Thousands of individuals have assisted with this project, the majority by contributing observational data and photographs to the senior author during the construction of the SIGHTINGS database archived and maintained by the Occurrence and Status of Birds in Hawaii volunteer project at the B.P. Bishop Museum (BPBM), Honolulu. Of these, we must first single out Peter Donaldson, who not only has contributed the second-highest totals of observation contributed to the database and photographs contributed to the HRBP files (to those of the authors; see below), but was a long-time birding companion to the senior author, and organizer of bird records and information. It is fitting that Peter took over writing the Hawaii column for North American birds following the passing of Robert Pyle in July 2007, and Peter's subsequent tracking of records after the SIGHTINGS database was put on hold (in 2006) has been instrumental to the junior author in updating the accounts for this site. Other long-time Hawaii residents and birders who assisted Robert throughout the years and contributed many records and photos (see below) include W. Mike Ord, Reginald David, H. Douglas Pratt, Andrew Engilis, and, formerly, Rey Larsen and Walter Donagho. C. John Ralph, co-author with Robert on American Birds accounts in the late 1970s and early 1980s, with help from Peter Paton, was instrumental in helping Robert initiate the SIGHTINGS database.
Acknowledgements for Version 1
After Robert Pyle left us, a call was made to donate funding to the Pyle Fund at BPBM (in lieu of flowers, etc.) for the completion of this monograph. The response was heart-warming and the site could not have been completed this decade, if ever, without this funding. We sincerely thank the following for their donations: Ahupua'a Natives LLC, Joan Aidem, David Ainley, Dr. Allen Allison & Ms. Isabella Forster, James K. Angell, Keith Arakaki, Nanea & Richard Armstrong, Association of Hawaiian Archivists, Alfred & Nancy Au, Patricia A. Avery, Robin Baird & Annie Douglas, Ben H. Bond Jr., Mandy B. Bowers, DeSoto Brown, Abby Brown-Watson & Dave Watson, Howard E. & Eve Buckley, Timothy A. Burr, Mr. & Mrs. J. Frisbee Campbell, Michael Casey & Diana King, Michael & Amy Chinaka, Lanette S.L. Ching, Mildred S. & Robert R.S. Ching, Bernice C. Choy, William S. Clark, John & Ele Clere, Stephen L. & Renuka D. Coles, Thomas & Barbara Coles, Roger B. & Jean A. Compton, Patricia Conrad, John & Liane Corbelli, Victoria & Walter Creed, Dr. Edward & Mrs. Elizabeth Creutz, Rhyne Davies & Allison Baum, James & Brenda Denny, Joseph & Amy Dituri, Col. Wales S. & Joanne M. Dixon, Peter V. Donaldson, Charles & Page Dwight, Sally H. Edwards, Richard & Linda Erickson, Elizabeth N. Flint, Lori L. Fujimoto, Toshiko & Richard M. Fukuda, Joel & Puanani Fung, Betsy Harrison Gagne, Sandra Gallman, Caroline A. Garrett, Kimball A. Garrett & Kathy Molina, G. Donald Gedge, Lorin T. Gill, Ester M. Goto, John B. Hall & Gaylien W. Uyeda, , Remy Hartmann, Mark B. & Mary T. Heckman, Matthew D. & Ann K. Heindel, Gladys Helbush, Dr. Derral R. Herbst, Sumi Higa, Ivanelle Hoe, Elaine Hoffman, Carol J. Holverson, Honolulu County Genealogical Society, Ruth H. Hori, Francis G. Howarth, Catherine Anne Hughes, Tad & Irene Iimura, Kathleen & Clyde T. Imada, Shelley James, Betty J. Joao, Carla Joaquin & Jean Freedman, Oscar W. & Patricia M. Johnson, Wendy & Bill Johnson, Mary Judd, Walter Kam, Helen C. Kau, Carol T. Kawachi, Regina K. Kawamoto, Cynthia C. Kawamura, Judy Kearney, Sarah K. Kim, Harvey C. & Mary King, Carla & Lee Kishinami, Eleanor T. Koes, Kay L. Kong, Mary Goto Kosasa, Karen K. Kosasa, David B. Kembie & Carolyn Oliver, Elizabeth Kumabe & Sherwood B. Maynard, Kenneth & Patrick Kupchak, Takashi & Tomiko Kuwahara, Robert M. Larson, Deanna Lee, Marlene C. Lemke, Robin L.C. Leong, Kenneth Longenecker & Tammy Castleforte, Bernice Loui, Francis & Bertha Lum, Jack & Leilani Macguire, Tracie M. & David P. MacKenzie, Wilhelmina Markiewicz, Joyce H. Masuda, Violet S. Mau, Virgil & Amy Meeker, Sylvia Mitchell, Steven Mlodinow, Lyn Y. Nagoshi, Jeffrey and Tammy Namihira, Lloyd S. Namihira, Janet G. Ness, Wendee Nishimura, Katsuya & Toshi S. Nohara, Susan Nolan, Eleanor C. Nordyke, John H. & Lois T. Norris, Oahu Nature Tours, W. Mike & Benny A. Ord, Lori & Norman O'Hara, William D. & Suzanne K. Ohmstede, Marie O. Pell, Edwin Q.P. Petteys, Gordan & Billie Piianaia, Kurt Pohlman, Dr. Thane K. & Mrs. Linda Pratt, C. John & Carol Pearson Ralph, Judith Ramseyer, Dr. & Mrs. John E. Randall, Mark J. Rauzon, Scott A. & Christina M.T. Richardson, Harriet Rotz, Paul & Dorcie Sakuma, Allan & Shirley Samuelson, Susan Schenck, Jane E. Schoonmaker & Gordon Tribble, Rosy L. Schwartz, David G. Seay, Muriel B. Seto, Charlotte M. Sexton, B.J. Short, Molly Simonian, Helen M. Sing, Richard F. & Norma Smith, Thomas J. Snetsinger, John K. & Sigrid B. Southworth, Sarah M. St. Clair, Karen & Alan Stockton, Phyllis M. Stranske, Lois Suemori, Hannah Bonsey Suthers, Arnold K. Suzumoto, Chieko Tachihata, Harriet Takaesu, Mitsuko Talcott, Anna K. Tam, Jane Taura, Julliette K. Taura, Walter Y. Tokushige & Janice K. Lum, Jerry & Laurel Trier, Jane C. Uemura, Kimberly Uyehara, Akira & Hazel Wada, James & Cynthia Waddington, Virginia Walker, Nancy J. Walker, Ronald L. & Charlotte C. Walker, Janet A. Wessel, Joan White, Martin & Karen Wisner, Joan H. Worthen & Francis H. Soon, Albert I. & Mary H. Yamakawa, Brenda Zaun, and several anonymous donors. At BPBM this funding was administered by Tracie MacKenzie, and we also thank B.J. Short, Allen Allison, Neal Evenhuis, and Steve Coles at BPBM for assistance.
The establishment of the Hawaii Birding Listserve Group in December 2006 has greatly facilitated the transfer of information and photographs among Hawaii birders. We greatly thank Christian Melgar, currently residing in the U.K, with assistance from Reginald David and Peter Donaldson, for establishing and maintaining this site.
Those listed above and others have assisted the junior author more recently by providing specific information, reviewing accounts, helping in museum collections, and providing updates to posted accounts. For help in museum collections and for other assistance and information about Hawaiian birds we especially thank Carla Kishinami, Pumehana Imada, and Lydia Garetano at BPBM, and Storrs Olson, Helen James, James Dean, and Roger Clapp at USNM. Others who have assisted the junior author recently with publications and other information include Eric VanderWerf and Lindsay Young of Pacific Rim Conservation; Beth Flint, Holly Friefeld, Brenda Zaun, Cindy Rehnkemper, and Michelle Zwartjes at USFWS; David Smith, Cinthia Vanderlip, Jaap Eijzenga, Norma Bustos, Jay Penniman, and Fern Duvall of Hawaii DOFAW; H. Douglas Pratt; Arleone Dibben-Young; Michelle Reynolds; Chris Elphick; Michael Reed; Mike Ord; Jim Denny; Jack Jeffrey; Nick D. Holmes; Thane K. Pratt; David Kuhn; Jaan Lepson; Paul Banko; Nicholas Kalodimos; Mike Force; Mark Rauzon; Hank Oppenheimer; and Gil Ewing. Undoubtedly hundreds of others could be thanked for similar assistance given to the senior author over the past five decades.
For help with photographs and permission to use them in the HRBP file and at this site (as well as for other information), we thank Peter Donaldson, Michael Walther, Reginald David, Robin Baird & Daniel Webster of Cascadia Research Collective, Rob Shallenberger, Jim Denny, Jack Jeffrey, Forest and Kim Starr, and the many others, listed below, who have donated photographs to the file. We especially thank Michael Walther for the use of his Red-billed Tropicbird image on the banners of this site.
See for more of Michael's images.
Finally, this has been an ohana project from the start, and we greatly acknowledge the help of Ellen, Leilani, and Richard Pyle for endless hours of kokua and aloha, without which this project could not have been completed. The junior author would like to especially thank his wife, Rowena Forest, for assistance and understanding during the compilation of this and other recent time-consuming endeavors.
A total of 235 individuals or groups have contributed photographs to the HRBP file (through HRBP 1441 and 5680; see Introduction) and 2151 individuals or groups contributed at least one observation to the SIGHTINGS database through 2006. The following lists include those contributing photographs, in the order of number of photographs contributed (listed in parentheses), and those contributing observations, as broken down into categories - over 1000, 500-1000, 100-500, 10-100, and 1-10 observations.
Contributors of photographs to HRBP file (number contributed as of Nov 2009)
Peter Pyle (378), Peter V. Donaldson (328), Michael Walther (145), Reginald E. David (121), Robin W. Baird (63), Robert J. Shallenberger (61), Jim Denny (40), Christian Melgar (38), Jerry R. Oldenettel (38), Jeffrey Marks (37), James Aliberti (34), Roger B. Clapp (32), Gilbert S. Grant (29), Brenda Zaun (27), Ken McDermond (27), Fern P. Duvall (22), C. Fred Zeillemaker (20), Craig Rowland (20), Brenda Becker (19), Mark J. Rauzon (18), USFWS (18), Cynthia Vanderlip (15), Reynold T. Larsen (15), Nanette Seto (14), Robert L. Pyle (14), Arleone Dibben-Young (13), Kamal Islam (13), Kurt Pohlman (13), Unknown (13), Bert McKee (12), Oliver Komar (12), Sea Life Park (12), Eric VanderWerf (11), Forest and Kim Starr (11), Maureen Flannery (11), Paul Baker (11), Richard Vetter (11), Paul Hendricks (10), C. Scott Hall (9), Daniel Webster (9), Mike Silbernagle (9), Peter Paton (9), Mike Nishimoto (8), Stewart Fefer (8), Terry Moore (8), Timothy A. Burr (8), Andrew Engilis (7), Bill Muench (7), Bruce D. Eilerts (7), Ed Bean (7), Helen Baker (7), Omar Bussen (7), Angela Kay Kepler (6), Binion Amerson (6), Beth Flint (6), F. Sibley (6), Jennifer C. Megyesi (6), Lance Tanino (6), Thomas Heatley (6), A. Suzumoto (5), Carolyn Choy (5), G. Vernon Byrd (5), George C. Campbell (5), J. Nicholson (5), Jack Jeffrey (5), Marshall Iliff (5), Nancy Butowski-Casey (5), Rebecca Howard (5), Renate Gassman-Duvall (5), Robert Lucas (5), Steven Kramer (5), Suzanne Conja (5), Thane K. Pratt (5), Tom Dove (5), A. Jaramillo (4), Albert Morita (4), Alexander Wetmore (4), B.P. Bishop Museum (4), Betty Joao (4), Bill Principe (4), Brad Keith (4), Brendan Doe (4), Ceci Green (4), Chris Depkin (4), George H. Balazs (4), Hadoram Shirihai (4), John B. Nichols (4), Les Chibana (4), Nina Lisowski (4), P. Dumont (4), Steve Barclay (4), Tim Sutterfield (4), Triston McKee (4), W. Breck Tyler (4), B. Leilani Pyle (3), Barbara Lee (3), Bryan Harry (3), Chad Castle (3), David Boynton (3), Don Crossley (3), Eugene Kridler (3), Greg Schorr (3), J. Michael Scott (3), John Klavitter (3), John Obata (3), Kris Hartin (3), Mary McArthur (3), Mitchell Oliphant (3), Nancy Naslund (3), Nate Rice (3), Nel Nomi (3), Norman Garon (3), R. McCarthy (3), Sheila Conant (3), Timothy Hurley (3), Walter Donagho (3), Warren B. King (3), APHIS (2), Aaron Dietrich (2), Amy Edwards (2), Bonnie Call (2), C. Donnelly (2), C. Sederlin (2), Chistina Hermann (2), Cindy Eggelston (2), Crystal Belchaver (2), Curt Griffin (2), D. Martyn (2), Debra Colvin (2), Debra Henry (2), Dodie Warren (2), George L. Armistead (2), Glenda Bates (2), Gregory Spencer (2), Guy Hughes (2), H. Douglas Pratt (2), H. K. Schofield (2), H. W. Henshaw (2), J. B. Giezentanner (2), Jack Swenson (2), Jeff Pawlowski (2), Jennifer K. Richardson (2), Johanna Dawes (2), Jyrki Muona (2), K. C. Parkes (2), Kathleen J.F. Viernes (2), Kenneth Niethammer (2), Laura Megyesi (2), Laurie H. MacIvor (2), Linda Paul (2), Lindsay Kramer (2), Lindsay Young (2), Lurilla Lee (2), Marlene Lyons (2), Muriel E. VanFleet (2), POBSP (2), Paul W. Woodward (2), Scott Johnston (2), Scott Richardson (2), Shawneen Finnegan (2), Steve Berendzen (2), Steve Tucker (2), Thomas C. Telfer (2), Tom Coles (2), Walter F. Nichols (2), Amber Paris (1), Anthony J. McCafferty (1), Avery Taylor (1), B. Amerson (1), Robin Au (1), Beverly Perry (1), Brent Tarter (1), C.W.O. Voss (1), Chandler S. Robbins (1), Charles E. Probst (1), Charlie Sabo (1), Chris Dippel (1), Christina Connett (1), Christine Ryder (1), Chuck Babbitt (1), Chuck King (1), Cindy Rehnkemper (1), Craig S. Harrison (1), Darren Roberts (1), David Kuhn (1), Dayna Harris (1), Dorcie Sakuma (1), Ed Shallenberger (1), Eug Donaldson (1), Eugene Hunn (1), F. Meyer (1), Gary Means (1), Heather Johnston (1), J. Silbernagle (1), J. Sprague (1), J. Teitjen (1), Janet Bell (1), Jaqui Probst (1), Jim Waddington (1), Joan Suther (1), John F. Walters (1), Jon Dunn (1), Laura Patrick (1), Laurie Binford (1), Leo Millan (1), Lester R. Walls (1), Linda Takahashi (1), Lynn Carey (1), Marc Romano (1), Matt Harmon (1), Matt Romney (1), Michael Pitts (1), Michelle Reynolds (1), Mike Lohr (1), Miklos D.F. Udvardy (1), N. Jack Leishman (1), Nadega Meunier (1), Neal Wagner (1), Nina Karnovsky (1), Norman David (1), Norman H. Mellor (1), Paul R. Sievert (1), Pete Leary (1), Ralph W. Schreiber (1), Richard C. Coleman (1), Robert Schulmeister (1), Sharon Reilly (1), Shawne Leasure (1), Spencer Gushiken (1), Steve Mlodinow (1), Steven Zeff (1), Storrs Olson (1), Timmy J. Ohashi (1), Tony Texeira (1), V. Knudsen (1), William Evanson (1).
Contributed over 1,000 observations to SIGHTINGS (number of observations in parentheses)
Robert L. Pyle (21,902), Peter Donaldson (18,961), W. Michael Ord (7525), Andrew Engilis (3729), Mike Silbernagle (3118), Reginald E. David (2679), H. Douglas Pratt (2328), Peter Pyle (2263), David Kuhn (2088), Mike Nishimoto (2087), Reynold T. Larsen (1901), U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (1877), Lance Tanino (1555), Dan Lindsay (1257), Arleone Dibben-Young (1151), Kurt Pohlman (1136), Eric VanderWerf (1100), Christian Melgar (1082).
Contributed 500-1,000 observations to SIGHTINGS
Phil Bruner, Richard C. Coleman, Walter Donagho, Bruce D. Eilerts, K. Hachey, Hawaii Audubon Society, Jaan G. Lepson, Richard May, Jerry R. Oldenettel, Peter Paton, Thane K. Pratt, B. Leilani Pyle, C. J. Ralph, Sea Life Park, Robert J. Shallenberger, Thomas J. Snetsinger, Larry Spear, Paul Sykes, David H. Woodside, C. Fred Zeillemaker.
Contributed 100-500 observations to SIGHTINGS
Joan Aidem, Allen Allison, Philip Ashman, Stephen F. Bailey, Robin W. Baird, Helen Baker, Paul Baker, Barbara Balch, Larry Balch, Brian Bell, Francis T. Benevides, Steve Berendzen, Andrew J. Berger, Gordon Demi Black, Marlie Breese, C. Brown, Timothy A. Burr, Omar Bussen, G. Vernon Byrd, George C. Campbell, Kurt F. Campbell, Paul Chang, Roger B. Clapp, O. Clarke, Howard Cogswell, Sheila Conant, Peter J. Connally, Susan David, Jim Denny, Colin Dillingham, Chris Dippel, Jon Dunn, Fern P. Duvall, R. Ebel, John Engbring, A. S. England, R.A. Erickson, Karen Evans, Craig A. Faanes, Stewart Fefer, George Fisher, Harvey I. Fisher, Beth Flint, Lorrin Gill, Bill Gorman, Gilbert S. Grant, Bruce Hallett, Thomas Heatley, M. Hetland, Lawrence T. Hirai, Nancy Hoffman, Greg R. Homel, Steve Howell, Kamal Islam, Alvaro Jaramillo, Jack Jeffrey, Curtis O. Johnson, Charles G. Kaigler, Allan Keith, Karl W. Kenyon, Angela Kay Kepler, Cameron B. Kepler, Dana Kokubun, Eugene Kridler, Keith W. Larson, Robin Leong, Jeffrey Marks, Anthony J. McCafferty, Ken McDermond, Carl McIntosh, Bert McKee, Matthew Medeiros, Brian Meilleur, Marie Morin, William P. Mull, George C. Munro, Aaron Nadig, Maura Naughton, Kenneth Niethammer, Pacific Ocean Biol. Surv. Prog., Robert J. Pacheco, Carol P. Ralph, Mark J. Rauzon, Michelle Reynolds, Scott Richardson, Jason Rogers, J. Michael Scott, Nanette Seto, John L. Sincock, Dan Small, David G.V. Smith, Greg Smith, P. William Smith, Dan Snider, Margo Stahl, Forest and Kim Starr, Maile Stemmerman, Bob Sundstrom, Joan Sykes, Avery Taylor, Thomas C. Telfer, Jack Throp, John Trochet, Ronald L. Walker, John F. Walters, Michael Walther, Abby Watson, David Watson, Tomas White, Hal Wierenga, Erika P. Wilson.
Contributed 10-100 observations to SIGHTINGS
D. Abbott, David Adams, Jeremy Adams, Jeff Albeso, James D. Aliberti, Jeff Allen, Binion Amerson, Ruth Andberg, C. Anderson, David Anderson, E. Andrade, John Andre, R. Angell, K. Apfel, George L. Armistead, H. Armistead, Heidi J. Auman, Christo Baars, A.M. Bailey, K. Balaz, George H. Balazs, Helen Baldwin, Paul H. Baldwin, Donna Ball, Paul C. Banko, Winston E. Banko, Steve Barclay, Robert Barrett, Benton Basham, Ed Bean, E. Beaubien, Bob Beck, Brenda Becker, Walter Benning, Mary Bergan, Joanna Berger, C. Bergman, Tim Bertrand, David Blockstein, B. Bone, H.L. Bonsey, John Borneman, Monette Boswell, Kater Bourdon, John Bowles, Dan Boyle, Barry Brady, Jennifer Branda, Paul Breese, David Bremer, V. E. Brock, M. Brodi, Andrea Bruner, W.A. Bryan, Arlene Buchholz, Jay Buckelew, John W. Buckman, Ryan Burnett, Chuck Burrows, Nancy Butowski-Casey, Richard Buzzelli, Tom Cajsky, Suzanne Canja, H.T. Cantlin, Margaret Capobianco, Jay Carlisle, Tonnie L.C. Casey, Bruce Casler, Chad Castle, Edward L. Caum, Thomas Chell, Chris Chesne, C. S. Childs, L. Claunan, Sophie Cluff, Tom Cole, Tom Coles, Mark Collins, Patrick Conant, L. Concepcion, Paul Conry, Paul Cozeus, William Crins, Carmelle Crivellone, Orville Crowder, Dick Cunningham, Fanay Dale, J. Dandaneau, Norman David, Glyn Dawson, Donna de Haan, J. de Haan R. DeLong, John Dennis, Brenda Denny, Chris Depkin, David Desrocher, Roger DiRosa, Homer R. Dill, Hawaii Division of Forestry & Wildlife, Brendan Doe, Christine Domehauer, Tom Dove, Diane Drigot, Brenda M. Duhon, W. Dunmire, A. Durand, Bob Dusek, Marsha Dusek, Whitney Eastman, A. Marie Ecton, Art Edwards, Cindy Eggelston, Brenda Eilerts, E. Eilerts, Paul Ekern, Eleanor Elder, Josh Engel, Mary Engilis, Laura Erickson, Jules Evens, Gil Ewing, Karen Falkenmayer, J. Farmer, Maureen Flannery, G. Foster, Jeff Foster, Lenny Freed, David Freeland, Pamela Frierson, Hubert Frings, Kathleen Fruth, M. Fulkerson, Wayne Gagne, P. Gallagher-Jones, C. Gambill, Brook Gamble, Norman Garon, Kimball Garrett, Renate Gassman-Duvall, Richard R. Gauthey, J. Brent Giezentanner, Jon Giffin, Jim Glynn, Michael Gochfeld, Harry A. Goodwin, G. Gossard, Jon Grauning, Thelma Grier, Vikki Grieve, Curtice Griffin, John Gulley, John Hale, C. Scott Hall, C. Hanson, Sue Harada, Charles Harper, H. Harris, M. Harris, Craig S. Harrison, Bryan Harry, Alan D. Hart, Jack Harter, Lorraine Hartshorne, Kumiko Hasegawa, Grenville Hatch, Lauren Hay, Loren Hays, J. Heflich, Jonathan Hegele, Phil Henderson, Paul Hendricks, James Hengeveld, Susan Hengeveld, H.W. Henshaw, Jennifer Herrmann, L. Hetland, John Hirth, E. Hite, Peggy Hodge, Cathleen S.N. Hodges, Garv Hoefler, Carol Holland, Jeff Holm, Geoffrey Holroyd, Luciana Honigman, Rebecca Howard, Frank Howarth, Darcy Hu, Lawrence N. Huber, John Hunter, Clyde Imada, Jim Jacobi, Dean Jamieson, Rachel Janzen, Tim Janzen, Merrill Jensen, Betty Joao, Oscar Johnson, Patti Johnson, Wally Johnson, David Johnston, Scott Johnston, David Jones, Norma Jones, Walt Jones, W.W. Judd, Hank Kaestner, P. Kaestner, Peggy Kai, Thomas Kaiakapu, Hilde Kaigler, A. Kali, Nick Kalodimos, Ingrid Kang, S. Keefer, W. Keith, B. Keitt, V. Kimura, Ben King, Joseph E. King, Warren B. King, C. Kirkpatri, Carla Kishinami, John I. Kjargaard, John Klavitter, Vernon M. Kleen, Glenn Klingler, Philip Kloeckner, Eric Knudtson, Eleanor Koes, Unoyo Kojima, Oliver Komar, John Kormendy, Ernest Kosaka, George J. Koss, Cynthia Krakowski, Jim Krakowski, B.M. Kuhns, A. Kyono, A. Labrecque, Stephen Laymon, Dwight Lee, Tom Leskiw, T. Jim Lewis, Alan Lieberman, B. Liesemeye, Elizabeth Logerwell, Richard Love, Robert Lucas, J.P. Ludwig, Tod Lum, David Lupton, Peter Luscomb, Laurie H. MacIvor, G. MacKierna, Peggy Macres, Paul Magruder, Randy Manaba, Anita Manning, Dale Manor, Curtis Marantz, Minky Markiewicz, Althea Marrack, S. Marston, Larry Martin, Lynne Matusow, B. McAllister, Jim McAllister, Mark McCaustland, Martha McDaniel, Duane McDermond, David McFaull, T. McGuire, Sean McKeown, L. McNeil, Joseph S. Medeiros, Jennifer C. Megyesi, Laura Megyesi, Curt Mench, M. Merlin, D. Messersmith, Hal Michael, G. Miller, Jack Mitchell, Steve Mlodinow, Terry Moore, Dan Moriarty, Albert Morita, Michelle Morris, Mike Moser, Sherry Mossbarger, Mike Moulton, Mae E. Mull, Jim Murphy, P. Myers, Glynnis Nakai, N. Nelkin, Jim Nestler, H. Nevins, M. Nikas, Eric Nishibayashi, J. d'Arcy Northwood, John O'Brien, Donna L. O'Daniel, L.J. Oakley, John Obata, Timmy J. Ohashi, M. Okada, David L. Olsen, Storrs L. Olson, Nicholas Palaia, H. C. Palmer, A. Parent, Laura B. Patrick, Robert Patton, Dennis Paulson, Gordon Pearsall, Blanche Pedley, Noah Pekelo, C. Pelizza, R.C.L. Perkins, Bruce Peterjohn, Ted N. Pettit, Robert L. Pitman, B. Plead, John T. Polhemus, H. P. Porter, Linda Pratt, J. Pretare, Bill Principe, Charles E. Probst, Noble Proctor, Richard Pyle, B. Quintero, William Rathmann, Don Redfearn, Evelyn Redfearn, S. Reed, Sharon Reilly, Dale W. Rice, Frank Richardson, David A. Rintoul, M. Ritter, Chandler S. Robbins, Don Roberson, Mary Roberts, Ruth R. Rockafellow, M. Rogers, E. Rosenfeld, Jack Ross, Rocky Rothrock, Craig Rowland, Richard Rowland, Richard Rowlett, W. Russell, Jennifer Rycenga, Stephen Sabo, Ralph Saito, Howard F. Sakai, Dorna Sakurai, Mike San Miguel, J. Sanchez, Paul M. Schaeffer, H Schauinsland, Susan Schenck, Anja Schiller, Christopher Schmidt, Kevin Schneider, John Schrader, S. Schrader, Ralph W. Schreiber, Robert Schulmeister, Sharon Schulmeister, Martin Schulz, K. Scott, Susan Scott, David Sears, Winona Sears, Palmer C. Sekora, K. Sennstrom, Wayne Sentman, A. Shallenberger, Ingrid Shallenberger, Dominic Sherony, Vaughn Sherwood, Tom Shields, Hadoram Shirihai, P. Shoemacker, Mike Shultz, F. Sibley, Paul R. Sievert, E. Silbernagle, Arnold Small, Dick Smith, Ian Smith, Joe Smith, Rose Smith, Susan A. Smith, Lomnie Somer, Roger Sorrell, Sigrid Southwort, Garth Spitler, Jean-Marie Spoelman, Paul Springer, Kim Starr, Chris Steeman, B. Steenhof, L. Steingarten, Don Sterba, D. Stewart, Donald Stiles, D. Sto, Phil Stoddard, D. Stovall, H. Mike Street, Cappy Summers, Joan Suther, Tim Sutterfield, Arnold Suzumoto, Gerald Swedberg, J. Swenson, Jack Swenson, Jade Swenson, David Takeuchi, Joe Taylor, Thayne Taylor, Jan TenBruggencate, Alan Thistle, Mark Thomas, Michael Thompson, Margaret Titcomb, Thede Tobish, Frances Toldi, Quentin Tomich, Carl Trichka, C. Tucker, J. Tucker, Eric Tweed, W. Breck Tyler, Miklos D.F. Udvardy, Meyer Ueoka, Kim Uyehara, Charles Van Riper, Cynthia Vanderlip, Mark Vekasy, Richard Vetter, Matt Victoria, Kathleen J.F. Viernes, Anthony Viggiano, Richard Voss, Billi F. Wagner, Ginny Wallace, Mike Wallace, D. Weaver, Kenneth Weaver, Mark Webber, Daniel Webster, Steve West, Alexander Wetmore, Sidney White, G.C. Whittow, Clarence Wiedenfeld, Holly Wilbanks, J. Wilder, Gary Wiles, George Willett, J. Williams, Janet Williams, Richard Williams, Timothy Williams, D. Williamson, Doug Willick, Jack S. Wilmoth, Richard Wilt, Claire Wolfe, Ken R. Wood, U. Woodside, Paul W. Woodward, K. Wright, D. Wysong, Gus Yaki, V. Yap, David Yee, Lindsay C. Young, Brenda Zaun, B. Zimmer, Steve Zimmerman.
Contributed 1-10 observations to SIGHTINGS
Larry Abbott, Ira Joel Abramson, B. Acklin, John H. Acorn, Nani Adachi, Bob Adamo, Phil Adams, C. Adler, Stanley Agan, S. Ahn, David Ainley, C. Akiona, Alfred Akona, William Albee, D. Alcorn, Cynthia Alexander, Brian Allen, Gerald Allen, D. Allison, R.S. Alsatt, Charlotte Altman, Helen Altonn, D. Amadon, Gloria Amaral, April Ambard, Fred Amidon, A. Anders, Linda Andersen, Andrew P. Anderson, Donald Anderson, Gary Anderson, P. Anderson, S. Anderson, Jeff Andrade, Suzie Andrews, Andy Angel, Duane Angelo, J. Applegate, Melissa Arias, E. Armijo, Ronald Arps, Samuel Aruch, Carl Arume, Philip Ashmole, Adam Asquith, Carter Atkinson, Ian Atkinson, Steven Au, E. Aubrey, D.L. Austin, S. Avery, Pyone Aye, Herbert M. Ayres, B.P. Bishop Museum, Ron Bachman, Jeff Bagshaw, J. Bailey, T. Bailey, Theodore Bailleu, B. Bakutis, Alan Baldridge, Robert Baldwin, Roger E. Baldwin, William Baldwin, William Baldwin, A. Ball, Butch Ball, Stuart Ball, Lisa Ballance, J. Bancroft, Richard Banks, Timothy R. Barksdale, Erik Barnard, Norman Barnes, Alan Barron, B. Barry, Joanne Barta, Don Barton, P. Bartsch, Thomas S. Baskett, Glenda Bates, Kathy Batha, D. Bauer, Glenn Bauer, Eleanor Beal, J. Beall, M. Beaman, E. Beauchesne, Bob Becker, M.R. Becker, T. Bedne, L. Beham, P. Beiersdorfer, Crystal Belchaver, Janet Bell, Janice C. Bell, Donna Beltaan, Dave Benner, Dave Berner, Delwyn Berrett, M. Berry, Steve Bershader, T. Berto, H. Bess, R. Better, H. Beveridge, Norm Bezona, Bill Bigler, Bruce L. Bikle, Albin Bills, Pat Bily, K. Bio, Earl Bishop, D. Black, T. Blackman, Roy Blackshear, Cynthia Blackwell, M. Blackwell, Gary Blaich, Scott Blakey, N. Block, C. Blood, Andrew Bloxam, M. Blust, Tim Bodeen, Ted Bodner, G. L. Bolander, B. Bole, E.A. Bolles, P.E.H. Bompke, Dan Boone, Doug Booth, Richard Booth, Irma Botsford, L. Bowden, C. Edward Bowlby, M. Boyce, June Boyle, David Boynton, J. Bradley, R. Bradley, C. Branco, C. Brandt, Gail Brandt, J. Branham, Charles Brant, Richard Brasier, D. Bratley, Jack R. Brauher, Dawn Breese, Joseph Brennan, Rick Bright, Roger Bringas, Donald Brock, Vernon Brock, O. Brokken, Kathy Brooks, R.E. Brooks, Alan Brown, Alexander Brown, David H. Brown, Miriam Brown, Zadoe Brown, R. Bruce, Marie Bruegman, Robert Bruette, K. Brust, Bill Buck, Michael Buck, T. Buck, E. Buelna, Ted Buerger, W. Bulmer, Jeff Burgett, Matthew Burt, Tim Buss, Joseph Bussen, J. Butzine, K. Buxbaum, B.V. Byrd, M. Cutting, Theresa Cabrera, Barbara Cadden, Karen Caires, Bonnie Call, W.H. Callander, Bobby Camara, Jean Campbell, M. Campbell, Chris Campion, Joan Canfield, Rebecca Cann, Billie K. Cannon, Derinda Cantrell, Steven W. Cardiff, Lynn Carey, C. Duane Carlsmith, Bill Carney, John Carothers, G. Carpenter, Robert W. Carpenter, R. Carrick, D. Carroll, Joan Carroll, M. Carson, Ann Carter, Laura Carter, Steve Carter, Pinkie Carus, Edward Carvalho, Ernestgil Carvallo, Melody Cary, Erin Casey, Alfred Castle, A. Cervoni, Daniel Chamizo, T. Chappell, Marina Chassee, Deetsie Chave, Les Chibana, P. Ching, Rodney Chiojogi, D.R. Chisholm, H. Chong, Barry Choy, Carolyn Choy, Sharon Choy, Alec Christensen, Barry Christenson, N. Christie, Gail Chun, M. Chung, N. Chung, Molly Church, Dr. V.G. Clark, H.W. Clark, Marybeth Clark, Mrs. Warren Clark, Robert W. Clark, T.O. Clark, Tom Clark, Debra Clausen, Mike Coelho, C. Coler, B. Colin, T. Commander, E. Conant, Michael Conant, Suzanne Conja, Tanu Connally, Joan Conrow, James Cook, Bob Coombs, A. Cooper, Brian Cooper, David Cooper, Bill Coops, Chris Corben, C. Corn, Christina Cornetti, Pat Corrales, W.F. Coultas, Counting Crew, K.L. Cousins, Andy Cowell, Carroll Cox, Tom Crabtree, Mitch Craig, Caroline Crawford, Jill Crawford, Ralph Crawford, D. Creed, V. Creed, John Cronquist, Arthur Cropper, Richard N. Crossin, Don Crossley, Ruby Crow, B. Cucsler, Jim Cummings, M. Cummins, Robert Cummins, Herbert M. Cupes, Laurence Curl, L. Currey-Tack, Haskell Curry, Sol F. Cushman, Susannah Dahill, Evelyn Dahls, Rick Daley, Donald Dann, T. Danufsky, Mike Danzenbaker, N. Darnall, Atley Davenport, Cathy Davenport, Bill Davis, Dick Davis, Ed Davis, George-Ann Davis, Jeff Davis, Joyce Davis, M.N. Davis, Richard Davis, Peter C. Davison, , L. de Bates, Mike DeCrow, Leah DeForest, Dave DeSante, Ed DeVaul, Emile DeVeto, Bob Dean, B. Decker, M. Defley, L. Denlinger, Hope Dennis, George Denniston, M. Denniston, Bill Devek, Jim deVries, Dorrie Dick, Aaron Dietrich, N.S. Dillingham, Phil Dingler, Ruth Dingus, Clive Dirickze, William Disbro, Tony Distasio, Donna L. Dittmann, Evelyn Dobbs, Arthur Dock, Adele Dodge, S.B. Dole, Eug Donaldson, R. Donaldson, Christian Donehower, C. Donnelly, R. Donnelly, Janet Lind Dorigan, Guy Dority, Dwayne Dorland, R. Doughty, Kelly Dougill, Steve Dougill, D. Dowker, Laurie Dowsett, Sheila Doyle, D. Driemeyer, C. Duarte, D. Duchin, D. Duffy, Steve Dugill, P. Dumont, Patrick Dunbar, Barbara Dunn, C.H. Dunn, Charles M. Dunn, Patrick Dunn, Sue Dunn, W.F. Duquin, R.Glenn Dyck, Wendy Ealding, John Earle, Karen Eastman, Jeff Eble, Chuck Eckart, Christopher Eckert, Rebecca Eckland, R. Eddinger, Amy Edwards, Cari Eggelston, Chris Eggelston, B. Eichenlaub, D. Eickhoff, Jaap Eijzenga, E. Eisenman, J. Eiz, W.H. Elder, Lu Eldredge, J. Eliason, Bruce Elliott, William Ellis, Charles A. Ely, Guy Emerson, John Emig, T. English, Mrs. Harold Erdman, John Erickson, Marsha Erickson, F. Evans, M.C. Evans, William Evanson, Dean Eyre, Steve Fairaizel, M. Fedorko, Margaret Feldman, Richard Feldman, C. Fennell, P. Ferris, Linda Ferry, Ann Fielding, Helen Fillat, Shawneen Finnegan, Ted Finnerty, Otto Finsch, W.K. Fisher, Darlene Fiske, Ken Fiske, John Fitch, R. Fleet, Robert Fleischer, John Fleming, M. Fletcher, Margie Folk, Kenneth Foote, Charlotte Forbes, Michael Force, John Ford, D. Forsell, Tim Forst, J. Foss, R. Foss, Joelle Fournier, Cindy Foursha, Gordon Fowler, B. Foy, Peg Fraser, G. Fredricks, L. Fredrickson, B. Freeman, Jim Freeman, Holly Freifeld, Scott Fretz, C. Frings, Sheila Frings, Robert C. Frohling, Mike Fujita, Takeshi Fujita, Evangeline Funk, Todd Furniss, M. Gaber, Betsy Gagne, Adrian Gall, Chris Aaron Gallagher, Norman Ganon, Robert Gardner, B. Garnett, Caroline Garrett, Francis Gay, Martin B. Gebauer, Karen Gebbia-Pinetti, Louise Geise, Steve Gelakoski, H. Gellerman, T. Gerbracht, J. Gervais, Carolyn Giamario, Daniel Gibson, L. Gibson, Evelyn Giddings, Robert Gill, R. Gillespie, Kay Gilliland, M. Gilmour, P. Goebel, Watson Goldsmith, Dan Goltz, Benjamin Gomes, Sam Gon, J. Good, Karen Good, D. Goodman, Donald C. Gordon, Lois Gordon, Richard J. Gordon, Laura Gorman, Marcos Gorresen, R.E. Gorton, Douglas M. Goudie, Patrick Gould, Gail Grabowski-Kaaialii, D. Gradner, Peter R. Grant, Mary Grantham, Elizabeth Gray, J. Gray, Ed Greaves, Ceci Green, Dwight Green, T. Green, Ray Greenfield, Syd Greenstreet, J.C. Greenway, Amy Greenwell, George Greer, H.E. Gregory, Rodregues Greive, E. Grieve, Deb Grieves, Priscilla M. Griffey, Carrie Griffith, Curt Griffith, Ted Grisez, Bill Gronau, Dorothy Groner, J. Groombridge, A.I. Grossman, Shirley Grossman, Don Guard, Sandra Guest, N. Guldager, Spencer Gushiken, Carl Gustafson, Susan Guttag, P. Ha, Annette Habraken, Tony Habraken, C.D. Hackman, F.C. Hadden, T. Hadley, B.B. Hahn, R. Haley, John B. Hall, Robin Hall, E. Hamilton, Lawrence Hamilton, Pat Hammon, J.G. Hanagan, James Hancock, Cliff Hand, R. Hanford, R. Hannah, Keith Hansen, Netty Hansen, Rob Hansen, V. Hansen, W. Hansen, M. Hanzawa, A. Harding, E.K. Harding-Smith, C.A. Harker, Dan Harmon, Matt Harmon, Craig Harper, P.G. Harpham, B. Harrington, Dayna Harris, Malcolm Harrison, Peter Harrison, Rhys Harrison, Terry Harrison, P. Harrity, Patrick Hart, Charles Harter, Tom Harvey, Hiroshi Hasegawa, Stephen Hatch, D. Hattan, Larry Haugh, L. Haupt, County of Hawai'i, Hawaii Forest and Trail, Hawaii Nature Center, Brian Hawks, C. Hayes, L. Hayes, W.H. Hayselden, Chris Hayward, Don Heacock, K. Heckey, R.S. Heiden, Thomas Heinrich, Frank Hemmings, Annie Henderson, J. Henderson, S. Henderson, Debra Henry, Faye Henry, L.L. Henry, Gary Hensler, T. Hensley, Norris Henthorne, D. Herbst, Amanda Hernandez, Steven Hess, J. Hesterley, George C. Hewitt, J. Hewston, Catherine Hickey, Tom Higashima, Paul Higashino, N. Hill, Hilo Tribune Herald, Wallace Hing, Louise Hinkley, Bob Hirano, J. Hiromasa, Marty Hirth, Bob Hobde, Steven Hodges, Aka Hodgins, V. Hoeman, P.B. Hofslund, Michael Hogg, C. Hohenberger, Jean Holmes, Honolulu Advertizer, Honolulu Star Bulletin, Honolulu Zoo, Larry Hood, Deborah Hopkinson, D.I. Hopp, David Hopper, Damien Horigan, D. Horvath, Bob Hosdy, Charlotta Hoskins, Westin Hotel, R. Howie, Torrie Huares, D.H. Hubbard, John Huckabee, Colin Huddleston, Don Huddleston, Dorris Huddleston, Ralph Hudgins, Lisa Hug, Steve Huggins, Betty Hughes, Guy Hughes, F. Hulihee, Martin Humpert, Eugene Hunn, Larry Hunt, Kim A. Hunter, Jack Huntoon, Elizabeth Huppman, Timothy Hurley, A. Ichijo, Marshall J. Iliff, E. Inaba, S. Inaba, Darah Inouye, I. Isenbeck, Alex Isenberg, Dora Isenberg, W. Ishikawa, Ruth Ittner, Esther Iwalani, Jim Jackson, Malia Jackson, F. Jacob, Helen F. James, Al Jardine, Casey Jarman, Bret Jarrett, J. Jayasingh, Gretchen Jeffrey, David Jenkins, Ryan Jenkins, S. Jensen, Thea Johannos, Paul A. Johnsgard, B. Johnson, D. Johnson, E. Johnson, H.M. Johnson, Jerome Johnson, Lowell Johnson, Luanne Johnson, Michael Johnson, Nathan Johnson, S. Johnson, Wanda Johnson, Bill Johnston, Heather Johnston, Hanna Johnstone, Bruce Jones, Gordon Joyce, A.F. Judd Jr., Walter F. Judd, F. Juola, M. Jurist, B. Kahakua, L. Ku Kahiwa, D. Kahn, Ronica Kajioka, Thomas Kakaaipo, Roberta Kakazu, Collette Kalawe, Keith Kamemoto, Annette Kaohelaul, John Kaohelaul, Nina Karnovsky, L. Kashinsky, Larry Katahira, D. Kawahara, Akira Kawasaki, Kapua Kawelo, E. Kay, Eric A. Keala, M. Keeler, R. Keeler, Jeff Keffy, R.J. Keiffer, Brad Keith, Lucy Keith, Stuart Keith, Mary Lou Kelly, Michael Kelly, E.G. Kemble, Randy Kennedy, J. Kenyon, M. Kerr, Dot Kersted, Curt Kessler, Memuna Khan, Dave Kiehl, Penny Kiehl, Robert Kincaid, C. Kinch, C. Kindelon, Chuck King, Harvey King, Lisa King, F.C. Kinsky, Steve L. Kirkland, Richard Kleen, Joseph Kleiman, Allison Klein, M.E. Klein, Robert Klemm, Phil Klobertan, Karen Kluge, A. Knijf, Eric Knudsen, V. Knudsen, Barry Koffler, Nick Komar, Yoshio Kondo, C. Koterba, K. Kozar, G. Kramer, Ray Kramer, Sig Kramer, Steven Kramer, Steve Kress, Mark Krissinge, Cherly Kual, Garry T. Kubota, Cyndi Kuehler, J. Kuhn, Nelson Kunitake, R. Kurashima, L.M. Kurata, J.A. Kusche, D. Kuwahara, C. Kval, James Kwon, Vernon La Via, W. LaRue, M. Labarr, Laura Lagos, Charles Lamoureux, Kevin Landgraft, J. Lane, Leona Laniawe, Dave Larson, James Larson, J. Lau, Roxie Laybourne, George LeBouvier, L. LeRoux, Shawne Leasure, D. Ledig, Barbara Lee, Beverly Lee, Lurilla Lee, Robert Lee, A. Leiberman, Jerry Leineke, N. Jack Leishman, Frederick Leiss, John Leper, Christy Leppanen, N. Lesowski, Maria Leu, Sylvia Leupp, Don Levalley, M. Levy, Victor Lewin, E.H. Lewis, Elizabeth Lewis, Lynne Lewis, Jude Leyson, Joseph Liebezeit, Queen Liliuokalani, Carroll E. Lindley, L. Lipinski, Nina Lisowski, Frank H. Locey, Karen Lombard, John L. Long, Peter Lonsdale, M. Lord, C. Loveless, Rob Lovich, H. Lucas, A. Luce, Leon Luce, George Ludwig, Arnold Lum, Tod Lumakeuch, B.D. Luten, J. Luther, Marlene Lyons, Larry MacDonald, Jamie MacIvor, Frederick MacMillin, B. Macaulay, G.A. Macdonald, Jo Ann Mackenzie, Moira Maeda-Nakamine, Don Magnon, Uilani Makekau, T.R. Malcolm, Tim Male, Mike Mangca, Jeff Mangel, G. Manning, K Mansfield, Neal Marie, Jay Markarian, Marji Markarian, A. Lester Marks, T. Marsh, Annie Marshall, L. Marti, A. Martin, Christy Martin, Dan Martin, D. Martyn, Tate Mason, Bernard Master, Frank P. Mathews, William Matson, Juro Matsue, Jiro Matsui, Richard Matsushita, M.A. Matthew, K.M. Mauro, Barbara Maxfield, B. Maynard, Mary McArthur, Eric McCabe, B. McCaffrey, O. McCaffrey, Kirk McCarthy, R. McCarthy, David McCauley, Richard McClain, D. McConnell, Dr. McCoy, C. McDermid, M. McDermond, R. McDermond, Bart McDermott, Holly McEldowney, Margery McFarland, Rob McHenry, W.H. McInerny, Jill McIntyre, Tristan McKee, Alana McKinney, E.C. McLaren, Baron A. McLean, C. McMahon, Pat McManaman, K. McMullen, Patrick McNamara, J. McRoberts, Gary Means, J. Medler, P. Meek, Loyal Mehrhoff, A. Meixell, T. Meixell, James Mejeur, Paul Meling, Maggie Mellor, Norman H. Mellor, M. Mench, Chris Mensing, Archibald Menzies, Peter Metropulos, L. Metzgar, Nadega Meunier, F. Meyer, R. Meyer, Vera Michaels, Marilyn Milberger, Dorothy Miles, Leo Millan, Ray Millard, Bill Miller, C. Miller, T. Miller, Diana Miner, Kathleen Misajon, Ed Misake, Martha Mist, N. Mitchell, Ian Mith, Rose Mith, Beth Miura, Z. Miyashita, Jeremy Mizel, Jeff Modesitt, Janath L. Moehring, H.M. Moir, Sadie Moir, Gary Moniz, Burt Monroe, Steve Montgomery, Sherrie Moole, Craig Moore, Janet Moore, Peg Moore, Alex Moran, J. Moribe, Julia Morita, P. Moriyasu, Jean Morley, Richard Morris, George Morrison, Suzanne Morrissey, Rob Morrow, B. Morse, Gordon Morse, Preston Moser, Stephen M. Mosher, Brent Mossbarger, Carolyn Mostello, J.G. Moyer, M. Moynihan, Eugene Mudge, Bill Muench, Sue Muirhead, Barbara Mull, H. Muller, Robert Mumford, D. Mungioli, Jay Munns, Jyrki Muona, Outi Muona, L. Murakami, Floyd Murdock, Gene Murphy, Jerry Murphy, Chris Murray, Ted Murray, Dorothy Myers, D. Myshak, Guy Nagai, K. Nagata, S. Nagata, F. Nakaguma, Miles Nakahara, C. Nakama, Margaret Nakamura, Robert Nakamura, Dennis Nakashima, Nancy Naslund, Larry Neel, J.A. Neff, Jay Nelson, Sally Netzer, S. Neuendorf, Patricia Nevin, Matthias Newell, Harry Newhart, Audrey Newman, Mr. and Mrs. R. Newman, C. Newton, John B. Nichols, Walter F. Nichols, J. Nicholson, B. Nielsen, T. Noda, Nel Nomi, O.M. Northwood, Richard P. Northwood, J. Norton, M. Norton, R. Norton, N. Norvell, Margaret L. Nott, C. Numata, Chuck O'Connor, J. O'Donnell, Susan O'Neill, Arma Oana, Mark Oberle, P. Oboyski, P. Odear, Linda Ogata, W. Ohmstede, F. Okumura, Mitchell Oliphant, P. Opler, Ronald Orenstein, Jason Osenkowski, Pacific Seabird Group, B. Page, Mrs. R. Pagel, K. Paik, Amber Pairis, Richard Palmer, R. Papish, C. Parent, H. Park, Gary Parker, Lucie Parker, K.C. Parkes, Terry Parman, P.A. Parrie, Tony Paterno, Harry Patten, Michael Patten, Linda Paul, Bob Paxton, S. Pelizza, Buck Pelkey, Brian A. Pelley, Jim Pemental, H. Peppin, Steve Perleman, B. Perreira, Dick Perrine, Beverly Perry, Robert Peters, Randall Peterson, Roger T. Peterson, Rose Peterson, Rus Peterson, E. Petteys, Doug Philpotts, Henri Picciotto, L. Piercy, Norman Pilling, Jim Pimental, Stuart Pimm, Stephen Pink, Will Pitt, Michael Pitts, Sheldon Plentovich, Sandy Pletschet, J.C. Plews, M. Plumer, Corintha Pohle, Doug Pomeroy, Rene Pop, Ruth Porter, Nathaniel Portlock, Dan Potter, David Potter, R. Potts, B. Powell, Morgan Powers, Anne Powlison, W.W. Prange, Charles Pratt, J. Pratt, Richard Pratt, R. Prema, David Preston, Paul Prevett, JoAnn Pruszynski, Michael Psareas, E. Pung, Robert Purnell, Lloyd Pusey, Jim R. Pushaw, Ellen Pyle, R. Lewis Pyle, S. Pyle, Jaime Rader, Jean Radesovich, M. Ralph, Shan Sudha Ramachdoan, J. Ramseyer, D. Rasfeld, Bella Rash, H. Recher, Sher Rector, Michelle Redding, Roly L. Redmond, J. Redo, F. Reed, Don Reeser, Hermann Rehn, Hans Reicke, Kate Reinard, Jules Remy, G. Reppucci, H. Resop, M. Restive, Scott Restive, Hermann Reyn, Hal Rice, Nelson Rice, Robin Rice, Dan Richards, H. Richards, Lawrence Richards, Manning Richards, Jennifer K. Richardson, R. Richardson, Charlie Ricketts, Susan Riddle, John N. Riggins, Mary Riggs, Bob Righter, Sandy Righter, J. Rinehart, S. Dillon Ripley, J. Rita, G. Ritchotte, Robert Roadcap, C.J.R. Robertson, Mary Robertsson, A.F. Robinson, J. Rocho, Susan Rodgers, Ted Rodrigues, Faith Roelofs, Hans J. Roersma, Joby Rohrer, Michael Romich, Clyde Roper, Karen Rosa, Joshua Rose, Douglas Roselle, Ter Rosenmeier, M. Rosen, Grace Ross, B. Rothman, Bryan Rothschild, Walter Rothschild, Andrew Rubenfeld, Ruth Rudesill, J. Ruehle, G. Ruhle, Charlie Ruicketts, Michael E. Rupert, R. Ruppert, R. Rydell, Ronald Ryder, Charlie Sabo, Clara Saganu, Bryan Sage, Dan Saider, Maile Sakamoto, P. Sakum, Dorcie Sakuma, Larry Sall, Roland Salmon, Ron Salz, Ivan Samuels, G. Alan Samuelson, Shirley Samuelson, S. Sanders, Elizabeth Sandlin, Nelson Santos, Ipo Santos-Bear, Thomas Sawa, Ron J. Scarlett, Charles Schaeffer, F. Schaeffer, Craig Schafer, Rick Schauffler, Helen Scheffer, Paul Scheffer, Bob Schiefdan, Bob Schiferstein, Herbert Schifter, Jessica Schillaci, Eric Schlemmer, Mrs. Schlemmer, Felicia Schmidt, John Schmidt, Lena Schnell, Dominic Schoaeni, Mary Jane Schock, H.K. Schofield, Greg Schorr, Jennifer Schramm, J. Schrenk, Laura C. Schuster, C.W. Schwartz, E.R. Schwartz, P. Scifres, Martha Scruton, Rick Scudder, Maris Sculley, R. Seaburry, Alvin Seale, C. Sederlin, Mike Sefton, Bob Sehl, Milton Seibert, Donna Sellers, Ed Shallenberger, Peter Shannon, F. Shantz, Linda S. Shapin, Farida Shaw, M. Shaw, Robert Sheehan, Philip Shelton, Kathleen Sherry, Euphie Shields, Phillip Shields, Roy Shigemura, Stanley Shima, C. Shipman, Jim Shipp, Sam Shirai, Andi Shluker, Joseph Shute, Edward Sickles, Marilyn Sigman, J. Silbernagle, B. Silva, Peter Silva, J. Simasko, Pam Simons, Theodore Simons, Frances Sinclair, Shane Sinclair, Susanna Sixberry, Kristina Skarin, Jim Skibby, Roger Skolman, J.W. Slipp, M. Smail, Clarence Smith, Denise Smith, Dory Smith, F. Smith, Gene Smith, H.E. Smith, H.M. Smith, Heather Smith, J. Donald Smith, K. Smith, Katie Smith, Stan Smith, Ty Smucker, W. Smythe, J.D. Sneddon, Phoebe Snetsinger, Alice Snoddy, Rick Soehren, S. Soles, Charlie Solo, Fred Soon, Risla Sparhawk, Elizabeth Speith, Gregory Spencer, Peter Spillett, B. Spitler, J. Sprague, Alexander Sprunt, Beverly St. Angelo, Mary St. Lawrence, D. Stadel, Dale W. Stahlecker, R.S. Standen, Andrew Starrett, H. Stearns, J. Steen, P. Stein, B. Stejskal, G. Stemmerman, Lani Stemmerman, Elizabeth Stephenson, Frank Stephenson, Bryon Stevens, Charles Stevens, Jill Stevenson, John Stevenson, Jeffrey Steward, Alice K. Stewart, B. Stewart, David Stirling, Chuck Stone, Helen Stoody, A. Stoops, R.W. Storer, N. Stormon, Keith Stratton, Bill Strausberger, Bob Strickland, Doris Strickland, Ken Stringer, Clyde K. Stroburg, Robert Stroh, L. Strommer, Barbara Stuart, M. Studebaker, C. Su, R. Sudarshan, S. Sudhar, B. Sugihara, Naomi Sugimura, Brian L. Sullivan, C. Sulzman, Priscilla Summers, Steve Summers, Kim Sundberg, J. Surman, Derwent Suthers, Hannah Suthers, Jeff Sutton, Phil Swan, Walter Swanson, J. Sweet, P. Sweet, Katie Swift, Roberta Swift, Tom Swift, Keith Swindle, Sarah Sykes, Rene Sylva, Jim Sylvester, Lydia Tabucol, Wayne Taka, Kent Takahashi, Linda Takahashi, R.T. Takahashi, H. Takimoto, Graham Talbot, D. Tamayose, Hideo Tanaka, S. Tanaka, Edwin Tanji, Bernice Tannenbaum, Cheryl Tarr, Brent Tarter, D.L. Taylor, G. Taylor, Helen Taylor, Robert Taylor, Steven Taylor, Tom Teeper, J. Teitjen, Tim TerMeer, Kevin Teruya, D. Texeira, Tony Texeira, The Nature Conservancy, Jeanne Thomas, Lawrence M. Thomas, M. Thomas, Richard Thomas, Ronald Thomas, Rod Thompson, Ron Thompson, Rosalind Thompson, Chris Thornton, Lorrin Thurston, W.L.N. Tickell, G. Tolman, P. Tomas, Kenneth Tomishima, Rodney Tongg, M. Toomey, J.P. Tordoff, Diane Trembly, Maria Tseu, Patricia Tummons, Phyllis Turnbull, Kathryn Turner, Warren Turner, U.S. Geologic Survey, Nick Udvardy, Mike Ueoka, B. Unnasch, VENT Tour Group, Peter Van Rosche, Ellis J. Van Slyck, Muriel E. VanFleet, Ellen VanGelder, Thomas Vaughan, Greg Vaughn, L. Velasquez, Cathy Velleur, Nick Vera Cruz, Sister Verna, Lillian Viguers, J. Villanueva, Chuck Vinsonhaler, A. Vitz, Volcano Watch, Christine Volinski, C.W.O. Voss, Wes Voth, Jim Waddington, Scott Waddington, Neal Wagner, W. Wagner, Josephine Walker, Rhys Walkley, Lester R. Walls, Harry Wallum, Laura Walther, C.M. Walton, Reuben Ware, George H. Waring, E. Warner, M. Warner, Richard E. Warner, Dodie Warren, Rick Warshauer, D. Wass, June Watanabe, Marilyn Waterhouse, Brad Waters, J. Webb, Karl Weber, P. Welton, John Wenger, R. Wenkart, Janet Wessel, Eleanor Westendorf, John Wheatley, Kenneth Wheeler, Douglas White, Tony White, Samantha Whitecraft, Fred Whitney, Harry Whitten, F. Whyte, Joe Wiggins, Linda Wiig, Gerrit P. Wilder, D. Williams, Julie Williams, Mark Williams, Mike Williams, Paul Williams, Tom Willing, C. Willis, Christie Wilson, Donald Wilson, Edward P. Wilson, H.E. Wilson, Karen Wilson, Scott B. Wilson, William Wingfield, W.O. Wirtz, Terry Witt, A.S. Wlicox, James Wolf, Wes H.C. Wong, G. Wood, Gerard Wood, A. Woodcock, Bethany Woodworth, John Woodworth, Friederike Woog, Thierry Work, Dave Worthington, J.C. Wright, W. Wright, Sue Wyness, Peter Yamashita, Alvin Yashinaga, David Yearian, Sue Lynn Yee, L. Young, Melinda Young, Richard Young, Violet Young, Andy Yuen, H.J. Yuen, Alice Zacherle, Sanford Zalburg, Kathy Zedeckar, Steven Zeff, D. Zevin, Q.G. Zhang, Allen C. Ziegler, Marjorie Ziegler, David Zimmerman, Claudie Ziroli.
Acknowledgements for Version 2
Many of the above-listed individuals continued to contribute to the revision, undertaken by the junior author from during 2016 and January 2017. General acknowledgement is also due to the 100's of observers who contributed observations and photographs to the Hawaii Birding Yahoo Group and to eBird. We especially thank Michael Walther and Eric VanderWerf for encouragement, assistance, the use of many photos, and Michael additionally for assising us with the onerous job of searching for and pointing out bad links at early versions of the sites. Additional specific aknowledgement for Version 2 is due to the following:
To Marshall Iliff and the eBird team for providing a summary of all Hawaii records from 2010 to 2016 which greatly added to the revision. Information on seabirds in Hawaii was provided by Roberta Swift (general), Arliss Winship (Southeastern Hawaiian Islands), Kim Uyehara (Kaua'i), Beth Flint (Northwestern Hawaiian Islands), Ann Humphrey (Midway), Naomi Worcester and Cynthia Vanderlip (Kure), Cameron Rutt (Laysan), Paula Hartzell (French Frigate Shoals), Eric VanderWerf (O'ahu and Lehua Islet), and Frans Juola and the U.S. Navy, Commander, Pacific Fleet (Kaula Rock). We also thank Tracy Anderson for information and data from the Save Our Shearwater program on Kaua'i. Robin Baird of Cascadia Research Collective (CRC) continued to provide information and photographs from marine mammal and bird surveys in Hawaiian waters. CRC biologists who captured the many excellent images posted on the HRBP pages include Robin Baird, Daniel Webster, Annie B. Douglas, Sarah L. Ashworth, Annie M. Gorgone, Julie E. Steelman, Brenda K. Rone, Deron S. Verbeck, Elia Y. Herman, Jessica M. Aschettino, Sadie R. Youngstrom, Gregory S. Schorr, Shawn C. Larkin, Kimberly A. Wood, and Chuck A. Babbitt. Likewise, Lisa Ballance and Trevor Joyce provided data and permission to use photographs from Hawaii Cetacean and Ecosystem Assessment Surveys (HICEAS) from the 2010 survey. HICEAS biologists that provided photographs and descriptions of seabirds include Sophie Webb, Michael Force, Dawn Breese, Scott Mills, and Chris Cutler; we also extend thanks to the Chief Scientists, Officers, and Crew of the NOAA Research Vessels, on which these surveys were conducted, for making themn possible. Arleone Dibben-Young kindly provided her database on the birds on Moloka'i for use during this revision. Members of the Hawaii Bird Records Committee (HBRC), established in 2014, assisted with evaluation of records: these were Eric VanderWerf (Chair), Reginald David, Pete Donaldson, Richard May, H. Douglas Pratt, and Lance Tanino, along with Peter Pyle. Bruce Deuel, Dave Irons, Steve Mlodinow, and others provided assistance with identifications of birds in Hawaii. Many others also provided the junior author with information on individual records throughout the islands.
Over 800 new photographs have been added for Version 2. Photographers who contributed images for this site (including to the Hawaii Birding Yahoo Group and eBird), include:
Mike Ade, Kahau Agustin, David Ainley, Bilal Al, Elizabeth Ames, Tracy Anderson, Brad Argue, Jessica M. Aschettino, Sarah L. Ashworth, Chuck A. Babbitt, Matt Boone, Robin W. Baird, Casey Bassett, Jessi Behnke, Charles Bell, Dave Bell, Moe Bertrand, Keith Burnett, Raphael Bostic, David Casteel, Dan Clark, Andy Collins, Sheila Conant, Norma I. Creps, Chris Cutler, Megan Dalton, Reginald David, Garry Dean, Jim Denny, Arleone Dibben-Young, Peter V. Donaldson, Annie B. Douglas, Darren Dowell, Patrick Doyle, Jacob Drucker, Sarah Flaherty, Leslie Flint, Adam Fox, Scott Freeman, Christine Gabriele, Sonny Gamponia, Lydia Garetano, Myron Gerhard, Annie M. Gorgone, Alban Guillaumet, Butch Haase, Emily Haber, Nick Hajdukovich, Sarah Harvey, Elia Y. Herman, James Holmes, Wieteke Holthuijzen, Wesley Homoya, Phillip J. Howard, Ann Humphrey, Richard Jeffers, Jack Jeffrey, Mark Johnson, Oscar Johnson, Morten Jorgensen, Jeffrey Kahler, Hi`ilei Kawelo, Dave Kiehl, John Klavitter, Robby Kohley, Stefan Kropidlowski, Shawn C. Larkin, Pete Leary, Ron LeValley, Jackson Letchworth, Satoko Lincoln, Kris Lockhard, Mike Lohr, Matthew R. Luchinskasi, Nikolas Madsen, Chris Malachowski, Noam Marcus, Dashkin Marlier, Jacob Mathison, Dan Maxwell, Lanny McDowell, Kristina McOmber, Scott Mills, Albert Morita, Jupiter Nelson, Ilana Nimz, Ryan P. O'Donnell, Bob Okawa, Gail Oss, Ginger Parker, Julia Parish, Jay Penniman, Erin Pickett, Peter Pyle, Andre Raine, Javan Rasnake, Lara Reynolds, John N. Riggins, Brenda K. Rone, Erik Rutka, Cameron Rutt, Dorcie Sakuma, Matthew Saunter, Dar Scancella, Gregory S. Schorr, Ross Silcock, Margaret Sloan, K. Sowls, Rich Stanton, Forest Starr, Julie E. Steelman, Thomas G. Tamura, Lance Tanino, Mike Teruya, Andrew Titmus, Michael Todd, Francis Toldi, Breck Tyler, Kim Uyehara, Cynthia Vanderlip, Eric VanderWerf, Deron S. Verbeck, Michael Walther, Alex Wang, Mike Wanger, Sophie Webb, Daniel L. Webster, Joern Wettern, Guy White, Robert K. Whitton, Margaret Widdowson, Michael Wilson, Sherman Wing, Jay Withgott, Kimberly A. Wood, Naomi Worcester, Suzanne Yin, Lindsay Young, Sarah Youngren, and Sadie R. Youngstrom.
Our sincere apprectiation to all.
Version 2 completed Jan 2017 and will not be updated for content until future versions are posted (typos and bad links will be fixed). Comments, errors, typos, bad links, updated information, any other suggestions: Please contact Peter Pyle at
Citation: Pyle, R.L., and P. Pyle. 2017. The Birds of the Hawaiian Islands: Occurrence, History, Distribution, and Status. B.P. Bishop Museum, Honolulu, HI, U.S.A. Version 2 (1 January 2017)