from the Marquesas and Society Islands. Fowler, H.W. 11 pp. [pdf]

Volume 10(1). 1932. Echinodermata from Pearl and Hermes Reef. Holly, M. 9 pp. [pdf]
Volume 10(2). 1933. The lizards of the Marquesas Islands. Schmidt, K.P. & Necker, W. 11 pp. [pdf]
Volume 10(3). 1933. Cypraeacea from Hawaii. Schilder, F.A. 22 pp. [pdf]
Volume 10(4). 1933. Lysmachia, Labordia, Scaevola, and Pluchea. Hawaiian plant studies 1. St. John, H. 10 pp. [pdf]
Volume 10(5). 1933. Cryptochirus of the central Pacific. Edmondson, C.H. 23pp. [pdf]
Volume 10(6). 1933. New species of Amastridae. Cooke, C.M., Jr. 29 pp. [pdf]
Volume 10(7). 1933. Some aliis of the migratory period. Cartwright, B. 11 pp. [pdf]
Volume 10(8). 1933. Notes on Pteralyxia. Caum, E.L. 24 pp. [pdf]
Volume 10(9). 1933. The exotic birds of Hawaii. Caum, E.L. 55 pp.
Volume 10(10). 1933. Polynesian mosses. Bartram, E.B. 28 pp. [pdf]
Volume 10(11). 1934. Land shells of Makatea. Cooke, C.M., Jr. 11 pp. [pdf]
Volume 10(12). 1934. Panicum, Zanthoxylum, Psychotria, and Sicyos. Hawaiian plant studies 2. St. John, H. 7 pp. [pdf]
Volume 10(13). 1934. Samoan Pandanaceae. Martelli, U. 24 pp. [pdf]
Volume 10(14). 1934. Partulidae of Tonga and related forms. Pilsbry, H.A. & Cooke, C.M., Jr. 22 pp. [pdf]
Volume 10(15). 1934. A new Hawaiian Abutilon. Christophersen, E. 7 pp. [pdf]
Volume 10(16). 1934. Diellia and its variations. Smith, F.G. 22 pp. [pdf]
Volume 10(17). 1934. A new Chaetomosillus from New Guinea (Diptera: Ephydridae). Malloch, J.R. 1 p. [pdf]
Volume 10(18). 1934. New nemerteans from Hawaii. Coe, W.R. 9 pp. [pdf]
Volume 10(19). 1934. Taxonomic studies on Raiatean plants. Moore, J.W. 8 pp. [pdf]
Volume 10(20). 1934. Anatomy of Hawaiian peperomias. Yuncker, T.G. & Gray, W.D. 19 pp.[pdf]
Volume 10(21). 1934. Revised list of Hawaiian ants. Wheeler, W.M. 21 pp. [pdf]
Volume 10(22). 1934. Check list of the false scorpions of Oceania. Chamberlin, J.C. 14 pp. [pdf]
Volume 10(23). 1935. Indo-Pacific terrestrial Talitridae. Stephensen, K. 20 pp. [pdf]
Volume 10(24). 1935. New and rare Polynesian Crustacea. Edmondson, C.H. Pp. 40 pp. [pdf]

Volume 11(1). 1935. Check list of the Brenthidae of Oceania. Kleine, R. 16 pp. [pdf]
Volume 11(2). 1935. Check list of the Rutelinae (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae) of Oceania. Ohaus, F. 9 pp. [pdf]
Volume 11(3). 1935. Atyidae of southern Polynesia. Edmondson, C.H. 19 pp. [pdf]
Volume 11(4). 1935. New palms from Fiji. Burret, M. 14 pp. [pdf]
Volume 11(5). 1935. Preliminary notes on Sarcopygma, a new rubiaceaous genus from Samoa. Setchell, W.A. & Christophersen, E. 5 pp. [pdf]
Volume 11(6). 1935. Notes on the Ethnology of Pukapuka. Macgregor, G. 52 pp.
Volume 11(7). 1935. Check list of the Embiidae (Embioptera) of Oceania. Friederichs, K. 4 pp.
Volume 11(8). 1935. Autonomy and regeneration of Hawaiian starfishes. Edmondson, C.H. 20 pp. [pdf]
Volume 11(9). 1935. A new lathridid from Tahiti (Coleoptera, Lathrididae). Zimmerman, E.C. 7 pp. [pdf]
Volume 11(10). 1935. Non-marine invertebrate fauna of the Marquesas (exclusive of insects). Adamson, A.M. 39 pp. [pdf]
Volume 11(11). 1935. Checklist of the ants of Oceania. Wheeler, W.M. 56 pp. [pdf]
Volume 11(12). 1935. Contribution to the demographic study of Easter Island. Drapkin, I. 9 pp.
Volume 11(13). 1935. Hawaiian Panicum, Metrosideros, Sanicula, Lobelia, and Rollandia. St. John, H. & Hosaka, E.Y. 18 pp. [pdf]
Volume 11(14). 1935. Additions to the flora of Midway Islands. Hawaiian plants studies—3. St. John, H. 4 pp. [pdf]
Volume 11(15). 1935. Native trade in southeast New Guinea. Tueting, L.T. 43 pp.
Volume 11(16).
1936. Effects of X-rays on regeneration of chelipeds of Atya bisulcata. Edmondson, C.H. 15 pp.
Volume 11(17). 1936. Society Island pounders. Silverthorne, H. 17 pp.
Volume 11(18). 1936. Check list of the Serphoidea, Bethylidae, and Anteonidae of Oceania. Fouts, R. 15 pp. [pdf]
Volume 11(19). 1936. The Hawaiian silverswords: systematics, affinities, and phytogeographic problems of the genus Argyroxiphum. Keck, D. 38 pp. [pdf]
Volume 11(20). 1936. Contributions to the mosses of Fiji. Bartram, E.B. 30 pp. [pdf]
Volume 11(21). 1936. Notes on the flora and fauna of Lehua and Kaula Islands. Caum, E.L. 17 pp. [pdf]
Volume 11(22). 1936. Two new species of Terminalia from the Austral Islands and Mangareva. Exell, A.W. 4 pp. [pdf]
Volume 11(23). 1936. A new species of Schiedea. Caum, E.L. & Hosaka, E.Y. 5 pp. [pdf]

Volume 12(1). 1936. Review of the genus Orochlesis (Coleoptera, Curculionidae). Zimmerman, E.C. 19 pp. [pdf]
Volume 12(2). 1936. Amaranthaceae of southeastern Polynesia. Suessenguth, K. 10 pp. [pdf]
Volume 12(3). 1936. Baridinae of southeastern Polynesia (Coleoptera, Curculionidae). Zimmerman, E.C. 8 pp. [pdf]
Volume 12(4). 1936. Check list of Pacific Lycidae. Kleine, R. 7 pp. [pdf]
Volume 12(5). 1936. New species of Hawaiian Panicum and Eragrostis. Whitney, L.D. & Hosaka, E.Y. 6 pp. [pdf]
Volume 12(6). 1936. Check list of the Cicindelidae of Oceania. Horn, W. 11 pp. [pdf]
Volume 12(7). 1936. Transfer of the Papuan Gouldia to the genus Psychotria. St. John, H. 4 pp. [pdf]
Volume 12(8). 1936. A revision of the Hawaiian species of Labordia described by H. Baillon. Hawaiian plant studies-4. St. John, H. 11 pp. [pdf]
Volume 12(9). 1936. New species of Portulaca from southeastern Polynesia. von Poellnitz, K. 6 pp. [pdf]
Volume 12(10). 1936. The ampagioid weevils of southeastern Polynesia (Coleoptera, Curculionidae). Zimmerman, E.C. 38 pp. [pdf]
Volume 12(11). 1936. Cladocera of Mauna Kea, Hawaii. Ueno, M. 9 pp. [pdf]
Volume 12(12). 1936. Termites of southeastern Polynesia. Light, S.F. & Zimmerman, E.C. 12 pp. [pdf]
Volume 12(13). 1936. Geology of Lehua and Kaula Islands. Palmer, H.S. 36 pp. [pdf]
Volume 12(14). 1936. The Staphylinidae (Coleoptera) of the Mangarevan Expedition. Cameron, M. 9 pp. [pdf]
Volume 12(15). 1936. Miscellaneous Hawaiian plant notes—1. Fosberg, F.R. 11 pp. [pdf]
Volume 12(16). 1936. Hawaiian geraniums. Fosberg, F.R. 19 pp. [pdf]
Volume 12(17). 1936. Cryptorrhynchinae of the Austral Islands (Coleoptera, Curculionidae). Zimmerman, E.C. 19 pp. [pdf]
Volume 12(18). 1936. Ants from the Society, Austral, Tuamotu and Mangareva islands. Wheeler, W.M. 17 pp. [pdf]
Volume 12(19). 1937. Some Compositae of southeastern Polynesia (Bidens, Coreopsis, Cosmos, and Oparanthus). Sherff, E.E. 19 pp. [pdf]
Volume 12(20). 1936. Cryptorrhynchinae of Henderson, Pitcairn, and Mangareva islands (Coleoptera, Curculionidae). Zimmerman, E.C. 8 pp. [pdf]
Volume 12(21). 1936. A cryptorrhynchid from Marotiri (Coleoptera, Curculionidae). Zimmerman, E.C. 4 pp. [pdf]
Volume 12(22). 1936. Orochlesis of Fiji (Coleoptera, Curculionidae). Zimmerman, E.C. 10 pp. [pdf]
Volume 12(23). 1936. Cryptorrhynchinae of the Society Islands (Coleoptera, Curculionidae). Zimmerman, E.C. 48 pp. [pdf]
Volume 12(24). 1937. Vegetation of Flint Island, central Pacific. St. John, H. & Fosberg, F.R. 4 pp. [pdf]

Volume 13(1).1937. A new species of Cicindela from the Solomon Islands (Coleoptera, Cicindelidae). Horn, W. Pp. 1-3. [pdf]
Volume 13(2). 1937. Observations on the Teratology of Peperomia. Yuncker, T.G. Pp. 5-10. [pdf]
Volume 13(3). 1937. Check list of the Cleridae (Coleoptera) of Oceania. Corporaal, J.B. Pp. 11-26. [pdf]
Volume 13(4). 1937. Nyctaginaceae of southeastern Polynesia and other Pacific Islands. Heimerl, A. Pp. 27-47. [pdf]
Volume 13(5). 1937. Check list of Neuroptera Planipennia of Oceania. Esben-Petersen, P. Pp. 49-60.
Volume 13(6). 1937. Check list of the Cecidomyidae of Oceania. Barnes, H.F. Pp. 61-66. [pdf]
Volume 13(7). 1937. On Lea’s Fijian Deretiosis (Coleoptera, Curculionidae). Zimmerman, E.C. Pp. 67-73. [pdf]
Volume 13(8). 1937. A new species of Hawaiian Eragrostis. Whitney, L.D. Pp. 75-76. [pdf]
Volume 13(9). 1937. A new species of Garnotia from Rarotonga. Whitney, L.D. Pp. 77-78. [pdf]
Volume 13(10). 1937. Check list of the Syrphidae of Oceania. Hull, F.M. Pp. 79-87. [pdf]
Volume 13(11). 1937. Rhyncogonus of the Mangarevan Expedition. Van Dyke, E.C. Pp. 89-129. [pdf]
Volume 13(12). 1937. Quantitative studies of copepods in Hawaii, with brief surveys in Fiji and Tahiti. Edmondson, C.H. Pp. 131-146. [pdf]
Volume 13(13). 1937. Check list of the Palpicornia of Oceania (Coleoptera, Polyphaga). d’Orchymont, A.Pp. 147-160. [pdf]
Volume 13(14). 1937. Three additional species of Peperomia in Hawaii. Yuncker, T.G. Pp. 161-166. [pdf]
Volume 13(15). 1937. A new species of Hawaiian Portulaca. Egler, F.E. Pp. 167-170.[pdf]
Volume 13(16). 1937. A new species of Trisetum and a new variety of Panicum imbricatum from the Hawaiian Islands. Whitney, L.D. Pp. 171-174. [pdf]
Volume 13(17). 1937. Ecological and floristic studies in Kipapa Gulch, Oahu. Hosaka, E.Y. Pp. 175-232. [pdf]
Volume 13(18). 1937. Liliaceae of southeastern Polynesia. Skottsberg, C. Pp. 233-244. [pdf]
Volume 13(19). 1937. Some Rubiaceae of southeastern Polynesia. Fosberg, F.R. Pp. 245-293. [pdf]

Volume 14(1). 1938. An open bog on Oahu. Fosberg, F.R. & Hosaka, E.Y. Pp. 1-6. [pdf]
Volume 14(2). 1938. Revision of the Micronesia species of Peperomia. Yuncker, T.G. Pp. 7-26. [pdf]
Volume 14(3). 1938. A new species of Phyllostegia and two new varieties of Cyanea of the Hawaiian Islands. Hosaka, E.Y. and Degener, O. Pp. 27-30. [pdf]
Volume 14(4). 1938. Ericaceae and Santalaceae of southeastern Polynesia. Skottsberg, C. Pp. 31-43. [pdf]
Volume 14(5). 1938. Ferns of southeastern Polynesia. Copeland, E.B. Pp. 45-101. [pdf]
Volume 14(6). 1938. Carabidae of the Society Islands and Rapa (Coleoptera). Britton, E.B. Pp. 103-110. [pdf]
Volume 14(7). 1938. Trypetidae of the Mangarevan Expedition (Diptera). Malloch, J.R. Pp. 111-116. [pdf]
Volume 14(8). 1938. Notes on the Hawaiian species of Lobelia, Hawaiian plant studies 5. St. John, H. & Hosaka, E.Y. Pp. 117-126. [pdf]
Volume 14(9). 1938. Monograph of the genus Nesoluma (Sapotaceae). Lam, H.J. Pp. 127-166. [pdf]
Volume 14(10). 1938. Terrestrial isopods of southeastern Polynesia. Jackson, H.G. Pp. 167-192. [pdf]
Volume 14(11). 1938. On the genus Goniophyto Townsend, 1927, with description of a new species from Hawaii. Souza Lopes, H. de. Pp. 193-197. [pdf]
Volume 14(12). 1938. Ciidae of southeastern Polynesia (Coleoptera). Zimmerman, E.C. Pp. 199-218.
Volume 14(13). 1938. Anthribidae of southeastern Polynesia (Coleoptera). Zimmerman, E.C. Pp. 219-250. [pdf]
Volume 14(14). 1939. Fouling organisms in Hawaii. Edmondson, C.H. & Ingram, M. Pp. 251-300. [pdf]
Volume 14(15). 1939. Revision of the Fijian Ottistririni (Coleoptera, Curculionidae). Zimmerman, E.C. Pp. 301-312. [pdf]
Volume 14(16). 1939. A new species of Byttneria from Mangareva. Merrill, E.D. Pp. 313-316. [pdf]
Volume 14(17). 1939. The genus Phanerostethus of Fiji (Coleoptera, Curculionidae). Zimmerman, E.C. Pp. 317-321. [pdf]
Volume 14(18). 1939. Cypraeidae from Makata Island, Tuamotu Archipelago. Ingram, W.M. Pp. 323-326. [pdf]
Volume 14(19). 1939. Endemic Hawaiian cowries. Ingram, W.M. Pp. 327-334. [pdf]
Volume 14(20). 1939. Preliminary revision of Fijian Baridinae (Coleoptera, Curculionidae). Zimmerman, E.C. Pp. 335-348. [pdf]
Volume 14(21). 1939. Santalum ellipticum, restatement of Gaudichaud’s species. Egler, F.E. Pp. 349-358. [pdf]

Volume 15(1). 1939. New Hawaiian species of Clermontia, including a revision of the Clermontia grandiflora group. Hawaiian plant studies—6. St. John, H. Pp. 1-22. [pdf]
Volume 15(2). 1939. New Hawaiian Lobeliaceae. Hawaiian plant studies—7. St. John, H. Pp. 21-35. [pdf]
Volume 15(3). 1939. Notes on Polynesian grasses. Fosberg, F.R. Pp. 37-48. [pdf]
Volume 15(4). 1939. Taxonomy of the Hawaiian genus Broussasia (Saxifragaceae). Fosberg, F.R. Pp. 49-60. [pdf]
Volume 15(5). 1939. Bees from the Caroline and Palau Islands and Yap (Hymenoptera, Apoidea). Cockerell, T.D.A. Pp. 61-66. [pdf]
Volume 15(6). 1939. Reports on fossil Mollusca of Molokai and Maui. Ostergaard, J.M. Pp. 67-78. [pdf]
Volume 15(7). 1939. New or interesting ferns from Micronesia, Fiji and Samoa. Copeland, E.B. Pp. 79-92. [pdf]
Volume 15(8). 1939. Supplement to the manual of Hawaiian mosses. Bartram, E.B. Pp. 93-108. [pdf]
Volume 15(9). 1939. The genus Ficus in the Samoan Islands. Summerhayes, V.S. Pp. 109-118. [pdf]
Volume 15(10). 1939. Diospyros ferrea (Esbenaceae) in Hawaii. Fosberg, F.R. Pp. 119-132. [pdf]
Volume 15(11). 1939. Studies of the Pacific bees in the collection of Bishop Museum (Hymenoptera, Apoidea). Cockerell, T.D.A. Pp. 133-140. [pdf]
Volume 15(12). 1939. Thysanoptera of the Mangareva Expedition. Moulton, D. Pp. 141-148. [pdf]
Volume 15(13). 1939. The canoe making profession of ancient times. Emory, K.P. (editor). Pp. 149-159.
Volume 15(14). 1939. A new species of Zoraptera from Fiji. Burney, A.B. Pp. 161-165.
Volume 15(15). 1939. Four new Microcryptorhynchus from the New Hebrides and Caroline Islands (Coleoptera, Curculionidae). Zimmerman, E.C. Pp. 167-173. [pdf]
Volume 15(16). 1939. A new variety of Ruppia maritima (Ruppiaceae) from the tropical Pacific. St. John, H. & Fosberg, F.R. Pp. 175-178. [pdf]
Volume 15(17). 1939. Additional notes on the archaeology of Fanning Island. Emory, K.P. Pp. 179-189.
Volume 15(18). 1940. Scolytidae and Platypodidae of the Mangarevan Expedition. Beeson, C.F.C. Pp. 191-202. [pdf]
Volume 15(19). 1940. Notes on the morphology and sexuality of the terrestrial nemertean, Geonemertes palaensis. Coe, W.R. Pp. 205-211. [pdf]
Volume 15(20). 1940. Notes on Micronesia Rubiaceae. Fosberg, F.R. Pp. 213-226. [pdf]
Volume 15(21). 1940. The genus Ficus (Moraceae) in southeastern Polynesia. Summerhayes, V.S. Pp. 227-228. [pdf]
Volume 15(22). 1940. Hawaiian plants names by Endlicher in 1836. Hawaiian plant studies 8. St. John, H. Pp. 229-238. [pdf]
Volume 15(23). 1940. Some new species of Araucaricola Lea from the South Pacific (Coleoptera, Curculionidae). Blair, K.G. Pp. 239-242. [pdf]
Volume 15(24). 1940. Thysanoptera from New Guinea and New Britain. Moulton, D. Pp. 243-270. [pdf]
Volume 15(25). 1940. Synopsis of the genera of Hawaiian Cossoninae with notes on their origin and distribution (Coleoptera, Curculionidae). Zimmerman, E.C. Pp. 271-293. [pdf]
Volume 15(26). 1940. The isopod Crustacea of the Hawaiian Islands (Chelifera and Valvifera). Miller, A. Pp. 295-321. [pdf]
Volume 15(27). 1940. Mosses of southeastern Polynesia. Bartram, E.B. Pp. 323-349. [pdf]
Volume 15(28). 1940. Ophioglossum, Rollandia, and Scaevola. Hawaiian plant studies 9. St. John, H. Pp. 351-359. [pdf]
Volume 15(29). 1940. Plant-parasitic and free-living nematodes in Hawaii. Oliveira, J.M. Pp. 361-373. [pdf]

Volume 16(1). 1939. New species of dicotyledonous spermatophytes from Tahiti. Moore, J.W. Pp. 1-24. [pdf]
Volume 16(2). 1939. A revision of the Hawaiian species of Myrsine (Suttonia, Rapanea), (Myrsinaceae). Hosaka, E.Y. Pp. 25-76. [pdf]
Volume 16(3). 1939. Three Polynesian ferns. Copeland, E.B. Pp. 77-80. [pdf]
Volume 16(4). 1939. Itinerary of Hugh Cumings in Polynesia. St. John, H. Pp. 81-90. [pdf]
Volume 16(5). 1939. New species and new records of elaterid beetles from the Pacific. Van Zwaluwenburg, R.H. Pp. 91-130. [pdf]
Volume 16(6). 1940. Coleoptera from the Caroline Islands. Blair, K.G. Pp. 131-157. [pdf]
Volume 16(7). 1941. Report on a collection of Samoan Coleoptera. Zimmerman, E.C. Pp. 159-176. [pdf]
Volume 16(8). 1941. A revision of the genus Deretisosus (Coleoptera, Curculionidae). Zimmerman, E.C. Pp. 177-214. [pdf]
Volume 16(9). 1941. Encyrtidae of the Marquesas and Society islands (Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea). Timberlake, P.H.Pp. 215-230. [pdf]
Volume 16(10). 1941. Psammocharidae from the Solomon Islands, Prince of Wales Island and New Caledonia. Banks, N. Pp. 231-245. [pdf]
Volume 16(11). 1941. The Hippoboscidae of Oceania (Diptera). Bequaert, J.C. Pp. 247-292. [pdf]
Volume 16(12). 1941. Viability of coconut seeds after floating in sea. Edmondson, C.H. Pp. 293-304. [pdf]
Volume 16(13). 1941. The isopod Crustacea of the Hawaiian Islands, II. Aseliota. Miller, M.A. Pp. 305-320. [pdf]
Volume 16(14). 1942. Mosses collected by Hawaiian Bog Survey of 1938. Bartram, E.B. Pp. 321-336. [pdf]
Volume 16(15). 1942. Miscellaneous notes on Hawaiian plants—2. Fosberg, F.R. Pp. 337-348. [pdf]
Volume 16(16). 1942. The genus Araucaricola in Fiji (Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae). Zimmerman, E.C. Pp. 349-356. [pdf]
Volume 16(17). 1942. Hawaiian beliefs and customs during birth, infancy, and childhood. Pukui, M.K. Pp. 357-381.

Volume 17(1). 1942. Polynesian spiders. Berland, L. Pp. 1-24. [pdf]
Volume 17(2). 1942. Lichens of Nihoa and Necker Islands. Magnusson, A.H. Pp. Pp. 25-42. [pdf]
Volume 17(3). 1942. Pycnogonida from Hawaii. Hilton, W.A. Pp. 43-55. [pdf]
Volume 17(4). 1942. Shell fishhooks of the California coast. Robinson, E. Pp. 57-66. [pdf]
Volume 17(5). 1942. A new Hawaiian Panicum (Gramineae). Hosaka, E.Y. Pp. 67-70. [pdf]
Volume 17(6). 1942. Psyllidae from Rapa, the Caroline, Society, and Austral Islands (Homoptera). Tuthill, L.D. Pp. 71-78. [pdf]
Volume 17(7). 1942. New combinations in the Gleicheniaceae and in Styphelia (Epacridaceae). Pacific plant studies 1. St. John, H. Pp. 79-84. [pdf]
Volume 17(8). 1942. New Caledonian Microcryptorhynchus (Coleoptera, Curculionidae). Zimmerman, E.C. Pp. 85-89. [pdf]
Volume 17(9). 1942. Notes on Fijian land snails. Cooke, C.M., Jr. Pp. 91-96. [pdf]
Volume 17(10). 1942. Teredinae of Hawaii. Edmondson, C.H. Pp. 97-150.
Volume 17(11). 1943. Apioninae and Brachyderinae of Fiji (Coleoptera, Curculionidae). Zimmerman, E.C. Pp. 151-170. [pdf]
Volume 17(12). 1943. New Hawaiian species of Peperomia. Hawaiian plants studies 10. St. John, H. Pp. 171-175. [pdf]
Volume 17(13). 1943. Distribution of Ophioglossum on islands of the Pacific Ocean. Pacific plant studies 2. St. John, H. Pp. 177-182. [pdf]
Volume 17(14). 1943. Some Curculionidae from Rotuma Island (Coleoptera). Zimmerman, E.C. Pp. 183-189. [pdf]
Volume 17(15). 1943. Fijian Tingitidae (Hemiptera). Drake, C.J. & Poor, M.E. Pp. 191-205. [pdf]
Volume 17(16). 1943. Notes on Polynesian Glochidion and Phyllanthus. Croizat, L. Pp. 207-214. [pdf]
Volume 17(17).1943. New Fijian peperomias. Yuncker, T.G. Pp. 215-220. [pdf]
Volume 17(18). 1943. Descriptions and records of some Fijian Psyllidae (Homoptera). Tuthill, L.D. Pp. 221-228. [pdf]
Volume 17(19). 1943. Anatomical studies of three species of Ouagapia (Pulmonata, Agnatha, Paryphantidae). Kondo, Y. Pp. 229-248.[pdf]
Volume 17(20). 1943. Land shells (Synceridae) from the southern and western Pacific. Cooke, CM., Jr. & Clench, W.J. Pp. 249-262. [pdf]
Volume 17(21). 1943. A new variety of Elasmias from Rurutu, Austral Islands. Cooke, C.M., Jr. & Kondo, Y. Pp. 263-265. [pdf]
Volume 17(22). 1944. Thysanoptera of Fiji. Moulton, D. Pp. 267-311. [pdf]
Volume 17(23). 1944. Dentition of six syncerid genera: Gastropoda, Prosobranchiata, Synceridae (Assimineidae). Kondo, Y. Pp. 313-318. [pdf]

Volume 18(1).1944. Incidence of fouling in Pearl Harbor. Edmondson, C.H. Pp. 1-34. [pdf]
Volume 18(2). 1944. Callianassidae of the central Pacific. Edmondson, C.H. Pp. 35-61. [pdf]
Volume 18(3). 1944. Notes on Fijian Euphorbiaceae. Croizat, L. Pp. 63-71. [pdf]
Volume 18(4). 1944. A new Hawaiian polyclad flatworm associated with Teredo. Hyman, L.H. Pp. 73-76.
Volume 18(5). 1945. Revision of the Cardamine and related Cruciferae in Hawaii, and Nasurtium in Polynesia. Pacific plant studies 3. St. John, H. Pp. 77-94. [pdf]
Volume 18(6). 1945. Notes on Samoan elaterid beetles with descriptions of two new species. Van Zwaluwenburg, R.H. Pp. 95-101. [pdf]
Volume 18(7). 1945. Aquatic Coleoptera of Oceania (Dytiscidae, Gyrinidae, and Palpicornia). Balfour-Browne, J. Pp. 103-132. [pdf]
Volume 18(8). 1945. New species of Succinea from Tahiti, with remarks on other Polynesian species. Cooke, C.M., Jr. & Clench, W.J. Pp. 133-138. [pdf]
Volume 18(9). 1945. Two new Storeus from the Philippines (Coleoptera, Curculionidae). Zimmerman, E.C. Pp. 139-144. [pdf]
Volume 18(10). 1945. The genus Liagora (Rhodophyceae) in Hawaii. Abbott, I.A. Pp. 145-170. [pdf]
Volume 18(11). 1946. Leeches (Hirudinea) from the Hawaiian Islands, and two new species from the Pacific Region in the Bishop Museum collection. Moore, J.P. Pp. 171-191. [pdf]
Volume 18(12). 1946. New Amblycnemus from the Philippines, Borneo and Java (Coleoptera, Curculionidae). Zimmerman, E.C. Pp. 193-198. [pdf]
Volume 18(13). 1946. New genera and species of Synceridae from Ponape, Caroline Islands. Clench, W.J. Pp. 199-206. [pdf]
Volume 18(14). 1946. Additions to the flora of the Manua Islands. Yuncker, T.G. Pp. 207-209. [[pdf]
Volume 18(15). 1946. Dispersal of shipworms among central Pacific islands, with descriptions of new species. Edmondson, C.H. Pp. 211-224. [pdf]
Volume 18(16). 1946. The genus Peperomia in the Galapagos Islands. Yuncker, T.G. Pp. 225-234. [pdf]
Volume 18(17).1946. Hawaiian tattooing. Emory, K.P. Pp. 235-270. [pdf]
Volume 18(18). 1946. Reproduction in Donatia deformis (Thiele). Edmondson, C.H. Pp. 271-282. [pdf]
Volume 18(19). 1946. Behavior of coral planulae under altered saline and thermal conditions. Edmondson, C.H. Pp. 283-304. [pdf]
Volume 18(20).1947. Three new species of false scorpions from the island of Guam (Arachnida, Chelonethida). Chamberlin, J.C. Pp. 305-316. [pdf]
Volume 18(21). 1947. Aculeate wasps of Fiji. Williams, F.X. Pp. 317-336. [pdf]
Volume 18(22). 1947. Tipulidae of the southeastern Pacific (Diptera). Alexander, C.P. Pp. 337-347. [pdf]

Volume 19(1). 1947. Hawaiian Cypraeidae. Ingram, W.M. Pp. 1-24. [pdf]
Volume 19(2). 1948. Pteridophytes of Guam. Wagner, W.H., Jr. & Grether, D.E. Pp. 25-100. [pdf]
Volume 19(3).1947. Nemerteans of the Hawaiian and Marshall islands. Coe, W.R. Pp. 101-106. [pdf]
Volume 19(4). 1948. A revision of the Hawaiian species of Mecyclothorax (Coleoptera: Carabidae). Britton, E.B. Pp. 107-166. [pdf]
Volume 19(5). 1948. Three new mordellid beetles from the Pacific. Ray, E. Pp. 167-170. [pdf]
Volume 19(6). 1948. A peculiar Asplenium from the Hawaiian Islands. Selling, O.H. Pp. 171-184. [pdf]
Volume 19(7). 1948. Notes on Staphylinidae from Solomon Islands, with description of a new subgenus. Steel, W.O. Pp. 185-189. [pdf]
Volume 19(8). 1948. Two new genera and a new species of Synceridae from the Caroline Islands. Clench, W.J. Pp. 191-194. [pdf]
Volume 19(9). 1948. Mallophaga collected by the Tanager Expedition. Thompson, G.B. Pp. 195-200. [pdf]
Volume 19(10). 1948. Hawaiian Caprellidae. Edmondson, C.H. Pp. 201-218. [pdf]
Volume 19(11). 1948. Additional Fijian mosses. Bartram, E.B. Pp. 219-232. [pdf]
Volume 19(12). 1949. Some brachyuran megalopa. Edmondson, C.H. Pp. 233-246. [pdf]
Volume 19(13). 1949. Some land planarians from the Marquesas Islands. Prudhoe, S. Pp. 247-255. [pdf]
Volume 19(14). 1949. New species of Hawaiian peperomias. Yuncker, T.G. Pp. 257-260. [pdf]
Volume 19(15). 1949. New syncerid mollusks from the Marianas Islands (Gastropoda, Prosobranchia, Synceridae). Abbott, R.T. Pp. 261-274. [pdf]
Volume 19(16). 1949. Mordellidae of the Fiji Islands. Ray, E. Pp. 275-320. [pdf]

Volume 20(1). 1949. Some new or otherwise noteworthy dicotyledonous plants from the Hawaiian Islands. Sherff, E.E. Pp. 1-25. [pdf]
Volume 20(2). 1950. Additional Fijian mosses, II. Bartram, E.B. Pp. 27-34. [pdf]
Volume 20(3). 1950. Fauna Fijiana (Scolytoidea). Schedl, K.E. Pp. 35-54. [pdf]
Volume 20(4). 1950. A new Hawaiian polyclad, Sylochoplana inquilina, with commensal habits. Hyman, L.H. Pp. 55-58. [pdf]
Volume 20(5). 1950. Homoptera from the Caroline Islands. Metcalf, Z.P. Pp. 59-76. [pdf]
Volume 20(6). 1950. Diagnoses of new species of Cyrtandra (Gesneriaceae) from Oahu, Hawaiian Islands. Hawaiian plant studies 20. St. John, H. Pp. 77-88. [pdf]
Volume 20(7). 1950. Some Marshall Islands fish traps. Tinker, S. Pp. 89-94. [pdf]
Volume 20(8). 1950. Ferns naturalized in Hawaii. Wagner, W.H., Jr. Pp. 95-121. [pdf]
Volume 20(9). 1951. Mosquitoes from southeastern Polynesia. Marks, E.N. Pp. 123-130. [pdf]
Volume 20(10). 1951. Fauna Samoanus (Scolytoidea) I. Schedl, K. Pp. 131-156.
Volume 20(11). 1951. Plants of Canton Island, Phoenix Islands. Luomala, K. Pp. 157-174. [pdf]
Volume 20(12). 1951. Relationships of the Fijian species of Apsilochorema (Trichoptera, Rhyacophilidae). Ross, H.H. Pp. 175-182.
Volume 20(13). 1951. Some central Pacific crustaceans. Edmondson, C.H. Pp. 183-243. [pdf]
Volume 20(14). 1951. A revision of the dipterous family Canaceidae. Wirth, W.W. Pp. 245-275. [pdf]
Volume 20(15). 1952. Ulidiinae (Diptera, Otitidae) of Australasian Region. Steyskal, G.C. Pp. 277-287. [pdf]
Volume 20(16). 1952. Note on genus Fluviopupa, with descriptions of two new species. Hubendick, B. Pp. 289-296.
Volume 20(17). 1952. High altitude mosses from Mauna Kea, Island of Hawaii. Bartram, E.B. Pp. 297-300. [pdf]
Volume 20(18). 1952. A new terrestrial prosobranch family (Tutuilanidae) from Samoa, with descriptions of a new genus and a new species. Hubendick, B. Pp. 301-305. [pdf]
Volume 20(19). 1952. Hawaiian Lymnaeidae. Hubendick, B. Pp. 307-328. [pdf]
Volume 20(20). 1952. New fossil forms of Carelia and Partulina (Pulmonata) from Hawaiian islands. Cooke, C.M., Jr. & Kondo, Y. Pp. 329-348. [pdf]

Volume 21(1). 1952. The isopod Crustacea of the Hawaiian Islands, III. Subfamily Flabellifera. Family Anthuridae. Miller, M.A. & Menzies, R.J. Pp. 1-16. [pdf]
Volume 21(2). 1952. New Piscicolidae (leeches) from the Pacific and their anatomy. Moore, J.P. Pp.17-44. [pdf]
Volume 21(3). 1952. A central Pacific Sesuvium. Degener, O. & Fosberg, F.R. Pp. 45-48.[pdf]
Volume 21(4). 1952. Land planarians from Oceania. Beauchamp, P. de. Pp. 49-62. [pdf]
Volume 21(5). 1952. Genus Pseudorichardia Hendel (Diptera, Otitidae). Steyskal, G.C. Pp. 63-66. [ pdf]
Volume 21(6). 1952. Additional central Pacific crustaceans. Edmondson, C.H. Pp. 67-86. [pdf]
Volume 21(7). 1953. Response of marine borers to chemically treated woods and other products. Edmondson, C.H. Pp. 87-133. [pdf]
Volume 21(8). 1953. New species of Partula from southeastern Polynesia. Crampton, H.E. & Cooke, C.M., Jr. Pp. 135-160. [pdf]
Volume 21(9). 1954. Ferns of Rotuma, a descriptive manual. St. John, H. Pp. 161-208. [pdf]
Volume 21(10). 1954. Nesoluma and Plachonella from the Hawaiian islands (Sapotaceae). Lam, H.J. Pp. 209-212. [ pdf]
Volume 21(11). 1954. Gyrinidae of the Solomon Islands, and the subgenus Callistodineutus. Ochs, G. Pp. 213-216. [ pdf]
Volume 21(12). 1954. Hawaiian Portunidae. Edmondson, C.H. Pp. 217-274. [pdf]
Volume 21(13). 1955. New species of Cyrtandra (Gesneriaceae) from the Austral Islands. Pacific plant studies—14. St. John, H. Pp. 275-284. [pdf]
Volume 21(14). 1955. Pacific forms of Lepturus R. Br. (Graminae). Fosberg, F.R. Pp. 285-294. [pdf]
Volume 21(15). 1955. Cyrtandra nutans (Gesneriaceae) from the island of Maui. Hawaiian plant studies 24. St. John, H. Pp. 295-298. [pdf]

Volume 22(1). 1956. Psyllidae of the Pacific Entomological Survey. Tuthill, L.D. Pp. 1-5. [pdf]
Volume 22(2). 1957. Dental caries in the Hawaiian dog. Svihla, A. Pp. 7-13.
Volume 22(3). 1957. Mosses of Upolu, Western Samoa. Bartram, E.B. Pp. 15-30. [pdf]
Volume 22(4). 1957. A new variety of silversword. Rock, J.F. & Neal, M.C. Pp. 31-34.[pdf]
Volume 22(5). 1957. Some new Hawaiian lobelioids. Rock, J.F. Pp. 35-66. [pdf]
Volume 22(6). 1958. A new Trichosanthes (Cucurbitaceae) from Palau. Fosberg, F.R. Pp. 67-70.[pdf]
Volume 22(7). 1959. Curculionid genus Gymnopholus (Coleoptera). Marshall, G.A.K. Pp. 71-81. [pdf]
Volume 21(8). 1959. Piperaceae of Micronesia. Yuncker, T.G. Pp. 83-108. [pdf]
Volume 22(9). 1959. Acarina from southeastern Polynesia – II (Oribatidae). Sellnick, M. Pp. 109-152. [pdf]
Volume 22(10). 1959. Hawaiian Grapsidae. Edmondson, C.H. Pp. 153-202. [pdf]
Volume 22(11). 1959. Two new species of Teredo, subgenus Teredothyra, from the western Pacific. Edmondson, C.H. Pp. 203-206.
Volume 22(12). 1962. Miscellaneous notes on some American and Hawaiian dicotyledons. Sherff, E.E. Pp. 207-214. [pdf]
Volume 22(13). 1962. Xanthidae of Hawaii. Edmondson, C.H. Pp. 215-309. [pdf]

Volume 23(1). 1962. Hawaiian Crustacea: Goneplacidae, Pinnotheridae, Cymopoliidae, Ocypodidae, and Gecarcinidae. —Edmondson, C.H. Pp. 1-27. [pdf]
Volume 23(2). 1962. Miscellaneous notes on Hawaiian plants—3. —Fosberg, F.R. Pp. 29-44. [pdf]
Volume 23(3).1962. Teredinidae, ocean travelers. —Edmondson, C.H. Pp. 45-59. [pdf]
Volume 23(4). 1962. A new Hawaiian Pritchardia. —Rock, J.F. Pp. 61-64. [pdf]
Volume 23(5). 1962. Hawaiian lobelioids. —Rock, J.F. Pp. 65-76. [pdf]
Volume 23(6). 1962. Some Liagora-inhabiting species of Acrochaetium. —Abbott, I.A. Pp. 77-120. [pdf]
Volume 23(7). 1964. Some recently collected dicotyledonous plants from the Hawaiian Islands and Mexico. —Sherff, E.E. Pp. 121-127. [pdf]
Volume 23(8). 1966. Miscellaneous notes on Hawaiian plants-4. — Fosberg, F.R. Pp. 129-138. [pdf]
Volume 23(9). 1966. Three new species of the Phaeophyta from Hawaii. Doty, M.S. & Newhouse, J. Pp. 139-146. [pdf]
Volume 23(10). 1966. Studies in Hawaiian Rutaceae, VII. A conspectus of species and varieties ands some further new taxa in the genus Pelea A. Gray. Stone, B.C. Pp. 147-162. [pdf]
Volume 23(11). 1966. Polychaetous annelids of the Hawaiian Islands. —Hartman, O. Pp. 163-252.
Volume 23(12). 1967. Contributions to the knowledge of the alpheid shrimp of the Pacific Ocean, XI. Collections from the Cook and Society Islands. — Banner, A.H. & Banner, D.M. Pp. 253-286.
Volume 23(13). 1967. An ectocommensal polynoid associated with Indo-Pacific echinoderms, primarily ophiuroids. —Devaney, D.M. Pp. 287-304. [pdf]
Volume 23(14). 1968. Ciguatera fish poisoning. —Helfrich, P., Piyakarnchana, T., Miles, P. S. & Banner, A.H. Pp. 305-382.
Volume 23(15). 1968. Studies on Portunus pelagicus (Linnaeus) and P. sanguinolentus (Herbst). Stephenson, W. Pp. 385-399. [pdf]

Volume 24 (introduction). Some Pacific scientists I have known. —Bryan, E.H., Jr. Pp. v-xvi. [pdf]
Volume 24(1). 1969.The breeding season of the Hawaii ‘Amakihi. —Berger, A.J. Pp. 1-8. [ pdf]
Volume 24(2). 1969. Miscellaneous notes on Hawaiian plants—5. —Fosberg, F.R. Pp. 9-24. [ pdf]
Volume 24(3). 1969. Ditlev Thaanum: 1867-1963, a memorial sketch. —Rehder, H.A. pp. 25-48. [ pdf]
Volume 24(4). 1970. Ages of dunes on Oahu, Hawaii. –Stearns, H.T. Pp. 49-72. [pdf]
Volume 24(5). 1970. Some aspects of Marianas Islands Partulidae (Mollusca, Pulmonata). —Kondo, Y. Pp. 73-91. [ pdf]
Volume 24(6). 1970. Feather cloaks, ship captains, and lords. —Kaeppler, A.L. Pp. 92-114.
Volume 24(7). 1971. The double outrigger sailing canoe of Zamboanga and the Sulu Archipelago, southern Philippines. —Spoehr, A. Pp. 115-126.
Volume 24(8). 1971. The status of the genus Wilkesia (Compositae), and discovery of a second Hawaiian species. Hawaiian plant studies 38. —St. John, H. Pp. 127-138. [ pdf]
Volume 24(9). 1971. Suggested vernacular names for New Guinea Recent land mammals. —Ziegler, A.C. Pp. 139-154.
Volume 24(10). 1973. Geologic setting of the fossil goose bones found on Molokai Island, Hawaii. —Stearns, H.T. Pp. 155-166. [ pdf]
Volume 24(11). 1973. Tahitian fish names and a preliminary checklist of the fishes of the Society Islands. —Randall, J.E. pp. 167-214.
Volume 24(12). 1974. A new genus and species of bird from the Island of Maui. —Casey, T.L.C. & Jacobi, J.C. Pp. 215-226. [ pdf]
Volume 24(13). 1975. Cultural associations of land mammals in the Gilbert Islands. —Luomala, K. Pp. 227-274.
Volume 24(14). 1978. Comparison of the geology of the Society and Hawaiian islands. —Stearns, H.T. Pp. 275-290. [pdf]
Volume 24(15). 1978. Rapan fish names. —Randall, J.E. & Sinoto, Y.H. Pp. 291-306.
Volume 24(16). 1978. The K-Ar age of the Black Point dike on Oahu, Hawaii, and its relation to the Yarmouth Interglaciation. —Stearns, H.T. & Dalrymple, G.B. Pp. 307-314. [pdf]
Volume 24(17). 1980. Hawaii’s first chart? A recent discovery.— Motteler, L.S. Pp. 315-334. [pdf]

Volume 25(1). 1982. Lakes and lake-like waters of the Hawaiian Archipelago. — Maciolek, J.A. 14 pp. [ pdf]
Volume 25(2). 1982. Three new labrid fishes of the genus Cirrhilabrus from the southwest Pacific. — Randall, J.E. & Lubbock, R. 12 pp. [ pdf]
Volume 25(3). 1982. Vernacular plant names used on Ni‘ihau Island. Hawaiian plant studies 69. — St. John, H. 10 pp. [pdf]
Volume 25(4). 1982. Marotiri rock pinnacles in the South Pacific. — St. John, H. 4 pp. [ pdf]
Volume 25(5).1982. The Australo-Papuan genus Syconycteris (Chiroptera: Pteropodidae) with the description of a new Papua New Guinea species. — Ziegler, A.C. 22 pp. [ pdf]
Volume 25(6). 1983. A new species of Abedefduf (Pisces: Pomacentridae) from the East Coast of South Africa. — Hensley, D.A. & Randall, J.E. 10 pp. [ pdf]
Volume 25(7). 1983. A review of the fishes of the subgenus Goniistius, genus Cheilodactylus, with description of a new species from Easter Island and Rapa. — Randall, J.E. 24 pp. [ pdf]
Volume 25(8). 1983. Sinularia molokaiensis, a new species of Alcyoniidae (Octocorallia: Alcyonacea) from Hawaiian waters. — Verseveldt, J. 4 pp. [ pdf]
Volume 25(9). 1983. The vegetation of the Sandwich Islands as seen by Charles Gaudichaud in 1819. A translation, with notes, of Gaudichaud's “Îles Sandwich”. — St. John, H. & Titcomb, M. 16 pp. [pdf]
Volume 25(10). 1984. New records of ahermatypic corals (Scleractina) from the Hawaiian and Line Islands. — Cairns, S.D. 30 pp.[ pdf]
Volume 25(11). 1984. A re-evaluation of the genus Hibiscadelphus (Malvaceae) and the description of a new species. — Hobdy, R.W. 7 pp. [pdf]
Volume 25(12). 1984. Native names of Easter Island fishes, with comments on the origin of the Rapanui people. — Randall, J.E. & Egaña, A.C. 16 pp. [ pdf]

Volume 26. 1986 [published: 9 June 1986]. 135 pp. [pdf]
- The Sandwich Islands Committee, Bishop Museum, and R.C.L. Perkins: coperative zoological exploration and publication. —Manning, A. Pp. 1-46. [ pdf ]
- A new lizard of the genus Emoia (Scincidae) from Morobe Province, Papua New Guinea. — Brown, W.C. & Allison, A. Pp. 47-51. [pdf]
- Nonmarine mollusks and ecological change at Barbers Point, O‘ahu, Hawai‘i. — Christensen, C.C. & Kirch, P.V. Pp. 52-80. [pdf]
- Redescription of Stenopus devaneyi and Stenopus earlei from the Indo-West Pacific region (Decapoda: Stenopidae). — Goy, J.W. & Randall, J.E. pp. 81-101. [pdf]
- Contributions to the flora of Hawai‘i. I. Acanthaceae–Asteraceae. — Wagner, W.L., Herbst, D.R. & Sohmer, S.H. Pp. 102-122. [ pdf ]
- The fauna of Thai caves. I. Three phalangids from Thailand (Arachnida). — Suzuki, S. & Stone, F.D. Pp. 123-127. [pdf]

Volume 27. 1987 [published: 10 March 1987]. 131 pp. [pdf]
- The evolution of the Hawaiian dictionary and notes on the early compileres, with particular attention to manuscript resources of the Bishop Museum Library. — Ashford, M.K. Pp. 1-24. [pdf]
- Common living benthic Foraminifera in Māmala Bay, Hawai‘i, with descriptions of two new species. — Chave, E.H. Pp. 25-72. [pdf]
- Some ancient and zoogeographically significant carabid beetles from the South Pacific (Coleoptera: Carabidae), with descriptions of new taxa. — Valentine, J.M. Pp. 73-89. [pdf]
- New records of longicorn beetles from China, with description of a new species of Phelipara (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae). — Hua Lizhong. Pp. 90-96. [pdf]
- A new sole of the genus Aseraggodes fromn Easter Island and Lord Howe Island, with comments on the validity of A. ramsaii. — Randall, J.E. & Meléndez C., R. Pp. 97-105. [pdf]
- Hawaiian Xanthidae (Decapoda: Brachyura). I. Specimens at tghe California Acadewmy of Sciences. —Titgen, R.H. pp. 106-114. [pdf]
- Types of Flatidae (Homoptera). XI. Taxonomic notes on Kirkaldy types in the Bishop Museum, with illustrations of the genitalia of male lectotypes. — Medler, J.T. Pp. 115-125. [pdf]
- Observations on some adventive species in the Hawiian flora. — Nagata, K.M. Pp. 126-131. [pdf]

Volume 28. 1988 [published: 15 March 1988]. 99 pp. [ pdf ]
- The Bishop Museum tapa collection. Conservation and research into special problems. — Rose, R.G., Turchan, C., Firnhaber, N. & Brown, L.O. pp. 1-34. [ pdf ]
- The settlement and abandondment of two Hawaiian outposts: Nihoa and Necker islands. — Cleghorn, P.L. Pp. 35-49. [ pdf ]
- Hispinae of the New Guinea-Solomons area. I. Tribe Callispini (Coleoptera: Chrysomrelidae). — Gressitt, J.L. & Samuelson, G.A. Pp. 50-64. [ pdf ]
- Review of the genus Brachyanax (Diptera: Bombyliidae), with a revised key to species.— Evenhuis, N.L. pp. 65-70. [ pdf ]
- Reevaluation of Chamaesyce forbesii (Euphorbiaceae). — Wagner, W.L. Pp. 71-78. [ pdf ]
- Notes on some introduced flora in Hawai‘i. — Nagata, K.M. Pp. 79-84. [ pdf ]
- Three new species and range exxtensions of the genus Styringomyia from the South Pacific and Southeast Asia (Diptera: Tipulidae). — Hynes, C.D. Pp. 85-89. [ pdf ]
- New species and range extensions of the genus Molophilus from the South Pacific and Southeast Asia (Diptera: Tipulidae). — Hynes, C.D. Pp. 90-94. [ pdf ]
- A new troglomorphic Collembola from Thailand: Troglopedes fredstonei, new species (Collembola: Paronellidaae). — Deharveng, L. Pp. 95-98. [ pdf ]

Volume 29. 1989 [published: 4 October 1989]. 220 pp. [ pdf ]
- Tales of two cultures: traditrional historical and archaeological interpretations of Hawiian prehistory. — Dye, T. Pp. 3-22. [ pdf ]
- Gametophyte developement in Adenophorus (Grammitidaceae). — Bishop, L.E. Pp. 23-30. [ pdf ]
- Checklist of native and naturalized flowering plants of Hawai‘i. — Imada, C.T., Wagner, W.L. & Herbst, D.R. Pp. 31-87. [ pdf ]
- Contributions to the flora of Hawai‘i. II. Begoniaceae–Violaceae and the monocotyledons. — Wagner, W.L., Herbst, D.R. & Sohmer, S.H. Pp. 88-130. [ pdf ]
- Samoana medana, new species (Gastropoda, Pulmonata: Partulidae). — Kondo, Y. & Burch, J.B. pp. 131-137. [ pdf ]
- New species of Copidognathus (Acari: Halacaridae) from Hawaiian Islands. — Bartsch, I. Pp. 138-148. [ pdf ]
- Corrections for two ambush bugs described from Pakistan (Hemiptera: Phymatidae). — Kormilev, N.A. Pp. 149-150. [ pdf ]
- Aglycyderidae of the Society Islands (Coleoptera: Curculionidae). — Zimmerman, E.C. & Perrault, G.H. Pp. 151-173. [ pdf ]
- Taxonomic studies in New Guinea and Solomons Nymphalidae (Lepidoptera: Rhopalocera), and discovery of abdominal scent organs in the females of various nymphaline genera. — Parsons, M. Pp. 174-192. [ pdf ]
- A new Delias subspecies, a new Sabera, and a new Parantica from Papua New Guinea (Lepidoptera: Pieridae, Hesperiidae, Nymphalidae). — Parsons, M. Pp. 193-212. [ pdf ]
- Changes in classification and names of Hawaiian Pyraloidea since the publication of Insects of Hawaii, volume 8, by E.C. Zimmerman (1958) (Lepidoptera). — Munroe, E. Pp. 213-220.

Volume 30. 1990 [published: 6 June 1990]. 287 pp. [ pdf ]
- Introduction to the Hawaiian Terrestrial Invertebrate Survey. — Miller, S.E. & Allison, A. Pp. 3. [ pdf]
- Hawaiian terrestrial arthropods: an overview. — Howarth, F.G. Pp. 4-26. [ pdf]
- How many Hawaiian land snail species are left? and what we can do for them. —Solem, A. Pp. 27-40. [ pdf]
- The Cult of Pele in traditional Hawai‘i. — Nimmo, H.A. Pp. 41-87. [ pdf]
- Patterns of protest: a Hawaiian mat-weaver’s response to 19th-century taxation and change. — Rose, R.G. Pp. 88-117. [ pdf]
- Extinction, biogeography, and human exploitation of birds on Tikopia and Anuta, Polynesian outliers in the Solomon Islands. —Steadman, D.W., Pahlavan, D.S. & Kirch, P.V. Pp. 118-153. [ pdf]
- Vizcayinae, a new subfamily of Delphacidae with revision of Vizcaya Muir (Homoptera: Fulgoroidea)—a significant phylogenetic link. — Asche, M. Pp. 154-187. [ pdf]
- Cavernicolous Meenoplidae of the genus Phaconeura (Homoptera: Fulgoroidea) from Australia. — Hoch, H. Pp. 188-203. [ pdf]
- Sosephena and Trisephena, two new genera from New Guinea with tricarinate frons (Homoptera: Flatidae). — Medler, J.T. Pp. 204-218. [ pdf]
- Dating of the livraisons and volumes of d’Orbigny’s Dictionnaire Universel d’Histoire Naturelle. — Evenhuis, N.L. Pp. 219-225. [ pdf]
- Type designations of genus-group names of Diptera given d’Orbigny’s Dictionnaire Universel d’Histoire Naturelle. — Evenhuis, N.L. & Thompson, F.C. Pp. 226-258. [ pdf]
- Hispinae of the New Guinea-Solomons area. II. Tribe Coelaenomenoderini (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). —Gressitt, J.L. & Samuelson, G.A. Pp. 259-278. [ pdf]
- Fauna of Thai Caves. II. New Entomobryoidea Collembola from Chiang Dao Cave, Thailand. —Deharveng, L. Pp. 279-287. [ pdf]
- Fauna of Thai Caves. III. Two new cavernicolous species of Arrhopalites from Thailand (Insecta: Collembola). —Nayrolles, P. Pp. 288-293. [ pdf]
- Additions to the genus Ochyrotica Walsingham, 1891, in Southeast Asia (Lepidoptera: Pterophoridae: Agdistinae). —Gielis, C. Pp. 294-297.[ pdf]
- A new species of the genus Chelocoris from Vietnam (Hemiptera: Phymatidae: Carcinocorinae). —Kormilev, N.A. Pp. 298-300. [ pdf]

Volume 31. 1991 [published: 3 October 1991]. 227 pp. [ pdf ]
- Anthropomorphic stone monoliths on the islands of Oreor and Babeldaob, Republic of Belau (Palau), Micronesia. — Van Tilburg, J.A. Pp. 1-62. [ pdf ]
- Prehistoric bird hunters: high altitude resource exploitation on Hawaii‘i Island. — Athens, J.S., Kaschko, M.W. & James, H.F. Pp. 63-84. [ pdf ]
- A revised system for the classification and coding of Hawaiian fishhooks. —Sinoto, Y.H. Pp. 85-105.[ pdf ]
- Review of Paratella Melichar and Taparella Medler in New Guinea, with descriptions of new species. — Medler, J.T. Pp. 106-121. [ pdf ]
- Transfer of Aulacodes eupselias Meyrick to Pyrausitnae, with notes on the genus Marasmia Lederer and on cataclystiform wing patterns in the family Crambidae. — Munroe, E. pp. 122-130. [ pdf ]
- Taxonomy of the Ochyrotic cretosa group (Lepidoptera, Pterophoridae, Agdistinae). — Gielis, C. & Arenberger, E. Pp. 131-138. [ pdf ]
- Reassessment of the Noctuidae of the Hawaiian Islands. R— iotte, J.C.E. Pp. 139-151. [ pdf ]
- Reinstatement of Daphnis torentia Druce as a species (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae). — Riotte, J.C.E. Pp. 152-159. [ pdf ]
- Adventive Hawaiian Dermestidae (Coleoptera): an annotated list. — Beal, R.S., Jr. Pp. 160-162.[ pdf ]
- The generic concepts of Dischistus Loew and Bombylisoma Rondani revisted, with discussion of the status of South American "Bombylius" (Diptera: Bombyliidae). — Evenhuis, N.L. 163-165. [ pdf ]
- New species of Ceratitis (Ceratitis) (Diptera: Tephritidae), key to species of subgenera Ceratitis and Pterandrus, and record of Pterandrus fossil. — Freidberg, A. Pp. 166-173. [ pdf ]
- Scanning Electron Microscope study of some parts of Cyta latirostris (Acari: Actinedida: Bdellidae). — Swift, S.F. Pp. 174-181. [ pdf ]
- Deletion of the cenrtipede Theatops spinicaudus (Wood) nfrom the Hawaiian fauna (Scolopendromorpha: Cyrptopidae). — Shelley, R.M. Pp. 182-184. [ pdf ]
- Two new species of landhoppers (Crustracea: Talitridae) from O‘ahu, Hawaiian Islands, with redescriptions of Platorchestia pickeringi and key to landhoppers of O‘ahu. Richardson, A.M.M. Pp. 185-201.[ pdf ]
- Terrestrial isopods (Crustacea) from the Hawiian Islands. — Taiti, S. & Ferrara, F. Pp. 202-227. [ pdf ]

Volume 32. 1993. Yoshio Kondo: bibliography and list of taxa. — Cowie, R.H. 10 pp. [pdf]

Volume 33. 1993 [published: 19 April 1993]. Review and phylogenetics of the Antoniinae of Australia (Diptera: Bombyliidae). — Evenhuis, N.L. 21 pp. [pdf]

Volume 34. 1993 [published: 11 May 1993]. The butterflies of the Tonga Islands and Niue, Cook Islands, with the descriptions of two new subspecies. — Miller, J.Y. & Miller, L.D. 24 pp. [pdf]

Volume 35. 1993 [published: 7 July 1993]. The tribe Diapodini (Coleoptera: Platypodidae) of Papua New Guinea. — Roberts, H. 39 pp. [pdf]

Volume 36. 1993 [published: 16 July 1993]. A new Neomachilis species from the Hawaiian Islands (Insecta: Archaeognatha: Machilidae). — Sturm, H. 16 pp. [pdf]

Volume 37. 1994 [published: 25 February 1994]. Review of the endemic Hawaiian genus Sigmatineurum Parent (Diptera: Dolichopodidae). — Evenhuis, N.L. & Polhemus, D.A. 19 pp. [pdf]

Volume 38. 1994 [published: 13 July 1994]. Taxonomy, phylogeny, and zoogeography of the genus Cylindrostethus Fieber in the Palaeotropical Region (Heteroptera: Gerridae). — Polhemus, D.A. 34 pp. [pdf]

Volume 39. 1994 [published: 18 July 1994]. Lithic tool production and dryland planting adaptations to regional agricultural intensification: preliminary evidence from leeward Moloka‘i, Hawai‘i. — Dixon, B., Major M., Price, M., Carpenter A., Stine, C. & Longton, B. 19 pp.

Volume 40. 1994 [published: 7 November 1994]. Revision of the endemic Hawaiian genus Sarona Kirkaldy (Heteroptera: Miridae: Orthotylinae). — Asquith, A. 81 pp. [pdf]

Volume 41. 1995 [published: 23 March 1995]. Records of the Hawaii Biological Survey for 1994. Part 1: articles.— Evenhuis, N.L. & Miller, S.E. (editors). 80 pp. [pdf]
- Introduction — Miller, S.E. & Evenhuis, N.L. Pp. 1–2. [pdf]
- How many species are there in Hawaii? — Eldredge, L.G. & Miller, S.E. Pp. 3-18. [pdf]
- Contributions to the flora of Hawai`i. III. —Lorence, D.H., Flynn, T.W. & Wagner, W.L. Pp. 19-58. [pdf]
- Dictyohporodelphax zwaluwenburgi vicar, new subspecies (Homoptera: Delphacidae): proposed example of allopatric speciation in the island of Kauai. — Asquith, A. Pp. 59-71. [pdf]
- Hydrovatus sandwicensis, n. sp. (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) nd a new record of Hydrovatus from the Hawaiian Islands.—Biström, O. Pp. 72-74. [pdf]
- First endemic click beetle (Coleoptera: Elateridae) from Nihoa Island. — Samuelson, G.A. & Johnson, P.J. Pp. 75-79. [pdf]

Volume 42. 1995 [published: 23 March 1995]. Records of the Hawaii Biological Survey for 1994. Part 2: notes. —Evenhuis, N.L. & Miller, S.E. (editors). 68 pp. [pdf]
- New Hawaiian plant records. I. — Hawley, B.M. & Pyle, L.B. P. 1. [ pdf]
- New Hawaiian plant records. II. — Hughes, G.d'O. Pp. 1-10. [ pdf]
- New Hawaiian plant records. III. — Lau, J.Q.C. Pp. 10. [ pdf]
- New Hawaiian plant records. IV. — Nagata, K.M. pp. 10-13. [ pdf]
- Contributions to the flora of Hawai‘i. IV. New records and name changes. — Wagner, W.L. & Herbst, D.R. Pp. 13-27. [ pdf]
- Notes on two Rhizoecus species new to the Hawaiian Islands. with a revised key to Hawaiian hypogaeic mealybugs (Homoptera: Pseudococcidae: Rhizoecinae). — Beardsley, J.W. Pp. 28-29. [ pdf]
- Notes on flightless Hawaiian Dolichopodidae (Diptera). — Evenhuis, N.L. pp. 30-31. [ pdf]
- Status of Rhynchopalpus brunellus in the Hawaiian Islands, with comments on the systematics of the Nolinae (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). — Holloway, J.D. Pp. 31-34. [ pdf]
- Range xtensions of Hylaeus (Hymenoptera: Colletidae ) on Kauai. — Hopper, D. & Daly, H.V. P. 35. [ pdf]
- Platynota stultana, the omnivorous leaf-roller, established in the Hawaiian Islands (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). — Miller, S.M. pp. 36-39. [ pdf]
- Usingeriessa onyxalis (Dyar) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae: Nymphulinae), a moth with presumably aquatic larvae, newly recorded From Hawaii, with a synopsis of Hawaiian Nymphulinae. — Munroe, E.G. Pp. 39-42. [ pdf]
- New Heteroptera and Odonata (Insecta) records and range extensions in the Hawaiian Islands. — Polhemus, D.A. Pp. 42-43. [ pdf]
- Karsch’s 1880 paper on Hawaiian spiders: ignored or overlooked? — Roth, V.D. pp. 44-48. [ pdf]
- Invalid and unavailable names in Eupetinus (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae).— Samuelson, G.A. & Evenhuis, N.L. Pp. 48-49. [ pdf]
- Some oribatid mites (Acari: Acariformes) from Mt. Kaala, Oahu. — Swift, S.F. & Norton, R.A. pp. 50-52. [ pdf]
- New records of copepods (Copedpoda) from Oahu, Hawaii. — Evenhuis, N.L. & Preston, D.J. pp. 52-53. [ pdf]
- New Hawaiian records for Stephanoscyphus simplex Kirkpatrick (Cnidaria: Scyphozoa). —Burch, B.L. & Burch, T.A. P. 53. [ pdf]
- Revised checklist of extant shallow-water stony coral species from Hawaii (Cnidaria: Anthozoa: Scleractinia). — Margos, J.E. Pp. 54-55. [ pdf]
- First record of the Blue Crab (Callinectes sapidus) in Hawaii (Decapoda: Brachyura). — Eldredge, L.G. pp. 55-58. [ pdf]
- New records of deep-water bivalves from the Hawaiian Islands (Mollusca: Bivalvia). — Burch, B.L. & Burch, T.A. Pp. 58-59. [ pdf]
- Recent observations of endangered Hawaiian monk seals (Monachus schauinslandi) on the main Hawaiian Islands. — Zevin, D.G. Pp. 59-60. [ pdf]
- New Hawaiian Records of Sessile Foraminifera. — Burch, B.L. & Burch, T.A. Pp. 60-61. [ pdf]
- Contributions to the Hawaii Biological Survey (1992–1994). — Evenhuis, N.L. & Miller, S.E. (eds.) Pp. 62-68. [ pdf]

Volume 43. 1995 [published: 16 August 1995]. 72 pp. [pdf]
- A primitive new species of Hydrometra from Tahiti (Heteroptera: Hydrometridae). —Polhemus, J.T. & Polhemus, D.A. Pp. 1-4. [ pdf]
- A new species of Hydrometra from the Seychelles (Heteroptera: Hydrometridae). —Polhemus, J.T. & Polhemus, D.A. Pp. 5-8.[ pdf]
- Revision of the genus Hydrometra Latreille in Indochina and the western Malay Archipelago (Heteroptera: Hydrometridae). —Polhemus, J.T. & Polhemus, D.A. Pp. 9-72. [ pdf]

Volume 44. 1995 [published: 15 December 1995]. The Tabanidae (Diptera) of New Caledonia. — Burger, J.F. 56 pp. [pdf]

Volume 45. 1996 [published: 20 February 1996]. Records of the Hawaii Biological Survey for 1995. Part 1: articles. — Evenhuis, N.L. & Miller, S.E.(editors). 72 pp. [pdf]
- Hawaii: a world without social insects. — Wilson, E.O. Pp. 3-7. [pdf]
- Numbers of Hawaiian species: supplement 1. —Miller, S.E. & Eldredge, l.G. Pp. 8-17. [pdf]
- New records and synonymies of Hawaiian bivalves (Mollusca). —Paulay, G. Pp. 18-29. [pdf]
- The orangeblack damselfly, Megalagrion xanthomelas (Oodnata: Coenagrionidae): clarifying the current range of a threatened species.— Polhemus, D.A. P. 30-53. [pdf]
- New species of Campsicnemus from the Waianae Range of Oahu, Hawaii (Diptera: Dolichopodidae). —Evenhuis, N.L. Pp. 54-58. [pdf]
- Terrestrial isopods from the Hawaiian Islands (Isopoda: Oniscidea). —Taiti, S. & Howarth, F.G. Pp. 59-71. [pdf]

Volume 46. 1996 [published: 20 February 1996]. Records of the Hawaii Biological Survey for 1995. Part 2: notes. — Evenhuis, N.L. & Miller, S.E.(editors). 50 pp. [ pdf]
- New Hawaiian pest plant records for 1995. — Contant, P. pp. 1-2. [ pdf]
- New Hawaiian plant records for 1995. — Herbarium Pacificum Staff. Pp. 3-8. [ pdf]
- Contributiions to the flora of Hawai‘i. V. — Herbst, D.R. & Wagner, W.L. Pp. 8-12. [ pdf]
- New records of Hawaiian flowering plants, primarily from the United States National Herbarium. — Shannon, R.K. & Wagner, W.L. Pp. 13-15. [ pdf]
- Pathogenic organisms of peneid shrimp in the Hawaiian Islands. — Carr, W.H. Pp. 15-18. [ pdf]
- Rotifers of the Hawaiian Islands. — Turner, P.N. Pp. 18-20. [ pdf]
- First record of the terrestrial species Geonemertes pelaensis (Nemertea: Hoplonemertea) in Hawaii. — Norenburg, J.L. P. 21. [ pdf]
- First record of the land snail subfamily Achatinellinae on Kauai. — Gage, R.P. III. pp. 21-25. [ pdf]
- New records of introduced land and freshwater snails in the Hawiian Islands. — Cowie, R.H. Pp. 25-27. [ pdf]
- New records and synonymies of Hawaiian Diptera. — Evenhuis, N.L. Pp. 27- 28. [ pdf]
- Range expansion and name changes for moths (Lepidoptera) in the Hawiian Islandes. — Miller, S.E. Pp. 28-31. [ pdf]
- New larval foodplant for Tmolus echion (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae). — Rutkowski, F. P. 32. [ pdf]
- Heteroptera (Insecta) range extensions and rediscoveries in the Hawaiian Islands. — Polhemus, D.A. Pp. 32-33. [ pdf]
- New Hawaiian records for aquatic Heteroptera (Insecta). — Polhemus, J.T. Pp. 34-35. [ pdf]
- Microcrypticus (Coleoptera: Tenebtionidae) in Hawaii, with notes on distribution and probable origin. — Steiner, W.E. Pp. [ pdf]
- Clarification of Plagithmysus hoikuahiwi, confused with the nomen nudum P. ulihihi (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae). — Samuelson, G.A. & Nishida, G.M. Pp. 37-38. [ pdf]
- Status of Gasterocantha mammosa (Araneae: Araneidae) in the Hawaiian Islands. — Swift, S.F. Pp. 39-40. [ pdf]
- New records of Hawaiian fish-associated isopods and a list of known species. — Bunkley-Williams, L. Pp. 41-44. [ pdf]
- New records of lizards established on Oahu. — Kishinami, M.L. Pp. 45-46. [ pdf]
- Fibropapillomas in Hawiian sea turtles. — Williams, E.H., Jr. Pp. 46-49. [ pdf]

Volume 47. 1997 [published: 26 June 1997]. Revision of the genus Hydrometra Latreille in Australia, Melanesia, and the southwest Pacific (Heteroptera: Hydrometridae). — Polhemus, J.T. & Polhemus, D.A. 67 pp. [ pdf]

Volume 48.1997 [published: 25 February 1997]. Records of the Hawaii Biological Survey for 1996. Part 1: articles. —Evenhuis, N.L. & Miller, S.E.(editors). 82 pp. [ pdf]
- Numbers of Hawaiian species: supplement 2, including a review of freshwater invertebrates. — Eldredge, L.G. & Miller, S.E. Pp. 3-22. [ pdf]
- Status, ecology, and management of the invasive plant, Miconia calvescens DC (Melastomataceae) in the Hawiian Islands. — Medeiros, A.C. & Loope, L.L. pp. 23-36. [ pdf]
- New and noteworthy Cyperaceae from the Hawaiian Islands. Strong, M.T. & Wagner, W.L. Pp. 37-50. [ pdf]
- Contributions to the flora of Hawai‘i. VI. — Wagner, W.L., Shannon, R.K. & Herbst, D.R. Pp. 51-65. [ pdf]
- The genus Sigmatineurum Parent in Hawaii (Diptera: Dolichopodidae), with a revised key to species. — Evenhuis, N.L. Pp. 66-72. [ pdf]
- A new species of Thinophilus (Diptera: Dolichopodidae) from the Hawaiian Islands. — Grootaert, P. & Evenhuis, N.L. Pp. 74-77. [ pdf]
- The first endemic Hawaiian Heliothis (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae): H. melanoleuca, a new species from riparian forest. — Mitchell, A. Pp. 78-81. [ pdf]

Volume 49. 1997 [published: 25 February 1997].Records of the Hawaii Biological Survey for 1996. Part 2: notes. — Evenhuis, N.L. & Miller, S.E.(editors). 71 pp. [ pdf]
- Formainifera of Hawaii: literature survey. — Burch, T.A. & Burch, B.L. pp. 1-3. [ pdf]
- The genus Septoria (Fungi: Deuteromycetes) in Hawaii. — Gardner, D.E. Pp. 3-9. [ pdf]
- New naturalized plant records for Kaua‘i. — Lorence, D.H. & Flynn, T. pp. 9-13. [ pdf]
- An overlooked naturalized aroid for the Hawaiian flora. — Staples, G.W. & Woolliams, K.R. Pp. 13-16. [ pdf]
- New Plant Records from Pu‘u Kukui Watershed and Adjacent Areas, Maui.— Meidell, J.S. Oppenheimer, H. & Bartlett, R.T. Pp. 17-28. [ pdf]
- New Hawaiian plant records for 1996. — Herbarium Pacifium Staff. Pp. 18-19. [ pdf]
- Rediscovery of Apterocyclus honoluluensis Waterhouse on Kauai (Coleoptera: Lucanidae). — Abbott, J. & Petr, D. P. 19. [ pdf]
- New records for Hawiian insects. — Kumashiro, B.R. & Heu, R.A. pp. 19-21. [ pdf]

Volume 50. 1997 [published: 25 February 1997]. Catalog and bibliography of the nonindigenous nonmarine snails and slugs of the Hawaiian Islands. — Cowie, R.H. 60 pp. [pdf]

Volume 51. 1997 [published: 20 June 1997]. Report on mammals collected during the Bishop Museum Expedition to Mt. Dayman, Milne Bay Province, Papua New Guinea. —Cole, R.E., Engilis, A., Jr. & Radovsky, F.J. 36 pp. [pdf]

Volume 52. 1997 [published: 20 June 1997]. Avifauna observations from the Bishop Museum Expedition to Mt. Dayman, Milne Bay Province, Papua New Guinea. — Engilis, A., Jr. & Cole, R.E. 19 pp. [pdf]

Volume 53. 1997 [published: 3 July 1997]. Review of flightless Dolichopodidae (Diptera) in the Hawaiian Islands. — Evenhuis, N.L. 29 pp. [pdf]

Volume 54. 1998 [published: 19 May 1998].The Aeletes of the Hawaiian Islands (Coleoptera: Histeridae). — Yélamos, T. 61 pp. [pdf]

Volume 55. 1998 [published: 28 May 1998]. Records of the Hawaii Biological Survey for 1997. Part 1: articles. — Evenhuis, N.L. & Miller, S.E.(editors). 77 pp. [pdf]

Volume 56. 1998 [published: 28 May 1998]. Records of the Hawaii Biological Survey for 1997. Part 2: notes. — Evenhuis, N.L. & Miller, S.E.(editors). 70 pp. [pdf]

Volume 57. 1998 [published: 28 May 1998]. Preliminary report on oribatid mite (Acari: Oribatida) diversity in the Hawaiian Islands. — Swift, S.F. & Norton, R.A. 44 pp. [pdf]

Volume 58. 1999 [published: 1 October 1999]. Records of the Hawaii Biological Survey for 1998. Part 1: articles. — Evenhuis, N.L. & Eldredge, L.G.(editors). 78 pp. [pdf]

Volume 59. 1999 [published: 1 October 1999]. Records of the Hawaii Biological Survey for 1998. Part 2: notes. — Evenhuis, N.L. & Eldredge, L.G.(editors). 55 pp. [pdf]

Volume 60. 1999 [published: 1 October 1999]. Hawaiian vascular plants at risk: 1999. — Wagner, W.L., Bruegmann, M.M., Herbst, D.M. & Lau, J.Q.C. 58 pp. [pdf]

Volume 61. 2000 [published: 15 August 2000]. The cicadas of Mt. Bosavi and the Kikori Basin, southern Papua New Guinea (Homoptera: Tibicinidae). — De Boer, A. 23 pp.

Volume 62. 2000 [published: 15 August 2000]. 12 pp.
- A new species of Hawaiian Campsicnemus (Diptera: Dolichopodidae) from rosettes of the lobeliad Lobelia gloria-montis (Campanulaceae) on Maui. — Evenhuis, N.L. Pp. 1-3. [pdf].
- A new species of Ischnura from Rota (Odonata: Coenagrionidae), and a discussion of zygopteran zoogeography in the insular tropical Pacific. — Polhemus, D.A., Asquith, A. & Miller, S. Pp. 5-12. [pdf]

Volume 63. 2000 [published: 15 September 2000]. Records of the Hawaii Biological Survey for 1999. Part 1: articles. — Evenhuis, N.L. & Eldredge, L.G.(editors). [pdf] 49 pp.
- Numbers of Hawaiian species. Supplement 5. — Eldredgde, L.G. Pp. 3-8. [ pdf ]
- New Hawaiian plant records for 1999. — Imada, C.T., Staples, G.W. & Herbst, D.R. pp. 9-16. [ pdf ]
- Reassessment of Cyrtandra kealiae and C. limahuliensis (Gesneriaceae). —Wagner, W.L. & Lorence, D.H. Pp. 17-20. [ pdf ]
- New distribution records for non-endemic Hymenoptera (Insecta) in Hawaii. —Beardsley, J.W. & Perreira, W.D. Pp. 21-30. [ pdf ]
- A new species cof Sigmatineurum (Diptera: Dolichopodidae) from seeps in Waimanu Valley on the Big Island of Hawai‘i. —Evenhuis, N.L. pp. 31-33. [ pdf ]
- The centipede order Lithobiomorpha in the Hawiian Islands (Chilopoda). I. The epigean fauna. —Zapparoli, M. & Shelley, R.M. Pp. 35-49. [ pdf ]

Volume 64. 2000 [published: 15 September 2000]. Records of the Hawaii Biological Survey for 1999. Part 2: notes.— Evenhuis, N.L. & Eldredge, L.G.(editors). 63 pp. [pdf]

Volume 65. 2000 [published: 15 September 2000]. Survey of invasive or potentially invasive cultivated plants in Hawai‘i. — Staples, G.W., Herbst, D. & Imada, C.T. 35 pp. [pdf]

Volume 66. 2000 [published: 20 December 2000]. Annotated checklist of the shore fishes of the Marquesas Islands. — Randall, J.E. & Earle, J.L. 39 pp. [pdf]

Volume 67. 2001 [published: 13 November 2001]. Plutella in the Hawaiian Islands: relatives and host-races of the diamondback moth (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae). — Robinson, G.S. & Sattler, K. 27 pp. [pdf]

Volume 68. 2002 [published: 21 March 2002]. Records of the Hawaii Biological Survey for 2000. Part 1: articles. — Evenhuis, N.L. & Eldredge, L.G.(editors). 78 pp. Separate articles [table of contents]

Volume 69. 2002 [published: 21 March 2002]. Records of the Hawaii Biological Survey for 2000. Part 2: notes. — Evenhuis, N.L. & Eldredge, L.G.(editors). 55 pp. [pdf]

Volume 70. 2002 [published: 21 March 2002]. Records of the Hawaii Biological Survey for 2000. Index to the Records of the Hawaii Biological Survey for the years 1994 through 2000. — Evenhuis, N.L. 44 pp. [pdf]

Volume 71. 2003 [published: 28 February 2003]. Bibliography of Norfolk Island natural history. — Endersby, I. 43 pp. [pdf]

Volume 72. 2003 [published: 6 March 2003]. Review of the sandperches of the Parapercis cylindrica complex (Perciformes: Pinguipedidae), with description of two new species from the western Pacific. — Randall, J.E. 19 pp. [pdf]

Volume 73. 2003 [published: 20 June 2003]. Records of the Hawaii Biological Survey for 2001–2002. Part 1: articles. — Evenhuis, N.L. & Eldredge, L.G.(editors). 53 pp. [pdf] Separate articles [ table of contents ]

Volume 74. 2003 [published: 20 June 2003]. Records of the Hawaii Biological Survey for 2001–2002. Part 1: notes. — Evenhuis, N.L. & Eldredge, L.G.(editors). 78 pp. [pdf]

Volume 75. 2003 [published: 20 June 2003]. Review of the Hawaiian Campsicnemus species from Kaua‘i (Diptera: Dolichopodidae), with key and descriptions of new species. —Evenhuis, N.L. 34 pp. [pdf]

Volume 76. 2003 [published: 17 December 2003]. Hawaii’s biodiversity: a detailed assessment of the numbers of species in the Hawaiian Islands. — Eldredge, L.G. & Evenhuis, N.L. 28 pp. [pdf]

Volume 77. 2004 [published: 9 February 2004]. Identity of introduced snakeheads (Pisces, Channidae) in Hawai‘i and Madagascar,with comments on ecological concerns. —Courtenay, W.R., Jr., Williams, J.D., Britz, R., Yamamoto, M.N. & Loiselle, P.V. 13 pp. [pdf]

Volume 78. 2004 [published: 27 July 2004]. Records of the Hawaii Biological Survey for 2003. Part 1: articles. —Evenhuis, N.L. & Eldredge, L.G.(editors). 55 pp. [pdf] Separate articles [ table of contents ]

Volume 79. 2004 [published: 27 July 2004]. Records of the Hawaii Biological Survey for 2003. Part 2: notes. — Evenhuis, N.L. & Eldredge, L.G.(editors). 64 pp. [pdf]

Volume 80. 2004 [published: 27 July 2004]. Bibliographic checklist of the nonmarine algae of the Hawaiian islands. — Sherwood, A.R. 23 pp. [pdf]

Volume 81. 2004 [published: 27 July 2004]. Status and occurrence of migratory birds in the Hawaiian Islands: Part 1 – Anseriformes: Anatidae (waterfowl). — Engilis, A., Jr., Pyle, R.L. & David, R.E. 28 pp. [pdf]

Volume 82. 2005 [published: 7 June 2005]. Fiji Arthropods I. — Evenhuis, N.L. & Bickel, D.J. (editors). 61 pp. [pdf]. Separate articles [table of contents]

Volume 83. 2005 [published: 17 August 2005]. Bibliography of and new taxa described by R.C.L. Perkins. — Evenhuis, N.L. 55 pp. [ pdf]

Volume 84. 2005 [published: 15 December 2005]. Fiji Arthropods II. Evenhuis, N.L. & Bickel, D.J. (editors). 67 pp. Separate articles [table of contents]

Volume 85 . 2006 [published: 28 February 2006]. Fiji Arthropods III. — Evenhuis, N.L. & Bickel, D.J. (editors). 47 pp. [ pdf]. Separate articles [table of contents]

Volume 86 .2006 [published: 15 April 2006]. Fiji Arthropods IV. — Evenhuis, N.L. & Bickel, D.J. (editors). 42 pp. [ pdf]. Separate articles [table of contents]

Volume 87. 2006 [published: 18 April 2006]. Records of the Hawaii Biological Survey for 2004–2005. Part 1: articles.— Evenhuis, N.L. & Eldredge, L.G. (editors). 66 pp. [ pdf] Separate articles [ table of contents ]

Volume 88. 2006 [published: 28 June 2006]. Records of the Hawaii Biological Survey for 2004–2005. Part 2: notes. — Evenhuis, N.L. & Eldredge, L.G. (editors). 79 pp. [ pdf]

Volume 89. 2006 [published: 13 September 2006]. Fiji Arthropods V. — Evenhuis, N.L. & Bickel, D.J. (editors). 55 pp. [ pdf]. Separate articles [table of contents ]

Volume 90. 2006 [published: 8 December 2006]. Fiji Arthropods VI.— Evenhuis, N.L. & Bickel, D.J. (editors). 66 pp. [ pdf]. Separate articles [table of contents]

Volume 91. 2007 [published: 15 March 2007]. Fiji Arthropods VII. — Evenhuis, N.L. & Bickel, D.J. (editors). 42 pp. [ pdf]. Separate articles [table of contents]

Volume 92. 2007 [published: 10 May 2007]. Honolulu forams from the Challenger Expedition 1875 "Rest Stop". — Burch, T.A. & Burch, B.L. 21 pp. [pdf]

Volume 93. 2007 [published: 30 June 2007]. Fiji Arthropods VIII. — Evenhuis, N.L. & Bickel, D.J. (editors). 40 pp. [ pdf]. Separate articles [table of contents]

Volume 94. 2007 [published: 7 September 2007]. Fiji Arthropods IX. — Evenhuis, N.L. & Bickel, D.J. (editors). 40 pp. [ pdf]. Separate articles [table of contents]

Volume 95. 2007 [published: 7 September 2007]. Records of the Hawaii Biological Survey for 2006. Part 1: articles. — Evenhuis, N.L. & Eldredge, L.G. (editors). 37 pp. [pdf].
- A new species of Pseudambasia (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Lysianassidae) from Hawai‘i, with a key to species in the genus. — Longenecker, K.L. & Bolick, H. pp. 308. [ pdf ]
- New species of Hawaiian Campsicnemus (Diptera: Dolichopodidae). — Evenhuis, N.L. pp. 9-16. [ pdf ]
- Lectotype designations for Hawaiian Campsicnemus Haliday (Diptera: Dolichopodidae). — Evenhuis, N.L. pp. 17-37. [ pdf ]

Volume 96. 2007 [published: 29 October 2007]. Records of the Hawaii Biological Survey for 2006. Part 2: notes. — Evenhuis, N.L. & Eldredge, L.G. (editors). 73 pp. [pdf].

Volume 97. 2008 [published: 12 February 2008]. Fiji Arthropods X. — Evenhuis, N.L. & Bickel, D.J. (editors). 64 pp. [pdf]. Separate articles [table of contents]

Volume 98. 2008 [published: 2 June 2008]. Fiji Arthropods. XI. —Evenhuis, N.L. & Bickel, D.J. (editors). 52 pp. [ pdf]. Separate articles [table of contents]

Volume 99. 2008 [published: 20 May 2008]. Review of Hawaiian Vespidae (Hymenoptera). — Carpenter, J.M. 18 pp. [ high res pdf] [ low res pdf].

Volume 100. 2008 [published: 6 August 2008]. Records of the Hawaii Biological Survey for 2007. — Evenhuis, N.L. & Eldredge, L.G. (editors). 55 pp. [pdf]
- New plant records from O‘ahu for 2007. —Froelich, D. & Lau, A. pp. 3-12. [ pdf ]
- New Hawaiian plant records from Herbarium Pacificum for 2007. — Imada, C.T., James, S.A. . & Kennedy, B.H. Pp. 12-16. [ pdf ]- Genetic variation in the endemic Hawaiian Gardenia brighamii: conservtion and horticultural implications. — James, S.A. Pp. 16-22. [ pdf ]
– New Hawaiian plant records for 2007. — Oppenheimer, H. Pp. 22-38. [ pdf ]
- Notes on grasses (Poaceaaae) in Hawai‘i. — Snow, N. Pp. 38-43. [ pdf ]
- New plant records from the Hawaiian Archipelago. — Starr, F., Starr, K. & Loope, l.L. Pp. 44-49. [ pdf ]
- Land snails of the island of Lehua, Hawiian Islands.— Cowie, R.H. & Wood, K.R. Pp. 50-52. [ pdf ]
- The hermit crab Calcinus isabellae Poupin (Crustacea: Decapoda: Anomura: Diogenidae), a new record for the Hawaiian Archipelago, including a review of the genus Calcinus Dana in Hawai‘i. — Godwin, S. pp. 52-54. [ pdf ]
- Erratum and further notes on Erinna newcombi (Mollusca: Lymnaeidae) in Hanakoa, Kaua‘i, Hawai‘i. — Wood, K.R. p 55. [ pdf ]

Volume 101. 2008 [published: 3 October 2008]. Celebrating a centuria of volumes of the Bishop Museum Occasional Papers: history, contents, dates and publication, and author index. — Evenhuis, N.L. 76 pp. [pdf]

Volume 102. 2009 [published: 9 March 2009]. Fiji Arthropods XII. — Evenhuis, N.L. & Bickel, D.J. (editors). 48 pp.[ pdf]. Separate articles [table of contents]

Volume 103. 2009 [published: 31 March 2009]. Fiji Arthropods XIII. — Evenhuis, N.L. & Bickel, D.J. (editors). 68 pp. [ pdf]. Separate articles [table of contents]

Volume 104. 2009 [published: 26 June 2009]. New species of frogs from Papua New Guinea. — Kraus, F. & Allison, A. 36 pp. [pdf]

Volume 105. 2009 [published: 25 September 2009]. Fiji Arthropods XIV. — Evenhuis, N.L. & Bickel, D.J. (editors). 68 pp.[ pdf].. Separate articles [table of contents]

Volume 106. 2009 [published: 15 December 2009]. Fiji Arthropods. XV. — Evenhuis, N.L. & Bickel, D.J. (editors). 58 pp.[ pdf]. Separate articles [table of contents]

Volume 107. 2010 [published: 26 February 2010]. Records of the Hawaii Biological Survey for 2008. Part I: plants.— Evenhuis, N.L. & Eldredge, L.G. (editors). 80 pp. [pdf]. Separate articles [table of contents]

Volume 108. 2010 [published: 5 March 2010]. Records of the Hawaii Biological Survey for 2008. Part II: animals. — Evenhuis, N.L. & Eldredge, L.G. (editors). 54 pp. [pdf]. Separate articles [table of contents]

Volume 109. 2011 [published: 28 February 2011]. Records of the Hawaii Biological Survey for 2009-2010. Part I: animals. — Evenhuis, N.L. & Eldredge, L.G. (editors). 43 pp. [pdf]
- A new species of the endemic Hawaiian genus Paraliancalus Parent, with notes on the genus Liancalus Loew (Diptera: Dolichopodidae). —Evenhuis, N.L. & Bickel, D.J. Pp. 3-13. [pdf]
- New species of Campsicnemus from East Maui, Hawaiian Islands (Diptera: Dolichopodidae) . — Evenhuis, N.L. Pp. 15-22. [pdf]
- Hylaeus strenuus (Hymenoptera: Colletidae), a new alien bee on O`ahu. — Magnacca, K.N., Nagamine, W.T. & Dathe, H.H. Pp. 23-24. [pdf]
- The subfamily Tethininae (Diptera: Canacidae) in the Hawaiian Islands. — Munari, L. & Evenhuis, N.L. Pp. 25-34. [pdf]
- New arthropod records from Maui Nui. — Starr, F. & Starr, K. Pp. 35-42. [pdf]
- A new neuropteran record for the Hawaiian Islands (Chrysopidae). — Tauber, C.A. & Tauber, M.J. Pp .43 [pdf]

Volume 110. 2011 [published: 28 March 2011]. Records of the Hawaii Biological Survey for 2009-2010. Part II: plants. —Evenhuis, N.L. & Eldredge, L.G. (editors). 35 pp. [pdf]
- New records of naturalized orchids for the Hawaiian Islands.— Ackerman, J.D., Falcón, W. & Recart, W. Pp. 1-4 [pdf]
- New Hawaiian plants records for 2009. —Oppenheimer, H. Pp. 5-10. [pdf]
- Taxonomic changes in Hawaiian ferns and leucophytes. —Snow, N., Ranker, T. & Lorence, D.H. Pp. 11-16. [pdf]
- Notes on grasses (Poaceae) in Hawai`i: 3. —Snow, N., & Davidse, G. Pp. 17-22. [pdf]
- New plant records for Midway Atoll, Maui, and Kaho`olawe. —Starr, F. & Starr, K. Pp. 23-35. [pdf]

Volume 111. 2011 [published: 16 December 2011]. Tools for reconstructing fish assemblages. 26 pp.[ pdf]
- Relationships between the length of select head bones and body weight for Pseudanthias (Serranidae: Anthiinae), numerically important prey of the endangered Hawaiian monk seal. — Longenecker, K. Pp. 3-12. [ pdf]
- Relationships between the length of select head bones and body size for some Hawaiian parrotfishes (subfamily Scarinae). — Longenecker, K., Chan, Y. & Franklin, E.C. Pp. 13-26. [ pdf ]

Volume 112 [published: 24 May 2012]. Records of the Hawaii Biological Survey for 2011. Part I: animals. — Evenhuis, N.L. & Eldredge, L.G. (editors). 42 pp. [pdf]
- First records of Paralaoma servilis (Shuttleworth, 1852) (Gastropoda: Pulmonata: Punctidae) in the Hawaiian Islands. — Christensen, C.C., Yeung, N.W. & Hayes, K.A. Pp. 3-7. [pdf]
- New species of Campsicnemus (Diptera: Dolichopodidae) from the Ko`olau Mountains of O`ahu, Hawiaian Islands. — Evenhuis, N.L. Pp. 9-16. [pdf]
- Recent introductions of Dolichopodidae (Diptera) in the Hawaiian Islands. — Evenhuis, N.L. & Bickel, D.J. Pp. 17-18. [pdf]
- New helminth record for the moth skink, Lipinia noctua (Scincidae), from Hawai`i. — Goldberg, S.L. & Bursey, C.R. Pp. 19-20. [pdf]
- New records of alien Gastropoda in the Hawaiian Islands. — Hayes, K.A., Yeung, N.W., Kim, J.R. & Cowie, R.H. Pp. 21-28. [pdf]
- A new species of Yaldwynopsis from O`ahu, Hawai`i (Crustacea: Decapoda: Brachyura: Homolidae). — Ng, P.K.L. & Eldredge, L.G. Pp. 29-38. [pdf]
- New arthropod records from Maui, Moloka`i, and Lana`i. Starr, F. & Starr, K. Pp. 39-42. [pdf]

Volume 113 [published: 18 June 2012]. Records of the Hawaii Biological Survey for 2011. Part II: plants. — Evenhuis, N.L. & Eldredge, L.G. (editors). 102 pp. [pdf]
- New records of Gamochaeta (Asteraceae) in the Hawaiian Archipelago. — Alford, M.H. Pp. 1-6. [pdf]
- New plant records from O`ahu for 2009. — Lau, A. & Frolich, D. Pp. 7-26. [pdf]
- New plant records for the Hawaiian Islands 2010-2011. — Frolich, D. & Lau, A. Pp. 27-54. [pdf]
- New plant records from the Big Island for 2009. — Parker, J.L. & Parsons, B. Pp. 55-63. [pdf]
- New plant records from the Big Island for 2010-2011. — Parker, J.L. & Parsons, B. Pp. 65-74. [pdf]
- New plant records from Hawai`i Island. — Pratt, L.W. & Bio, K.F. Pp. 75-80. [pdf]
- Freshwater algae associated with taro cultivation in the Hawaiian Islands. — Sherwood, A., Carlile, A.L. & Neumann, J.M. Pp. 81-86. [pdf]
- New plant records from Maui and Kaho'olawe. Starr, F.& Starr, K. Pp. 87-90. [pdf]
- Possible extinctions, rediscoveries, and new plant records within the Hawaiian Islands. — Wood, K.R. Pp. 91-102. [pdf]

Volume 114 [published 14 June 2013]. Records of the Hawaii Biological Survey for 2012. — Evenhuis, N.L. & Eldredge, L.G. (editors). 69 pp. [pdf]
- New plants records for the Hawaiian islands 2011–2012. — Lau, A. & Frolich, D. Pp. 5-16. [ pdf ]
- New Hawaiian plant records for 2012.  — Oppenheimer, H. Pp. 17-20. [ pdf ]
- Freshwater algae associated with high-elevation bogs in the Hawaiian Islands.  — Sherwood, A., Carlile, A.L. & Neumann, J.M. Pp.  21-31. [ pdf ]
- New plant records from Maui and Hawai‘i. Starr, F. & Starr, K. Pp. 33-36. [ pdf ]
- Rediscovery of Lysimachia venosa (Wawra) H. St. John on Kaua‘i, Hawaiian Islands. — Wood, K.R.  Pp. 37-38. [ pdf ]
- Hawaiian land snail records: Lyropupa cookei Clench, 1952 (Pulmonata: Vertiginidae) and Strobilops aeneus Pilsbry, 1926 (Pulmonata: Strobilopsidae). Christensen, C.C. Pp.  39-42. [ pdf ]
- Pupoidopsis hawaiensis Pilsbry & Cooke, 1921 (Gastropoda: Pupillidae): extirpated from Hawai‘i but a possible survivor in Kiribati and French Polynesia. — Christensen, C.C. Pp.  43-48. [ pdf ]
- New species of Campsicnemus Haliday (Diptera: Dolichopodidae) from the Kohala Mountains, Hawai‘i Island. — Evenhuis, N.L. Pp.  49-56. [ pdf ]
- New records of nonindigenous Carabidae (Coleoptera) from the Big Island. — Evenhuis, N.L. & Imada, C.T. Pp. 57-58. [ pdf ]
- The nuisance marine midge, Kiefferulus longilobus, is established in Hawai‘i (Diptera: Chironomidae). — Howarth, F.G. & Oishi, D.E. Pp. 59-60. [ pdf ]
- Notes on alien and native bees (Hymenoptera: Apoidea) from the Hawaiian islands. — Magnacca, K.N., Gibbs, J. & Droege, S. Pp. 61-65. [ pdf ]
- Notes on a recently established darkling beetle (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) in Hawai‘i.  Samuelson, G.A. & Howarth, F.G. Pp. 67-68. [ pdf ]
- New insect records from Maui. — Starr, F. & Starr, K. P. 69. [ pdf ]

Volume 115. [print version published 18 April 2014] Records of the Hawaii Biological Survey for 2013.— Evenhuis, N.L. (editor). 52 pp. [pdf]
- “Koster’s Curse”: mistaken blame in the common name for the invasive melastome, Clidemia hirta? — Evenhuis, N.L. Pp. 3-6. [ pdf ] [published online 27 Mar 2014]
- New plants records for the Hawaiian Islands 2012-2013. — Frohlich, D. & Lau, A. Pp. 7-18. [ pdf ] [published online 27 Mar 2014]
- New Hawaiian plant records for 2013. — Oppenheimer, H. Pp. 19-22. [ pdf ] [published online 27 Mar 2014]
- Endemism of marine algae in the Hawaiian Islands. — Tsuda, R.T. Pp. 23-27. [ pdf ] [published online 27 Mar 2014]
- Rediscovery of Melicope quadrangularis (Rutaceae) and other notable plant records for the island of Kaua‘i, Hawai‘i. — Wood, K.R. Pp. 29-32. [ pdf ] [published online 27 Mar 2014]
- Melania baldwini Ancey, 1899, synonymized with Melanoides tuberculata (Müller, 1774) (Gastropoda: Thiaridae). — Christensen, C.C. Pp. 33-34. [ pdf ] [published online 31 Mar 2014]
- A new state record for an introduced broad-nosed weevil (Curculionidae: Entiminae: Trachyphloeini) on Haleakalā with a review of the species of Cathormiocerus present in North America. — Ewing, C.R. & Krushelnycky, P. Pp. 35-38. [ pdf ] [published online 1 April 2014]
- New records of arthropods from the Hawaiian Islands. — Krushelnycky, P., Ogura-Yamada, C.S., King, C.B.A. & Young, L.C. Pp. 39-52. [ pdf ] [published online 1 April 2014]

Volume 116. [print version published 18 June 2015] Records of the Hawaii Biological Survey for 2014. Special 20th Anniversary Edition. Part I: Articles. — Evenhuis, N.L. & Miller, S.E. (editors) 56 pp. [pdf]
- New species of Campsicnemus Haliday (Diptera: Dolichopodidae) from Moloka`i, Hawaiian Islands. — Evenhuis, N.L. Pp. 3-17. [pdf ] [published online 11 May 2015]
- Notes on native and alien Hymenoptera and Diptera (Insecta) from the Hawaiian Islands. — Magnacca, K. Pp. 19-22. [ pdf ] [published online 12 May 2015]
- New plant records from Maui, Kaho`olawe, and Kaua`i. — Starr, F. & Starr, K. Pp. 23-25. [ pdf ] [published online 4 May 2015]
- Two new records of Diptera (Insecta) from the Hawaiian Islands. — Evenhuis, N.L. Pp. 27-29. [ pdf ] [published online 6 May 2015]
- Delissea rhytidosperma H. Mann (Campanulaceae) and Phyllostegia kahiliensis H. St. John (Lamiaceae) possibly extinct on Kaua‘i, Hawaiian Islands. — Wood, K.R. Pp. 31-33. [ pdf ] [published online 5 May 2015]
- New plant records for the Hawaiian Islands 2014. — Lau, A. & Frohlich, D. Pp. 35-40. [ pdf ] [published online 5 May 2015]
- New species records of marine benthic algae in the Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument (Northwestern Hawaiian Islands). — Tsuda, R.T., Spalding, H.L. & Sherwood, A.R. Pp. 41-47. [ pdf ] [published online 21 May 2015]
- Rediscovery of Auriculella pulchra Pease, 1868 (Gastropoda: Pulmonata: Achatinellidae. — Yeung, N.W., Chung, D., Sischo, D.R. & Hayes, K.A. Pp. 49-51. [ pdf ] [published online 29 May 2015]
-  Type Species Designation for Pelagolimnaea Germain, 1928, and a Correction Regarding the Type Species of Pseudisidora Thiele, 1931 (Gastropoda: Basommatophora: Lymnaeidae). — Christensen, C.C. Pp. 53-56. [ pdf ] [published online 4 June 2015]

Volume 117. [print version published 18 June 2015] Records of the Hawaii Biological Survey for 2014. Special 20th Anniversary Edition. Part II: Index. — Evenhuis, N.L. & Miller, S.E. (editors) 76 pp.[ pdf]
- Twenty years of the Records of the Hawaii Biological Survey. — Evenhuis, N.L. & Miller, S.E. Pp. 1-2.[ pdf ] [published online 5 June 2015]
- Twenty-year index to the Records of the Hawaii Biological Survey (1994 through 2013). — Evenhuis, N.L. (compiler). Pp. 3–76. [ pdf ] [published online 10 June 2015]

Volume 118. [print version published 30 September 2016] Records of the Hawaii Biological Survey for 2015.— Evenhuis, N.L. (editor) 45 pp. [ pdf]
- Alien freshwater clams in the Hawaiian Islands. — Christensen, C.C. Pp. 1-4. [ pdf ] [published online 10 August 2016]
- Change of Status and Name for a Hawaiian Freshwater Limpet: Ancylus sharpi Sykes, 1900, is the Invasive North American Ferrissia californica (Rowell, 1863), Formerly Known as Ferrissia fragilis (Tryon, 1863) (Gastropoda: Planorbidae: Ancylinae). — Christensen, C.C., Pp. 5-8. [ pdf ] [published online 11 August 2016]
- Multiple records of monoecy and Leakiness in dioecious taxa of Hawaiian Coprosma spp. (Rubiaceae). — Cantley, J.T., Frohlich, D. & Martine, C.T. Pp. 9-12. [ pdf ] [published online 11 August 2016]
- New Plant records from Maui,, Hawai`i, and Kure Atoll. — Starr, F. & Starr, K.Pp. 13-16. [ pdf ] [published online 11 August 2016]
- New Plant records from the Big Island for 2015. — Parker, J.L. & Parsons, B. Pp. 17-22. [ pdf ] [published online 23 August 2016]
- New Hawaiian Plant Records for 2015. — Oppenheimer, H. Pp. 23-28. [ pdf ] [published online 12 August 2016]
- First record of the family Xylomyidae (Insecta: Diptera) in the Hawaiian Islands. — Evenhuis, N.L. Pp. 29-32. [ pdf ] [published online 13 August 2016]
- Simply ridiculus: new species of the Campsicnemus ridiculus group from Hawai`i and the Marquesas (Diptera: Dolichopodidae). — Evenhuis, N.L., Pp. 33-38. [ pdf ] [published online 15 August 2016]
- 2016. Discovery of the Apisturus "brunneus Group" of catsharks (Caracharhiniformes: Scylliorhinidae) in Hawaiian waters with comments on catshark ecology in the Hawaiian Archipelago. — Crow, G.L., Suzumoto, A., Kelley, C.D., Nakaya, K., Kawauchi, J. & War, J. Pp. 39-45. [ pdf ] [published online 12 September 2016]

Electronic publication only begins:
Volume 119 [published online 31 October 2017]. Records of the Hawaii Biological Survey for 2016. — Evenhuis, N.L. (editor) 37 pp. [ pdf ]
- Meadow foxtail (Alopecurus pratensis L., Poaceae), an introduced Eurasian and African grass new to Hawai‘i. — Judziewicz, E. Pp. 1-2. [ pdf ] [published online 14 March 2017]
- New plant records from Kaho‘olawe Island and Midway Atoll. — Starr, F. & Starr, K. Pp. 3-8. [ pdf ] [published online 11 April 2017]
- The status of Argiope trifasciata kauiensis (Araneae: Araneidae) on Kaua‘i, Hawai‘i. — Berry, J.W. & Williams, A. Pp. 9-13. [ pdf ] [published online 2 June 2017]
- Notes on some erroneous referrals of non-Hawaiian fossil nonmarine gastropods to endemic Hawaiian genera and species. — Christensen, C.C. Pp. 15-17. [ pdf ] [published online 25 July 2017]
- Conoderus posticus (Eschscholtz) (Coleoptera: Elateridae), a new state record for Hawai`i, and a key to local species. — Johnson, P.J., Ogura-Yamada, C., Krushelnycky, P. & Samuelson, G.A. Pp. 19-22. [ pdf ] [published online 26 September 2017]
- An unusual capture of the bluntnose sixgill shark, Hexanchus griseus on a pelagic longline in the Hawaiian longline fishery with comments on the worldwide genetic population structure. — Crow, G.L., Humphreys, R.L., Jr., Naylor, G.J.P. & Emmanuel, A. Pp. 23-28. [ pdf ] [published online 17 October 2017]
-The Afrotropical biting midge, Forcipomyia (Forcipomyia) biannuata (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) established in the United States. — Grogan, W.L., Jr., Howarth, F.G. & Hribar, L. Pp. 29-37. [ pdf ] [published online 31 October 2017]

Volume 120. The spiders of Rapa Nui (Easter Island) revisited. — Cotoras, D.D., Wynne, J.J., Flores-Prado, L. & Villagra, C. Pp. 1–17. [ pdf ] [published online 25 May 2017]

Volume 121. First records of the invasive predatory land snail Gulella (Huttonella) bicolor (Hutton, 1834) (Gastropoda: Streptaxidae) from the Society Islands, French Polynesia. — Christensen, C.C. & Kahn, J.G. 11 pp. [ pdf ] [published online 17 August 2017]

Volume 122. A new species of Thevenetimyia Bigot from Japan (Diptera: Bombyliidae).— Evenhuis, N.L. & Ichige, K. Pp. 1-6. [ pdf ] [published online 27 September 2017]

Volume 123. [published online 27 August 2018]. Records of the Hawaii Biological Survey for 2017.— Evenhuis, N.L. (editor). 54 pp. [ pdf ]
- New plant records from Midway Atoll, Kaho‘olawe, and Maui.— Starr, F. & Starr, K. Pp. 3-6. [ pdf ] [published online 27 March 2018]
-Parmarion martensi Simroth, 1893 (Gastropoda: Ariophantidae), an intermediate host of Angiostrongylus cantonensis (rat lungworm), on Maui. — Cowie, R.H., Hayes, K.A., Kim, J.R., Bustamente, K.M. & Yeung, N.W. Pp. 7-10. [ pdf ] [published online 3 April 2018]
-A lost species of salt marsh snail: Blauneria gracilis Pease, 1860 (Gastropoda: Ellobiidae) in the Hawaiian Islands. — Christensen, C.C. Pp. 11-17. [ pdf ] [published online 23 April 2018]
- Rat lungworm (Angiostrongylus cantonensis) in Hawai‘i: updated host gastropod records and distributions on Maui. — Yeung, N.W., Kim, J.R. & Hayes, K.A. Pp. 19-24. [ pdf ] [published online 27 April 2018]
- A new species of flightless Campsicnemus (Diptera: Dolichopodidae) from the Wai‘anae Range, O‘ahu, Hawaiian Islands. — Evenhuis, N.L. Pp. 25-20.[ pdf ] [published online 27 April 2018]
- Rediscovery of Newcombia canaliculata (Baldwin, 1895) (Gastropoda: Achatinellidae) and Laminella venusta (Mighels, 1845) (Gastropoda: Amastridae). — Yeung, N.W., Bustamente, K.M., Sischo, D.R. & Hayes, K.A. Pp. 31-36. [ pdf ] [published online 1 May 2018]
- New records of bark beetles from the Hawaiian Islands (Coleoptera: Curculionhidae: Scolytinae). — Evenhuis, N.L., Arakaki, K.T. & Imada, C.T. Pp. 37-39. [ pdf ] [published online 8 May 2018]
- New species records and voucher specimens of marine benthic algae from Kaho‘olawe, main Hawaiian Islands. — Tsuda, R.T. & Abbott, I.A. Pp. 41-50. [ pdf ] [published online 31 May 2018]
- New records of two-winged flies (Insecta: Diptera) from O‘ahu, Hawaiian Islands. — Evenhuis, N.L., Perreira, W.D. & Yee, D.A. Pp. 51-54. [ pdf ] [published online 19 June 2018]

Volume 124. 2018. A new genus and species of Villoestrini Hull (Diptera: Bombyliidae) from the Oriental Region parasitic on ant lions (Neuroptera: Myrmeleontidae), with key to genera in the tribe. — Evenhuis, N.L. 10 pp. [ pdf ] [published online 26 April 2018]

Volume 125. 2019. Two new species of Palpifer Hampson, 1893 from South East Asia (Lepidoptera: Hepialidae). — Grehan, J.R. & Mielke, C.G.C. Pp. 1-23 [ pdf ] [published online 21 January 2019]

Volume 126. [published online 23 August 2019] Records of the Hawaii Biological Survey for 2018. — Evenhuis, N.L. (editor). 30 pp. [ pdf ]
- New Hawaiian plant records for 2018. — Oppenheimer, H. Pp. 3-9. [ pdf ] [published online 12 April 2019]
- New records of Clausiliidae: Tauphaedusa tau (Boettger, 1877) (Gastropoda: Heterobranchia) on O‘ahu, Hawaiian Islands, and the first global record of infection of a clausiliid land snail with Angiostrongylus cantonensis (Chen, 1935), the rat lungworm. — Cowie, R.H., Rollins, R.L., Medeiros, M.C.I. & Christensen, C.C. Pp. 11-18. [ pdf ] [published online 16 June 2019]
- A new species of Campsicnemus (Diptera: Dolichopodidae: Sympycninae) from Kaua‘i, with remarkable leg ornamentation. — Evenhuis, N.L. Pp. 19-22. [ pdf ] [published online 16 June 2019]
- Review of the type specimens of Hawaiian Sierola Cameron (Hymenoptera: Bethylidae) at the Natural History Museum, London, with lectotype designations. — Magnacca, K.N. pp. 23-30. [ pdf ] [published online 23 August 2019]

Volume 127. 2019. The genus Glabellula Bezzi (Diptera: Mythicomyiidae) in Australia, with descriptions of new species. — Evenhuis, N.L. Pp. 1-11. [ pdf ] [published online 7 May 2019]

Volume 128. 2019. A new species of Endoclita C. & R. Felder, 1874 (Lepidoptera: Hepialidae) from the Philippines, with biogeographic comments. — Grehan, J.R. & Mielke, C.G.C. Pp. 1-16 [ pdf ] [published online 21 May 2019]

Volume 129. Records of the Hawai Biological Survey for 2019. — Evenhuis, N.L. (editor). 124 pp. [ pdf ] [published online 9 July 2020]
- Twenty-five years of the Records of the Hawaii Biological Survey. — Evenhuis, N.L. Pp. 1-2. [ pdf ] [published online 9 July 2020]
- Everyone loves a cercus: the endemic Hawaiian genus Uropachys Parent (Diptera: Dolichopodidae), with descriptions of new species. — Evenhuis, N.L. Pp. 3-20. [ pdf] [published online 8 October 2019]
- New plant records for Lana‘i for 2019.— Oppenheimer, H. & Bogner, K. Pp. 21-25.[ pdf ] [published online 1 November 2019]
- New plant records from Maui Nui. — Starr, F. & Starr, K. Pp. 27-29. [ pdf ] [published online 27 February 2020]
- New plant records for Nihoa, 2019. — Frohlich, D. Pp. 31-32. [ pdf ] [published online 30 March 2020]
- New records of Sciaroidea (Diptera: Mycetophiloidea) in the Hawaiian Islands. —Evenhuis, N.L. Pp. 33-36. [ pdf ] [published online 12 April 2020]
- Hawaiian lava tube cave associated Lepidoptera from the collections of Francis G. Howarth and Fred D. Stone. —Howarth, F.G., Medeiros, M.J. & Stone, F. Pp. 37-54. [ pdf ] [published online 22 April 2020]
- New plant records for the Hawaiian Islands 2015–2019. — Frohlich, D. & Lau, A. Pp. 55-66. [ pdf ] [published online 22 April 2020]
- New Hawaiian plant records from Herbarium Pacificum for 2019. — Imada, C.T. & Kennedy, B.H. Pp. 67-92. [ pdf ] [published online 29 April 2020]
- Marine benthic algae from Ni‘ihau and adjacent Lehua Islet, Main Hawaiian Islands. — Tsuda, R.T., Abbott, I.A., Spalding, H.L., Giuseffi, L.M., Okano, R., Kennedy, B.H. & Sherwood, A.R. Pp. 93-107. [ pdf ] [published online 6 July 2020]
- Recommendations for reporting records of nonnative plant species in the Hawaiian Islands. B— rock,  K.C., Daehler, C.C., Imada,  C.T., Kennedy, B.H. & Flynn, T.W. Pp. 109-124. [ pdf ] [published online 7 July 2020]

Volume 130. Charles D.V. d’Orbigny's “Dictionnaire Universel d’Histoire Naturelle”: proposed dates for livraisons, with itemized contents for each. — Evenhuis, N.L. Pp. 1-8. [ pdf ] [published online 5 October 2019]

Volume 131. 2019. [published online 4 November 2019]. 8 pp. [ pdf ]
- Eua mauga Cowie, 2019, new name for Partula montana Cooke & Crampton, 1830 (currently Eua montana), a junior primary homonym of Partula montana Moellendorff, 1900 (Gastropoda: Partulidae). — Cowie, R.H. Pp. 1–6. [ pdf ]
- Ovalaua, new name for Moala Dillon & Dillion, 1952, a genus of Fijian beetles (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae), not Moala Baker, 1938 (Gastropoda: Euconulidae). — Christensen, C.C. & Samuelson, G.A. Pp. 7-8. [ pdf ]

Volume 132. 2020. Mine's longer than yours: two new Strongylophthalmyia Heller (Diptera: Strongylophthalmyiidae) with remarkably long antennal processes. — Evenhuis, N.L. Pp. 1–7. [ pdf ] [published online 29 February 2020]

Volume 133. 2020. New records and updated distributional data for marine micromollusks (Mollusca: Gastropoda) from the Mesophotic Depth Zone of the Hawaiian Islands. — Polhemus, D.A. Pp. 1-29. [ pdf ] [published online 12 April 2020]

Volume 134. 2020. Nggela (Diptera: Dolichopodidae), a new genus from the Solomon Islands. — Bickel, D.J. Pp. 1-6 [ pdf ] [published online 17 August 2020]

Volume 135. 2020. Dates of publication for Shaw's General Zoology (1800–1826). — Evenhuis, N.L. Pp. 1-9. [ pdf ] [published online 17 August 2020]

Volume 136. 2020. Taxonomic revision and biogeography of Phassodes Bethune-Baker, 1905 (Lepidoptera: Hepialidae), ghost moth descendants of a subduction zone weed in the south-west Pacific. — Grehan, J.R. & Mielke, C.G.C. Pp. 1–37. [ pdf ] [published online 28 August 2020]

Volume 137. Records of the Hawaii Biological Survey for 2020. — Evenhuis, N.L. (editor). 23 pp. [ pdf ] [published online 10 July 2021]
- New island record for Ochna serratula on O‘ahu. — Steinbach, R.M., Brock, K.C. & Daehler, C.C. Pp. 3-5. [ pdf ] [published online 5 October 2020]
- New record in the Hawaiian Islands of Orasema minutissima (Hymenoptera: Eucharitidae), an ant-parasitic wasp and a potential biocontrol agent against the Little Fire Ant, Wasmannia auropunctata (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). — Heraty, J.M., Rogers, D.V., Johnson, M.T., Perreira, W.D., Baker, A.J., Bitume, E., Murray, E. & Varone, L. P. 7-18. [ pdf ] [published online 23 March 2021]
- New ant records (Hymenoptera: Formicidaae) from Maui and Moloka‘i. — Starr, F. Starr, K. & Tudor-Long, M. Pp. 19-20. [ pdf ] [published online 30 March 2021]
- New synonymies in Hawaiian Diptera (Insecta). — Evenhuis, N.L. P. 21-23. [ pdf ] [published online 10 July 2021]

Volume 138. 2020. The last known Endodonta species? Endodonta christenseni sp. nov. (Gastropoda: Endodontidae). — Hayes, K.A., Slapcinsky, J., Sischo, D.R., Kim, J.M. & Yeung, N.W. Pp. 1-15. [ pdf ] [published online 15 October 2020]

Volume 139. 2020. Vladelektra, an enigmatic new genus of killer fungus gnats (Diptera: Keroplatidae: incertae sedis) from mid-Cretaceous Burmese amber. — Evenhuis, N.L. Pp. 1-9 . [ pdf ] [published online 30 November 2020]

Volume 140. 2020. The Mythicomyiidae (Insecta: Diptera) of the United Arab Emirates. Part 2: genera Cyrtosia Perris, Doliopteryx Hesse, Glabellula Bezzi, and Leyaliya Efflatoun. — Evenhuis, N.L. & Gharali, B. Pp. 1-29. [ pdf ] [published online 20 December 2020]

Volume 141. 2021. Systema Dipterorum Nomenclatural Notes I. — Evenhuis, N.L. & Pape, T. (editors) 22 pp. [ pdf ] [published online 12 December 2021]
- Editorial. — Evenhuis, N.L. & Pape, T. (editors). P. 1 [ pdf ] [published online 1 November 2021]
- A new name for Scrobicula Matile, 1970 (Diptera: Keroplatidae). — Evenhuis, N.L. Pp. 3-4 [ pdf ] [published online 1 November 2021]
- Nomenclatural and taxonomic notes on Dolichopodidae genus-group names (Insecta: Diptera). — Evenhuis, N.L. & Bickel, D.J. Pp. 5-11. [ pdf ] [published online 3 November 2021]
- First Reviser actions for multiple original spellings of species-group names in Tabanidae, Mydidae, Dolichopodidae, Syrphidae, and Phoridae (Diptera). — Evenhuis, N.L. pp. 13-16. pdf ] [published online 23 November 2021]
- Type species designations for five Hermann Loew genus-group names (Diptera: Asilidae, Heleomyzidae, Platystomatidae, Tephritidae). — Evenhuis, N.L. Pp. 17-22. [ pdf ] [published online 12 December 2021]

Volume 142. Records of the Hawaii Biological Survey for 2021. — Evenhuis, N.L. (editor). 87 pp. [ pdf ] [published online 26 May 2022]
- Two new species of the endemic Hawaiian predaceous fungus gnats Tylparua Edwards from the Wai`anae Mountains, O‘ahu, Hawai`i (Diptera: Keroplatidae). — Evenhuis, N.L. Pp. 3-9. [ pdf ] [published online 3 November 2021]
- New species of Bemlos Shoemaker (Amphipoda, Senticauda, Aoridae) from the Hawaiian Islands and Madagascar. — Longenecker, K. & Myers, A. Pp. 11-19. [ pdf ] [published online 14 November 2021]
- The first record of the family Thaumatocoridae (Heteroptera) from the Hawaiian Islands. — Polhemus, D.A., Magnacca, K.N. & Masunaga, J.N..Pp.21-26. [ pdf ] [published online 21 November 2021]
- Notes on the Hawaiian flora: Kaua`i rediscoveries and range extensions. —Wood, K.R. & Walsh, S.K. Pp. 27-34. [ pdf ] [published online 14 February 2022]
- Iniforis reevei (Mollusca: Triphoridae), a new marine species record for the Hawaiian Islands. — Polhemus, D.A. & Bakker, P.A.J. Pp. 35-37. [ pdf ] [published online 15 Februiary 2022]
- Angiostrongylus cantonensis in Hawai`i: updated records and distributions of gastropod hosts on Maui, Moloka`i and Lāna`i. — Nguyen, L.A., Kim, J.R., DeLeon, K.L., Goulding, T.C., Hobbs, C.S., Kulvicki, H.A., Yeung, N.W. & Hayes, K.A. Pp. 39-48. [ pdf ] [published online 24 February 2022]
-Eleven new records of Lepidoptera in the Hawaiian Islands including corrections to the Hawaii Terrestrial Arthropod Checklist. — Austin, K.A. & Rubinoff, D. Pp. 49-74. [ pdf ] [published online 1 April 2022]
- The Scaptomyza cyrtandrae species group, with the description of a new species (Diptera:Drosophilidae). — Burgunder, B., Rampassos, A.S. & O'Grady, P.. Pp. 75-87. [ pdf ] [published online 25 May 2022]

Volume 143. 2022. Systema Dipterorum Nomenclatural Notes II. — Evenhuis, N.L. & Pape, T. (editors). 90 pp. [published online 14 December 2022]
- Maiamyia, a new replacement name for Eugeniamyia Maia, Mendonça Júnior & Romanowski, 1997 (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae). — Evenhuis, N.L. Pp. 1-2. [ pdf ] [published online 17 January 2022]
- A new species, Stenodiplosis tectori (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae), from cheatgrass, Anisantha tectorum (Poaceae). — Gagné, R.J. & Perilla Lopez, J.M. P. 3. [ pdf ] [published online 17 February 2022]
- A new gall-midge genus and ten new species (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) from succulent Aizoaceae in South Africa. — Dorchin, N. & van Munster, S. Pp. 5-10. [ pdf ] [published online 17 February 2022]
- Reassessment of Clytocerus Eaton, 1904 (Diptera: Psychodidae) based on a recently discovered type species designation by Malloch, 1907, with a checklist of world species. — Evenhuis, N.L. Pp. 11-15. [ pdf ] [published online 1 April 2022]
- Type species fixed under Article 70.3.2 of the Code for generic names in Tachinidae (Diptera). — O’hara, J.E. [p. 17-32. [ pdf ] [published online 16 June 2022]
- Nomenclature of Johnstonimyia bezzi Lopes & Kano, 1979 (Diptera: Sarcophagidae). — Pape, T. Pp. 33-36. [ pdf ] [published online 27 June 2022]
- The genus-group names of Sarcophagidae (Insecta: Diptera) proposed by A.Z. Lehrer and Y.G. Verves. — Pape, T. & Whitmore, D. Pp. 37-90. [ pdf ] [published online 3 November 2022]

Volume 144. 2022. Dating of the zoological plates in Bory de Saint-Vincent's “Dictionnaire Classique d'Histoire Naturelle” (1822–1830). — Evenhuis, N.L. Pp. 1–19. [ pdf ] [published online 23 February 2022]

Volume 145. 2022. Old World species of Mythicomyia Coquillett (Diptera: Mythicomyiidae): examples of a relict genus? — Evenhuis, N.L. Pp. 1-14.[ pdf ] [published online 4 March 2022]

Volume 146. 2022. New records and taxonomic review of Triphoridae (Mollusca: Gastropoda) from the Samoan Islands. — Polhemus, D.A. & Bakker, P.A.J. Pp. 1-38. [ pdf ] [published online 15 June 2022]

Volume 147. 2022. Range extension of the endemic terrestrial isopod Hawaiioscia rapui reveals the dispersal potential of the genus across the South Pacific. — Wynne, J.J., Taiti, S., Yancovic Pakarati, S. & Castillo-Trujillo, A.C. Pp. 1-12.[ pdf ] [published online 12 June 2022]

Volume 148. Records of the Hawaii Biological Survey for 2022. — Evenhuis, N.L. (editor). 188 pp. [ pdf ] [published online 24 March 2023]
- A new species of Mesaanthura Barnard (Isopoda, Cymothoida, Anthuridae) from the Hawaiian Islands. — Longenecker, K. Pp. 3-8. [ pdf ] [published online 28 June 2022]
- New Hawaiian bryophyte records from Herbarium Pacificum for 2022. — Thomas, M.K. Pp. 9-11. [ pdf ] [published online 22 August 2022]
- New plant records frtom Maui. — Starr, F. & Starr, K. Pp. 13-15. pdf ] [published online 29 August 2022]
- Lectotype designations for Hawaiian Dolichopodidae (Insecta: Diptera). —Evenhuis, N.L. Pp. 17-40. [ pdf ] [published online 16 September 2022]
- Updates to the Hawaiian grass flora and selected keys to species: Part 1. — Faccenda, K. Pp. 41-98. [ pdf ] [published online 4 October 2022]
- On Psammoecus Latreille (Coleoptera: Silvanidae: Brontinae) from the Hawaiian Islands. — Karner, M. Pp. 99-106. [ pdf ] [published online 5 November 2022]
- New plant naturalization records for Kaua‘i. — Brock, K.C., Tangalin, N., Lorence, D.H., Flynn, T.W. & Deans, S. Pp. 107-162. [ pdf ] [published online 20 January 2023]
- Recent notable plant records and rediscoveries from Kaua‘i, Hawaiian Islands. — Nyberg, B., Wood, K.R., Heintzmann, S., Deans, S.M. & Williams, A. Pp. 163–168. [ pdf ] [published online 23January 2023]
- A curious new species of Hawaiian Campsicnemus with modified hind legs (Diptera: Dolichopodidae). — Evenhuis, N.L. Pp. 169-173. [ pdf ] [published online 18 January 2023]
- New records of introduced Lepidoptera in the Hawaiian Islands for the year 2022. — Austin. K.A. & Rubinoff, D. Pp. 175-184. [ pdf ] [published online 25 January 2023]
- A note on the snail host of Ascotyle felippei Travassos, 1928 (Dignea: Heterophyidae), a parasite of Hawaiian stream fishes. — Christensen, C.C. Pp. 185-188. [ pdf ] [published online 26 January 2023]

Volume 149. 2022. The genus Tylparua Edwards in Hawai‘i (Diptera: Keroplatidae: Orfeliini). Part I: Introduction, new subgenera, and review of the subgenus Bryanplatyura, n. subgen. — Evenhuis, N.L. Pp. 1-29. [ pdf ] [published online 18 July 2022]

Volume 150. 2022. Zzyzzarro, a new genus of Psiloderoidinae (Diptera: Mythicomyiidae) from Western Australia found on social media. — Evenhuis, N.L., Pp. 1-11. [ pdf ] [published online 28 September 2022]

Volume 151. 2022. First record of the genus Glabellula Bezzi in Madagascar (Diptera; Mythicomyiidae). — Evenhuis, N.L. Pp. 1-15. [ pdf ] [published online 16 December 2022]

Volume 152. 2023. Fiji Arthropods (New Series). I.— Evenhuis, N.L. & Bickel, D.J. (editors). 19 pp. [ pdf ] [published online 22 December 2023]
- A new species of Dolichocephala Macquart from Fiji (Diptera: Empididae). — Sinclair, B.J. Pp. 1-4. [ pdf ] [published online 14 February 2023]
- Korotongo, a new genus from Fiji, Tonga and Samoa, and a new species of Phacaspis Meuffels & Grootaert from Micronesia (Diptera: Dolichopodidae). — Bickel, D.J. Pp. 5-12. [ pdf ] [published online 22 February 2023]
- Shamshevia hannahae, a striking new species and biogeographical anomaly from Fiji (Diptera: Dolichopodidae: Diaphorinae). — Bickel, D.J. Pp. 13-19. [ pdf ] [published online 27 February 2023]

Volume 153. 2023. Systema Dipterorum Nomenclatural Notes III. — Evenhuis, N.L. & Pape, T. (editors). 51 pp. [ pdf ] [published online 28 November 2023]
- Two new species of Hilarini (Diptera: Empididae) from the Auckland Islands, New Zealand. — Bickel, D.J. Pp. 1-2. [ pdf ] [published online 22 February 2023]
- First Reviser actions on Diptera genus-group names in Neave's Nomenclator Zoologicus. Evenhuis, N.L. Pp. 3-41. [ pdf ] [published online 12 March 2023]
- Will the real Tinearia please stand up? A history of errors and confusion in determining its type species (Diptera: Psychodidae). — Evenhuis, N.L. Pp. 43-51. [ pdf ] [published online 18 November 2023]

Volume 154. The flower-loving microbombyliid genus Empidideicus Becker, 1907 (Diptera: Mythicomyiidae) in Portugal.— Evenhuis, N.L., Almeida, J. & Andrade, R. Pp. 1-28. [ pdf ] [published online 20 March 2023]

Volume 155. Records of the Hawaii Biological Survey for 2023. — Evenhuis, N.L. (editor). 204 pp. [ pdf ] [published online 3 January 2024]
- New records of weedy Phyllanthus spp. in Hawai‘i. — Faccenda, K. Pp. 3-8. [ pdf ] [published online 2 June 2023]
- A survey of the hornworts and liverworts of Lana‘i, Hawaiian Islands, including 63 new records —. Judziewicz, E., Freire, A.V. & Bogner, K.K. Pp. 9-38. [ pdf ] [published online 2 June 2023]
- New plant records for O‘ahu. — Ross, M.C. & Faccenda, K. Pp. 39-54. [ pdf ] [published online 10 August 2023]
- Preliminary annotated checklist of the moss flora of Lower Limahulu Valley.— Jensen, K. Pp. 55-72. [ pdf ] [published online 21 August 2023]
- New records of Cyperaceae from Hawai‘i. — Faccenda, K. pp. 73-82. [ pdf ] [published online 12 September 2023]
- Updates to the Hawaiian grass flora and selected keys to species: Part 2. — Faccenda, K. Pp. 83-156. [ pdf ] [published online 21 September 2023]
- Updates to the Hawaiian hornwort (Antherocerotophyta) and liverwort (Marchantiophyta) floras: species new to Hawai‘i and name changes. — Judziewicz, E. & Freire, A.V. Pp. 157-176. [ pdf ] [published online 29 September 2023]
- New naturalized record of Paullinia fuscescens on O‘ahu (Sapindaceae). — Najarian, B. & Faccenda, K. Pp. 177-179. [ pdf ] [published online 4 October 2023]
- Two new occurrence records for the Hawaiian Islands of invasive octocorals (Cnidaria: Anthozoa: Octocorallia: Malacalcyonacea) reported in Pearl Harbor: Unomia stolonifera (Gohar, 1938) and Capnella cf. spicata (May, 1899). — Bolick, H. & Lee, K. Pp. 181-184. [ pdf ] [published online 5 October 2023]
- A new species of Spelaeorchestia (Crustacea: Amphipooda: Talitroidea) from lava tube caves on the Island of Hawai‘i in the Hawaiian Archipelago. — Myers, A.A., Lowry, J.K., Taylor, S.J., Slay, M.E., Slay, C.M. & Porter, M.L. Pp. 185-199. [ pdf ] [published online 5 December 2023]
- New records and corrections of Chenopodium sensu lato in the Hawaiian Islands. — Ross, M.C. & Faccenda, K. 2023. Pp. 201-204. [ pdf ] [published online 1 December 2023]

Volume 156. Records of the Hawaii Biological Survey for 2024. — Evenhuis, N.L. (editor). [ pdf ] [published online 11 December 2024]
- New Hawaiian bryophyte records from Herbarium Pacificum for 2023: 106 new island records for Hawaiian liverworts and hornworts. — Judziewicz, E., Freire, A.V. & Thomas, M.K. Pp. 3-22. [ pdf ] [published online 19 January 2024]
- New naturalization records for Amaranthus in the Hawaiian Islands. — Faccenda, K. & Ross, M.C. Pp. 23-32. [ pdf ] [published online 19 January 2024]
- New records of weedy, non-grass plants from Molokaʻi. — Faccenda, K. & Daehler, C.C. Pp. 33-36. [ pdf ] [published online 19 January 2024]
- Updates to the Hawaiian grass flora and selected keys to species: Part 3. — Faccenda, K., Yorkston, M. & Morden, C.W. Pp. 37-53. [ pdf ] [published online 26 January 2024]
- New Hawaiian plant records for 2023. — Oppenheimer, H. & Pezzillo, Z. Pp. 55-70. [ pdf ] [published online 1 February 2024]
- Report of 24 new naturalized weeds across the islands of Hawai‘i. — Faccenda, K. Pp. 71-110. [ pdf ] [published online 21 February 2024]
- New records of introduced Lepidoptera in the Hawaiian Islands for the year 2023. — Austin, K.A. & Rubinoff, D. Pp. 111-121. [ pdf ] [published online 21 February 2024]
- Assorted additions to the Hawaiian weed flora. — Faccenda, K. Pp. 123-133. [ pdf ] [published online 22 February 2024]
- New plant records from the Big Island for 2021. — Parker, J.L., Parsons, B.., & Faccenda, K. Pp. 135-142. [ pdf ] [published online 23 February 2024]
- Twenty additions to the naturalized flora of Lana‘i.— Faccenda, K. & Sprague, J. Pp. 143-150. [ pdf ] [published online 4 April 2024]
- A new species of Tylparua Edwards (Diptera: Keroplatidae) from trhe Big Island of Hawai‘i. — Evenhuis, N.L. Pp. 151-153. [ pdf ] [published online 25 April 2024]
- The Campsicnemus macula Parent complex in Hawai‘i (Diptera: Dolichopodidae): examples of volcanoes acting as islands? — Evenhuis, N.L. Pp. 155-169. [ pdf ] [published online 30 April 2024]
- Misapplied names in the Hawaiian introduced flora. — Faccenda, K. & Strong, M. Pp. 171-177. [ pdf ] [published online 17 July 2024]
- A synopsis of Spermacoce (Rubiaceae) and related genera naturalized in the Hawaiian Islands, with a key. — Lorence, D. & Faccenda, K. Pp. 179-189. [ pdf ] [published online 18 July 2024]
- New island records of Werauhia (Bromeliaceae) on Kaua‘i and Maui. —Jablonski, J., Williams, A. M. & Oppenheimer, H., Pp. 191-197. [ pdf ] [published online 25 July 2024]
- New moss record on Kaua‘i Island: Calymperes fasciculatum. — Jensen, K. & Flynn, T. Pp. 199-201. [ pdf ] [published online 15 August 2024]
- First record of the spider egg predator Phalacrotophora epeirae Brues (Diptera: Phoridae) in Hawai‘i. — Matsunaga, J.N., Melzer, M.J., Kong, A. & Evenhuis, N.L. Pp. 203-206. [ pdf ] [published online 18 September 2024]

Volume 157. Systema Dipterorum Nomenclatural Notes. IV. — Evenhuis, N.L. & Pape, T. (editors). 71 pp. [ pdf ] [published online 19 December 2024]
- Steps toward conserving the family-group name Psilidae (Insecta: Diptera): Reversal of precedence for Psilidae Walker, 1853 (nomen protectum) and Psilomyiidae Macquart, 1835 (nomen oblitum) and invoking Article 35.5 for the precedence of Psilidae Walker, 1853 over Loxoceridae Macquart, 1835. — Evenhuis, N.L. Pp. 1-5. [ pdf ] [published online 23 January 2024]
- The type species of Heteromyiella Hendel, 1910 (Diptera: Heleomyzidae).— Angell, C.S. Pp. 7-9. [ pdf ] [published online 24 January 2024]
- Cordyligasterini Townsend, 1914 recognized as the valid tribal name for the former Sophiini Townsend, 1936 (Diptera, Tachinidae). — O'Hara, J.E. Pp. 11-18. [ pdf ] [published online 4 February 2024]
- Nepalomyia arborea nom. nov., a new replacement name for Nepalomyia hastata Bickel, 2023 (Diptera: Dolichopodidae). — Bickel, D.J. P. 19. [ pdf ] [published online 19 February 2024]
- Description of Anopheles fontenillei n.sp. (Diptera: Culicidae) from La Lopé National Park, Gabon. — Rahola, N., Paupy, C. & Ayala, D. Pp. 21-22. [ pdf ] [published online 19 April 2024]
- Review and re-proposal of family-group names used for tribes of Scathophagidae (Diptera). — Angell, C.S. & Šifner, F. Pp. 23-28. [ pdf ] [published online 25 April 2024]
- Rhynchotaenia Brèthes, 1910 (preoccupied): transfer of its species to Pseudotaeniorhynchus Theobald, 1911 (Diptera: Culicidae). — Evenhuis, N.L. & Harbach, R.E. Pp. 29-31. [ pdf ] [published online 5 August 2024]
- A new replacement name for a junior primary homonym (Diptera: Asilidae). — Pont, A.C. & Evenhuis, N.L. Pp. 33-34. [ pdf ] [published online 11 August 2024]
- New replacement names for junior primary and secondary homonyms in Muscidae (Diptera). — Pont, A.C. Pp. 35-40. [ pdf ] [published online 4 September 2024]
- An assessment of the Diptera species-group names appearing for the first time in the two 1829 works of James Francis Stephens. — Evenhuis, N.L. Pp. 41-61. [ pdf ] [published online 11 December 2024]
- Further notes on junior primary and secondary homonyms in Muscidae (Diptera). — Pont, A.C. Pp. 63-67. [ pdf ] [published online 18 December 2024]
- Gonomyiella Meunier, 1899 replaces Oreophila Lackschewitz, 1935, with list of species (Diptera, Limoniidae). — Oosterbroek, P., Evenhuis, N.L. & Podenas, S. [ [ pdf ] [published online 18 December 2024]

Volume 158. Fiji Arthropods (New Series). II.— Evenhuis, N.L. & Bickel, D.J., editors. 11 pp.[ pdf ] [5 December 2024]
- First record of the genus Xenoplatyura Malloch (Diptera: Keroplatidae) from Fiji.— Evenhuis, N.L. Pp. 1-6. [ pdf ] [published 26 April 2024]
- A new genus and species from Fiji macquerading as Setostylus Matile (Diptera: Keroplatidae: Keroplatinae . — Evenhuis, N.L. Pp. 7-11 [ pdf ] [5 December 2024]

Volume 159. A new species of Poecilognathus (Diptera: Bombyliidae) from a known but unknown locality. — Evenhuis, N.L. Pp. 1-8. [ pdf ] [published 30 May 2024]

Volume 160. Biography of Edward Yataro Hosaka (1906–1961), botanist and agronomist in Hawai‘i.— Havran, J.C. Pp. 1–27. [ pdf ] [published 5 July 2024]

Volume 161. The genus Tylparua Edwards in Hawaii (Diptera: Keroplatidae). Part II: Review of the subgenus Hardyplatyura Evenhuis. — Evenhuis, N.L. Pp. 1-53. [ pdf ] [published 9 July 2024]

Volume 162. Resolving the genera of Psiloderoidinae in Australia (Diptera: Mythicomyiidae): lost types found, misidentifications rectified, and new genera described. — Evenhuis, N.L. Pp. 1-44. [ pdf ] [published 3 January 2025]

Volume 163. Records of the Hawaii BiologicalSurvey fopr 2025. — Evenhuis, N.L. (editor).
- New records of introduced Lepidoptera in the Hawaiian Islands for the year 2024. Austin, K.A. & Rubinoff, D.A. Pp. 3-10. [ pdf ] [published 3 February 2025]



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This page last revised 3 February 2025