Pacific Entomological Survey
The Pacific Entomological Survey was formed in 1927, and funded for a 5-year period, through a cooperative agreement between the Hawaiian Sugar Planters' Association, the Association of Hawaiian Pineapple Canners, and the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum. The original director of the Survey was C.F. Baker from the Philippines. However, Baker's untimely death in 1927 put E.P. Mumford in charge.
Collecting during that period focused on French Polynesia, and primarily the Marquesas. After funding and collecting ceased in 1932, specimens were sent to specialists worldwide and results of the collecting and research were published in a variety of scientific journals but primarily through the Bulletins and Occasional Papers of the Bishop Museum.
Ten publications of the Survey are numbered. Other publications based on material collected by the survey are unnumbered but are treated in the Index to the survey (see below). These publications are listed here in chronological order of publication.
Number 1.
1932. Marquesan Insects—I. Bishop Museum Bulletin 98. 244 pp. [ pdf ]. Separate articles [table of contents]
Number 2. 1932.
Check list of Tipulidae of Oceania. Bishop Museum Occasional Papers 9(21). Alexander, C.P. 12 pp. [pdf]
Number 3. 1932.
Check list of the Elateridae of Oceania. Bishop Museum Occasional Papers 9(23). Van Zwaluwenburg, R.H. 28 pp. [pdf]
Number 4. 1932.
Fresh-water fishes from the Marquesas and Society Islands. Bishop Museum Occasional Papers 9(25). Fowler, H.W. 11 pp. [pdf]
Number 5. 1933.
The lizards of the Marquesas Islands. Bishop Museum Occasional Papers 10(2). Schmidt, K.P. & Necker, W. 11 pp.
————. 1934. Check list of the false scorpions of Oceania. Bishop Museum Occasional Papers 10(22). Chamberlin, J.C. 14 pp. [pdf]
Number 6. 1935. Society Islands insects. Bishop Museum Bulletin 113. 156 pp. [ pdf ] Separate articles [ Table of contents]
Number 7. 1935.
Marquesan insects–II. Bishop Museum Bulletin 114. 378 pp. [ pdf ] Separate articles [ Table of contents]
————. 1935. Check list of the Brenthidae of Oceania. Bishop Museum Occasional Papers 11(1). Kleine, R. 16 pp. [pdf]
————. 1935. Check list of the Rutelinae (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae) of Oceania. Bishop Museum Occasional Papers 11(2). Ohaus, F. 9 pp. [pdf]
————. 1935. Check list of the Embiidae (Embioptera) of Oceania. Bishop Museum Occasional Papers 11(7). Friederichs, K. 4 pp.
————. 1935. Checklist of the ants of Oceania. Bishop Museum Occasional Papers 11(11). Wheeler, W.M. 56 pp. [pdf]
Number 9. 1936.
Marquesan insects: environment. Adamson, A.M. Bishop Museum Bulletin 139. 73 pp. [ pdf ]
————. 1936. Check list of the Serphoidea, Bethylidae, and Anteonidae of Oceania. Bishop Museum Occasional Papers 11(18). Fouts, R. 15 pp. [pdf]
————. 1936. Check list of Pacific Lycidae.Bishop Museum Occasional Papers 12(4). Kleine, R. 7 pp. [pdf]
————. 1936. Check list of the Cicindelidae of Oceania. Bishop Museum Occasional Papers 12(6). Horn, W. 11 pp. [pdf]
————. 1937. Check list of the Cleridae (Coleoptera) of Oceania. Bishop Museum Occasional Papers 13(3). Corporaal, J.B. Pp. 11-26. [pdf]
————. 1937. Check list of Neuroptera Planipennia of Oceania. Bishop Museum Occasional Papers 13(5). Esben-Petersen, P. Pp. 49-60.
————. 1937. Check list of the Cecidomyidae of Oceania. Bishop Museum Occasional Papers 13(6). Barnes, H.F. Pp. 61-66. [pdf]
————. 1937. Check list of the Syrphidae of Oceania. Bishop Museum Occasional Papers 13(10). Hull, F.M. Pp. 79-87. [pdf]
————. 1937. Check list of the Palpicornia of Oceania (Coleoptera, Polyphaga). Bishop Museum Occasional Papers 13(13). d’Orchymont, A.Pp. 147-160. [pdf]
Number 8. 1939.
Marquesan insects–III. Bishop Museum Bulletin 142. 220 pp. [ pdf ] Separate articles [ Table of contents]
Number 10. 1939. Review of the fauna of the Marquesas Islands and discussion of its origin. Adamson, A.M. Bishop Museum Bulletin 159. 93 pp. [ pdf ]
Index [ pdf ]