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Internship Curriculum for Lanai, 2003
Week 1
2 3
4 5
Week 1:
Lanai High and Elementary School
- Geology and formation of Lanai
- Plants and the watershed
- Plant speciation on Lanai
- Vegetation types of Lanai
- Biotic relationships
- Invasive species
- Hawaiian ethnobotany
- Lanai conservation history
- Lanai conservation today
- Seed propagation
Hands-on exercises
- Designing the School Science Garden
- Seed preparation and germination experiments
- Shade-house maintenance
Week 2: Lanai
High and Elementary School
- Kingdoms of life
- Algae and fungi
- Green life
- Plant families
- Monocots
- Plant-animal interactions
Hands-on exercises
- Excursion to Kanepuu (terrestrial group)
- Excursion to Manele Bay (marine group) - discussion
of limu form and function
- Classification exercises - developing an identification
- Plant morphology
Week 3: Bishop
- Herbarium management: databasing, filing, mounting,
labeling, geo-coding
- DNA lab (Pacific Center for Molecular Biodiversity)
- Behind the scenes tours of Bishop Museum
- Field trips: Reef walking and the Waikiki Aquarium;
Manoa cliff trail
- Seminars: What's in a plant name?; Could this
be my future?
Week 4: Lanai
- Marine group: Manele Bay and Shipwreck Beach.
Determining the cover of limu in intertidal zones
- Terrestrial group: Keone and Koele sites. Measuring
plot area, determining species presence/absence
- All students: Awehi Gulch fenced site with Lanai
Institute for the Environment. Removal of invasive weed species
Week 5: Lanai
- Keone and Koele sites: Invasive species removal
from plots and replanting of native species
- Continued maintenance of shadehouse and seedlings
- Visit to the Lanaihale
- Presentation preparation using Powerpoint
Week 6: Lanai
- Students finalize projects and give presentations
- Groundbreaking and outplanting in the School Science